View Full Version : Philippine DOE Verifies Aviso's Self-Charging EV

27th February 2011, 10:43 PM
Someone maybe able to explain what is happening here, in GSUS language.... ;D

Philippine DOE Verifies Aviso's Self-Charging EV

Today, the Philippine Department of Energy tested Ismael Aviso's electric car, showing that running off wall power, the 11 kW DC motor ran at 45% efficiency, but with Aviso's on-board generator which harvests ambient energy from the surroundings, the motor ran at 133% efficiency (overunity).

Aviso's electric vehicle's back tires rest on a dynamometer in the DOE facility February 24, 2011.

Aviso's technology was featured on Channel 7 on Monday.

by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

Major, breaking news here. Today in the Philippines, the Department of Energy (DOE) validated a free energy technology we've been reporting on recently. This is the first instance that I know of in which a national DOE has validated overunity of any kind outside of the conventional free energy technologies of solar, wind, geothermal, tide, biomass, where the source of energy is always obvious.

Background of the Self-Charging EV

We are talking about an electric vehicle that can drive down the road without having to stop to re-charge, because the energy is derived onboard from the surroundings, in real time; in the tradition of Nikola Tesla's Pierce Arrow.

The inventor, Ismael Aviso has posted videos showing himself and others driving his electric vehicle down the road, and the single 12-Volt battery that is connected to the 11-kilowatt DC motor doesn't run down, but stays charged -- more than full, at 13 volts, as measured periodically. Aviso estimates that once commercial, a retrofit of an existing vehicle might cost around $4,000 retail – and this would enable a once-petrol vehicle to be electric, with a battery pack that stays charged, even as it is driving down the road.

The energy allegedly comes through an onboard antenna. In our last story, I posted a 1.5-hour interview I had with him in which he described how the system works. Simply put, he said he combines the high frequency shorting effect pursued by Nikola Tesla, with the back EMF from the DC motor, to create a carrier wave to harness ambient energy.

This invention is at the extreme cutting edge of free energy developments; and now it has been validated by the Philippine DOE.

DOE Test Results

The Technology Application and Promotion Institute, a division of the Philippine Department of Energy, tested two technologies developed by Ismael Aviso: his electric car and his repelling force.

In testing the electric car, they compared the efficiency of the DC motor using a conventional power supply (MERALCO), to the efficiency of the DC motor using Aviso's power source. Their measurement equipment included a dynamometer (which measures the torque produced by the spinning wheel); and oscilloscopes, to measure electrical output. They ran three tests of each type.

As was expected, the efficiency of the DC motor using the conventional power supply coming from a wall outlet was 45%. More than half the energy is being wasted as back-EMF, resistance, and heat.

But with Aviso's apparatus in place, the DC motor measured the efficiency as 133% -- meaning that more energy was produced than was consumed; validating the claim of "self-running" (with unseen energy being harvested from the environment).

In his preparatory meeting with them last week, he told them that the "conventional" mode will show the DC motor running at its rated efficiency of around 65%, while the Aviso mode will show at least 90% efficiency; and he told them he wouldn't be surprised if it showed 140% efficiency – very clearly harnessing energy from the surroundings. Now today, he nearly reached the 140% high projected.

In the repelling force test, his mode of propelling a one kilogram weight 33 feet in the air consumed four times less energy than by means of an ordinary low speed motor.

Aviso said the full test results report will be made available next week, after which they will recommend the funding of his technology (not by the Philippine government, which does not have the budget for this, but by qualified third parties).


Aviso provided the following video of today's testing, most of it in time-lapse mode to speed up the video.

Here's a letter that the department sent Aviso on February 14 to schedule today's test. It says that the testing would be witnessed by members of the Inter-Agency Technical Evaluation Committee at the UP-VTRL compound of the Technology Application and Promotion Institute, a division of the Department of Energy.

As mentioned in our last story about this technology, Aviso was featured Monday morning on Channel 7, the largest TV network in the Philippines. They accompanied him to the meeting with the Department of Energy on February 17, in which the proposed testing procedure was discussed. Here's the video of their coverage that they posted today on their site.

Link for VID (in tagalog,filipino)....http://pesn.com/2011/02


For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV

Test Data

On February 24, 2011 7:38 PM Aviso provided the following:
(grammar slightly edited)
Subject: Testing figure

Testing DATA 5

Test 1
Meralco: 1,300watts/ 6.4amps./ 223 V Dyno: 291 Newton / 570 watts
Aviso tech: 308 watts/ 13amps / 23.74 v Dyno :210 Ntwn / 418 watts

Test 2
Meralco: 2000watts/ 9.5Amps / 227V V Dyno: 455 Newton / 931 watts
Aviso tech: 306 watts/ 13amps / 23.6V Dyno: 210 Newton / 402 watts

Test 3
Meralco: 2,300watts / 10.98amps / 229V Dyno: 507 Newton / 1,100 watts
Aviso tech: 306 watts/ 13amps/ 23.56 V Dyno: 200 Newton / 389 watts

We drove outside about 100 meters & back again to LAB & again some testing; inasmuch as they found two sets of batteries 7amps/12V in front of the car. I told them that it was a supply only for the fan and microcontroller; but they didn't believe me; so we test again for the 4th time & confirmed no connection powering the motor & drops of volts & increase of current draw. Very minute draw of current only either on or off of the motor.

Note: Actual Average time testing of AVISO tech 5 minutes. Two minutes running allocated for the DYNO computer setting up.

Testing of repelling force.

6 times Conventional way of lifting a 1kilo coil & using conventional small 12V DC low speed motor.

Height : 12 feet
Average Time to reach 12 feet : 0.9 (corrected to) 9.0 sec.
Average Current draw : 0.93 amps
Battery : 12V / 24AH

FYMEGM repelling force by AVISO TECHN. 1Kilo coil

3 times repelling Battery start at 12.48 V end up 12.29V

Average Height: 26 feet
" Time: 1 sec
Battery: 9 V + 1.5V AA + 1.5 AA = 12volts

Note: I am not satisfied re: the Height reached, but I don't have time to adjust to full power.

I told them, Once I receive enough funding, the next test will be 110 Kilometers per hour & until battery it run down.



I spoke briefly this morning (MST) with "Konehead", the forum member who Aviso credits as being the most helpful in his being able to accomplish what he has. Konehead articulated that the battery is not the energy source basically serving as a buffer between the DC motor and the high voltage on-board, on-demand source.

He did not seem to think that Aviso's technology would be a great candidate for open sourcing (which includes a revenue stream for the inventor's team). "It is too dangerous," he said, referring to the repelling force, which involves 7500 volts of direct current (which would be lethal). And the "MEG", standing for "motionless electromagnetic generator", as he calls Aviso's electric car antennae technology, is not simple.

There are a few people, apparently, who know how to do what Aviso has accomplished; so he's not the only one.

I should also mention that in previous conversations, Aviso told me that he would be interested in coming to the Tesla Extravaganza in Vegas, the last weekend of June, which I've been helping to organize. He could demonstrate his repelling force effect. But even better than that would be if somehow he could demonstrate the self-sustaining electric vehicle. That is what I would like to aim for. I have not broached that idea with him yet. He might need more intellectual property protection in place first.

# # #

This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.
What You Can Do

1. Donate (via link or button at right) to Ismael Aviso R&D while he is waiting for his funding to come in.
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3. We at PES Network are also in a pinch right now. Donations would be greatly appreciated.
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Other PES Coverage

* Featured / OS / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso EV >
Aviso Ponders Open Sourcing his Self-Running Electric Car Technology - Ismael Aviso is considering open sourcing his technology that harvests energy from the environment on the fly to keep a 11-kW DC motor running. He said he'll give it three months to decide whether to continue the investor route, or pursue the open source route. Both involve common pre-requisite steps including plans preparation, replication.... (PESN and BeforeItsNews; February 27, 2011)

* Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso EV >
Philippine DOE Verifies Aviso's Self-Charging EV - Today, the Philippine Department of Energy tested Ismael Aviso's electric car, showing that running off wall power, the 11 kW DC motor ran at 45% efficiency; but with Aviso's on-board generator which harvests ambient energy from the surroundings, the motor ran at over 125% efficiency -- overunity. (PESN and BeforeItsNews; February 24, 2011)

Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso EV >
How Aviso extracts energy from the surroundings to power his electric vehicle (Interview) - Philippine inventor, Ismael Aviso says he combines the high frequency shorting effect pursued by Tesla, with the back EMF to create a carrier wave to harness ambient energy. He was on Channel 7 this morning, who attended a government created scientific panel to review his technology. (PESN and BeforeItsNews; February 21, 2011)

* Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic >
Ismael Aviso Self-Charging Electric Car - An inventor from the Philippines has demonstrated a bare bones electric vehicle with an 11-kW DC motor running on just one 12-volt battery, which is kept charged via an antennae circuitry that draws electrostatic or radio wave energy from the surroundings. He's also developed a super-efficient repelling force that he wants to engineer into an engine. (PESWiki and BeforeItsNews; February 5, 2011)

See also

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27th February 2011, 11:32 PM
I can see a few things happening in regards.

He gets heart attacked

His invention gets patented by TPTB never to be seen or duplicated

He sells his invention to a mysterious bidder and never mentions it again

He goes on a vacation never to return


27th February 2011, 11:59 PM
Thought you would turn up cebu.....of course isnt that what normally happens.....still it is interesting.....

That other vid is in tagalog ....

28th February 2011, 01:41 AM
I can see a few things happening in regards.

He gets heart attacked

His invention gets patented by TPTB never to be seen or duplicated

He sells his invention to a mysterious bidder and never mentions it again

He goes on a vacation never to return

The US decides that the Phillipines is the base for Al Qaeda, and carpet bomb it with mini nukes...

28th February 2011, 02:02 AM
He (already has) "patent pending" set up a corp and is pushing penny stocks, goal of this article is to pump.

28th February 2011, 02:10 AM
He (already has) "patent pending" set up a corp and is pushing penny stocks, goal of this article is to pump.
The thought stroke me too. Probably isn't too expensive to get officials in a penniless department of energy, to agree about the greatness of this EV either...

28th February 2011, 03:30 AM
Pump what? everlasting free energy ...if thats the case then to me its something worth pumping until the cows come home.....

28th February 2011, 04:50 AM
Pump what? everlasting free energy ...if thats the case then to me its something worth pumping until the cows come home.....
Certainly it could be, but the pumping may be his penny stock too...

28th February 2011, 05:06 AM
I don't believe it. Nice fairy tale though.

28th February 2011, 05:29 AM
His best bet is to go open source like hundreds of others on youtube, like woodsman says "fairy tale" along with the rest of free or water powered, perpetual magnet motors etc. As a penny stock it will be a pump and dump and will go nowhere due to continuous splitting of the stock until it is completely worthless.

Open source, would love to see his gizmo and how he collects the background energy.

I will have my wife translate that one video later and see if it coincides with the article.

28th February 2011, 07:08 AM
The idea relies on the assumption that there is over 3500 watts of EM floating around in the air that the antenna can tap into. How big is this antenna?

Tapping into Back EMF to me sounds a lot like putting a generator on the front wheel of your bike to power an electric motor on the back.

How long before he asks for funding and investors?

28th February 2011, 08:23 AM
Wife says his video sucks... but

He has all kinds of things in his storage site ;-]




http://pesn.com/2011/02/21/9501769_How_Aviso_extracts_energy_from_surrounding s_to_power_his_EV/



28th February 2011, 08:28 AM
Must of you don't get it......there is energy flowing everywhere and is for free, how do you think that you get radio signals? and the signal to open or close your garage door?.......all this energy is radiating ALL THE TIME in a 360 degrees, the same way that you scoop a fish with a fishing net it is possible to scoop all this energy with an energy net.......all the you need is the right way to do it.

Me? I also think that the NORTH POLE and the SOUTH POLE are named that for a reason........please notice the way that the north pole attracts a needle (energy) that has been prepared for that.......in the past I have experimented on this and the findings were "positive", the only thing is that I don't have the real knowledge or fundings to take it the way that it has to be drivng.........hint, the ground is the negative and the air is the positive.

Thanks William, I read you after I wrote the above.......his antenna is about a foot long, no need to be longer.

28th February 2011, 09:39 AM
Radio stations pump out 50,000 or 100,000 watts so that a few milliwatts can be picked up by a listener.

There is energy all around but the world would be a very dangerous place if there was so much EM that a 1 foot antenna could pick up 3500 watts. You could die from grabbing the wrong golf club or touching a metal coat hanger!

Same problem with the guys that come out with these solar sprays or panels that claim to pull hundreds watts out of a small surface area... at the surface we don't get that much solar energy and it's a good thing we don't or we'd all be fried to death.

28th February 2011, 10:33 AM
For quantum mechanics to work theoretically, the energy in a single cubic centimeter of space has been estimated to be 10^107 Joules.


28th February 2011, 11:01 AM
Right. And you can also work out the energy of a toilet-full of water based on it's mass and find a huge number, but in neither case is it EM energy that will interact with a metal antenna. If it were I'd be scared to take a piss.

28th February 2011, 11:14 AM
I'm just saying not everything is totally understood, and the fact is there is a theoretical basis for the idea of a sea of energy. Cold fusion guys would claim that mass is convertible to energy as well, and this has been stated by scientists with phds, admittedly a minority. All these things taken together mean it is not difficult at all to imagine some type of free energy device existing.

Just think, at the turn of the century there was a very strong feeling in the physics community that everything was figured out and there were only a few loose ends to tie up. They would have surely told you you were crazy if you said that you could build a nuclear weapon or power plant that ran on just grams of material yet could destroy a city. And there wasn't even a remote theoretical possibility of that back then. Radioactivity was discovered in 1896. Today we do have blatant holes in our theories (unlike then), yet these things are still considered completely impossible.

28th February 2011, 12:14 PM
I agree there's potential out there.

I just get tired of the same old scam over and over.

If you can recover "back EMF" to make your engine more efficient then maybe I can design a water wheel that generates power from the falling water and also raises the water back up using the other half of the wheel so that it runs forever without needing a river.

And they're getting 3500+ watts out of the air from a 1 foot antenna? Come on. I wouldn't want to be standing anywhere near where there was that kind of EM just floating around, especially since a 1 foot wavelength puts you into microwave/radio territory.

This guy will never be heard of from again but it doesn't mean anyone got to him because of is world-changing invention (except maybe pissed off investors)

28th February 2011, 12:32 PM
For quantum mechanics to work theoretically, the energy in a single cubic centimeter of space has been estimated to be 10^107 Joules.

Ridiculous! I think all quantum physics is suspicious. Humanity would be better off without it. Not one Joule of energy will ever be extracted from even a cubic light year of empty space...

28th February 2011, 12:34 PM


energy from air (a lot will be from compressed air also)

About 364,000,000 results (0.14 seconds)

28th February 2011, 12:48 PM


energy from air (a lot will be from compressed air also)

About 364,000,000 results (0.14 seconds)

Must all be dis-info and fairy tales.


28th February 2011, 12:51 PM
Perhaps he could get together with the world's smallest engine chap... ::)
