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26th February 2011, 01:42 PM
Why the Illuminati Tolerate Truthers

February 25, 2011

By Oiseau Bleu
(for henrymakow.com)

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you: - Christ (Matthew 7:7)

The Illuminati are using the Truth Movement to achieve their one-world government. Their goal is to show the world that all governments are thoroughly corrupt. When the time is correct, THEY will offer their "solution" to replace all of the evil governments.

Listen to The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Protocol 3, sub-section 15:

"We have been leading the peoples from one (governmental) disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also from us (our governments) in favour of that king-despot of the blood of Zion, whom we are preparing for the world."

The strategy of fomenting disillusionment with democracy was also outlined by the Club of Rome. "Democracy will be made to seem responsible for the lagging economy, the scarcity and uncertainties.' This will bring the very concept of democracy into question."

The Truth Movement also creates widespread despair and a sense of hopelessness. We tend to magnify their power and underestimate out own.

The Truth Movement must ALWAYS be wary and ask the two fundamental questions:

1) Where do they want to lead us on any given front?

2) How are they cleverly accomplishing this? (Or closer to home: how are they using you to accomplish this?)


The more time people invest in studying about all of the evil, the less informed they seem to be about solutions which means the less we know about God.

Satan has everyone tricked into spending all their time studying him and his work, instead of studying about the One True God.

Most people have been groomed to stay and continue exposing the evil agenda without offering a working solution. This "infomania" that people have developed keeps them seeking a never-ending supply of "information", which effectively distracts them from finding real solutions to the problems.


Find hope "beyond" information. Information is a stepping-stone with some benefits and usefulness, but it will never set you free.

Tangible solutions for the truth movement -

#1. Recognize your vulnerability to mind-control techniques designed specifically for you. Every person on planet Earth is subjected to an onslaught of satanic mind-control programming. Understand that we are actually mind-controlled to further mind-control one another. "Let's go get a drink..." is just one simple example of that, though there are millions.

#2. Turn off your t.v.'s immediately and disconnect the cable service/connection. This is obvious.

#3. Stop "enjoying" life (like the t.v. people), and replace that with genuine usefulness. Worry when you are enjoying your-"Self" as just another consumer.

#4 Opt out of the System, instead of being beast-feeding busy. Cancel credit cards/loans and stop paying taxes. If done in mass, this would begin strangling the System. Learning to Be calm, at peace, and passive is a prerequisite to effectiveness and harmful to the Beast.

#5 Watch the film "Revolver" (the rooftop scene - part 2 of 4 linked here) over and over till you're certain you get this.

#6 Believe there will be no more chances after this one because God said so. This is final.

Live each moment knowing this, and act accordingly. The Fire is real and Satan is leading to it.

26th February 2011, 02:00 PM
Somebody tag this post, I would give it 5 thanks if I could.

"You can't see what's right in front of you."
from the movie Revolver


26th February 2011, 09:49 PM
So they fuel the revolution against them . . . and are justified in striking back?

26th February 2011, 10:21 PM

Megavideo #6 is a good link to watch free

26th February 2011, 11:00 PM
So they fuel the revolution against them . . . and are justified in striking back?

Sounds familiar...we all become Palestinians

Time To Overthrow Jewish
Crime Power In The US


27th February 2011, 07:51 AM
Why they Tolerate Truthers?

Are you sure it isnt "Why they created Truthers...."

Hegelian Dialectic.......

27th February 2011, 07:58 AM
I thought of Alex Jones, when I read that...

Who do you think they might have reared for the job? David de Rothschild?

27th February 2011, 09:29 AM
While the article has its merits, the use of the word 'truther' as he did tells me at least one of two things about the author's place or perspective:

1. He is a sheep, not awake, a mind towards an animal or poisoned by the 'illuminati'.
2. He is supporting the 'liars.' (This would be the 'illuminati' spokespeople.)

Acceptable use of the word 'truther' IMO needs to be balanced by acknowledgement of its twin. Can't have 'truthers' unless you also have 'liars'. ;D

27th February 2011, 10:20 AM
The truth movement stops telling the truth when they accept the need for: taxes, paper/electronic money and centralized vs. localized control.

19th March 2011, 10:46 PM
You've heard that voice for so long, you believe it to be you. You believe it to be your best friend.
Q: Where is the best place an opponent should hide?
A: In the very last place you would ever look.

Do you know who Sam Gold is?
You should, because he knows who you are.
THE Gold. Sam Gold. Mr. Clandenstine. Mr. Ambiguous. My Mystery.

You're in a game. You're in THE game. Everyone is in this game, and nobody knows it.
All of this, this is His world. He owns it, he controls it. He tells you what to do, and when to do it.

He's behind all the pain there ever was...behind every crime ever commited.
Right now he is telling you that he doesn't even exist.
We just put you to war with the only enemy that ever existed. And you, you think he is your best friend.

You're protecting him.

Q: Where is the best place an opponent should hide?
A: In the very last place you would ever look.
He's hiding behind your pain.

If you change the rules on what controls you, you will change the rules on what you can control.

How radical are you prepared to be?

The more power you think you have in Gold's world, the less power you have in the real world.
He's got all the tricks, and all the right answers.
You are still in prison. In fact, you never left.

From the movie Revolver.

How radical are you prepared to be?

From me.


20th March 2011, 08:15 AM
"You know what's so elegant about this game? Nobody knows where the enemy is."
From the movie Revolver
