View Full Version : Documentary: The Corporation Nation
25th February 2011, 09:56 PM
Very eye opening and interesting doc on the exposing the true corporate nature of our government and the real assets and revenues that they take in. Exposes the differences between the commonly disclosed budget and the deficit(strictly from tax revenue) and the CAFR(comprehensive annual finance report) which would/should list real revenue of the United States Corporations(185,000 of them)
25th February 2011, 10:40 PM
The Corporation Nation is the United States of America, U.S. Incorporated.
The United States is comprised of over 185,000 incorporated state, county, city, town, municipality, district, councils, school district, pension fund, enterprise operation, lottery, alcohol monopoly, and many other private and for-profit corporations, which have mistakenly been called our “representative government”.
The hidden wealth and investment totals for all of these “collective” 185,000 corporations (governments), when added together, equate to well over 100 trillion dollars, over 26 trillion in just pension fund investment assets.
A trillion dollars is a million million.
With these investments, the government owns controlling ownership interest in all Fortune 500 companies, most major domestic and international companies, and most of everything you see around you. Malls, mini-malls, strip-malls, golf courses, movie theaters, etc…
Federal lands include about 87% of all state land, 97% of Utah land, 95% of Nevada, etc…
This is all easily verifiable by looking at the general accounting system of government, as required by federal law, called the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, or CAFR.
“The Corporation Nation” documentary proves all of this without a shadow of a doubt.
It is free, it will never be for sale, and needs to be seen by all Americans.
Within this documentary is the governments own admission of corporate governance and fascism. It will not only astound you, but it will also answer just about every question you ever had with regards to the question of why…
…why is every law and every bill passed in the legislature unconstitutional?
…why has the government deregulated all industries and allowed monopolies and corporate tyranny?
…why can banks charge as much interest as they want, despite state laws against usury?
…why was the “Obama-Care” health car bill passed, and who really profits from it?
…why is our infrastructure and land being sold off to private and foreign corporations?
All of these questions will be stunningly clear once you have watched this movie. And with the information you will now possess, you will never again be left to wonder why anything happens in government…
Because you will see first hand that government owns the corporations that it regulates through stock investment.
Government votes for each corporation’s board of directors.
Government votes on whether each company should merge with or acquire other corporations.
Government is the corporations, by controlling stock ownership.
Please watch The Corporation Nation, pass it on, download the film, make copies, and pass them out to everyone you can. For this is the only issue any of us should be focused on…
For this is the root of corporate fascism in America.
-Clint Richardson-
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Twisted Titan
26th February 2011, 12:55 AM
Tag for later
Twisted Titan
26th February 2011, 03:29 AM
Holy underwear the first 7 minutes is abosolutely explosive
There is David Walker getting skinned alive by the author
The man is litterally tounge tied and when he understands who he is facing ( an informed person) he quickly exits
I knew David Walker was full of shit but this absolutely clinched it for me.
You have nobody is the Halls of Power that represents you and the quicker you realize that the better.
It also Doesnt help that Mr Walker is a CFR member
26th February 2011, 01:47 PM
This is definitely a MUST VIEW video.
26th February 2011, 01:57 PM
edit to add: for anyone reading this thread for the first time, the video does NOT quote the GAO as a relevant authority. The video actually exposes the GAO.
26th February 2011, 02:13 PM
I'd like to caution everyone to be especially suspicious of the GAO, they are one of the most corrupt organizations in the federal government (and that is saying a lot). As such, I'm also naturally suspicious of any video that quotes the GAO as a relevant authority on anything. Anyone that quotes the GAO as a reputable source is either ignorant or countintel (probably the latter). I've seen this tactic many times before and it never leads to anything good.
dys, just watch the video before you judge its merit. The length and breadth of its indictment of broad scale corruption is huge and cannot be distilled into a single sentence.
26th February 2011, 02:27 PM
I'd like to caution everyone to be especially suspicious of the GAO, they are one of the most corrupt organizations in the federal government (and that is saying a lot). As such, I'm also naturally suspicious of any video that quotes the GAO as a relevant authority on anything. Anyone that quotes the GAO as a reputable source is either ignorant or countintel (probably the latter). I've seen this tactic many times before and it never leads to anything good.
dys, just watch the video before you judge its merit. The length and breadth of its indictment of broad scale corruption is huge and cannot be distilled into a single sentence.
Ok, I'll give it a shot when I have the time. I only made it to the GAO quote, to be honest.
26th February 2011, 02:39 PM
Over 600 mb to download...its big alright
26th February 2011, 03:34 PM
Fair enough... the video is huge, but it breaks down the system of government/corporation like nothing I've
seen before. In fact, the video indicts the Comptroller General of the GAO as the treasonous scum he is.
There is simply no separation between international/national/state and even local corporate government anymore.
It's all right there in the records and the combined profits and assets of this corporate government web are stupendous.
"Government IS the Corporations and Corporations ARE the government." That's not a left/right wing fantasy. It's the truth of the matter, but
when it's written in such a simplistic manner it sounds like a quaint notion... until you see the numbers.
The numbers are just staggering. Not just the profits being reaped at our( public taxpayers expense), but the shareholdings of the Fortune 500 and way beyond.
26th February 2011, 03:37 PM
Over 600 mb to download...its big alright
What software or website are you using to download it? I'd like to grab a copy for myself...
26th February 2011, 03:51 PM
Over 600 mb to download...its big alright
What software or website are you using to download it? I'd like to grab a copy for myself...
add on to download helper...scroll down to top
26th February 2011, 03:52 PM
"There ain't no countries no more."
from the movie They Live
I haven't watched the video, but I have been screaming about the evils of limited liability for a very long time. The process of incorporation lays off accountability; that is why the bad guys get away with such severe and inexcusable exploitation. This is what is known as the 'corporate veil', it allows for the responsible parties to function in their communities without having to answer for their actions. There is no check on immorality, unkindness, and greed.
Management: "We have to do what's best for the company/shareholders, you are all fired and our operations are moving to Bangladesh."
Employees: "Who are the shareholders?
Management: "There are thousands of them."
Ever stop to think how much harder it would be to exploit people if the one responsible for the exploitation could be pinpointed and confronted? That person would have to face his community at work, in church, at the supermarket, at the bank...etc. Limited liability is just a clever scheme to circumvent consequence.
26th February 2011, 03:59 PM
"There ain't no countries no more."
from the movie They Live
I haven't watched the video, but I have been screaming about the evils of limited liability for a very long time. The process of incorporation lays off accountability; that is why the bad guys get away with such severe and inexcusable exploitation. This is what is known as the 'corporate veil', it allows for the responsible parties to function in their communities without having to answer for their actions. There is no check on immorality, unkindness, and greed.
Management: "We have to do what's best for the company/shareholders, you are all fired and our operations are moving to Bangladesh."
Employees: "Who are the shareholders?
Management: "There are thousands of them."
Ever stop to think how much harder it would be to exploit people if the one responsible for the exploitation could be pinpointed and confronted? That person would have to face his community at work, in church, at the supermarket, at the bank...etc. Limited liability is just a clever scheme to circumvent consequence.
good example of this is here.....
26th February 2011, 04:40 PM
The process of incorporation lays off accountability; that is why the bad guys get away with such severe and inexcusable exploitation. This is what is known as the 'corporate veil', it allows for the responsible parties to function in their communities without having to answer for their actions.
I hear ya, and agree completely.
Remember Barnacle Bob? He had posted about CAFR and Walter Burien way back. I'd forgotten about it.
That's what the OP video is about.
Here's another shorter video with Burien.
27th February 2011, 12:16 AM
I am almost embarrassed that I hadnt come to the obvious conclusion that they must take tax money and invest is like a huge hedge fund that municipal, state and federal corporations dont have to pay investors on! Just take profits and accumulate assets.
Twisted Titan
27th February 2011, 04:14 AM
And the truly mind numbing part is every kep player in washinghtin knows this how it works
Knows that money is bursting from the seams
Yet still goes before the people and screams
Only a Sociopath can hold two diametrically oppsosed contructs so massive in their head at the same time and sleep well at night in the knowledge of it.
27th February 2011, 07:50 AM
tag for later...
28th February 2011, 02:56 PM
This video is in fact a MUST see. I'm 30 minutes through it...great stuff.
Twisted Titan
28th February 2011, 03:16 PM
I neeed to dowload those PDF files on CalSTRS
I want those for future refernce should there ever be a information blackhole one day.
28th February 2011, 04:50 PM
Remember Barnacle Bob? He had posted about CAFR and Walter Burien way back. I'd forgotten about it.
That's what the OP video is about.
Here's another shorter video with Burien.
Are you talking about the CAFR thread on GIM1? I was just thinking that we need one here, too. I'll start one and people can add any other links they think is relevant.
28th February 2011, 05:15 PM
I can't overemphasize how important this video is. I think it might be the single most important video I've ever seen, and I'm not even half way through it. This thread needs to be stickied. The video articulates the situation much better than I ever could. I don't even want to undertake that mission except to say that the video discusses the TRUE financial position of various government entities like states, municipalities, counties, etc...they are NOT broke but filthy rich.
I'm emailing Gaillo to try and get this stickied. I am also going to try and verify the veracity of everything on this video (it might take me awhile I will update the thread as I verify).
Everyone on this forum needs to watch this video.
28th February 2011, 05:19 PM
Stick the vid in the Beginner's sticky:'-threads/
28th February 2011, 05:22 PM
I've stickied this thread, for now.
28th February 2011, 05:29 PM
Remember Barnacle Bob? He had posted about CAFR and Walter Burien way back. I'd forgotten about it.
That's what the OP video is about.
Here's another shorter video with Burien.
Are you talking about the CAFR thread on GIM1? I was just thinking that we need one here, too. I'll start one and people can add any other links they think is relevant.
That sounds about right Lapis.
28th February 2011, 10:00 PM
This thread rocks, too (same subject matter).
2nd March 2011, 12:40 PM
I can't overemphasize how important this video is. I think it might be the single most important video I've ever seen, and I'm not even half way through it. This thread needs to be stickied. The video articulates the situation much better than I ever could. I don't even want to undertake that mission except to say that the video discusses the TRUE financial position of various government entities like states, municipalities, counties, etc...they are NOT broke but filthy rich.
I agree with the conclusions in the video, but it gets a bit boring sitting and listening to hi
reading the names and numbers of the stocks owned by Florida and the Californian teachers pension fund. It could have been way shorter and still exposed how much the state really owns. Another thing why does he examine what the Californian pension fund had in 2000. I think today the fund has bigger payouts, less contributions, and less capital...
I do think he makes a good point, but sometimes less is more!
3rd March 2011, 05:11 AM
I can't overemphasize how important this video is. I think it might be the single most important video I've ever seen, and I'm not even half way through it. This thread needs to be stickied. The video articulates the situation much better than I ever could. I don't even want to undertake that mission except to say that the video discusses the TRUE financial position of various government entities like states, municipalities, counties, etc...they are NOT broke but filthy rich.
I agree with the conclusions in the video, but it gets a bit boring sitting and listening to hi
reading the names and numbers of the stocks owned by Florida and the Californian teachers pension fund. It could have been way shorter and still exposed how much the state really owns. Another thing why does he examine what the Californian pension fund had in 2000. I think today the fund has bigger payouts, less contributions, and less capital...
I do think he makes a good point, but sometimes less is more!
I think the point he was trying to make is that each different investment is an outrage in and of itself. Just because there are hundreds if not thousands of these investments does not in any way dilute the significance of each one. The scope of this criminality is off the charts; possibly even approaching Federal Reserve, Fracitional Banking, and Fiat Currency status. That's how big this thing is.
5th March 2011, 10:25 AM
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports are readily available online. I have looked through some of them, this thing is for real.
On another note I had a very disappointing conversation with a friend of mine last night. I had convinced him to watch this video, and he had watched some of it.
Me: "What did you think of that video?"
Him: "I don't believe it."
Me: "Huh? The CAFR are available online, let's look at one of them right now..."
Him: "Politicians want to get reelected. If this was real, they would take the money and give it to people in order to buy votes."
Me: "What makes you think the people in charge would let that happen?"
Him: "There is nothing they could do about it....blah blah blah, politicians want votes."
Round and round we go, where we'll stop, nobody knows.
Bill Cooper used to say that no matter what evidence you stick in front of someone, until they are ready to believe it, they won't. No matter what.
Bill Cooper was right.
5th March 2011, 11:08 AM
On another note I had a very disappointing conversation with a friend of mine last night. I had convinced him to watch this video, and he had watched some of it.
Me: "What did you think of that video?"
Him: "I don't believe it."
That's exactly what a friend of mine said. I thought she'd be more receptive to this information since she works for government, but no go.
I even showed her the Wikipedia page for CAFR, since it has some good information and most mainstream people take it as gospel. Nope, nada.
However, don't be discouraged; whether people believe it or not initially, the idea is planted. It's better than not having any idea at all.
I think this is one of the reasons that Google is trying to "discourage" ( websites/blogs that post aggregate content. This is the primary way that alternative news is spread, and some of it definitely leaks out to the MSM.
16th March 2011, 07:30 PM
b-b-b-but private entities can do anything they want.
4th April 2011, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the link.
25th April 2011, 08:47 AM
Bump. Why aren't more people discussing this?
25th April 2011, 12:56 PM
AZ HB2572 Passes in Arizona and was signed into law by Governor Brewer on April 14th 2011
HB2572 known as the CAFR Transparency bill of which I sent a prior post out on is a step in the right direction but it is deceptive in several areas. I made the suggestions to the sponsor of the bill for modification in text where it would then be truly transparent but my three suggestions were not implemented into the bill.
They were as follows:
1. The biggest deception government has played on the population was never mentioning the investment funds held by that local government. The bill focuses on a showing of expenditures and budgetary income. For transparency the first line focus should be on a clear listing of all investment funds held by that local government in any capacity. There is not one mention of investment funds in the bill as was my first suggestion.
2. I could put a 100 elephants on my property and if no one saw them, no one would know they were there. Or if I put one elephant on a corner in downtown phoenix millions could be talking about it by the end of the day. With that in mind I suggested that the following text be added on every city; county; and state tax bill that went out: "We strongly suggest that our taxpayers carefully review their local government CAFRs" giving the website link that the bill would implement where all local government CAFRs would now be listed on. There was no issue of cost on this suggestion being that the tax bill would be going out anyway and it is just a little extra ink but that would be putting the elephant on the downtown street corner in any light of transparency. My second suggestion was also not implemented into the bill.
3. The bill applied to local City; County; State; School Districts; and Universities. I mentioned that the Enterprise Operations of the same or stand-alone ones where the biggest holding grounds for specialty advance forward liability funds (a tactic used to turn an ongoing profit into a liability designated for future projects or paying for existing or presumed future debt). Some of these advance forward liability investment funds are massive and never being mentioned or discussed with the public hinges on severe fraud on the part of that lack of transparency. I strongly suggested that the enterprise operations be included in the responsible parties targeted in this bill. My third suggestion of including the Enterprise Operations was also not implemented in the text of the bill.
The good thing is that the bill was a step in the right direction. The great thing is all of the other states you now have a precedent to require they do the same "and" include the text as I have outlined above. With that being done you will now have a true CAFR transparency bill in effect for your state. So don't delay, make it happen...
Please share with those that you know.
Sent FYI and truly Yours,
Walter Burien -
6th June 2011, 06:17 AM
Silence is deafening around here.
6th June 2011, 08:00 AM
Silence is deafening around here.
I agree dys... some of the most amazing eye opening useful information around here
and all we get are the birds tweeting.
I've been trying to figure out why. Maybe it's cognitive dissonance in that it threatens our pet delusions. You know. left/right...con/lib...dem/repub...capitalist/commie...all those dialectics...those dualistic diversions. Maybe people don't want to implicate the pension fund they collect a check from? It implicates the actual bureaucratic guts of our collective government.
Maybe it has a similar effect as pointing blame at our Military. Our troops. Our boys. Except of course we've been well trained to react in condemnation and anger at such an accusation. You know, patriotism, the flag and all that.
Maybe it's that we don't know who to raise our fists to? Ha! What fists, I know. Floridated fists maybe? Maybe it's that there are just so many people on the take that it would implicate even those in our own comfort zone?
Maybe it suggests we're not only being taken and hosed by a bunch of fascist pigs, we ARE a bunch of fascist pigs and this just brings it all home to roost, so to speak.
Ever hear the expression, "I won't hear another word of it?"
Maybe we just don't know what to think, God help us...
You're an expressive and passionate writer, what do you think?
6th June 2011, 10:13 AM
I'll go over there and post some stuff.
I haven't very much lately. I used to think this CAFR information was IT, but now I realize it's just another PTB technique as they hone the evil art of Enterprise Corruption, like they have for millennia.
6th June 2011, 12:20 PM
I'll go over there and post some stuff.
I haven't very much lately. I used to think this CAFR information was IT, but now I realize it's just another PTB technique as they hone the evil art of Enterprise Corruption, like they have for millennia.
You've been terrific, Lapis. A true searcher. Among the very top posters on this forum.
I've learned a ton form what you've put up. Thanks so much.
It's true that the PTB spend their clock time contriving methods to get the population to
do their bidding and grovel at their feet. This particular scam that the CAFR uncovers is a doozy though,
even if it isn't the only scam.
7th June 2011, 07:30 AM
I agree dys... some of the most amazing eye opening useful information around here
and all we get are the birds tweeting.
I've been trying to figure out why...
You're an expressive and passionate writer, what do you think?
From another post of mine...
And then there are the things you can't say and the hints you can't drop and the stories you can't tell.
27th January 2012, 09:37 AM
Part 2 of this series, on pension funds.
'Corporate Governance' is a term this guy uses to describe the phenomenon of government corporations collectively owning so much stock that they actually have controlling interest in every major corporation in the US (and a lot of the minor ones for that matter). They control what these corporations do through what is called proxy voting. This particular eposide details CAFRs of pension funds, which are themselves their own corporations along with municipalies, cities, towns, townships, districts of all types, states, countries, courts, etc. Of course they are NOT underfunded but filthy rich, and on top of that they are mostly funded by the taxpayers and not the people that work for the corporations that have pension funds (example- teachers/CALPERS).
I've had some conversations with certain people that I respect regarding this conspiracy. The objection I usually hear is: "I don't see how we could pay off the national debt with these assets, there is no buyer." Fair enough, or more aptly from where I sit- MAYBE.
However, that is but one issue related to this conspiracy. Questions without answers:
1. If we the people own these assets, how come we don't have access to these assets? For example, why isn't every person given their own piece of property? These corporations have plenty of real estate holdings free and clear...assets paid for by the taxpayers.
2. If we the people own these companies, why are we allowing these countries to outsource? Furthermore, why aren't we given access to the products of these companies? For example, the US government is the largest holder of computer makers Apple and Microsoft. Why aren't we given computers?
3. Why aren't we given input into issues such as risk of investments, proxy voting powers and decisions, oversees investments, et al?
4. If we can't access these investments, why can't we opt out?
5. What about the obvious conflict of interest that arises when government that owns a corporation is charged with enacting legislation related to the same corporation that they own?
And there are a million more related questions as well.
27th January 2012, 10:38 AM
Part 2 @ 3:30. Clint compares Bill Gates' stock ownership to that of mutual funds, astounding stuff.
Why is it that no one seems to care about this information?
28th January 2012, 04:01 AM
If people don't dismiss it out of hand right away, I think it's just too overwhelming to take it all in. And what can we do about this information? That's the million dollar (or billion or trillion dollar) question.
2nd February 2012, 01:55 PM
Part 2 of this series, on pension funds.
'Corporate Governance' is a term this guy uses to describe the phenomenon of government corporations collectively owning so much stock that they actually have controlling interest in every major corporation in the US (and a lot of the minor ones for that matter). They control what these corporations do through what is called proxy voting. This particular eposide details CAFRs of pension funds, which are themselves their own corporations along with municipalies, cities, towns, townships, districts of all types, states, countries, courts, etc. Of course they are NOT underfunded but filthy rich, and on top of that they are mostly funded by the taxpayers and not the people that work for the corporations that have pension funds (example- teachers/CALPERS).
I've had some conversations with certain people that I respect regarding this conspiracy. The objection I usually hear is: "I don't see how we could pay off the national debt with these assets, there is no buyer." Fair enough, or more aptly from where I sit- MAYBE.
However, that is but one issue related to this conspiracy. Questions without answers:
1. If we the people own these assets, how come we don't have access to these assets? For example, why isn't every person given their own piece of property? These corporations have plenty of real estate holdings free and clear...assets paid for by the taxpayers.
2. If we the people own these companies, why are we allowing these countries to outsource? Furthermore, why aren't we given access to the products of these companies? For example, the US government is the largest holder of computer makers Apple and Microsoft. Why aren't we given computers?
3. Why aren't we given input into issues such as risk of investments, proxy voting powers and decisions, oversees investments, et al?
4. If we can't access these investments, why can't we opt out?
5. What about the obvious conflict of interest that arises when government that owns a corporation is charged with enacting legislation related to the same corporation that they own?
And there are a million more related questions as well.
These questions you ask, of why "we the people" can't access this money (paraphrasing) - palani's posts on citizenship come to mind here (herd ownership through the FED beast).
3rd February 2012, 01:31 AM
Glad this is up, I missed it the first time around. Thanks for linking me here, dysgenic.
3rd February 2012, 08:08 AM
Also, this thread:
3rd February 2012, 08:55 AM
File this under the 'something else to consider' department. It recently occured to me that Fortune 500 corporate profits are nothing short of another stealth tax. If corporations are all majority owned by government (and btw, when I say 'majority' I don't mean 51%, it's more like 91%), the profits of said corporations are actually a tax. If you add this not unsubstantial tax to all of the other taxes we pay, what is the true tax rate of this country? I would venture to say that it's well in excess of 99%.
And it gets worse than even that. Any realistic assessment of the true financial position of government has to include not just the 185,000 CAFRs of various government corporations, it also has to include the CAFRs of all of public corporations that government owns a majority stake in. If government owns a 90% stake in Microsoft, for example, that means that 90% of Microsoft's assets belong to government which is supposed to be us!
There is real money behind this operation.
Gordon Gecco: "I'm talking about liquid. I'm talking about the kind of money that I don't have to waste time."
They've got that, and more. Much more.
3rd February 2012, 09:38 AM
Privately owned profit, publicly owned debt. How clever.
3rd February 2012, 11:38 AM
Privately owned profit, publicly owned debt. How clever.
Even before the CIA mercenaries killed Gaddafi the entire corporate wealth of Libya disappeared. Who has it now?
::) could happen to California
6th February 2012, 08:06 PM
This is probably the most important issue on the forum to popularize. Dysgenic is right about this.
CAFRs for state governments should be distributed along with a page explaining that every state, town, government, is a corporation that has its own CAFR, which are all investing tax money into public companies, to the point where they are majority shareholders in almost every public company you could name. But these are private corporations (who are the government, or owned by the government) making these actions. They cut "we the people" out, probably due to the nature of our tax agreement. They're allowed to invest with "we the people's" money, yet they claim they don't owe "we the people" for it.
Of course they sell assets which used to be public, to private foreign entities. I think someone called that treason in the video.
7th February 2012, 10:33 AM
The pretense of 'freedom of the press'. How exactly does that reconcile with a government that owns every major main stream media corporation?
13th February 2012, 03:26 PM
I convinced a friend of mine to watch this vid...someone with reasonable intelligence that I thought would really be all over this thing... EPIC FAIL.
She watched it, but claims that it is way over her head and that she just doesn't get it. She also doesn't believe that the average person could ever get it.
Me: "What is there to get? What exactly don't you understand?"
Her: "Everything. I don't understand financial statements. Plus, the guy seemed kind of radical, weird, and wacko to me."
Me: "What in the world would give you that impression?"
Her: "I'm not really sure. I just don't understand what he was driving at."
Epic fail. Discouraging.
13th February 2012, 11:23 PM
I'm sorry to hear that; and even though I'm not surprised, I think it's good you tried. The seed is planted, and that's all you can do with people like her.
22nd February 2012, 02:41 PM
It recently occured to me that these CAFR can be used in ways seemingly unrelated to government. For example, if you work for a company that is crying poor and doing layoffs or outsourcing, this can be verified by looking at the CAFR. Perhaps in certain situations people that have been shafted by disingenuous big corporations could surreptitiously get this info out to current employees or even clients of these big corporations (disclaimer: I'm not advocating for anything illegal). Anyone know how to get ahold of CAFRs that aren't published online?
23rd February 2012, 12:09 AM
That's a great idea! Now that I'm past the shock of how much money the government CAFRs hide, I wonder what sorts of back-rubbing crony-enriching shenanigans they are hiding as well. I know that Catherine Austin Fitts said that in some New York town, their CAFR revealed payments for expensive flood insurance, despite being located on a hill. So who benefited from the government taking out that worthless insurance? Who else is benefiting?
23rd February 2012, 10:27 AM
That's a great idea! Now that I'm past the shock of how much money the government CAFRs hide, I wonder what sorts of back-rubbing crony-enriching shenanigans they are hiding as well. I know that Catherine Austin Fitts said that in some New York town, their CAFR revealed payments for expensive flood insurance, despite being located on a hill. So who benefited from the government taking out that worthless insurance? Who else is benefiting?
You know, that's a great question. I actually found someone in real life that is somewhat interested in this scandal. The question he kept asking me: "Who is benefiting from this?" Of course I can speculate- I'd imagine hedge fund managers, government finance employees like treasurers (by the way, in some CAFRs they list employees that put together the CAFR- interesting and valuable info) who have extremely cushy jobs, and connected private entrepenuers that know how to score government contracts. I'd also imagine that kickbacks, payoffs, and all forms of bribery whether 'legal' or not are rampant. BUT I can't point to sources that demonstrate specific info on this. I wouldn't even know how to track that info down. Any thoughts, Lapis?
23rd February 2012, 09:46 PM
You know, that's a great question. I actually found someone in real life that is somewhat interested in this scandal. The question he kept asking me: "Who is benefiting from this?" Of course I can speculate- I'd imagine hedge fund managers, government finance employees like treasurers (by the way, in some CAFRs they list employees that put together the CAFR- interesting and valuable info) who have extremely cushy jobs, and connected private entrepenuers that know how to score government contracts. I'd also imagine that kickbacks, payoffs, and all forms of bribery whether 'legal' or not are rampant. BUT I can't point to sources that demonstrate specific info on this. I wouldn't even know how to track that info down. Any thoughts, Lapis?
You're probably right about that. I thought I could get a tiny insider's look when I asked my friend ( what she thought.
It makes me think that not everyone even in government knows how much information these reports contain, and their technical nature probably discourages them from looking into them if they don't have to.
After I wrote that last sentence, I decided to watch a small portion of a video ( that Clint posted to his blog:
CAFR School: The Public Reading Of The CAFR (
The CAFR part only took about 15 minutes. It was presented by someone working for the firm Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich & Co. (MMKR) (, which prepares internal audits for a lot of school districts in Minnesota.
Obviously 15 minutes isn't enough time to go over the whole CAFR. He confined his reporting to the first few pages of the CAFR and the General Fund.
I found a couple of interesting things:
He kept mentioning how low property taxes "impacted" the budget.
He said some of the terms used in the report had changed.
For instance, reserved and designated fund balances have been changed to non-spendable, commited, assigned and non-assigned.
It sounds like they took a couple of semi-technical vague terms and made them even more technical and harder to understand. I wonder if this is because of the growing awareness of CAFR reports? Small as it is?
When I first heard the accounting firm's name, I thought it was a much larger firm ( that also helps government agencies do these CAFR reports (and that's another revelation--it appears that all these government agencies are hiring accounting firms to prepare and/or audit the CAFRs. And guess who is ultimately paying these firms?).
This is what it says on its website on the page for Governmental Entities:
"Assistance with the preparation and review of Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR’s)"
Back in 2008 this firm was created from a merger of two companies. I thought this was interesting:
Marcum & Kliegman LLP merges with forensic accounting firm (
Marcum & Kliegman LLP, Certified Public Accountants and Consultants, has announced its merger with RosenfarbWinters LLC, the largest forensic accounting firm in the New York metropolitan area. As a result of the merger, RosenfarbWinters is changing its name to M&K Rosenfarb LLC (MKR). In spite of an overall downturn in the economy and unfavorable job numbers, the accounting industry is still growing. "There is absolutely no shortage of available positions at M&K," states Marcum & Kliegman's Managing Partner Jeffrey M. Weiner. "With offices in New York City, on Long Island, and now in New Jersey, Marcum & Kliegman looks to grow from approximately 500 employees to more than 1,000 within the next 3 years." [Nice work if you can get taxpayers' expense. ::) ]
5th March 2012, 07:33 AM
I had a very fruitful discussion with a bright dude from another forum. Before I get to the discussion, the result of the discussion was the realization that this CAFR thing is a gigantic hedge by TPTB against grass roots movements. Onto the discussion: it pertained to the price of oil:
Me: "Government owns the oil companies. They could slash the price of oil in half tomorrow if they wanted."
Him: "How? 'Ownership' is divided 185,000 ways."
So, you see, even if certain of us were able to come together and get our particular district or county or town or township to change their proxy voting, it would be still be useless because we would be vastly outgunned in the boardrooms unless we could get MOST of these government corporation to go along.
27th March 2012, 12:59 PM
tagging for the video.
17th June 2012, 08:45 PM
Well guys, I caught a huge break in understanding this thing. There is a guy that I know, a high level executive that works for a hospital (not a government corporation). After pestering him for the last few months or so, he was finally willing to sit down and talk to me about how this thing works from an insider's perspective.
First of all, he confirmed that there are 2 sets of books that are maintained for most corporations. He said that most mid level executives are aware that there are investments and that those investments are maintained/recorded/reconciled/etc through the second set of books- the CAFR- but those investments are totally off limits to use for what is typically thought of as the budget. He said that anyone that wants to advance anywhere in the company quickly learns that it is a no no to even bring up the 2nd set of books as far as using the money or assets to bridge budget gaps or use for R&D, or anything really. They (the midlevel executives) are told that there is a certain rainy day threshhold that must be maintained for the safety of the company (this excuse sounds familiar, we've heard it before). Of course, the details of that threshhold and/or how it is decided upon is secret info. He also told me that as he moved up in the company, he eventually was made privy to who is in charge of these assets, what they are, who benefits, etc...but he wouldn't tell me anything more about that. He told me "dys, I know you, you'll be calling these guys if I tell you, and I can't have that". He also confirmed that there are huge conflict of interests present in the investments; and that many of the stock investments also have proxy voting power.
Keep in mind that the hospital this guy works for is fairly SMALL. If this exists for a small company, what is true hidden power of major corporations?
28th June 2014, 12:50 PM
1st July 2014, 03:40 PM
Clint has an archive page for all of his shows for his radio program that is on RBN.
20th October 2015, 10:10 PM
Some recent Sofia Smallstorm interviews; they're not pasting well, check:
and she did this one this Mon 10/19 with James Tracy:
Interview 70: Sofia Smallstorm
( (
Incisive sociopolitical researcher Sofia Smallstorm joins us on this edition to discuss her recent work examining the stealth privatization of individuals, local and regional governments, and the United States itself. She argues that this legal corporatization that has ensued in varying degrees since the late 1800s is a major factor in better understanding recent “mass shooting” drills, some of which are being presented to the public as actual events. In other words, once local municipalities and law enforcement agencies become dependent on federal grants, they are compelled to partake in such exercises to justify continued funding.
Sofia’s “From Chemtrails to Pseudolife” lectures and video series explain the relationship between synthetic biology, radiation biology and stratospheric geoengineering. In 2013 she began researching the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. The project resulted in her DVD, “Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4, and 5 Dimensions.” The presentation offers a different take on the use of staged events to shape society as we are moved to a posthuman world.
Smallstorm is a graduate of Brown University and hosts a series of interview podcasts available at her website, (
Download (
25th February 2016, 06:22 PM
Sofia Smallstorm has been on a tear with the corporate gov, fictitious/strawman individuals stuff. This is nice coz she's good at of explaining things in lay terms, and why they're important! :)
John Friend is interviewing her live now on Renegade (; but archive won't be posted for several hours.
1 hour 4 mins; Sage of Quay radio show, which is another interesting place to check out--- channel: -- Sofia's been guest there in the past too, look at the history (
Sage of Quay Radio - Sofia Smallstorm - Egos, Strawmen and Conscious Awareness (Feb 2016) (
1 week ago
25th March 2016, 06:52 AM
cross-posting this from the: If I refuse the Flu Vaccine my medical practice will be terminated ( thread; applies to both. I've heard this whole show now, VG. Front-loaded in the first ~hour with the heavier vax/corp-strawman/controlled-docs topics; latter ~half is lighter, more societal talk, "the matrix" etc.
I'd known this Anita Whitney lady firstly as expert in the world of "Corporation Nation (", legal strawman etc. Sofia Smallstorm interviewed her, twice.
Anita Whitney 9/3/15 (
Anita Whitney 7/15/15 (
So here's Anita in a CrazzFiles show about vaccines? Yep. Explaining that can only force vax your corporate strawman, not your human being... but they're viewed as one in the same when you've got your "strawman uniform" on (which you're properly unaware of). Also, "how doctors are controlled." I'm still listening; it's 2.5 hrs!
Exposing and Opposing the Vaccination Agenda With Anita Whitney (
The Crazz Files (
March 25, 2016 (
Podcast: Download
Vaccines are not safe and the drug companies have been given complete immunity regarding any harm or injuries they might cause. In fact, in July 2009 the Institute for Science in Society sent a report to the Chief Medical Officer of the UK, and the US Food and Drug Administration warning them that The vaccines were far more deadly than the swine flu.
The unwise and unwarranted invasion of the federal government (via state and local public health institutions) into our children’s classrooms must not be allowed to continue. Our children cannot protect themselves from this encroachment into their health care. As parents we must act on their behalf. We do not want public health agencies (federal, state or local) to engage in the administration of drugs to our children in the school environment on a mass scale. In 2009 the H1N1 vaccines, were not properly tested nor approved through the normal process. We do not want to open the door to vaccination clinics in schools . . . not now – not ever. Remember today the products that are manufacturered and sold as “vaccines” are not warranted as either safe or effective.
Editor and web master (
The “For Ohioans” site was founded by AL Whitney in 2009 as a response to the H1N1 bogus pandemic. In 2014 the site was renamed Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines.
AL is a former Registered Respiratory Therapist and a former Court Appointed Special Advocate for Abused and Neglected Children (CASA).
As a Respiratory Therapist in Chicago, she took care of several Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) patients who were so ill they were on respirators. As a CASA, she received first hand experience with government bureaucracies and the Ohio Revised Code.
While this site web was initially started by one individual, it quickly expanded to include input from many researchers and scientists from across the state and beyond, who are examining the impact the vaccine ‘agenda’ is having on our population.
Like everyone else AL is conservative about some things and liberal about others. She has no loyalty to either the Democrats or the Republicans. Both parties have been hijacked by special interests and currently our politicians care more about re-election than serving the population. Our country has been corporatized ( and the population needs to wake up to this reality, recognize the harm this model is causing and de-corporatize our government on all levels.
AL is also a parent and a grandparent and only woke up in 2009 to the reality that vaccines are more harmful than they are beneficial. ( (
Related Posts: (
Decoding The Strawman With Anita Whitney ( (
Caution: unHealthy People 2020 is coming after us all! ( (
The Vaccine Hoax is Over. Documents from UK reveal 30 Years… ( (
New research implies potential link between European H1N1… ( (
Honest physicians prove that “Evidence Based Medicine”… ( (
Government Continues to Pay Damages for Injuries and Deaths… ( (
California Now Wants to be First State to Mandate Adult… ( (
Fluvax given to children under-five despite ban (
2nd August 2016, 08:34 AM
still listening to this Smallstorm/Fetzer pod; looks to be a little over an hour.
Jim Fetzer 7/15/16 professor Jim Fetzer, extremely prolific current and historical events commentator and author, discusses with me the plethora of staged shooting events we've been seeing in the context of federal grants and commercial contracts. Dr. Fetzer describes this as a "metatheory" -- the plan behind the plan, you could say. We hear his favorite adjective "RIDICULOUS!" many times, as the heights and lengths to which our culture is being manipulated without public suspicion is indeed baffling. Toward the end of the interview, I refer to my prior guest, Veronica Ciandre, and the astonishing biophysiological work she has done (on herself); Jim Fetzer shows another side of himself in this discussion -- most interesting!
See Professor Fetzer's current blog at (; hear his radio shows (
Listen here (
27th January 2017, 08:10 PM
Listen Herre Link no longer good.
Oops! Looks like the page you're looking for was moved or never existed.
Make sure you typed the correct URL or followed a valid link.
Never liked Smallstorm. Very WooWoo. I thought her Sandy Hook video format was not good.
27th January 2017, 08:23 PM
^ I thought Smallstorm's sandy hoax vid format was okay; basically a live powerpoint presentation, parlayed into a docu' vid. Yes a conventional docu format would've maybe been slightly more effective; but all the editing necessary to create a professional style docu is a major full time project; and I think she opted to get the thing out there sooner not later.
Her 2005 (or '06?) "9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions" was first rate.
Here's Clint Richardson's docu, find more variations at
3:13:57 (
The Corporation Nation Master (2010) - Full Length (
GnosticMedia (
6 years ago
This is an early version of Corporation Nation that has a couple errors. 1) $ amount of pension funds is 26 trillion, not 36 trillion.
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