View Full Version : Ban Jubilee!!!!
28th February 2011, 01:39 PM
Ban Jubilee!!! (
All temporary bans removed. Don't expect this to happen often - it's been a GREAT day and I thought I'd share the love! ;D
Enjoy the forum, everyone.
Winston Smith
28th February 2011, 01:43 PM
way cooool!
28th February 2011, 01:51 PM
Woohooo! Thanks! Free at last!
Wait a minute...
I wasn't banned was I?
28th February 2011, 01:51 PM
Whats wrong Gaillo, are you feverish? ;)
28th February 2011, 01:52 PM
Woohooo! Thanks! Free at last!...
Nope... you're at the "Hotel GS-US" - you can check out, but you can NEVER leave! ;D
What wrong Gaillo, are you feverish?
No... but the price of silver is! ;D
28th February 2011, 01:58 PM
Thanks for the warning! How many were released today?
28th February 2011, 02:00 PM
this is truly a day of atonement... worthy of a dancathon
28th February 2011, 02:05 PM
Thanks for the warning! How many were released today?
Panoptimist, General of Darkness, Carl, Midnight Rambler, Dogman, Antonio, Kregener, 7th trump, and Low_five... in no particular order.
BTW, If any of them want to jump in with "why was I banned? whine whine whine" threads, the pardon can be reversed... I unbanned them into the forum, I can just as easily ban them back out. ;)
28th February 2011, 02:15 PM
Me Ole Bamboo
Dedicated to Gaillo... ;D :D ;)
28th February 2011, 02:22 PM
I wonder how long and who will be the first repeat offender?
General of Darkness
28th February 2011, 02:23 PM
Damn, I thought I was going to get some work done this week. :boom :redfc :boom
28th February 2011, 02:49 PM
It was getting pretty quiet around here. What good is a forum if the majority of it's top posters are banned??? :oo-->
28th February 2011, 02:52 PM
Hang on ya missed one.......
28th February 2011, 02:56 PM
It was getting pretty quiet around here. What good is a forum if the majority of it's top posters are banned??? :oo-->
Uh huh... whatever you say, percy.
28th February 2011, 03:14 PM
I like being banned, hope I don`t get banned permanently but I something tells me I could survive even this.
I`m feverishly kicking several habits at one time, free from dope,down to 1/4 of a valium pill at nite to sleep, down to 1-2 cigs/day, quit coffee, only green tea now...the only thing left to kick is the net. So, a short detox from forums is a blessing.
Me and GoD are like cats and dogs:
28th February 2011, 03:21 PM
I like being banned, hope I don`t get banned permanently but I something tells me I could survive even this.
I`m feverishly kicking several habits at one time, free from dope,down to 1/4 of a valium pill at nite to sleep, down to 1-2 cigs/day, quit coffee, only green tea now...the only thing left to kick is the net. So, a short detox from forums is a blessing.
Me and GoD are like cats and dogs:
Welcome back comrade and tea is the best look it up and see how great it is on the health
Road Runner
28th February 2011, 03:25 PM
That was nice of you Gaillo!!
28th February 2011, 03:27 PM
I like being banned, hope I don`t get banned permanently but I something tells me I could survive even this.
I`m feverishly kicking several habits at one time, free from dope,down to 1/4 of a valium pill at nite to sleep, down to 1-2 cigs/day, quit coffee, only green tea now...the only thing left to kick is the net. So, a short detox from forums is a blessing.
I think you cross posted from forum again. ::)
28th February 2011, 03:32 PM
I like being banned, hope I don`t get banned permanently but I something tells me I could survive even this.
I`m feverishly kicking several habits at one time, free from dope,down to 1/4 of a valium pill at nite to sleep, down to 1-2 cigs/day, quit coffee, only green tea now...the only thing left to kick is the net. So, a short detox from forums is a blessing.
I think you cross posted from forum again. ::)
I hope you realize that internet is highly addictive. Denial ain`t a river in Egypt ;).
28th February 2011, 03:36 PM
I like being banned, hope I don`t get banned permanently but I something tells me I could survive even this.
I`m feverishly kicking several habits at one time, free from dope,down to 1/4 of a valium pill at nite to sleep, down to 1-2 cigs/day, quit coffee, only green tea now...the only thing left to kick is the net. So, a short detox from forums is a blessing.
I think you cross posted from forum again. ::)
I hope you realize that internet is highly addictive. Denial ain`t a river in Egypt ;).
Exposing your personal life, and problems on it isn't though. That part is up for debate.
28th February 2011, 03:41 PM
I like being banned, hope I don`t get banned permanently but I something tells me I could survive even this.
I`m feverishly kicking several habits at one time, free from dope,down to 1/4 of a valium pill at nite to sleep, down to 1-2 cigs/day, quit coffee, only green tea now...the only thing left to kick is the net. So, a short detox from forums is a blessing.
I think you cross posted from forum again. ::)
I hope you realize that internet is highly addictive. Denial ain`t a river in Egypt ;).
Exposing your personal life, and problems on it isn't though. That part is up for debate.
If you prefer, I`ll become an old crusty humorless Soviet Communist party hack and will stick to only dissecting Rense articles on GSUS.
28th February 2011, 03:45 PM
28th February 2011, 04:04 PM
Just bumping it, so everyone knows they are free !
28th February 2011, 04:07 PM
Just bumping it, so everyone knows they are free !
28th February 2011, 05:29 PM
The Jubilee, reason number 15436 that the jews are not Israel, the covenant people of the Bible.
Have you EVER heard of a kike releasing anyone from debt?
28th February 2011, 05:37 PM
Wow, like so original :oo-->
It was getting pretty quiet around here. What good is a forum if the majority of it's top posters are banned??? :oo-->
Uh huh... whatever you say, percy.
28th February 2011, 06:51 PM
Gaillo is a good guy and a good mod, many on here
have taken shots at him, even trying to undermine him.
That's not fair to Gaillo, John and Madfranks and honest
posters here. Everyone should be grateful, I am, good
luck replacing them.
Having said that I am only for bans of blatant personal attacks.
The rules read subjective but the bans have only applied to
blatant personal attacks for the most part and some have
even gotten away with no bans for telling people to f off
under questionable circumstances. And we are only talking
a few days bans anyways. I am for tighter rules which I have
been open about, mostly to prevent problems nobody here
28th February 2011, 06:55 PM
It was getting pretty quiet around here. What good is a forum if the majority of it's top posters are banned??? :oo-->
Uh huh... whatever you say, percy.
Gaillo, since you are calling him "percy", Percival on here,
I honestly still do not know, did you ban Percival, I missed
that totally, and why, I am assuming what he was posting
in gim section, ? , and if so is Hillbilly , Percival, his original
name on gim was Masonic Plot, allied with and working with
skyvike banning everyone wholesale, including working with
Ulysses and Juristic Person, that was clear. If this was his
forum he would ban us all after he data mines us, check,
mayhem did that for them, lol .
Is this guy MP ?
It's a shame direct quotes here don't work. ;D
Hymie the Hillbilly(you found me out)
28th February 2011, 06:58 PM
Percival is still a member here.
28th February 2011, 07:03 PM
I boggled that midnight rambler got hit with the ban hammer.
I don't care to know the details I just boggled.
28th February 2011, 07:04 PM
Percival is still a member here.
Thanks, that is what I thought too.
But look at Gaillo's comment, it's no accident.
Look at the thread above, very revealing.
Nobody ran off MP or even told him off,
he is no trouble on here, too easy, despite
everything that he has done, people see
generosity like that as a weakness.
He rejoins mocking us ?
28th February 2011, 07:09 PM
It was getting pretty quiet around here. What good is a forum if the majority of it's top posters are banned??? :oo-->
Uh huh... whatever you say, percy.
Gaillo, since you are calling him "percy", Percival on here,
I honestly still do not know, did you ban Percival, I missed
that totally, and why, I am assuming what he was posting
in gim section, ? , and if so is Hillbilly , Percival, his original
name on gim was Masonic Plot, allied with and working with
skyvike banning everyone wholesale, including working with
Ulysses and Juristic Person, that was clear. If this was his
forum he would ban us all after he data mines us, check,
mayhem did that for them, lol .
Is this guy MP ?
It's a shame direct quotes here don't work. ;D
Hymie the Hillbilly(you found me out)
28th February 2011, 07:09 PM
Name: Percival
Posts: 252 (0.768 per day)
Position: Gold
Karma: +106/-485
Date Registered: April 06, 2010, 11:15:21 AM
Last Active: September 26, 2010, 02:25:51 PM
28th February 2011, 07:21 PM
I thought this was suppose to be a day of celebration and jubilee...
Not of day of searching out and capturing little mice...
Man, I love this movie... ;D
28th February 2011, 07:22 PM
I was the second person to get banned on here, for guessing WT is mayhem
on here after Fred/PDT mentioned he was on the phone with him. Don't know
if it was a permanent ban that was dropped to 2 days by John, mayhem left.
This is pertinent, we have Gaillo who fought to remove this shit from here.
So everyone that appreciates this forum should be grateful to top 3 here.
Sounds like what we rebelled against, by one of their allies as well.
"calling out another member"
28th February 2011, 07:42 PM
Trips decides what board we raid and what with!
I say Numismatics with fiat currency GO!
General of Darkness
28th February 2011, 07:59 PM
Trips decides what board we raid and what with!
I say Numismatics with fiat currency GO!
Realistically, you shouldn't say anything, ever.
28th February 2011, 08:21 PM
Trips decides what board we raid and what with!
I say Numismatics with fiat currency GO!
Realistically, you shouldn't say anything, ever.
:sun: same to you General!
28th February 2011, 08:22 PM
Some nights on this board I know I've had too much beer, all the other nights I know I ain't had enough. ;)
28th February 2011, 08:35 PM
It was getting pretty quiet around here. What good is a forum if the majority of it's top posters are banned??? :oo-->
Uh huh... whatever you say, percy.
Gaillo, since you are calling him "percy", Percival on here,
I honestly still do not know, did you ban Percival, I missed
that totally, and why, I am assuming what he was posting
in gim section, ? , and if so is Hillbilly , Percival, his original
name on gim was Masonic Plot, allied with and working with
skyvike banning everyone wholesale, including working with
Ulysses and Juristic Person, that was clear. If this was his
forum he would ban us all after he data mines us, check,
mayhem did that for them, lol .
Is this guy MP ?
It's a shame direct quotes here don't work. ;D
Hymie the Hillbilly(you found me out)
I honestly do not know if Hillbilly is Percival. A lot of people here think he is... Hillbilly appeared in the middle of Percival's long ban... and Percival has not posted much at all since his ban ended. Hillbilly has a lot of common features with how Percival used to post, they both talk about their cast iron, being Jew shills, etc.
However, the IP information is different - if hillbilly is percival, he is WAY better at forwarding than Mayhem ever was... hillbilly's IP data at least appears to originate from a single source, but I do not have the resources at my disposal to trace it "all the way" back beyond the originating server.
For now, I'm assuming from all the circumstantial evidence that they are the same person, but when he (Percival) has the resources of the SPLC (and Homeland Security) to work with, it's practically impossible to be certain.
28th February 2011, 09:05 PM
Thanks Gaillo, sorry to put you on the spot there with my question, people should read
what he himself posted, either way people are aware, he states
they are related, so Percival is not banned, is active, or could be active.
They were doing sock puppets like this on gim. They had yahoo apis
running on gim later on, some script to read computers, actual hardware maybe.
This is what those spy scripts were about in my opinion. This is easy to do.
Mayhem on there agreed. Seems he was concerned too, wonder why, lol .
28th February 2011, 09:34 PM
Why fuck around, if there is someone you know that needs to be banned ban the fucking IP. If they are a plant or otherwise too worthy of the forum they will worm their way back. THE TEST if you think someone is a complete POS then a temp ban to see if they clean up, most do and dont post soon after a known lifetime ban. The IP ban is most effective in my reign if forums... LMAO. just got a message for one of them, I have guards and they can only inform me, got to check it out. They can't ban but inform me only... really sucks but if I dont like anyone guess who is the first to go?
LOL, back in the morning man.
28th February 2011, 09:43 PM
Why fuck around, if there is someone you know that needs to be banned ban the fucking IP. If they are a plant or otherwise too worthy of the forum they will worm their way back. THE TEST if you think someone is a complete POS then a temp ban to see if they clean up, most do and dont post soon after a known lifetime ban. The IP ban is most effective in my reign if forums... LMAO. just got a message for one of them, I have guards and they can only inform me, got to check it out. They can't ban but inform me only... really sucks but if I dont like anyone guess who is the first to go?
LOL, back in the morning man.
Have you been drinking sir?
28th February 2011, 09:49 PM
Why fuck around, if there is someone you know that needs to be banned ban the fucking IP.
You have a strong opinion on this so I will only state what was already discussed
a while ago when dealing with mayhem, he really did have many socks on here from
day one even and he is using IP masking software, services you pay for like VPN,
this was already discussed, so you can't just ban an IP, many of these IP's seem
spoofed, Gaillo was discussing this when dealing with him. That's the problem.
They can have multiple socks on here at once with different IP's and even
different personalities per sock, as mayhem did. You can ban my IP, I have
one, or you can ban my subnet, get others running off my ISP server, etc,
I don't use VPN. Any trouble maker on here with jumping VPN IP's isn't legit.
28th February 2011, 09:53 PM
Why fuck around, if there is someone you know that needs to be banned ban the fucking IP. If they are a plant or otherwise too worthy of the forum they will worm their way back. THE TEST if you think someone is a complete POS then a temp ban to see if they clean up, most do and dont post soon after a known lifetime ban. The IP ban is most effective in my reign if forums... LMAO. just got a message for one of them, I have guards and they can only inform me, got to check it out. They can't ban but inform me only... really sucks but if I dont like anyone guess who is the first to go?
LOL, back in the morning man.
Why fuck around indeed!
Because this, my fellow modling friend, is not just an "ordinary forum" - it is also an an experiment... a forum not only dedicated to the ideal of TRUE free speech... but also to the other noble concepts of the founding politicians of the U.S.A.: "innocent until proven guilty", "due process", "law applied equally and fairly", "brotherly love under the watchful eye of providence"... and a host of other things this country has long since then FORGOTTEN about.
Sure... I could ban Hillbilly on the suspicion that he is Percival... or perma any other number of members who don't quite "tow the line" in terms of forum "doctrine" - but if I were to do that, what would then make this site any better than GIZM2, ShillFront, GoonLikeProductions, GoldSilverUnfreeforums, or any of the rest of the kangaroo-court tyranny crowd?
I think the experiment is progressing quite well... how about you?
28th February 2011, 10:08 PM
Did you say on
General of Darkness
28th February 2011, 10:30 PM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
28th February 2011, 10:38 PM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
I know quite a few british "chaps" call each other "cunts" as a term of general friendship/affection/comraderie/friendliness... but General - you and I both know the meaning is VERY different over here on this side o' the pond. Especially in light of how you were using the word at the time. Let's at least agree that there is more than one possible interpretation for the word - and that perhaps a better choice of words would better serve future exchanges... and to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings that might/might not have contributed to your recent "abbreviated" ban.
28th February 2011, 10:43 PM
Dosnt it never mind
General of Darkness
28th February 2011, 10:57 PM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
I know quite a few british "chaps" call each other "cunts" as a term of general friendship/affection/comraderie/friendliness... but General - you and I both know the meaning is VERY different over her on this side o' the pond. Especially in light of how you were using the word at the time. Let's at least agree that there is more than one possible interpretation for the word - and that perhaps a better choice of words would better serve future exchanges... and avoid unfortunate misunderstandings that might/might not have contributed to your recent "abbreviated" ban.
Love ya brother, and I do agree with you, that word here in the Kwa is not, how could I say, as enjoyable and as fun as other English speaking countries use it. As an example, my cousins son from Croatia called me on Sunday and proceeded to say, your mother is a whore, which was both affectionate and made me smile when said in Croatian.
FYI - My posts since I've stopped cursing, have not included any curse words. Buddha, was being a cunt and not in a friendship/affection/comraderie/friendliness definition, he was being a jerk and I spoke my mind.
28th February 2011, 10:59 PM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
Careful General, I would call you a fag, I will actually, but only in the English vernacular. You sir are a filthy cigarette. ;D
28th February 2011, 11:01 PM
Second time I've posted this. I'm thinking that Ponce is onto something about disappearing posts.
I shall retype this from memory as best I can.
I am who I say I am. I am Hillbilly. I never liked Percival or Merlin and few of the other degenerates on the old board. Imagine my chagrin when I come here and you guys think I'm one of them. I made a pretty funny tongue in cheek thread that I was sure you would get a chuckle out of it. It was purposely way over the top insane and in no way could a sane person believe it to be real but some of you did! I think a few of you have been pretty severely traumatized by a few pricks and now are living in fear of some sort of Electronic Bogeyman that is forum stalking you and you now are peeing down your legs and living in fear of every new comer that comes aboard the site.
I know not everyone is going to like me and that's ok. I do however enjoy chatting a with several people on here so I'm not going anywhere. So if you want to keep up with the groundless asinine jabs and innuendo it will not be me looking like the fool.
It was getting pretty quiet around here. What good is a forum if the majority of it's top posters are banned??? :oo-->
Uh huh... whatever you say, percy.
Gaillo, since you are calling him "percy", Percival on here,
I honestly still do not know, did you ban Percival, I missed
that totally, and why, I am assuming what he was posting
in gim section, ? , and if so is Hillbilly , Percival, his original
name on gim was Masonic Plot, allied with and working with
skyvike banning everyone wholesale, including working with
Ulysses and Juristic Person, that was clear. If this was his
forum he would ban us all after he data mines us, check,
mayhem did that for them, lol .
Is this guy MP ?
It's a shame direct quotes here don't work. ;D
Hymie the Hillbilly(you found me out)
I honestly do not know if Hillbilly is Percival. A lot of people here think he is... Hillbilly appeared in the middle of Percival's long ban... and Percival has not posted much at all since his ban ended. Hillbilly has a lot of common features with how Percival used to post, they both talk about their cast iron, being Jew shills, etc.
However, the IP information is different - if hillbilly is percival, he is WAY better at forwarding than Mayhem ever was... hillbilly's IP data at least appears to originate from a single source, but I do not have the resources at my disposal to trace it "all the way" back beyond the originating server.
For now, I'm assuming from all the circumstantial evidence that they are the same person, but when he (Percival) has the resources of the SPLC (and Homeland Security) to work with, it's practically impossible to be certain.
General of Darkness
28th February 2011, 11:01 PM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
Careful General, I would call you a fag, I will actually, but only in the English vernacular. You sir are a filthy cigarette. ;D
Well, in the Australian vernacular, you should get a hair cut. This could be fun.
28th February 2011, 11:07 PM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
Careful General, I would call you a fag, I will actually, but only in the English vernacular. You sir are a filthy cigarette. ;D
Well, in the Australian vernacular, you should get a hair cut. This could be fun.
I tried looking it up, but don't get it. Probably has something to do with my penis though coming from you ;)
28th February 2011, 11:08 PM
Second time I've posted this. I'm thinking that Ponce is onto something about disappearing posts.
I shall retype this from memory as best I can.
I am who I say I am. I am Hillbilly. I never liked Percival or Merlin and few of the other degenerates on the old board. Imagine my chagrin when I come here and you guys think I'm one of them. I made a pretty funny tongue in cheek thread that I was sure you would get a chuckle out of it. It was purposely way over the top insane and in no way could a sane person believe it to be real but some of you did! I think a few of you have been pretty severely traumatized by a few pricks and now are living in fear of some sort of Electronic Bogeyman that is forum stalking you and you now are peeing down your legs and living in fear of every new comer that comes aboard the site.
I know not everyone is going to like me and that's ok. I do however enjoy chatting a with several people on here so I'm not going anywhere. So if you want to keep up with the groundless asinine jabs and innuendo it will not be me looking like the fool.
You hang yourself using your own words. I'm too tired tonight to dredge up all the posts with "Percival" similarities to this post - I'll leave that task to the forum researchers. Goodnight, my ice cream truck driving fellow forumite! Give the SPLC my (middlefinger straightup) regards...
28th February 2011, 11:10 PM
It was purposely way over the top insane and in no way could a sane person believe it to be real but some of you did!
Few of us here are in fact sane hillbilly,thats the first thing to realise,also makes for more interesting threads. :sun:
28th February 2011, 11:19 PM
Sleep Tight ;D
Second time I've posted this. I'm thinking that Ponce is onto something about disappearing posts.
I shall retype this from memory as best I can.
I am who I say I am. I am Hillbilly. I never liked Percival or Merlin and few of the other degenerates on the old board. Imagine my chagrin when I come here and you guys think I'm one of them. I made a pretty funny tongue in cheek thread that I was sure you would get a chuckle out of it. It was purposely way over the top insane and in no way could a sane person believe it to be real but some of you did! I think a few of you have been pretty severely traumatized by a few pricks and now are living in fear of some sort of Electronic Bogeyman that is forum stalking you and you now are peeing down your legs and living in fear of every new comer that comes aboard the site.
I know not everyone is going to like me and that's ok. I do however enjoy chatting a with several people on here so I'm not going anywhere. So if you want to keep up with the groundless asinine jabs and innuendo it will not be me looking like the fool.
You hang yourself using your own words. I'm too tired tonight to dredge up all the posts with "Percival" similarities to this post - I'll leave that task to the forum researchers. Goodnight, my ice cream truck driving fellow forumite! Give the SPLC my (middlefinger straightup) regards...
General of Darkness
28th February 2011, 11:22 PM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
Careful General, I would call you a fag, I will actually, but only in the English vernacular. You sir are a filthy cigarette. ;D
Well, in the Australian vernacular, you should get a hair cut. This could be fun.
I tried looking it up, but don't get it. Probably has something to do with my penis though coming from you ;)
Now now, don't be presumptuous. I'm a straight man, and enjoy bantering. I do find this strange about you. You don't attack ideas here, you attack people, but you're subtle about it. You're kind of a virus. But the way you kill a virus is by feeding it. Maybe that's why you're still here. Get a hair cut.
General of Darkness
28th February 2011, 11:32 PM
Sleep Tight ;D
Sleep with the fishes and worms, Mr. Khazar... if not in my time then in your own! ;)
Don't worry, I won't burn the place down, I've got work in the morning. ;)
28th February 2011, 11:35 PM
Sleep Tight ;D
Sleep with the fishes and worms, Mr. Khazar... if not in my time then in your own! ;)
Don't worry, I won't burn the place down, I've got work in the morning. ;)
28th February 2011, 11:39 PM
Didnt I didnt I ,just say no one was sane here......proof ;D
28th February 2011, 11:41 PM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
Careful General, I would call you a fag, I will actually, but only in the English vernacular. You sir are a filthy cigarette. ;D
Well, in the Australian vernacular, you should get a hair cut. This could be fun.
I tried looking it up, but don't get it. Probably has something to do with my penis though coming from you ;)
Now now, don't be presumptuous. I'm a straight man, and enjoy bantering. I do find this strange about you. You don't attack ideas here, you attack people, but you're subtle about it. You're kind of a virus. But the way you kill a virus is by feeding it. Maybe that's why you're still here. Get a hair cut.
I don't attack people here much, I like fucking with you though (and giving Ponce shit, only to poke a little fun since he is one of the "founding fathers" and a living God). You come off all salty and gritty, but someone gives an opinion and you take it as a personal insult, and run away like a little girl, only to come back less then a day later (of course), and start calling names. I have nothing personal against you, but every time I read your posts now I imagine them coming from this fellow:
Like a teddy bear :)
1st March 2011, 05:51 AM
Didnt I didnt I ,just say no one was sane here......proof ;D
Yup, we're all pretty nuts on this forum. Only here would a thread titled jubilee end up like this one..
I'm wondering, what happened to the jubilee?
1st March 2011, 06:27 AM
1st March 2011, 06:38 AM
1st March 2011, 07:27 AM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
I know quite a few british "chaps" call each other "cunts" as a term of general friendship/affection/comraderie/friendliness... but General - you and I both know the meaning is VERY different over here on this side o' the pond. Especially in light of how you were using the word at the time. Let's at least agree that there is more than one possible interpretation for the word - and that perhaps a better choice of words would better serve future exchanges... and to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings that might/might not have contributed to your recent "abbreviated" ban.
Gaillo, I swear I picked up the word from my Brit friends who throw it in every sentence while addressing each other. It doesn`t carry that much malice in many circles.
General of Darkness
1st March 2011, 07:31 AM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
I know quite a few british "chaps" call each other "cunts" as a term of general friendship/affection/comraderie/friendliness... but General - you and I both know the meaning is VERY different over here on this side o' the pond. Especially in light of how you were using the word at the time. Let's at least agree that there is more than one possible interpretation for the word - and that perhaps a better choice of words would better serve future exchanges... and to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings that might/might not have contributed to your recent "abbreviated" ban.
Gaillo, I swear I picked up the word from my Brit friends who throw it in every sentence while addressing each other. It doesn`t carry that much malice in many circles.
WTF, me and the oven dodger agree on something? :ROFL:
1st March 2011, 07:36 AM
Gaillo if I could make a recommendation. The word "CUNT" should not be a bannable offense. When I, rightfully so, called Buddha a CUNT, which he is, I was using it in the English vernacular, which is more of the liking of calling someone an asshole, or just a bad or mean person. He's a cunt = Bad guy. Swear to GOD, Yahweh, Mohamed, all of them. ;D
I know quite a few british "chaps" call each other "cunts" as a term of general friendship/affection/comraderie/friendliness... but General - you and I both know the meaning is VERY different over here on this side o' the pond. Especially in light of how you were using the word at the time. Let's at least agree that there is more than one possible interpretation for the word - and that perhaps a better choice of words would better serve future exchanges... and to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings that might/might not have contributed to your recent "abbreviated" ban.
Gaillo, I swear I picked up the word from my Brit friends who throw it in every sentence while addressing each other. It doesn`t carry that much malice in many circles.
WTF, me and the oven dodger agree on something? :ROFL:
Apparently,should I say "the word"?Huh?
1st March 2011, 08:54 AM
I found I got a fair bit of leeway on GIM with the term douchebag.
Even tossed in visuals:
Bans going down all around me, and the golden douchbag award shines out like a beacon of truth in the night.
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