View Full Version : Gummit’s Approach To Suicide Prevention Increases Incidence - woops!

27th February 2011, 02:16 PM
I've heard many accusations, which I tend to believe, that one of gummit's nefarious agendas is encouraging suicides, while of course employing their usual "Chutzpah Maneuver" deception technique of posturing as working for 180 degees the opposite, for the more altruistic agenda of "preventing suicides".

Evidence abound that gummits are trying to slow-kill populations through a variety of deliberate poisons, etc. So it follows that they'd seek to encourage "opt-outs" -- though they also prefer that any people with personal or familial wealth, have as much of that wealth as possible redistributed to the Big-Pharma/Medical mafias due to those persons' long term [engineered] illnesses, before those persons kick off. This program is going on most conspicuously with the ongoing Gulf bio-chem-warfare op (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/reporter-%27entire-communities-where-they%27re-vomiting-blood%27/msg188531/#msg188531).

I'd have to dig up the article, it's a couple years old at least, I think at infowars, but the VA had rolled out some "suicide prevention" program which asked vets a bunch of questions, which the article contended were actually intended to plant and nurture the seed/idea of suicide in vets, reminding them of the "positive aspects" as well as practical considerations, all behind the Chutzpah Maneuver facade of seeking to "help them". I've also recently heard accounts of programs in public schools which follow the same tact, with the same real agenda.

Today I notice this article, with accompanying audio interview inside,
Maria Bradshaw: NZ Government’s Approach To Suicide Prevention Increases Incidence (http://clareswinney.wordpress.com/2011/02/09/maria-bradshaw-nz-governments-approach-to-suicide-prevention-increases-incidence-of-suicide/)

and this re Ireland,
Suicides reveal tragedy behind Irish crisis (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_ireland_suicide%3B_ylt%3DAn0tyTpw36QAe9v2KvUQ0U qs0NUE%3B_ylu%3DX3oDMTNtbHBqOTA4BGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMT EwMjI0L3VzX2lyZWxhbmRfc3VpY2lkZQRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9w dWxhcgRjcG9zAzcEcG9zAzQEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl 9oZWFkbGluZV9saXN0BHNsawNzdWljaWRlc3JldmU)

So I figured rather than focus on a single article, I'd try to make this thread a general repository of obvious or suspected "TPTB initiatives" to "help us to help them" with their population reduction agenda.

27th February 2011, 04:56 PM
Population reduction agenda?

They're so stupid that they'll target the west (say, 15% of world population, which isn't really growing without immigration anyway) while letting the rest of the world grow faster than ever. If all 4 million or so people in New Zealand killed themselves it would have zero impact on world population.

And strange how those with the depopulation agenda insist on allowing immigration to keep up population growth in countries where it would otherwise decline.

All these vaccines and drugs in the food and so on that are apparently supposed to sterilize everyone don't seem to be working on the chicks I see getting knocked up left and right. And they're not even trying!

I guess all the baby bonus crap is part of the agenda too. Paying people to have litters of kids... all part of the population reduction agenda. Take money from the people who don't have tons of kids to subsidize those who do... yep, that will keep the numbers down. And make sure the border stays open as possible, because the population will certainly drop if we let more people in.

Next they'll try to reduce the population by giving 1 year paid maternity leave, free daycare, and $1000 check every month per kid popped out. If that doesn't work they'll make sure fertility treatment is free of charge and aim for some more octomoms.

A real depopulation agenda would be simple. Take oil to $300 a barrel and watch millions or billions starve. Put out some good flu virus to knock out a few hundred million people in the fall. Engineer a good disease to take out wheat or rice (wheat being the easiest since most of the world eats just a few varieties with little genetic variation.) Hell they could even actually do something that gets rid of honey bees since everyone's being saying they are for the last 5 years anyway...