26th February 2011, 09:28 PM
Sunday, February 27, 2011
ChemtraFIRST EVER! – Austinites Outbid Police in Gun Buyback Counter-Program.
Today in Austin TX – Activists were successful in buying TRUNKS full of usable firearms that would have otherwise been destroyed (or ended up in the hands of “terrorists” – as we have seen before how cops confiscate guns and resell them to cartels…)
About 40 gun buyers, both independent and otherwise, stood in front of the Austin Police Gun Buyback Event offering CASH for the guns they were about to turn in to the city for food cards. As people rolled up, we approached them with our offers, and paid them hard cash after inspecting the guns to make sure they were operable. (the Police were unbelievably cooperative in the process)
I ended up with a 9mm for a fraction of what it would cost at a gun shop.
Media was in attendance, both local and international. They did seem somewhat confused by our DIRECT ACTION, as did some of the citizenry trying to TURN IN THEIR GUNS.
About 50% chose to sell them to us, rather than the police. Some simply sold broken guns for $100.00 worth of food. Think “Cash for Clunkers”… but with Guns. Your tax dollars at work folks.
Its not so funny that starving people turn in their guns, not criminals. Pop tarts do not protect Life Liberty and Property. (these were the signs I held)
Near the end, the police ran our of Food Cards, and were asking people to give them their guns for free. We were there til the end buying all we could.
I estimate about 3 – $4,000.00 was spent by our group.
The weapons will go to those who otherwise cannot affort a firearm, and they will pledge to do some service for the community, and freedom.
Thanks to Texans for Accountable Government for organizing the event, and to all who stood in the rain holding signs, and offering an alternaive to the city buy back program.
ChemtraFIRST EVER! – Austinites Outbid Police in Gun Buyback Counter-Program.
Today in Austin TX – Activists were successful in buying TRUNKS full of usable firearms that would have otherwise been destroyed (or ended up in the hands of “terrorists” – as we have seen before how cops confiscate guns and resell them to cartels…)
About 40 gun buyers, both independent and otherwise, stood in front of the Austin Police Gun Buyback Event offering CASH for the guns they were about to turn in to the city for food cards. As people rolled up, we approached them with our offers, and paid them hard cash after inspecting the guns to make sure they were operable. (the Police were unbelievably cooperative in the process)
I ended up with a 9mm for a fraction of what it would cost at a gun shop.
Media was in attendance, both local and international. They did seem somewhat confused by our DIRECT ACTION, as did some of the citizenry trying to TURN IN THEIR GUNS.
About 50% chose to sell them to us, rather than the police. Some simply sold broken guns for $100.00 worth of food. Think “Cash for Clunkers”… but with Guns. Your tax dollars at work folks.
Its not so funny that starving people turn in their guns, not criminals. Pop tarts do not protect Life Liberty and Property. (these were the signs I held)
Near the end, the police ran our of Food Cards, and were asking people to give them their guns for free. We were there til the end buying all we could.
I estimate about 3 – $4,000.00 was spent by our group.
The weapons will go to those who otherwise cannot affort a firearm, and they will pledge to do some service for the community, and freedom.
Thanks to Texans for Accountable Government for organizing the event, and to all who stood in the rain holding signs, and offering an alternaive to the city buy back program.