View Full Version : John Stockwell: The Third World War/secret CIA ops
25th February 2011, 02:11 PM
15th July 2019, 08:06 AM
Surprisingly relevant and very good British Channel 4 documentary with CIA whistle-blowers and corporate mainstream journalists on Fake News, 'Russian Hacking' and 'Antifa' as CIA destabilization activities: STANDARD TECHNIQUES (1985)
10th October 2021, 07:38 AM
Its this sort of double standard favouring Antifa whilst demonizing any action to protect actual classical liberals, libertarians or conservatives from being attacked by Antifa (even though Antifa's terrorist operation has been so successful that organized political opposition to western public service/intelligence agency communism,other than Trump rallies, no longer exists) that really exposes the anti-western communist coup of western public service, especially their intelligence agencies. FBI Admits It Doesn’t Track Antifa Violence (
In a striking admission of what appears to be a massive double standard, FBI Assistant Director of of Counterterrorism Timothy Langan stated in a congressional hearing last week that the FBI does not track violence perpetrated by groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
In the hearing entitled, “Confronting Violent White Supremacy (Part VI: Examining the Biden administration’s Counterterrorism Strategy,” Langan stated that the Bureau does not consider Antifa to be an “organization,” and therefore, does not have specific information on their activities.
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) asked Langan about the amount of violence that groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter had committed in recent years, and if those activities could be classified as domestic terrorism.
Langan stated that, “Well, we don’t identify groups but individuals’ actions. So if individuals are committing actions that would be in furtherance of anti-government or anarchist ideals then they would fall into that category.”
Mace then asked if Antifa would be categorized as an anarchist group in the domestic terrorism subcategory. All Langan could muster was that individuals who have associated with or identified as being part of Antifa would be classified as “anarchist.” However, in the past Langan has described the group as a “movement.”
Mace went on to ask how many acts of violence or domestic terrorism Antifa had committed in the previous two years. Langan stated, “Since we don’t categorize Antifa, nor do we calculate or collate information regarding Antifa, that movement, we don’t have that. But we can provide you information on anarchist threats and cases in general.”
FBI Admits It Does Not Track Violence Committed By Antifa
Youtube- Mashup flashback: Rep. Nadler Says Portland Antifa Riots Are 'A Myth,' He Might Want To Look At This Footage (
3:02 Historical Horror: Bill Clinton Pardoned Ex-Terrorist Now Working for BLM ( BLM riot damages 'worst in history' totalling over $2 BILLION ( U.S. Attorney General Instructs FBI to Begin Investigating Parents Who Challenge School Board Policy and Decisions (
10th October 2021, 03:32 PM
The FBI is a terrorist agency.
It's easy to see why, all the federal agencies sit outside of the constitution. They are in a word un-American.
7th November 2021, 05:10 PM ‘Our Country Is Under Attack’: RFK, Jr. Speaks on CIA and Totalitarianism (
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman, last month spoke at the 2021 Ron Paul Institute "Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism" conference ( where he called for Americans to stand up and protect the U.S. Constitution.
In his speech — described by the Ron Paul Institute as “a compelling indictment of the mad push to total control” — Kennedy said the techniques used by government officials during the COVID pandemic to “edge people into subservience” come straight out of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) manuals he researched for his book, “American Values (”
He said the manuals provided a playbook for how to destroy local businesses, the economy, institutional and social structures and social relationships. He said the purpose was:
“ … to create chaos that will then create enough people in that country who will allow a foreign entity to come in and clamp down on centralized control. And almost all of the techniques that are outlined in those manuals are the same techniques that they were practicing in these simulations year after year with hundreds of thousands of people.”...
[Talking about Event201:] “What were they simulating? They were simulating a pandemic, but they weren’t simulating a medical response to that pandemic. They were simulating a militarized response. How do you use that pandemic to, particularly in that Event 201, to impose censorship globally? And that’s what they were modeling.”
Describing CIA operations and organized mind control programs at top universities, conducted on “expendable” subjects such as military and the incarcerated, Kennedy said the same techniques are used in today’s lockdowns:
“The most potent technique, incidentally that they learned again, and again, and again — more potent than physical torture — was isolation … And they did this in sensory deprivation tanks … and also just locking people in solitary confinement.
“You can get [people] to do almost anything you want after a certain period of time. It will drive them mad, because we’re social animals, we’re social beings. And when you tear the social fabric, it makes people desperate, fearful and obedient to do anything.”...
“If a government can hide what it’s doing by censoring its opponents and silencing dissonants, it has license to do anything that it wants,” Kennedy said.
He said what happens when you have a population of fear, “you have the complete obliteration of critical thinking, and then people stop asking questions.”
Kennedy described how the rules and regulations handed down during the pandemic have been manipulated to point where no one recognizes the country as a democracy anymore:
“So there are all these democratic protections that were waived. All of that was waived. All of these things were imposed upon us by fiat — with no discussion, no science cited.”...
“I’m about to publish this book on Anthony Fauci, and part of my journey in writing that book — and it’s taken me more than a year of really intense research — was it took me kind of on that journey to try and explain how this could have happened in America.
“And one of the things that I discovered during this process is what’s happening now is this lockstep imposition of totalitarian controls — not just in America, but in every one of the liberal democracies in the world, and all of the other countries in the world.
“China moved into Hong Kong and banned the last democratic newspaper. Everywhere in the world, we see democracy and constitutional rights disappearing. And it all happened at once, as if it was planned.”...
[The] Milgram experiment found more people followed “doctors’ orders” than their own conscience.
“Sixty-seven percent of the people — of the Americans — liberal, conservative, etcetera — who were told to do that turned that dial-up to 450 volts,” Kennedy said. “It said on the dial: ‘Potentially Fatal’ and they were willing to kill somebody if a doctor told them to do it,”...
He ended by calling for action:
“You know, what all of us need to understand is that our country is under attack right now … What is our country? Is it just a place where you can come and accumulate a big pile for yourself and whoever dies with the most stuff wins, or is it the landscapes? Is it the purple mountains majesties? Is it the population, the diversity, etcetera?
“It’s all those things. But more than anything else it’s our Constitution. It’s the statement of shared values that holds us all together as a people. And we’re saying to the rest of the world that we believe something in our country, more strongly than anybody else believes, which is that we have to love our liberties more than we fear a disease.”
3rd December 2021, 06:38 AM Declassified Military Report Exposes Hidden Links Between Wokeness and The American Regime (
November 29, 2021
A spectre is haunting America — the spectre of “wokeism.” Seemingly out of nowhere, a mass “woke” hysteria of racial and gender grievance has come not only to dominate, but to define every single major institution in the country. Wokeness is so deeply ingrained in our body politic that even its detractors can easily underestimate the extent and nature of its influence.
In a popular discussion between Glenn Greenwald and Revolver’s Darren Beattie, Beattie suggests that there is an important relationship between wokeness and how the United States projects power internationally. According to this view, wokeness is not merely some extraneous ideological nuisance sitting on top of an otherwise non-woke military and national security apparatus. On the contrary, wokeness is more essentially connected to the specific manner in which the United States exercises its power and influence domestically and overseas...
[W]hen the US government wants to destabilize a target institution or regime it typically resorts to the following formula:
identify and inflame ethnic or gender tensions in target regime
leverage NGOs and civil-society groups to mobilize mass protests on basis of such tensions
leverage local and international media to cover protests and further inflame tensions...
[A]n interesting example of precisely this formula appears in a recently published document discussing the capabilities and practices of Army special operations and psychological warfare units. The document in question is an unclassified white paper for 1st Special Forces Airborne Command (SFAC) titled “A Vision for 2021 and Beyond.” The SFAC motto “First to Observe, First to Influence, First to Compete,” sums up its primary purpose: influencing target populations through psychological operations and infiltrating local populations...
From the SOC handbook (
As masters of the art of resistance, Army Special Operations Forces work with partners to anticipate, prepare for, and defeat threats ranging from insurgencies to occupying foreign powers. To accomplish this, Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations, and Special Forces conduct activities to support or defeat resistance movements.
The Special Forces Airborne Command is kind enough to present a hypothetical example of what their operations look like in action, in what is surely the most interesting part of the entire white paper...
Immediately we see key elements of the tried and true soft-power regime change playbook of the US government. Identify and inflame ethnic tensions, leverage civil society NGOS to effect mass protests, and use media assets (including social media) amplify said protests and grievances. Of course, no US government operation would be complete without either misattributing or mysteriously discovering incriminating weapons stashes...
[W]e we see a very similar pattern in terms of how the US and US-aligned interests identify and exacerbate ethnic and gender cleavages in China with Uyghurs, in Malaysia with Rohingya, and in Belarus, Ukraine and other Eastern European theaters with aggravation of gay rights and women rights issues.
Western media was sure to amplify and support women’s mass protest movements, for instance, in its recent spat with Russia-aligned geopolitical rival Belarus.
If the prominent use of women as demonstration props seems familiar, it’s because US-government and US-government linked Non-Governmental organizations (NGO)s have explicitly identified tactical “feminism” as a leverage point in undermining target regimes. Here’s one such acknowledgement from the German Marshall Fund, a key node in the State Department-linked NGO Axis...
Insofar as wokeness serves as an ideological vehicle with which to identify and inflame ethnic and gender grievances, it is tremendously useful — even integral — to America’s influence strategies overseas. In the wake of the twin disasters of Iraq and Afghanistan, the American public has little to no appetite for major boots-on-the-ground military operations. Partly out of political necessity, then, the United States is forced to lean yet more heavily on its alternative “soft power” option to achieve regime change and influence as described above. Why send boots on the ground at all when you can employ psychological warfare to inflame ethnic and sectarian tensions, leverage NGOs and civil society groups to incite massive protests based on those grievances, and call upon allies in international media to amplify the political unrest until you get what you want?
It would be one thing if this method were only deployed overseas against America’s adversaries. This is unfortunately far from the case. Some readers will recall that Revolver first gained national recognition for its reporting on “color revolutions.” To put it simply, Color Revolutions refer to a number of high profile events in Eastern Europe in which a combination of mass demonstrations, media leverage, NGO civil society mobilization, and law fare resulted in the overthrow or attempted overthrow of a political leader. Revolver famously argued that professionals within the American national security apparatus were using the same color revolution tactics against President Trump that they would typically use to target so-called authoritarian leaders overseas. We further observed that national security professionals weren’t simply using the same tactics against Trump as they would against target regimes overseas, but that many of the most prominent Trump opponents in the national security apparatus were actually color revolution professionals themselves...
In fact, a Politico profile ( [ Gene Sharp] on the mastermind behind the Color Revolution model of exercising power and influence entertains the possibility that this specific model that leverages and mobilizes grievance groups might prove most consequential domestically, within the United States...
As disturbing as it was to learn that many of the very same Color Revolution professionals in our national security apparatus used the same Color Revolution framework against Trump, the use and abuse of such methods domestically is likely far more extensive than the machinations of a handful of key state department and NGO operatives identified in Revolver’s investigative reports of 2020. In fact, 2020 was only the beginning of the new domestic war on terror, in which the full force of the United States national security apparatus has been weaponized politically against populists, patriots, Trump supporters, and even sincere left-wing critics of our corrupt Regime.
With the dramatic intensification of the domestic war on terror, we can expect a much more robust application of color revolution methods domestically in order to keep patriotic energies and mobilization in check. We know from the Special Forces Airborne Command document addressed earlier in this article that the military itself views color revolution-style operations very much within its purview. Newsweek recently reporte ( on the shockingly under-explored revelation that the Pentagon operates a 60,000 strong secret army ( that includes special forces domestic operations:
The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called “signature reduction.” The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.
It is important at this point to take stock of what we’ve learned. We see that America’s national security apparatus employs a particular method influence that involves identifying and amplifying demographic cleavages (principally ethnic, gender, class), mobilizing mass demonstrations on the basis of those cleavages, and leveraging civil society, legal NGOs and media to weaponize the demonstrations to achieve a certain political outcome. The national security apparatus employs this method overseas against alleged foreign adversaries, just as it does domestically—principally in order to attack and counter-act populist energies responsible for the election of Donald Trump.
While there is a lot that could be said about this reality, for our purposes here we are interested particularly in what this teaches us about wokeness. In short, we see that wokeness, which comes in handy in terms of identifying and inflaming gender and ethnic cleavages, is integral to a key mechanism by which the United States exercises power abroad and at home. This points toward an understanding of wokeness as far more deeply ingrained into the inner workings of the Globalist American Empire than is generally understood.
Readers might recall a recent ( Revolver News piece that explores several largely overlooked ways that wokeness operates within the broader American economy. The piece illustrates how wokeness is not some detachable burdensome lego that sits on top of an otherwise healthy and well functioning economy. Rather, wokeness has co-evolved with our legal structure, civil society structure and media in such a way that the tentacles of wokeness animate every aspect of corporate incentive structure. The incentives ( of wokeness (diversity, feminism) are so deeply ingrained at this point into how the American economy operates that one simply cannot understand how the American economy really works without understanding these incentives and interconnections.
9th December 2021, 04:54 PM
I've posted about 1/4 of this article here, the rest of the article is as good. What Is The Relationship Between The Political Left And Globalism? (
November 24, 2021
No one educated and sane likes the political left. This is not a shocking revelation. As I have been outlining for many years (but specifically in the past few years), leftists are the ONLY people in the country that consistently support draconian government policies and oppressive corporate monopoly.
They are the only people that support mass censorship of opposing viewpoints through Big Tech and social media. They are the only people demanding the deplatforming and “canceling” of public personalities that dare to utter any views that are contrary to the leftist narrative. They are the only group that has a vast majority in support of the authoritarian covid lockdowns and mandates. They are the only people that aggressively call for forced vaccinations of the populace. They are the only people demanding that the unvaxxed be removed from their jobs or face potential criminal charges. They are the only people that push for the indoctrination of school children with Critical Race Theory (which is essentially racism repackaged as academic activism). And, they are also the only people that are hyper-obsessive about propagating sexual politics in public schools...
Here’s the thing – A lot of conservatives wrongly assume that the political left has become some kind of autonomous force within our culture that has the power to influence massive government and corporate interests, bending these interests to their will. This is simply not true and these groups do not think for themselves. The reality is that it’s the opposite dynamic; it is government, corporate and decidedly GLOBALIST institutions which have direct influence and control over the political left. Leftists are tools of the globalist system, they are not some “grassroots” movement “sticking it to the patriarchy.” They are all slaves on the globalist plantation...
I have been asking this question of leftists lately and I have yet to receive any concrete or meaningful answer: If you are supposed to be the underdogs and the revolutionaries, then why is it that all of the evil money elites are on your side? Why are the all the people you say you are fighting against giving you billions of dollars and enforcing your political will? Is it possible that corporatists, globalists and you leftists are all part of the same machine? Think about it…
The relationship between the agenda of globalists and the agenda of the political left is growing increasingly obvious and intertwined...
What I see moving forward is that the left is becoming the Cheka, or the political commissars of the globalist “Great Reset.” They have been molded for decades for this role and their purpose is to provide an element of social force and the illusion of consensus. Antifa clashes with anti-vaccine mandate protesters [Olympia, Washington], 1 shot; Antifa organized a counter-protest against anti-vaccine mandate protesters (
September 4 (Boston Herald): ‘Rise Against Tyranny’ Rally Attacked By Vaccine Mandate Supporters (ANTIFA) On Boston Common (
Nov 8, 2021 Antifa and BLM activists clash with far-right anti-vaccine mandate protesters outside NYC's Gracie Mansion (
14 November 2021 Australia: Hundreds of Antifa gather in Melbourne to denounce COVID measure protesters (
December 4, 2021
9th December 2021, 06:10 PM
Mike King gives Ukraine history lesson.
DECEMBER 9, 2021
‘Greetings, Mr. President’: Biden and Putin Hold 2-Hour Virtual Summit
President Biden said a Russian invasion of Ukraine would result in heavy economic penalties for Mr. Putin, in a tense meeting. (
"It was a real "Deep Fake" clown show --- a "virtual" US-Russia "summit" with a "virtual" presidential imposter -- with advisors all dutifully masked-up and "socially distanced" for the photo-op -- based in a "virtual" White House studio controlled by military intelligence -- "sternly" telling Vladimir Putin that he had better not invade Ukraine. This goofy charade does offer us a good "teachable moment" ™ for an important crash course review of the sad story of how Ukraine -- a "sister nation" of Russia -- was corrupted, subverted, overthrown, and then looted by shady charlatans in service to Soros and Rothschild. Here it is -- clear and concise and easy-to-digest -- in just 12 simple steps. " SNIP
image could not be posted here.
Ben Gar
16th December 2021, 08:56 AM
Antifa in the news last week: Antifa attack train passengers medically exempted from wearing masks (
December 7, 2021
Antifa gangs in Germany have started checking compliance with the mask requirement on Berlin's public transport system and assaulting those not wearing a mask.
They are also said to have thrown off passengers without a mask from a train, even though they had a medical certificate that exempted them from the mask requirement.
Berliner Zeitung ( app1QRSDb1UYoovTfyKK195zhAQ&dtp=22taboola3#tblciGiCupJZ8Xx5VJv7Rcb_Xx6QcseThVo XUqFbchJmapp1QRSDb1UYoovTfyKK195zhAQ), a news outlet which belongs to the Springer Group, reported gleefully on this development.
Accordingly, the self-proclaimed “anti-fascists” made themselves felt with the slogan: “Antifa mask control!” When presented with the medical certificates of the affected passengers, they rejected these and instead assaulted them. The attackers told a journalist: “The certificates are probably not real. Now we have to do the job of the police.”
The train passengers were injured in the Antifa assault...
A registered car parade against Corona measures was on the way through the city from Friedrichsfelde at lunchtime with 80 cars and more than 170 participants. Antifa thugs also attacked the motorcade. Eleven men and three women were arrested, including for road abuse and assault. Prosecutors Make First Move to Break Up Antifa Cell as 11 Activists Charged With Violence (
BY ANDY NGO ON 12/9/21
For the first time in the U.S., prosecutors are attempting to break up a network of alleged violent antifa cells.
This week, the San Diego County District Attorney's office charged 11 alleged antifa members with felony conspiracy and felony assault charges, among other crimes, in a riot case where supporters of former President Donald Trump and random bystanders were beaten in Pacific Beach, California in January. Eight suspects were arraigned this week; they have all pleaded not guilty.
Eight suspects were issued search and arrest warrants last week in San Diego County and Los Angeles County. Police recovered three guns, ammunition, body armor and drugs. The large operation to arrest the suspects involved mutual support from multiple law enforcement agencies in Los Angeles, Long Beach and Escondido. The case is sending shockwaves through far-left networks in Southern California, who have been raising funds for their comrades...
"The Defendants are alleged to be affiliated with ANTIFA and are organized into two groups, one originating from Los Angeles and the other from San Diego," reads the charging document. "ANTIFA is known to use force, fear, and violence to further their own interests and to suppress the interests of others. This tactic is referred to as 'Direct Action' and is known to mean acts of violence such as assault, battery, assault with deadly weapons, arson, and vandalism. The alleged object of this conspiracy was to incite and participate in a riot using direct action tactics."
On January 9, around a hundred Trump supporters gathered on the Pacific Beach pier in San Diego to protest Trump's election loss. They were met with an equally sized group of masked people dressed in black uniforms and riot gear. They carried shields, banners and signs displaying the antifa logo.
The complaint's allegations of assault causing bodily injuries by the suspects match what was captured on videos at the time. Videos show bat-carrying antifa members chasing fleeing participants of the Trump rally and pepper spraying them in the face before punching and kicking them. Bystanders on the beach were also victimized...
John Cocozza, a 43-year-old local photographer who was there to cover the protest, says he was assaulted multiple times at the riot by people from the antifa side.
"Police were standing 40 feet away and did nothing," Cocozza says...
The complaint details how the suspects worked in a coordinated fashion to blind victims with pepper spray before striking them with potentially deadly weapons, punches, kicks and projectiles...
"Video evidence analysis shows that overwhelmingly the violence in this incident was perpetrated by the Antifa affiliates and was not a mutual fray with both sides crossing out of lawful First Amendment expression into riot and violence," reads a press release from the San Diego County District Attorney's Office. San Diego mayor Todd Gloria originally responded to the riot by blaming racism and fascism...
Antifa groups on Twitter have been fundraising "emergency bail" for their comrades using various CashApp and Venmo accounts. The two mobile payment services have become the preferred crowdfunding applications for far-left groups due to the platforms allowing users to operate under pseudonyms and to crowdfund for violent criminal suspects.
Eight of the nine suspects who were arraigned this week with bail each set between $200,000–$250,000 were bonded out the same or following day...
A readiness hearing for those arraigned this week is set for December 15 and a preliminary hearing is scheduled for December 17.
In the news this week, Nancy Pelosi responds to San Francisco retailers:
"An attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from I don't know where. Maybe you do."
24th January 2022, 08:24 AM
'Shut it down!'
'Discredit the protesters'
'Antifa is just an idea'
redvoicemedia: Liv ( Chaos Erupts: Massive Anti-COVID Tyranny March Reportedly Upstaged By ANTIFA Violence In Brussels (
JANUARY 23, 2022
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – In what was supposed to be a peaceful protest against COVID tyranny; it is being reported that ANTIFA types are drawing attention away with violent action...
Clashes near the European parliament, appears to be an antifa type "black bloc" group, not dressed anything like the anti Coronavirus tyranny crowd. Protests in Brussels, but the ‘they’ sent the ANTIFA black block to oppose this time (
January 23, 2022
UPDATE: Two videos showing how well organized most likely ANTIFA communist revolutionaries are hijacking the Brussels demonstration for individual rights, to in fact obliterate those rights.
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