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28th February 2011, 03:51 PM
Excerpts from Eustace Mullins' Book,
"THE WORLD ORDER, A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism"

>>> A great book. Thought you guys might like some of the excerpts. Found the *.pdf at

"In its issue of Dec. 19, 1983, Forbes Magazine noted that “Half of Germany’s top ten banks are Frankfurt based.” The modern world’s financial system, an updating of the Babylonian monetary system of taxes and money creation, was perfected in Frankfurt-on-Main, in the province of Hesse. Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild) discovered that although loans to farmers and small businesses could be profitable, the real profits lay in making loans to governments.
p. 8

As he prospered, Mayer Amschel placed a large red shield over his door of the house in the Judengasse, which he shared with the Schiff family. He took the name “Rothschild” from his sign. In 1812, when he died, he left one billion franks to his five sons. The eldest, Anselm, was placed in charge of the Frankfort bank. He had no children, and the bank was later closed. The second son, Salomon, was sent to Vienna, where he soon took over the banking monopoly formerly shared among five Jewish families, Arnstein, Eskeles, Geymüller, Stein and Sina. The third son, Nathan, founded the London branch, after he had profited in some Manchester dealings in textiles and dyestuffs which caused him to be widely feared and hated. Karl, the fourth son, went to Naples, where he became head of the occult group, the Alta Vendita. The youngest son, James, founded the French branch of the House of Rothschild in Paris. Thus strategically located, the five sons began their lucrative operations in government finance. Today, their holdings are concentrated in the Five Arrows Fund of Curacao, and the Five Arrows Corp. Toronto, Canada. The name is taken from the Rothschild sign of an eagle with five arrows clutched in its talons, signifying the five sons.
p. 9

>>> Now look at a $5 bill. There is an insignia of an eagle next to Lincoln's picture. The Eagle is clutching arrows in its talons. How many arrows does the Eagle clutch. Looks like 5 to me.

>>> The Rothschild Eagle is a primary image used on American currency. Jeez, I wonder how that happened ?

"In combat, the decisive weapon is the one your opponent does not know about."
p. 12

"The dominant role played by the House of Rothschild in the Bank of England is augmented by another peculiar duty of the firm, the daily fixing of the world price of gold. The News Chronicle of Dec. 12, 1938, describes this ritual : “The story of the goldfixing has often been told. How every weekday at 11 a.m. the representatives of five firms of bullion brokers and one firm of refiners meet at the office of Messrs. Rothschild (except on Saturday) and there fix the sterling price of gold. There is, however, a great deal of activity which lies behind his final act – this centralization of the demand for, and the supply of gold in one office and the fixing of the price of gold on that basis. A price of gold is first suggested, probably by the representative of Messrs. Rothschild, who also acts for the Bank of England and the Exchange Equalization Account.” The banking houses privileged to meet with the Rothschilds to set the world price of gold are known as “the Club of Five”. In 1958, they were : N.M. Rothschild, Samuel Montagu, Mocatta and Goldsmid, Sharps Pixley, and Johnson, Matthey.
pp. 14-15

"A notable advantage of J.P. Morgan’s work for the House of Rothschild was the carefully cultivated belief that Morgan, if not openly “anti-Semitic”, avoided participating in operations with Jewish banking firms, and that his firm would not hire anyone of Jewish background. It was the same deception which Nathan Mayer Rothschild had hired Morgan’s predecessor, George Peabody, to perform in London. It was a traditional belief on Wall Street that if you wished to deal with a “gentiles only” firm, you went to J.P. Morgan; if you wanted a Jewish firm, there were a number of houses available, but the most influential, by far, was Kuhn, Loeb Co. In either case, the customer was never made aware that he was dealing with an American representative of the House of Rothschild."
p. 20

"This is one more revelation of the hidden power of the Rothschild interests in America. Not only has it directed the Rockefeller enterprises from the time that National City Bank of Cleveland, a Rothschild bank, financed the early expansion of Rockefeller, South Improvement Co., which enabled him to crush his competitors through illegal railway rebates, but it has also been the power behind the scenes of the Harriman fortunes (now Brown Brothers Harriman). It explains the frequent appointments (never elections) of W. Averill Harriman, the dominant
power in the Democratic Party, while his partner’s son, George Bush, is the Republican vice-president, a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States."

"Halperin also notes another contribution of Milner, “He played an important part in the drafting of the famous Balfour Declaration in December of 1917. It is a fact, that, with Balfour, he was its co-author. As far back, as 1915, Milner had realized the need for a Jewish National Home, and had never ceased to be warmly in favor of its creation. Milner, like Lloyd George, Amery, and many others, saw that the Jewish National Home could also contribute to the security of the Empire in the Near East.”
p. 23

"The Milner Round Table later became the Royal Institute of International Affairs-Council on Foreign Relations combine which exercises unopposed control for the World Order over foreign and monetary policy in both the United States and Great Britain."
p. 24

"Like other enterprises with which the Rothschilds have been connected, the Bank of England has been a center of international intrigue and espionage since its founding in 1694. Although the Rothschilds did not become associated with the Bank until 1812, when Nathan Mayer Rothschild increased his fortune 6500 times by taking advantage of false rumors that somehow swept the London Stock Exchange, purporting that England had lost at Waterloo."
p. 26

>>> That little trick, where Nathan Rothschild received advance notice of the English victory at Waterloo, and then promoted the opposite fact - of an English loss - created a panic in the English financial markets, followed by euphoria when the truth became known. Rothschild bought on the panic and sold on the euphoria. This financial deception and manipulation is key to the Rothschild fortune, which has been used as the primary tool used to further Jewish interests around the world.

>>> It is not the Rothschild's "run everything" or "own everything", it is just that they amassed the world's largest fortune, in the 1800's - 200 years ago. And it has grown ever since.