25th February 2011, 03:24 PM
Many of you may wonder how come I have my monetary assets distributed into so many different classifications......as per, silver, gold, fiat, foreign currency, bricks of nickels, brass pennies and regular US coins.............well, I have learned that you will get nowhere if you swim against the current and that you may even loose ground.
To me the Music is the economy and my assets is my dancing partner that I move around according to the tune being played by the music.......because I don't know what they will be playing next I want to make sure that I have the right dancing partner to dance with.
I can also convey this message by saying that not only monetary assets will be your dancing partner but also other items that you hold for trading or bartering.....one good example is my 75 bags of almost new clothing that I bought from the "Senior Thrift Store" in my tiny town, in the beginning I was paying $2.00 for a full bag that then went to $4.00 and that now they no longer do.........well, in that alone I already doubled my money, not counting the original price of the clothing of about $40.000-$50.000.........London Fog coat with a liner that now goes for about $500.00 I paid $5.00........a four like new, piece consisting of two pairs of pans, vest and coat for $5.00 and the new price is of $750.00.
What others say, or write, should be used only as a guide because different situation requires different tactics.
Many of you may have "noticed" that I write a lot about myself, I do this because I want to show you that someone else here is actually doing what they write about and not saying "I know someone who did this"
As always......my English sucks my ideas (as far as I am concern) are good ;D
To me the Music is the economy and my assets is my dancing partner that I move around according to the tune being played by the music.......because I don't know what they will be playing next I want to make sure that I have the right dancing partner to dance with.
I can also convey this message by saying that not only monetary assets will be your dancing partner but also other items that you hold for trading or bartering.....one good example is my 75 bags of almost new clothing that I bought from the "Senior Thrift Store" in my tiny town, in the beginning I was paying $2.00 for a full bag that then went to $4.00 and that now they no longer do.........well, in that alone I already doubled my money, not counting the original price of the clothing of about $40.000-$50.000.........London Fog coat with a liner that now goes for about $500.00 I paid $5.00........a four like new, piece consisting of two pairs of pans, vest and coat for $5.00 and the new price is of $750.00.
What others say, or write, should be used only as a guide because different situation requires different tactics.
Many of you may have "noticed" that I write a lot about myself, I do this because I want to show you that someone else here is actually doing what they write about and not saying "I know someone who did this"
As always......my English sucks my ideas (as far as I am concern) are good ;D