View Full Version : Combat troops to get gay sensitivity training

25th February 2011, 05:49 PM
American combat troops will get sensitivity training directly on the battlefield about the military’s new policy on gays instead of waiting until they return to home base in the United States, the senior enlisted man in Afghanistan said Thursday.

The Pentagon is launching an extensive force-wide program to ease the process of integrating open homosexuals into the ranks, including into close-knit fighting units.

Army Command Sgt. Maj. Marvin Hill, the top enlisted man in Afghanistan where 100,000 U.S. troops are deployed, said that the sessions on respecting gays’ rights will go right down to the forward operating bases, where troops fight Taliban militants.

“I have heard about the training that will be forthcoming to the battlefield,” Sgt. Hill told Pentagon reporters via a teleconference from Kabul.

“We will take our directions from the Department of Defense, from the secretary of defense, the chairman, as well as the service chiefs of each service. Our plan is to take their direction, and we’re going to execute that training right here on the battlefield.”

No unit is exempted, he said.

“Our goal is to not allow a unit to return to home station and have the unit responsible for that,” he said. “While we own those soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, we’re going to execute that training on the ground. We hope that it will have little impact on their combat and security operations here.”

President Obama signed a bill in December to repeal the ban, called “don’t ask, don’t tell,” which required gay troops to hide their sexuality. However, the ban will stay in effect until the secretary of defense certifies that repeal of the policy will not hurt combat readiness.

Elaine Donnelly, who heads the Center for Military Readiness, said it is “ridiculous” to train combat Army soldiers and Marines as they are engage in daily combat with tenacious insurgents.

“It’s absurd because the military has more important things to think about in that dangerous part of the world,” she said. “For the administration to say this is more important than even with the troops we’re trying to train in that part of the world, I think it shows flawed priorities at best. It is ridiculous.”

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25th February 2011, 06:33 PM
"I can't shoot that enemy soldier, he is gorgeous!"

25th February 2011, 06:39 PM
The entire DOD, military and civilian is geting training on the repeal of Don't ask Don't tell.

25th February 2011, 06:58 PM
I don't get it, what is the sensitivity they are worried about?

25th February 2011, 07:22 PM
It is not sensitivity training it is how the new rules apply for instance is saying thats gay no longer allowed how dos the sodomy article of the uniform code of military justice work. How do you handle 2 people of the same sex showing affection on base.

It is training that basicly redefines what is sexual harrasment and a bazillion other things that happen when people are alowed to be out of the closet.

25th February 2011, 08:05 PM
I don't get it, what is the sensitivity they are worried about?

25th February 2011, 08:08 PM
It's so they can say "we had 100 troops killed this week, but all of them were gay."

The crowd sighs in relief, disperses, and all the reporters go for lunch as if nothing ever happened.

25th February 2011, 08:16 PM
Just more cannon fodder for the corporation. First it was inner city blacks, then it was a path to citizenship for illegals, and now it's opening doors for gays. Eventually it will be a soft draft for petty criminals and women into battle - it doesn't matter. As long as there is a steady supply for the military industrial complex it's all Golf Oscar Oscar Delta. Don't think aerospace and weapons systems are big business? How about this screen shot from today's Marketwatch.com front page - the planes could be gay for all they care. Sensitivity training a la military version is likely to be purely a control op, all the while making gays look warm and fuzzy in the new Army. And the game goes on....

25th February 2011, 08:27 PM
The "sensitivity" training means that they will teach you not to be nervous when ever you are taking a shower and the guy next to you keeps his vision below your waist.......or.......that when you are in your bunk not to pay to much attention to the movements or sound coming from the bunk next to you.

When I was stationed in Alaska I was sleeping in a double bunk with me in the lower one and a black guy in the upper one.......he made the mistake to start jacking off in the middle of the night, I placed both feet bellow him and gave him a GREATTTTTTTT shove wich landed him about five feet from the bunk area, and with a broken arm...........the Captain called me in to find out what had happened and after I told him, all that he said was "dismiss"......by the way.....the guy was transferred elsewhere.

26th February 2011, 07:29 AM
They should be getting "Civilian Women and Children" sensitivity training.

26th February 2011, 01:14 PM
I think they should show them the "Don't eat the poo poo" video instead ;D

26th February 2011, 01:28 PM