View Full Version : David Rosenberg warns of $200 oil if turmoil hits Saudi Arabia
27th February 2011, 02:07 PM
"If Libya can spark a $10-a-barrel response, imagine what a similar uprising in Saudi Arabia could unleash. Do the math: we'd be talking about $200 oil."
Saudi Arabia witnesses first signs of unrest as 'day of rage' planned for March 11th
27th February 2011, 04:31 PM
Can you blame the Ayrabs for being pissed? How'd you like to be ruled by a bunch of Jews? Oh, wait.........
27th February 2011, 05:54 PM
LOL Woodman, where the Arabs are awake and know what is going on the Americaniskys are still asleep, when they wake up they will wake up in a nightmare.
27th February 2011, 06:25 PM
Today I was reading the comments section of a yahoo finance story, and something occured to me: most Americans have some level of awareness when it comes to the rampant criminality of the finance industry in this country. That's the good news.
The bad news is that most Americans have zero understanding of the implications of said criminality when it comes to foreign policy and international politics. They see weird looking people that speak a strange sounding language and dress in an odd way; then they see Glenn Beck's cherry picked video clips, people that he calls 'twelvers', and their mind is made up that all of the world's problems are caused by the terrorists. 'The terrorists' to most people, are anyone that live in any middle eastern country save Israel, or any country that has leaders or people in it such as I have already described, and especially the leaders of these countries.
The timing of this uprising is some kind of suspicious. Kunstler would say "events are driving us now." I would say that the bad guys are driving events.
27th February 2011, 06:49 PM
Fragile World Economy Braced For Oil Shock (
LOL Woodman, where the Arabs are awake and know what is going on the Americaniskys are still asleep, when they wake up they will wake up in a nightmare.
On the day of 9/11/01, every Arab cab driver & shoe shine boy knew Israel did it. It took me several years of waking up & deprogramming and relearning how the world is really set up, to come to the same conclusion. :-X
This timing of this uprising is some kind of suspicious. Kunstler would say "events are driving us now." I would say that the bad guys are driving events.
I haven't checked in on Kunstler in a long time, but as of just a few years ago, he was beating the "scary moozlems did 911, we gotta get them scary moozlems yada yada" drum, and ridiculing everyone who disagreed. It was an awkward position for Kunstler (a tribesman) to try to maintain, because so many Peak Oil Theory believers got there by first waking up to 911 Truth; thanks to the early 911 Truthers (now of dubious repute) Mike Ruppert & Mark Rabinowitz, who preached that 911 & P.O. were inseparable.
27th February 2011, 06:59 PM
dys? know something and do nothing is worse than knowing nothing.........
27th February 2011, 07:04 PM
The elite are literally throwing the kitchen sink in every direction to get their agenda in before the end of 2012,,,,they havnt much time ,,,,it is on now.
4th March 2011, 09:47 PM
Jim Rogers is saying,
Oil Will Go Over 150/barrel - Jim Rogers on CNN 03/03/11 (
4th March 2011, 10:21 PM
I haven't checked in on Kunstler in a long time...
He wised up recently.
5th March 2011, 01:48 AM
Is the us really related to go to war? So many unfunded mandates, soci security broke, medicated and Medicaid broke, mandatory insurance, high unemployment, and the federal goobermint wants another regional war? The sheeple will...oh right. Do nothing and keep watching jerseylicious.
5th March 2011, 10:44 AM
LOL Woodman, where the Arabs are awake and know what is going on the Americaniskys are still asleep, when they wake up they will wake up in a nightmare.
Plain old horse shit.
The ayrabs only know that their lives suck. They are not awake to anything except that their flea-bitten, dusty ass hides are not living the life of luxury that they have heard rumors about.
5th March 2011, 12:43 PM
Now when the economic "recovery" fizzles out and dies they'll have their excuse.
mick silver
5th March 2011, 12:44 PM
stage one done ... now on to stage two . lets see who we can rob this time
5th March 2011, 03:22 PM
The oil price is being CAREFULLY controlled. If it goes over $130 real soon, the world stops. They stuffed the banksters (foreign & domestic) with extra dollars of the FRN style and it will take a little while for those to inflate and trickle down. The desire is a controlled destruction of the dollar and Amerika.
Recall what happened when oil last hit $140. That is wht sparked the current depression. If it get's close to that point within the next 6 months, then you will know that the time for total annihilation of US dollars is at hand. The US economy cannot survive this burden of oil cost. If you see oil go to $200, expect the US to be at another war... but a real one... and it will hit home too.
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