27th February 2011, 06:52 PM
Talk about picking on small fry.........


As a very sensitive and spiritual person I had some very unpleasant and disturbing dreams just before the earthquake happened. I saw what I can describe as a satanic bible and people working on their rituals and I could clearly read the word occult in their book. It was as if I was observing everything. I woke up trying to make some sense out of this terrible dream and tried to go back to sleep. Only minutes later I woke up by this terrible earthquake!


33 miles deep: depth of many of the earthquakes when looking at original reports and not what gets ‘officially’ reported by the end of the day. 33 is a symbolic and ritualistic number of the Illuminate btw

Was the Christchurch earthquake, one of their masonic rituals to
mark their important event of 111 years? Was the city chosen because of its name, Christ-Church, like Conception, another Christian “coincidence” in Chile?




Looks like the Christchurch disaster might well be another HAARP job. What better way to totally bankrupt the country, destroy our welfare state, our social safety nets, education and health, and steal all of our remaining assets? The NZ government is “borrowing $450 million per WEEK now, with no end in sight and no way to pay it back. NZ is in the cross hairs, folks, and their banker PM is carrying out his orders. There’s a good reason they used to call him “The Smiling Assassin” in London.

Have a look at this vid and then do some research on HAARP and earthquakes. Then check out www.weatherwars.info to see what is REALLY happening and what these HAARP installations are capable of. These two Chch earthquakes are not coincidental. The NWO bankers want NZ impoverished, like the rest of the world, and now they’re “going for broke”.

– Jonathan Eisen, Editor, UNCENSORED



27th February 2011, 07:14 PM
And is Wellington(capital nz) next

A Waitangi (NZ National day) dawn ceremony ended with a Maori elder prophesying the destruction of Wellington in a huge earthquake that would leave the Beehive "lying in the debris of the streets". In a strange end to this morning's prayer ceremony at the Treaty Grounds, Kerei Tia Toa said he had "seen" a great earthquake that was going to ravage Wellington. He predicted the earthquake would create a tsunami that would stretch down to Kaikoura and when the water returned it would rush into the streets of the capital and cause widespread destruction as far north as Whanganui.

The crowd of over 1000 went silent in disbelief as Tia Toa detailed the cataclysm he had foreseen. "I've seen body bags lying in the streets of Wellington,'' he told the crowd. "I have seen the roof of the Beehive lying in the debris of the streets of Wellington.'' Tia Toa said he had waited 38 years to share his prediction. He did not know what year the catastrophe would occur but he did know it would be in the month of June.


27th February 2011, 08:09 PM
Looks like the Christchurch disaster might well be another HAARP job. What better way to totally bankrupt the country, destroy our welfare state, our social safety nets, education and health, and steal all of our remaining assets? The NZ government is “borrowing $450 million per WEEK now, with no end in sight and no way to pay it back. NZ is in the cross hairs, folks, and their banker PM is carrying out his orders. There’s a good reason they used to call him “The Smiling Assassin” in London.

Penny Bright: Does The NZ Prime Minister Personally Profit From NZ’s Indebtedness? (http://clareswinney.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/penny-bright-does-nz-prime-minister-personally-profit-from-nzs-indebtedness/)

Penny Bright powers ahead in New Zealand by-election campaign (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/penny-bright-powers-ahead-in-new-zealand-by-election-campaign/)

From New Zealand anti-corruption campaigner Penny Bright:

My Botany by-election campaign is going VERY well!

(The last week is the most important! :)

You Tube clips:

1) Me asking John Key directly if he is personally profiting from NZ’s growing indebtedness:


2) Details of my private prosecution against John Key over Tranz Rail before the 2008 election:


3) From the past – ex-Mayor Dick Hubbard having me arrested on International World Water Day

22 March 2007:


27th February 2011, 09:32 PM
Great stuff Pat .....right to the heart of the matter...

27th February 2011, 09:51 PM
I have a theory that most of the freedom that people of all countries throughout history have ever had was a consequence of low population density and nothing else. See New Zealand.


27th February 2011, 10:15 PM
I have a theory that most of the freedom that people of all countries throughout history have ever had was a consequence of low population density and nothing else. See New Zealand.


May not bring the financial freedom , NZ is very vulnerable in this area.....the country may rack up so much debt it will become even more that it already is....a slave to big banks.

27th February 2011, 10:29 PM
My whole point is that at one time word on the street was that the place to go to avoid oppression and tyranny was New Zealand. That particular notion has been blown to hell in the past few years...they've been censoring the internet, putting cameras everywhere, onerous taxation, weather warfare, etc. In other words, whatever freedom people in New Zealand used to have wasn't due to a magnanimous system or government, it was due to circumstance. (ok, I didn't articulate my point very well on the first post, my mistake)


May not bring the financial freedom , NZ is very vulnerable in this area.....the country may rack up so much debt it will become even more that it already is....a slave to big banks.

28th February 2011, 12:06 AM
I read some where that Australia and NZ where the illuminatis experimental play ground.....or basically easy meat.

Still there is a spirit in NZ that eminates from the land itself that is freedom and the power elete will never be able to change this....