View Full Version : Well Looky-Looky Who's on "The View"

28th February 2011, 12:00 PM
Now I have seen it all! NWO puppet in the making on George Soros's Media Maters

ABC's The View Inexplicably Hosts Fringe Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones

On his radio show last year, Alex Jones said this: "I have the government documents where they said they're going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so that people don't have children." He is probably the country's most prominent 9-11 Truther.

Today, The View gave this man a platform to promote his lunatic conspiracy theories on network television.

I understand that Jones' show happens to be the place where Charlie Sheen had a meltdown that resulted in the suspension of his sitcom, but it's simply inexcusable to allow Jones to spread his message.

As much as the View hosts tried to concentrate on the Sheen incident, Jones still managed to turn the conversation in a conspiratorial direction, with a mention of his conspiracy theory site InfoWars.com. "Charlie's tired of being held up like the devil," he said. "They got the TSA putting their hands down people's pants. InfoWars.com covers it all. We've got the banks bankrupting the U.S." Whoopi Goldberg responded by steering the discussion back to Sheen: "Wait, wait, wait. We're sticking with Charlie, because that's way too much for me."

At the end of his appearance, Jones again plugged his site: "Charlie, stay clean. We love you. And everybody else out there, stay clean. Don't use drugs. InfoWars.com. InfoWars.com."

There is no mistaking what Jones is doing here. He said on his radio show on Friday that "we'll be able to inject InfoWars.com into the discussion when I'm on those broadcasts, and the people will come here and find the larger picture. It's kind of the red pill."

The "larger picture" he's talking about includes the shocking truths that the government can control hurricanes and that "globalists" were involved in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster.

Media outlets: Stop hosting Alex Jones. There is no way to justify allowing him to promote this garbage.

For instance:

* Jones' main theory is that a "New World Order" of secretive, powerful elites are working behind the scenes to rule the world through an authoritarian government. Jones thinks the New World Order will exterminate 80 percent of the world's population.

* Jones is perhaps the country's most prominent 9-11 truther and regularly states his position that the government was behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

* Jones believes the government has set up a series of secret FEMA-run concentration camps.

* He has also pushed conspiracy theories about weather control, mass sterilization, the Oklahoma City bombing and the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, among others.

See Video http://mediamatters.org/blog/201102280020

Twisted Titan
28th February 2011, 12:15 PM


28th February 2011, 07:54 PM
This is still good, people may be challenged to think, :baa
Jones and some of what he covers like 9/11 could be
a wake up call for those just starting out on the truth
doing their own research and thinking.

Sheen is an idiot, despite his self destructive behavior,
the media sees him as dangerous speaking out, that
I find revealing, why don't they go after all the other
druggies and degenerates ?

Revealing Chuck Lore's real name as Chaim Levine , that's unforgivable. :lol

28th February 2011, 08:10 PM
This is still good, people may be challenged to think, :baa
Jones and some of what he covers like 9/11 could be
a wake up call for those just starting out on the truth
doing their own research and thinking.

Sheen is an idiot, despite his self destructive behavior,
the media sees him as dangerous speaking out, that
I find revealing, why don't they go after all the other
druggies and degenerates ?

Revealing Chuck Lore's real name as Chaim Levine , that's unforgivable. :lol

According to local "J"ews channels, Sheen may not have long to live... drug problems and all... "I am especially good at the celebrity drug overdose..ja?"

28th February 2011, 08:19 PM
According to local "J"ews channels, Sheen may not have long to live... drug problems and all... "I am especially good at the celebrity drug overdose..ja?"

There is something to this even with others like Spears and Smith.

Why does Sheen scare them so much ? He is a loose canon. LOL
Despite being drugged out they fear him. Imagine how much money
dropping his show is going to cost them, they could of ignored this.
A business decision was factored into this, losses vs control of info.

" Whoopi Goldberg responded by steering the discussion back to Sheen:
"Wait, wait, wait. We're sticking with Charlie, because that's way too much for me."

28th February 2011, 08:19 PM
I've got a silver dollar that says Charlie comes out of this with a deal as good or better than he had. Cable has leveled that playing field.

28th February 2011, 08:24 PM
I've got a silver dollar that says Charlie comes out of this with a deal as good or better than he had. Cable has leveled that playing field.

The guy has no chance, alls they need to do is send him some porn stars for free.

Drugs, coke, viagra, speed.


I just saw a video clip of him, he is going on the attack, he knows he is a target for
speaking out, he is very aware, and guarded, just asking a lot of questions before
got him in trouble on 9/11, and he is talking about TSA, their key pet project for
a police state. He does not look healthy despite being aware and smart on these
issues, he is not smart on life, drugs and prostitutes, he looks drugged out and
high, sweaty.

28th February 2011, 08:29 PM
One thing about him, he ain't gonna go hide out and he sounds to me like he's reached a point he just don't give a fuck. How many of us are there in this country that feel that very same way?

28th February 2011, 08:39 PM
corporate victims are drown
celebrities are drugged, or have vacation accidents... remember last December..

Insider Exclusive: Charlie Sheen On Death Rumors

by on 30/12/10 at 8:45 pm
Reports of Charlie Sheen's death have been greatly exaggerated -- at least according to Charlie Sheen. The "Two and a Half Men" star spoke exclusively to "The Insider" co-host Chris Jacobs about recent reports that he was killed during a snowboarding accident while on vacation. "When I heard on the news that I had died the other day, I quickly ran to my PC and checked the ratings for my show," said Sheen. "Hmmm...that's odd, all the numbers appeared solid. Perhaps even up a bit. You can only imagine my relief when I discovered shortly afterward that they were referring to my actual literal death. That I can survive. I then quickly called my Mom." In the wake of the actor's New York incident that resulted in his hospitalization -- Sheen's manager spoke out in regards to a report that the actor was in such bad shape that his friend thought he was "going to die this week," telling "The Insider" back in October, "I went over to Charlie's house earlier today because I was worried after reading [the report]. Complete bullsh** fabricated lies!!! Charlie was alone watching Brett Farve getting beat up by New England. He looked at me like I was nuts for coming into his house. 'Dude, you could have knocked,' he said. Charlie is fine and will be at work on Tuesday."

28th February 2011, 08:47 PM
Why does Sheen scare them so much ? He is a loose canon. LOL
Despite being drugged out they fear him. Imagine how much money
dropping his show is going to cost them, they could of ignored this.
A business decision was factored into this, losses vs control of info.

For all you know, they have him insured out the wazoo... if you believe WTC was over-insured on purpose before 9/11, then you have to take into account t possibility that killing off Sheen will be done as a matter of business.

28th February 2011, 08:49 PM
Why does Sheen scare them so much ? He is a loose canon. LOL
Despite being drugged out they fear him. Imagine how much money
dropping his show is going to cost them, they could of ignored this.
A business decision was factored into this, losses vs control of info.

For all you know, they have him insured out the wazoo... if you believe WTC was over-insured on purpose before 9/11, then you have to take into account t possibility that killing off Sheen will be done as a matter of business.

It's more than that... It's to let the goy know who is calling the shots... No Doubt about that

28th February 2011, 08:51 PM
But, more importantly, Sheen made an "obvious anti-Semitic reference" and that, more than abusing drugs or beating women, is the worst thing you can do in Hollywood according to Rivera.

"Here comes the outrage, I'm sure, in what I want to say. But I'm going spell it out because I think it's very important for people to hear. It's fascinating to me that over the last decade plus, this man is a serial woman abuser. He has shot them, he has beaten them. He has abused women in every regard in a violent way, injuring some of them and still he has been free to work his trade on the networks. Everything is forgiven as long as he shows up for work, reasonably sober and he reads his lines. Now, he takes this next step. This step into anti-Semitism. You can be a woman beater in Los Angeles, you cannot be an anti-Semite."

Rivera pointed to another recent A-list star who veered into anti-Semitic territory, and whose career never recovered.

"Remember what happened to Mel Gibson when he asked that cop on the Pacific Coast Highway if he was Jewish. That made Mel Gibson a pariah in the community and he has not yet, and probably will never, recover. This to my view is far worse. You can hang out with the hookers, you can beat them up, you can do anything you want but you start this anti-Semitic stuff... I think it will be years before he gets work and he is not going anywhere near mainstream television again, ever."

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/charlie-sheen-geraldo-porno-video-2011-2#ixzz1FJvLtBEK

28th February 2011, 09:29 PM
Very interesting, he took away the program, preformed an advertisement for his website and took down Barbara Wa Wa and Woopied Goldstien and they will not have him back but worth a listen no doubt.

When the information went back into Stars doing drugs rather than the real issues, these little c*nts did as expected.


28th February 2011, 09:34 PM
They sound like trolls, noh ? lol

We already have a thread on this friend, sans video...

Yep. Merged.

28th February 2011, 09:41 PM
They sound like trolls, noh ? lol

We already have a thread on this friend, sans video...

Yep. Merged.

Thanks for posting video Jim, worth looking at, I was going
to change my comments with thanking the you tube post
as important.

I don't follow tabloids, but when it comes to their behavior, even
cannibalizing their own for free speech issues, third rail issues,
it is very interesting and revealing the agendas that play out
and this is why it is important.

Even the Spears, Smith, Gibson, Jackson, and even Oliver Stone drama's,
there's more I am missing no doubt, there is a very revealing pattern that
nobody else exercises.


28th February 2011, 09:46 PM
Hah, one of my favorite movies of all time, made me listen to David Ike LOL for the first time.

Carpenter a very intelligent fellow I think on that movie.

28th February 2011, 09:54 PM
Hah, one of my favorite movies of all time, made me listen to David Ike LOL for the first time.

Carpenter a very intelligent fellow I think on that movie.

Do you think he meant it as an allegory from the very beginning ?

And an allegory of what ? Just corporatism or beyond to NWO stuff.

28th February 2011, 09:59 PM
Hah, one of my favorite movies of all time, made me listen to David Ike LOL for the first time.

Carpenter a very intelligent fellow I think on that movie.

Do you think he meant it as an allegory from the very beginning ?

And an allegory of what ? Just corporatism or beyond to NWO stuff.

It's an allegory of "waking up" to the world situation, and to the difficulty of trying to wake others up.

28th February 2011, 10:03 PM
Hah, one of my favorite movies of all time, made me listen to David Ike LOL for the first time.

Carpenter a very intelligent fellow I think on that movie.

Do you think he meant it as an allegory from the very beginning ?

And an allegory of what ? Just corporatism or beyond to NWO stuff.

I think he meant both, an allegory as well as a representation of actual events, past and present.
It is simply too close a call in my mind at least and makes for a very good scy fy flick as well.

I think with Mr Sheen we could be looking some mind control breakdowns now, if in fact he is off his drugs, crack for example, he must be made to face what others and himself have put him into.

If this is the case, easy to take his addictions for drugs and sex to control him. Perhaps he is waking up and now looks crazier than ever.. Not sure but could be the case.

28th February 2011, 10:22 PM
Channel five "J"ews... Sheen belongs in an asylum... Sheen a meth. user... Sheen bi-polar... schizophrenia unlocked...

conclusion...Sheen being set up to be taken-out... and I don't mean on a date...

28th February 2011, 10:32 PM
Channel five "J"ews... Sheen belongs in an asylum... Sheen a meth. user... Sheen bi-polar... schizophrenia unlocked...

conclusion...Sheen being set up to be taken-out... and I don't mean on a date...

Yup, an overdose would be easy to float for sure, his drugs of choice are in fact, free base cocaine, alcohol, and sex-porn girls. He should be easy to control with this mish mash but if he decides to go straight and suddenly understands what he has done to himself for years with the help of others, this could be a problem.

Just guessing here but could be close.

1st March 2011, 12:30 AM
Where is that View TV show filmed? According to the web site it is in NY.

So AJ, from Texas flys to NY for this or was he in NY already? Or are they on the road and in Texas?