View Full Version : What kind of silver to trade for-SAEs or generic
28th February 2011, 12:10 PM
I'm thinking of trading some gold for silver. If the idea is to get as many ounces as possible, and generics's cheaper than SAEs, then I'd be able to get more of that than SAEs-or would it be better to get SAEs anyway-or some of both?
28th February 2011, 12:13 PM
generic. nobody cares if you have SAEs outside of places like gs-us.
i've heard mythical stories of all of these dealers giving you premiums over melt for them, but in 20+ years of buying and selling in 5 states, i have never experienced it.
<que>20 people who will argue with me now because their dealers all give them 3 dollars over spot for them.</que>
28th February 2011, 12:13 PM
Consider some 90% "junk silver" - especially mercury dimes. Doesn't have the premium attached that SAE's do, and is more widely recognized as "real" silver than the generics, which will become more and more important as the price of silver continues to rise.
Twisted Titan
28th February 2011, 12:20 PM
Consider some 90% "junk silver" - especially mercury dimes. Doesn't have the premium attached that SAE's do, and is more widely recognized as "real" silver than the generics, which will become more and more important as the price of silver continues to rise.
DING!!! DING!!! DING!!!! DING!!!! DING!!!! DING!!! DING!!!! DING!!!! DING!!!!
As silver soars the smallest unit will command a very nice premium......... If it is within your means I would highly recommed you getting a 1000 face bage of pure mercuries
You wont be sorry.
28th February 2011, 12:21 PM
I wonder what will happen to SAEs when the mint stops making them widely available.
28th February 2011, 12:23 PM
i agree with both gaillo and twisted about the dimes. junk silver is good. SAEs are a scam.
i don't get why anyone would pay an automatic $2-3 premium in the "hopes" of getting it back someday.
when silver is $1,00, $400, $1,000 an ounce, do you think the dealers are going to be saying, "oh, this guy has SAEs, wee need to pay him an extra 3 bucks for each of them."
28th February 2011, 12:25 PM
i agree with both gaillo and twisted about the dimes. junk silver is good. SAEs are a scam.
My vote goes to 90% as well, lowest premium you can get. Depends upon how much you are going to trade, but I'd also consider getting some 10 oz bars as well.
90% and 10 oz bars is all I'm adding, personally...with the scale tipped in 90% favor.
28th February 2011, 12:26 PM
I wonder what will happen to SAEs when the mint stops making them widely available.
in this instance, i'd think they'd do well. but then again, they'd now be selling because they're a collectible, not silver.
28th February 2011, 12:30 PM
i agree with both gaillo and twisted about the dimes. junk silver is good. SAEs are a scam.
My vote goes to 90% as well, lowest premium you can get. Depends upon how much you are going to trade, but I'd also consider getting some 10 oz bars as well.
90% and 10 oz bars is all I'm adding, personally...with the scale tipped in 90% favor.
I'm thinking of trading 10 ounces of gold . Or maybe 5 now and 5 later
28th February 2011, 12:33 PM
If that's the case, I'd do half in 90%, and half in 10 oz bars. Maybe some smaller bars, 5 ozers, etc. Locally, in my area, that would be the best trade. My local guy would give me the best trade on those.
I'm curious about what other folks would do.
28th February 2011, 12:37 PM
i like junk dimes, walkers, peace/morgan, and quarters.
outside of that, i now put everything in generic rounds or 5 + 10 ounce bars.
28th February 2011, 12:52 PM
I bought SAE's at first.. now that I'm older and wiser (and that may be debatable :D )- I buy nothing but generic. 1's 5's and 10's
Mostly bars these days. When it comes to bullion, Silver is silver - that's the way the guy at the coin shop sees it.
Twisted Titan
28th February 2011, 01:00 PM
i agree with both gaillo and twisted about the dimes. junk silver is good. SAEs are a scam.
i don't get why anyone would pay an automatic $2-3 premium in the "hopes" of getting it back someday.
when silver is $1,00, $400, $1,000 an ounce, do you think the dealers are going to be saying, "oh, this guy has SAEs, wee need to pay him an extra 3 bucks for each of them."
When silver is in the Tripple diggits it will be going by one thing and one thing only:
And from my crystal ball readings if silver is 100 buxx a oz you will only be getting 80% of the value
Only the strongest of the strong will be able to capture any type of numastic premimum and they have to have the patience of a Staint to sit on the sidelines and watch fools sell with both hands into a rising market
You can see the beggining stages of it now.
I cant tell when was the last time I picked up a paper that didnt at several quarter page ads telling you to sell your "outdated" coins and jewlery for cold hard cash.I see the late night infomercials starting to bubble up as well.
Once this mania phase passes Then that is when New Elite well make their presence known
Are you ready??
28th February 2011, 01:09 PM
I like junk silver and had a bunch before the boating accident.
But I also like silver bullion that does 2 things:
1) Provides a stamped reputable name (verifying its content)
2) Details its weight and purity
I would not touch any Pandas or anything out of China or Mexico. They may be very good, but how am I going to prove that?
Twisted Titan
28th February 2011, 01:37 PM
I know about China Spect .........But Mexico has a bad rap too???
I really like silver libertads.
28th February 2011, 01:47 PM
WASHINGTON- The U.S. government announced today that conflict expansion in the Middle East has caused a significant shortage in silver used in military industrial applications. As a result, beginning on March 1, all retail transactions in silver bullion must be executed through a regional government agency under the direction of the United States Treasury, and retailer dealers will not be allowed to participate in silver bullion exchanges. The exchange rate will be established at approximately the March 1 London fix price, and shall remain fixed for a period of 24 months, at which time it will be reviewed. Retail bullion dealers will be allowed to continue transactions involving silver minted by sovereign entities, such as Silver American Eagles, Canadian Silver Maples, etc., which will be exempt from the price freeze and allowed to float at the free market price.
Now, I just made this up, but you never know what's going to happen. You should own all types.
28th February 2011, 01:51 PM
Now, I just made this up, but you never know what's going to happen. You should own all types.
Haha, you had me going with that one! My eyes about popped out of my head reading that. You are correct, it's good to own some of everything!
28th February 2011, 02:02 PM
A few tons of grandma's heirloom sterling silver, may not be a bad idea to have either...
mick silver
28th February 2011, 02:55 PM
why not keep the gold it a hell alot easy to move around with in your pockets if needed . i need a truck to move my silver . plus you can still buy junk silver are 90 %silver
28th February 2011, 03:52 PM
i agree with both gaillo and twisted about the dimes. junk silver is good. SAEs are a scam.
i don't get why anyone would pay an automatic $2-3 premium in the "hopes" of getting it back someday.
when silver is $1,00, $400, $1,000 an ounce, do you think the dealers are going to be saying, "oh, this guy has SAEs, wee need to pay him an extra 3 bucks for each of them."
Plus it won`t matter then if you get 1000$ or 1003$ worthless FRNs for your SAEs. But you will gnash your teeth that you paid 3$ over for SAEs when Ag was 15$, you coulda gotten a lot more metal then if you bought 90% or bars.
Honest dealers told me to always get more metal for my $$.
28th February 2011, 04:07 PM
When I used to buy Silver I would get equal amounts in weight of SAE's and 10 ounce bars. This lowered my overall premium cost considerably. SAE's will be the most coveted form of Silver when it is time to sell. Of course I never plan on selling but instead I will throw the stuff out since with metals I am only concerned about being right, not rich.
28th February 2011, 04:09 PM
Now, I just made this up, but you never know what's going to happen. You should own all types.
Haha, you had me going with that one! My eyes about popped out of my head reading that. You are correct, it's good to own some of everything!
I started to throw up in my mouth a bit while reading this ;D.
I made it a priority to have extremely varied Au and Ag portfolio, everything from very small to big, many different countries, won`t touch anything Chinese but have 100 Libertads, never know when I`m gonna run to Mexico.
28th February 2011, 04:23 PM
why not keep the gold it a hell alot easy to move around with in your pockets if needed . i need a truck to move my silver . plus you can still buy junk silver are 90 %silver
mick is on to something here.
Are you looking to trade back eventually? Re are running a 42 GSR currently. How is your swap working? Are you paying any above the current ratio? If you are paying a premium, what is your break even point? How low do you think the ratio will go to make this "payoff"?
I had thought about swapping some at 35-30 range, but not before.
mick silver
28th February 2011, 04:27 PM
i have both that why i dont see a need to sell one for the other . gold been good to me as silver has
28th February 2011, 04:32 PM
I keep about 75% of my money in Au and 25% in Ag ( a bit of Pt and Pd too in case REAL good times come back, fat chance of that...)
If things get real rough I can run with gold, if medium SHTF I`ll stay home with both Au and Ag.
28th February 2011, 05:54 PM
Which one of you guys just sniped my Morgan off ebay for 25.50?
Good deal for you! For me... not so much LOL
28th February 2011, 08:03 PM
For larger transactions I keep 10oz bars as well as SAE's. For smaller transactions I plan to use the 1/10 oz dime sized .999 rounds.
28th February 2011, 08:11 PM
Consider some 90% "junk silver" - especially mercury dimes. Doesn't have the premium attached that SAE's do, and is more widely recognized as "real" silver than the generics, which will become more and more important as the price of silver continues to rise.
We are going back to ancient units of trading, dimes, quarters and dollars,
similar in silver content, don't have exact stats handy, payment for a days
work hasn't changed much in real money 16:1 ratio with no gold manipulated.
Ratios back then I believe were lower than 16:1 as well, that may happen again
in the future if alternative uses for silver are not found for industry.
1st March 2011, 12:05 AM
I have a honey hole with a very small markup, so I buy the pretty rounds and bars, flip them and turn them into Mercs.
1st March 2011, 09:34 AM
If you are close enough to taterville to do a face to face, I would be willing to swap for 5oz of AU.
Rounds or 10oz bars for Krugerrands, Maples or SAE's. Use the sell for both metals of a prominent online seller?
Meet in a public place for safety purposes and voila.
1st March 2011, 10:07 AM
I want one oz of silver for a roll of tp and I don't care how "pretty" your one oz oz of .999 is all that I care about........
Feel like shit, sitting here without muing my head or I'll throw up........
First post of the day.........sick morning to one and all.
1st March 2011, 10:17 AM
Personally I don't think it is a good time to trade gold for silver now... The GS-ratio hasn't been this low since 1998. What took you so long? Even though silver appears strong and solid at this time, it can change very quickly. I do think silver has a bit more to go, but at this point I am more interested in changing silver for gold, but right now I am neutral. Gold is about to break out above 1430. But I think that silver will at least perform with gold. Long term I am more silver bullish... Can even see a possible G/S ratio of 10 a few years from now...
1st March 2011, 10:55 AM
I want one oz of silver for a roll of tp and I don't care how "pretty" your one oz oz of .999 is all that I care about........
But Ponce my silver round is beautiful ;D
A winter scene with detail you can appreciate. A horse drawn sled crossing a bridge, houses with smoke from their stacks, kids ice skating, beautiful clouds and trees and bird on the other side holding a holly leaf in it's beak.
You know it's worth 2 rolls 8)
1st March 2011, 12:00 PM
I want one oz of silver for a roll of tp and I don't care how "pretty" your one oz oz of .999 is all that I care about........
But Ponce my silver round is beautiful ;D
A winter scene with detail you can appreciate. A horse drawn sled crossing a bridge, houses with smoke from their stacks, kids ice skating, beautiful clouds and trees and bird on the other side holding a holly leaf in it's beak.
You know it's worth 2 rolls 8)
I would insist that the toilet paper be cleaner than the silver.
1st March 2011, 12:08 PM
I want one oz of silver for a roll of tp and I don't care how "pretty" your one oz oz of .999 is all that I care about........
But Ponce my silver round is beautiful ;D
A winter scene with detail you can appreciate. A horse drawn sled crossing a bridge, houses with smoke from their stacks, kids ice skating, beautiful clouds and trees and bird on the other side holding a holly leaf in it's beak.
You know it's worth 2 rolls 8)
I would insist that the toilet paper be cleaner than the silver.
Like my silver round, I expect the TP to be uncirculated :D
1st March 2011, 12:26 PM
1st March 2011, 12:28 PM
i've heard mythical stories of all of these dealers giving you premiums over melt for them, but in 20+ years of buying and selling in 5 states, i have never experienced it.
<que>20 people who will argue with me now because their dealers all give them 3 dollars over spot for them.</que>
APMEX is offering $1.80 over spot as we speak. Not just some mythical dealer.
Still, I agree with your conclusion because none of us knows if SAEs will command that premium down the road.
1st March 2011, 01:38 PM
Tater? I own two of them and those are my favorites........
1st March 2011, 01:44 PM
Tater? I own two of them and those are my favorites........
I know. Worth at least 2 rolls aren't they? ;)
You mentioned these rounds years ago on a "favorite silver round thread". It's weird the things I remember and all the really important stuff I've forgotten. :(
1st March 2011, 01:46 PM
my favorite round is one i have from enron. ;D
1st March 2011, 01:52 PM
Tater? I own two of them and those are my favorites........
I know. Worth at least 2 rolls aren't they? ;)
You mentioned these rounds years ago on a "favorite silver round thread". It's weird the things I remember and all the really important stuff I've forgotten. :(
You work for Mossad?
1st March 2011, 01:56 PM
I wouldn't be a buyer of silver at this price. It's had quite a run!
But, I wouldn't sell it either.
I'd buy gold.
I think gold is due for a good move up. You are right, silver has had a good run, while gold has mostly been stagnant. The current ratio is 41 to 1, which is a low ratio.
The other thing to think about, is what your individual ratio is. Mine is around 34 to I'm a bit top heavy in gold. I'm not selling either, but picking up little bits of silver here and there.
I think Sparky made a very good point, it's good to own some of everything.
1st March 2011, 02:03 PM
I have very little of both-10 ounces of gold and about 300 ounces of silver
1st March 2011, 02:07 PM
I have a smallish stack too, boating accident, painful story.. So you are thinking of going all in to silver? I'd reconsider that. Maybe just trade a couple of oz of gold.
1st March 2011, 02:11 PM
Tater? I own two of them and those are my favorites........
I know. Worth at least 2 rolls aren't they? ;)
You mentioned these rounds years ago on a "favorite silver round thread". It's weird the things I remember and all the really important stuff I've forgotten. :(
You work for Mossad?
Nah. We're Irish taters.
1st March 2011, 02:15 PM
I have very little of both-10 ounces of gold and about 300 ounces of silver
Your ratio is very close to mine...I would not trade I think it is important to hold both, I have a feeling once gold finally breaks out of this frustrating consalidation it is going to run hard
1st March 2011, 02:19 PM
I have a smallish stack too, boating accident, painful story.. So you are thinking of going all in to silver? I'd reconsider that. Maybe just trade a couple of oz of gold.
Stay solid, my friend! Keep lots of Au and some Ag plus some Pd,maybe Pt too. Something tells me Pd might be a huge game when cold fusion comes around.I know that the last PMs I`ll sell will be my 2oz of Pd, I can see them at 1 million apiece one day,maybe not in my lifetime.
PS. I know for a fact that when Ag went to 50$ it was EXTREMELY difficult to get anywhere close to spot from the dealers. Imagine the logistics of dumping Ag when it hits the top. Say you got 1000oz to dump, that`s about 70lbs of different coins,bars etc. You are in front of the dealer with this weight, he has to check every damn piece you got. Behind you there are 100 more dudes dragging truckloads of Ag. The dealer has to risk buying fast and chance it with the fake shit mixed in or he has to test everything and end up with a small but sure catch for the day...
Not a pretty sight...
Gold will be ALWAYS easy and fast to sell, all you need is acid,a file, a scale and a few minutes.
1st March 2011, 02:33 PM
Stay solid, my friend! Keep lots of Au and some Ag plus some Pd,maybe Pt too. Something tells me Pd might be a huge game when cold fusion comes around.I know that the last PMs I`ll sell will be my 2oz of Pd, I can see them at 1 million apiece one day,maybe not in my lifetime.
Cheers Antonio, don't feel too bad for me. I'm still holding 9000 lbs of lead, and lead has doubled in price the last couple of years! I think you made a good move getting Pd, I'm kicking myself for not getting a little when the prices was below $400. Gold was cheap then, silver even cheaper, so I went with those.
You make a good point regarding gold. Makes me want to add some more gold sovs to the stack. My favorite coin. :)
1st March 2011, 02:37 PM
Stay solid, my friend! Keep lots of Au and some Ag plus some Pd,maybe Pt too. Something tells me Pd might be a huge game when cold fusion comes around.I know that the last PMs I`ll sell will be my 2oz of Pd, I can see them at 1 million apiece one day,maybe not in my lifetime.
Cheers Antonio, don't feel too bad for me. I'm still holding 9000 lbs of lead, and lead has doubled in price the last couple of years! I think you made a good move getting Pd, I'm kicking myself for not getting a little when the prices was below $400. Gold was cheap then, silver even cheaper, so I went with those.
You make a good point regarding gold. Makes me want to add some more gold sovs to the stack. My favorite coin. :)
Wow! Sovs are my favorite too,followed by 20Fr. Sovs have a very honest aura around them but beware of fakes, lots are floating around since the end of 19th century. I got Pd at 220$/apiece shipped when Pd was 190 or so.Keeping lots of Pd is dumb but having some is a must.
1st March 2011, 02:48 PM
Wow! Sovs are my favorite too,followed by 20Fr. Sovs have a very honest aura around them but beware of fakes, lots are floating around since the end of 19th century.
Your Sovs float? My Sovs sank, perhaps I should get the floating kind. ;D
It's good to have a fisch tester with sovs, just takes a second to test them. They do have a nice aura, I like that you can own old gold coins without the numi premium. Just old gold coins, bullion. They are the perfect fractional size as well. I've always wanted to get a 20Franc. Maybe that will be part of my next metals purchase.
1st March 2011, 02:51 PM
If you buy gold now it is very nice.........but........if you buy silver now then later when silver goes higher % wise to gold, you then can trade it for gold..........a no brainer.
1st March 2011, 02:54 PM
Wow! Sovs are my favorite too,followed by 20Fr. Sovs have a very honest aura around them but beware of fakes, lots are floating around since the end of 19th century.
Your Sovs float? My Sovs sank, perhaps I should get the floating kind. ;D
It's good to have a fisch tester with sovs, just takes a second to test them. They do have a nice aura, I like that you can own old gold coins without the numi premium. Just old gold coins, bullion. They are the perfect fractional size as well. I've always wanted to get a 20Franc. Maybe that will be part of my next metals purchase.
What I did during my sov shopping spree was just to weigh them and hold together with another sov to see if the size matched. One pretty reputable dealer once offered me a half-sovereign that was obviously about 18k, I could see the color diff right away and said to him that this was a fake. He put it back in the tray and gave me a real one. The scumbag probably sold the fake to the next customer who hadn`t quite developed an eye for karat colors.Lots of underkarated sovs around.
1st March 2011, 02:58 PM
If you buy gold now it is very nice.........but........if you buy silver now then later when silver goes higher % wise to gold, you then can trade it for gold..........a no brainer.
Ponce, I`m very cash-poor at the moment, a fancy way of saying I`m fucking broke. So, I`m spared from any temptations to grab the last PMs on dips. I do miss the game though but it`s good to sit on the sidelines and just enjoy seeing my stack go up. I was in the game very early and have done well.
1st March 2011, 03:04 PM
If you buy gold now it is very nice.........but........if you buy silver now then later when silver goes higher % wise to gold, you then can trade it for gold..........a no brainer.
This is what I'm wondering about-if I traded 10 ounces of gold for 400 ounces or so of silver (or whatever I'd end up being able to get) so I have 700 ounces, and the ratio eventually goes down to 20 to one (or lower) like some people think it will-then at that point I could trade 200 ounces of silver for 10 ounces of gold, and I'd have 500 ounces of silver left.
I know no one knows for sure what will happen-but do people think the ratio, as low as it is now, in general is going to keep going down?
Uncle Salty
1st March 2011, 05:46 PM
Read FOFOA before you start cashing in your gold.
I am thinking about when to get out of silver and into gold.
Isn't preparing for the apocalypse fun. Such decisions to make!!
1st March 2011, 06:11 PM
If you buy gold now it is very nice.........but........if you buy silver now then later when silver goes higher % wise to gold, you then can trade it for gold..........a no brainer.
This is what I'm wondering about-if I traded 10 ounces of gold for 400 ounces or so of silver (or whatever I'd end up being able to get) so I have 700 ounces, and the ratio eventually goes down to 20 to one (or lower) like some people think it will-then at that point I could trade 200 ounces of silver for 10 ounces of gold, and I'd have 500 ounces of silver left.
I know no one knows for sure what will happen-but do people think the ratio, as low as it is now, in general is going to keep going down?
Are you going to get a straight up and down trade? 10 Au for 410 Ag? I would assume that the dealer would want some sort of cut on both ends of the trade. Difficulty in obtaining one or the other may occur in a mania situation. I would hold the gold and keep accumulating the Ag. Trade the Ag later. That is my plan anyway.
Definitely don't dump all your gold for Ag. That shipped passed when the GSR was in the 70-100 range.
Diversification my friend.
1st March 2011, 08:57 PM
I would be able to get about 405 ounces at most. One of the reasons I was thinking of trading the gold and then trading back later when the ratio goes down is because I'm not likely to be able to accumulate a whole lot more silver --definitely not another 400 ounces (probably not even half that). If the ratio went down to 20:1 I could trade 200 ounces for 10 oz of gold, or 400 ounces for 20 ounces of gold and I'd have 300 ounces of silver left (plus whatever more I'd been able to get)-so about what I started with-and twice as much gold. That's what I was thinking anyway.
mick silver
2nd March 2011, 02:50 AM
. there to help you live are be able to trade for what you want if the shtf . plus do you have a real big safe . you have a safe place to live . you have food . you have guns an ammo . if you still fill the need to sale gold why not sale the gold then buy a montser box sae
2nd March 2011, 07:01 AM
I would be able to get about 405 ounces at most. One of the reasons I was thinking of trading the gold and then trading back later when the ratio goes down is because I'm not likely to be able to accumulate a whole lot more silver --definitely not another 400 ounces (probably not even half that). If the ratio went down to 20:1 I could trade 200 ounces for 10 oz of gold, or 400 ounces for 20 ounces of gold and I'd have 300 ounces of silver left (plus whatever more I'd been able to get)-so about what I started with-and twice as much gold. That's what I was thinking anyway.
If you are confident that the ratio is going down to 20:1, why didn't you do this swap at 70:1? Or 50:1? Why are you considering this now that the ratio is at its lowest point in over a decade? Why don't you think it will go back up again before it goes lower?
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