View Full Version : When TSHTF - An Introduction to Self Protection

26th February 2011, 01:34 PM
One man with a gun can control one hundred without one. - Vladimir Lenin

Most of the world gave away their rights to self protection long ago. Amazingly, they actually believed it was in their own best interest. Now that decades have gone by since most of the gun restrictions around the various nations of the world have been imposed, one might ask how this decision has worked out for them? Well, it probably depends on who you ask. But if you ask the victims of a range of violent crimes in Eastern Europe, in the Middle East, in Africa or in South America, just as some examples, you might find out that they wish things would have been different.

But that news won't be found in the big media outlets. If anything all you will hear is that they would have been too poor to buy guns anyway, or that they were too stupid to know who the enemy really was, or that they couldn't have defended themselves against the military style squads which overcame them. While in some cases that might certainly could have been true, what you will not hear is that in most cases, had these victims been able to own even a single gun that in the majority of cases things would have turned out very different.

Only one large middle class society remains still with the means to self protection. Those global forces who took away the gun owning rights for the average worker in nearly every corner of the globe realize that it will be near impossilbe to strip these same rights away from americans. A different approach is now taking place instead. But first, allow me to mention that there are three kinds of people...

The three kinds are: Govt people; Criminals, and; Peace-loving, working class people. The first two groups will always find a way to get guns.

So to get guns out of the hands of peace-loving american workers is not going to be easy and could take decades to accomplish. The global forces who make this their goal correctly understand that the only way to remove american's ability to self protection will be to punish them so severely financially that guns, training, practice, and even ammo become very difficult and costly to obtain. While there will always be those who can improvise, for the vast majority of today's workers if faced with a choice between buying milk for their kids or a round or two of ammo they will in the end choose the former.

But this thread is not about centralized powers, global governments, big banks and military industries - those things you can find on the general board. All the above was just provided as a background. So now with the well known basics out of the way, it's time for the details.

In addition to a secret stash of silver, every american family, every peace-loving worker, every follower of freedom should also own the means to self protection. When TSHTF, or even if it doesn't, it's not likely that peace-loving american families will one day face off against group number one, the much greater risk is that they will one day come against well armed members of group number two.

But unlike buying silver, where you can simply order rounds online, bury them in your back yard three feet deep and leave it at that - making use of one's natural right to self protection in today's world is not as simple. The vast quantity of gun types, ammo types, sighting instruments, training needs, safety concerns, maintenance and regulatory aspects make providing for a comprehensive self protection strategy quite complicated. Sure, some might say it's as simple as a bow and arrow, or own a few different gun types and get some range time under your belt and you will be better off than the majority. But seriously, when it comes to the protection of freedom and family do you really want the low budget plan?

It's true that most people probably spend more time deciding what brand and color of paint to use when fixing up their house than they do regarding their own personal safety. Hopefully, if you've read this far, you are not one of those people.

For less than it costs to remodel your kitchen, you should be able to get well under way in terms of self protection. Three basic types of guns exist. There's going to be a shotgun; they come in handy for hunting and home protection. There's going to be a handgun or a few; they provide mobility and a level of personal protection during everyday activities. And then there are long arms; rifles and carbines can perform big game hunting duties and can counter the more extreme threats that a family might face in today's dangerous world. I think that in addition to water, food and precious metals, the average american peace-loving worker MUST become a responsible owner of all three types of guns and right away. That is JMHO and in this thread I ask for yours.

26th February 2011, 06:08 PM
Well written.

7th March 2011, 10:13 PM
I guess my opinion is that I'm torn. Where I live, owning guns carries some very serious risks. As a man with a family, I could be painted as a dangerous radical and possibly lose my child (I'm not saying that this would happen JUST because I own weapons, but it could be used against me along with other allegations). Or if I chose to own unregistered firearms, if that ever got discovered I could end up in jail. Plus there is always that story that is out there about the blue list and the red list...supposedly at some point all of the gun owners will be attacked and killed and/or jailed. Of course that could be an NWO old wives tale floated specifically to instill fear and discourage gun ownership, but it also could be true. And then I have my faith. "Those who live by the sword die by the sword" and "thou shall not kill", etc.

I guess I would say that for myself, IF I chose to arm myself for my families sake I would choose to do it discreetly and below the radar. (important note: I am not advocating for illegal gun ownership or violence, nor do I own unlawful weapons of any kind, kiss off ptb)
