View Full Version : Mob robbers hit convenience stores in St. Paul.

26th February 2011, 09:51 AM
WTSHTF there will be more and more cases of this......some stores will have lock doors with only five or six customers at a time inside of the store at any time as per in Cuba.
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Mob robbers hit convenience stores in St. Paul.

GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. -- Les Johnson runs what could be one of the busiest convenience stores in the west metro.

"It gets pretty hectic," says Les.

With so many people coming and going, Les and his employees are vigilant. Any item stolen is a loss.

"If someone is in the store for a long time, they're usually up to no good. It's a convenience store...people want to get in and get out as fast as they can," says Les.

But what do you do when a crowd comes in all at once? And it's not just any crowd, but a crowd with a plan to rob the place.

On Saturday, St. Paul police say 50 kids swarmed a Holiday store on Wabasha, a so-called mob theft or mob robbery. They stormed in together, their numbers overwhelming and just started stealing.

"They steal your basic convenience store type of goods and run out," says St. Paul Police Department spokesperson Andy Skoogman.

It's the second incident like it in St. Paul in less than six months. Last fall, surveillance cameras at a BP station on Lexington captured some 20 kids coming into the store at the same time. They stole merchandise and one of them assaulted the clerk on the way out.

Police worry about this kind of mob behavior because there have been similar incidents in other cities.

As for the incident at the Wabasha Holiday, investigators say surveillance images will help them identify mob members. They cited at least 20 of them for curfew violations that night, but more serious charges are possible with the kind of mob mentality police say could get even more dangerous for both workers and customers.

"The inclination might be to try to stop it. We don't want people to do that. We want store employees to be witnesses to shoplifting, not victims of assault," says Skoogman.

The mob robbery at the Holiday store happened just before a shooting incident down the street where two people were injured. St. Paul police are looking into whether the two cases are connected.


willie pete
26th February 2011, 10:09 AM
the usual suspects.... :D

26th February 2011, 10:18 AM
The cop at the end of the video says" We don't want people to try and stop it, we want them to be a witness to shoplifting not an assault victim".

Maybe if people tried to stop it there might be less of it.

26th February 2011, 10:29 AM

26th February 2011, 11:04 AM
We want store employees to be witnesses to shoplifting

"...cuz den we get paid to take the report, and the little bastards are free to hit another store where we can get paid to take another report!

"Job security, baby!"

26th February 2011, 11:09 AM
The cop at the end of the video says" We don't want people to try and stop it, we want them to be a witness to shoplifting not an assault victim".

Maybe if people tried to stop it there might be less of it.

Notice the little old lady armed with nothing more then a handbag take on the jewel thieves :D


mick silver
26th February 2011, 12:23 PM
when we see alot of kids coming to are store we stop them at the door an just a few at one time can come in ... it just the way it is

26th February 2011, 01:47 PM
That old lady must have had a brick of nickels in that handbagg.

26th February 2011, 02:18 PM
when we see alot of kids coming to are store we stop them at the door an just a few at one time can come in ... it just the way it is

Yes best way to handle this

26th February 2011, 02:30 PM
... i get alot of crap from quasai religious worshippers of the goddess of political correctness, but why did i KNOW the skin color of the punks?? when i start being wrong ill change my opinion :oo-->

26th February 2011, 02:34 PM
The cop at the end of the video says" We don't want people to try and stop it, we want them to be a witness to shoplifting not an assault victim".

Maybe if people tried to stop it there might be less of it.

Notice the little old lady armed with nothing more then a handbag take on the jewel thieves :D


Also see how she runs from across the road to bash these crooks...

26th February 2011, 02:35 PM
This is why I conceal carry. I work in a bad part of town full of blacks and Mexicans so I always carry and have 2 extra mags on me and another 4 in the car.

26th February 2011, 03:58 PM
What's funny about this is I call on this particular Holiday Station as part of my job and it isn't in a residential area.
This station is on the outskirts of downtown St. Paul and is close to the St Paul airport.
I don't know where these 50 kids came from or where they ran off to.
The police must have been blind if they couldn't find 50 kids in a commercial area like that. :conf:

27th February 2011, 03:21 PM
when we see alot of kids coming to are store we stop them at the door an just a few at one time can come in ... it just the way it is

That is basically SOP around where I live.
I guess it's very bad right when school lets out for the day.
Just a few at a time, leave the backpacks by the door.

27th February 2011, 05:49 PM
This is why I conceal carry. I work in a bad part of town full of blacks and Mexicans so I always carry and have 2 extra mags on me and another 4 in the car.
That's good; how does this stop kids, or even adults, from stealing from your store?
It doesn't.

27th February 2011, 08:54 PM
Race war is peace
Freedom of association is slavery
Diversity is strength

15th January 2022, 12:05 PM
If the items make it to the stores or warehouse.


Keep hearing of train burglaries in LA on the scanner so went to #LincolnHeights to see it all. And… there’s looted packages as far as the eye can see. Amazon packages, @UPS
boxes, unused Covid tests, fishing lures, epi pens. Cargo containers left busted open on trains. @CBSLA...

As you can see, trains frequently slow or stop in this area as they get worked into the
Intermodal facility near Downtown LA. The thieves use this opportunity to break open containers and take what’s inside. I’d say every 4th or 5th rail car had opened containers.

Jan 13, 2022


2nd February 2022, 08:20 AM
I expect Gavin's handlers were not pleased he used 'like a third world country' in a negative way.

He was more triggered by his 'mistake' at the time for using the word 'gangs' though.

latimes.com: ‘Like a Third World country’: Gov. Newsom decries rail thefts amid push to beef up enforcement (https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-01-20/los-angeles-rail-theft-supply-chain-crunch-limited-security)

JAN. 20, 2022
Last week’s thefts raised questions about how a key element of the supply chain could be so vulnerable. On Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom showed up to express his own confusion and outrage, even helping cleanup workers bag trash at the rail yard in Lincoln Heights.

“The images looked like a Third World country,” Newsom told reporters. “What you saw here in the last week is just not acceptable...

“Union Pacific from Yuma, Ariz., to L.A. has six people patrolling,”...

Union Pacific officials said they have been working with the LAPD, California Highway Patrol and the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department to combat the thefts. The company also deployed drones and is erecting fencing...

Robert Vega, who lives nearby, said the thefts started about seven months ago as the police presence ebbed. On Friday nights, he said, he regularly saw thieves prying open the hulking containers with tools to cut metal.

“You could see sparks flying,” he said. “I can come out at night and there are trucks loading up. It’s insane.”

breitbart.com: Gavin Newsom Apologizes for Using ‘Gangs’ to Describe Rail Thieves (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/01/23/gavin-newsom-apologizes-for-using-gangs-to-describe-rail-thieves/)

“This is not one-off. This is organized theft. These are organized gangs of people,” Newsom says, then apologizes for saying “gangs,” says wasn’t “pejorative”

cracknewz.com: El Salvador’s President Looks At Crumbling U.S. Cities, Wonders If There Is A ‘Deliberate Plan’ To Destroy America (https://www.cracknewz.com/2022/02/el-salvadors-president-looks-at.html)

On social media, El Salvador President Nayib Bukele mourned the state of American cities.

“Is there a deliberate plan to destroy the United States from within?” Bukele tweeted on Monday. “Why are the authorities and some of the media not even commenting on this things? Why are they letting their beautiful cities rot?”
— Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) January 31, 2022

The Latin American politician — who recently gained international attention for making Bitcoin an official currency in his country — was reacting to an article from The New York Post, which detailed the closure of a Rite Aid in New York City due to “incessant shoplifting.”

“Back in my Rite Aid and there’s nothing to steal because this Rite Aid, like so many other Rite Aids, is closing down because everyone stole everything,” comedian Michael Rapaport explained in a video posted to his Instagram account. “And the workers here don’t know if they’re getting jobs. Congratulations, losers.”

Bukele’s sentiments are also confirmed by Goldman Sachs chief executive David Solomon, who warned at a Financial Times conference last year that New York City may cease to be a financial hub if it does not end the policies causing its decline. He explained that “New York has to be aware that there are good choices, and it’s got to keep itself attractive” — especially with respect to “taxes” and “cost of living.”

Solomon said that no city is guaranteed “a permanent place in the world,” referring to Detroit losing its status as the capital of the automobile industry.

7th February 2022, 09:48 AM
Why I hate ChiComs, Chinese and East Asians more than nig nogs. Chicoms are more racist than blacks, in so far as to hate white Caucasians and know that blacks are evil for China, and want blacks to rule over white Caucasians.

I have yet to meet a Chinese online on twitter or in the forums that don't hate white Caucasians, and when I mean hate, ChiComs don't simply want the whites gone from China, ChiComs want anybody with white skin to be destroyed and life miserable.

Yet to find a Chinese who is not into blaming whitey.

When I think of black crimes, I am reminded that is the normal the ChiComs want with whites being powerless and victimized.

Jews side with the 'British Royals', who want to control blacks to ZOG ends. To destroy the family, make men weak, etc. China wants a worse than South Africa, rule by nigs. and when nigs commit crimes, China wants every white Caucasian daily violated by nigs, while the Chinese smile and have "revenge".