View Full Version : The AGENDA.... Liberal-Progressive-Socialist-Communist

1st March 2011, 05:26 AM
Agenda: Grinding America Down

This video is important for all to see. It shows how Obama was put in power and what their plans are. Knowing these, we can see what their next steps will be. May the bastards burn in hell very soon.... but let them face the One true God first, and account for their evil.


Those of you who think we look into the bible too much are pawns being used by the evil ones. Time to wake up and see who your master is.

General of Darkness
1st March 2011, 07:22 AM
Tagged for later. ;)

4th March 2011, 06:02 AM
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My father taught me about this stuff beginning in the 1960s. He saw this happening back that long ago. For most things, I took the red pill at an early age. Now I can see much of what was hidden before.

For those who have not seen this, they are at risk of sliding right into grand delusion.... with no hope of ever coming to truth.

2Th 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

You judge yourselves. When you deny truth, you will be given delusion. When you choose the Matrix over the red pill, you will never see the truth of your slavery.

4th March 2011, 06:40 AM
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Just an expression of our anti-socialist race behavior.

You got problems with it?

4th March 2011, 06:55 AM
No replies?

Just an expression of our anti-socialist race behavior.

You got problems with it?

LOL... no sir. When living in a lunatic asylum, I got no problems dealing with loonies. Oftentimes I can be known as the one who put the ass in assylum so I just play along.


I know the video is long and at times tedious.... but it hits the truths of how and why we are where we are today. If you want to take the red pill, here it is.

4th March 2011, 07:19 AM
If you want to take the red pill, here it is.

You really outta rethink your color scheme, I'd expect better results...

The large push for multiculturalism would seem adverse to the commune's goal, unless of course they can "in the end" point out its complete & utter failure. To employ an overall and engulfing secularism.

The only hope of a free man is that some double edged sword they've created can be used against them.

4th March 2011, 07:24 AM
So the powers that be will use the power they have when they feel threatened, and their evil will permeate the land. I can see how a scenario like this would appeal to a biblical followers as a comfort zone to understand it all. The question is - will you kill to preserve your own freedom? Because that's what it will come down to. Understanding why things are the way are is no longer a magic tonic for clarity and redemption. All it means is you have advanced to an even bigger personal challenge in life. And it is religious people who have facilitated things for this evil to the point they are culpable for the results. A distinction must be made between people who believe in the fundamentals of Constitutional law and the fundamentals of religion. They are not the same. Our enslavement will only occur if we, as individuals, allow it.

The collective nation, the society, the populist plank - all of these are corrupted and manipulated. Only your own mind can sort it all out and weigh the options. All of us will encounter the breakpoint of kill or be killed unless we accept our planned slavery and surrender to tyranny - it is pre-ordained, to borrow an ecclesiastic term. In the meantime, we wiggle through the back channels of avoiding the man and continue to learn about the enemy. And they *are* the enemy. Regardless of the Christian arguments that God is the only way to prevail, there are others. One of them is backed by a primer and gunpowder. THAT is what they fear and will respond to. Congregations of Zionist-backing, soft-headed, all bark and no bite white people are the least of their worries, because you still maintain a false belief in right and wrong that is not applicable to the terms of service we endure.

4th March 2011, 07:34 AM
The veneer of RELIGION is what you need to see through. Most of those people in religious groups are spiritually dead. They are just like the non-religious. Most of the church groups are spiritually dead. They are much like any other social group.

When you blame the religious groups for current situations, I think you are not really understanding how things are.

Religion is just another counterfeit to make people think God is a mythical and unreal construct of man's evil mind. Blame the zionists. Blame the catholics. Blame the control freaks who seek to enslave the fleeced masses. But understand that these men and institutions of tradition are NOT THE church. They are mere counterfeits. They are constructs within the matrix.

4th March 2011, 07:38 AM
Congregations of Zionist-backing, soft-headed, all bark and no bite white people are the least of their worries, because you still maintain a false belief in right and wrong that is not applicable to the terms of service we endure.

Is there a third person in your room?

Cause it's all that is separating me from my judgment on your post.

4th March 2011, 08:15 AM
I did watch the some of the video Spectism, but to be honest I didn't love it. I am not fond of blaming this or that group for our problems. Have you ever heard the term Hegelian dialectic? It's a method that the bad guys use in order to circumscribe thinking and promote scapegoating. For example, 'liberal vs. conservative' is an example. The aim to is to have these concepts change slowly over a long time (think mission creep, incremental change, et al) in a way that benefits them...they call this synthesis.
The other thing I didn't like about the vid was all the labelling. My experience is that labelling is a common disinformation tactic, think Glenn Beck.


4th March 2011, 09:28 AM
I did watch the some of the video Spectism, but to be honest I didn't love it. I am not fond of blaming this or that group for our problems. Have you ever heard the term Hegelian dialectic? It's a method that the bad guys use in order to circumscribe thinking and promote scapegoating. For example, 'liberal vs. conservative' is an example. The aim to is to have these concepts change slowly over a long time (think mission creep, incremental change, et al) in a way that benefits them...they call this synthesis.
The other thing I didn't like about the vid was all the labelling. My experience is that labelling is a common disinformation tactic, think Glenn Beck.


What "labelling" caught your attention?

4th March 2011, 09:49 AM
What "labelling" caught your attention?

Well look at the title of this thread, for instance. The video labels people supposedly responsible for our problems- progressives, liberals, socialists, communists, etc. Some of the problems with labels:

1. The label fails to account for characteristics outside of the scope of the label. For example, progressives are not normally associated with people that want to engage in nation building, the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex, etc.
2. (see number 1) Labels insinuate that the opposite of the label is 'good' if the label is bad. Perhaps you could relate to 'conservatives' as a label that you identify with? (just a guess, please forgive me if this is wrong) Problem is, a lot of the so called conservatives are in favor of bad things, too...although they are different bad things.
3. Labels unfairly characterize certain of the people as being a much larger part of the problem than they actually are. For example, in the video a gentleman had attended some sort of a convention when he was in college where a pretty vicious scheme to undermine the family was presented. Do the people that attended the convention represent everyone else that is a progressive or communist? I don't believe that.

Labels also allow for easy cherry picking. The republicans believe this! Democrats do this! Ignoring good things that these labels represent and attacking the bad things. Labelling allows for the bad guys to either narrow or generalize depending on the agenda. It is a divide and conquer strategy.


4th March 2011, 10:01 AM
I think you are bringing preconceptions into this that don't fit.

My intent with the subject line was to show the MISUSE of labels.... where groups desguised themselves as liberals, then progressives..... when they were pushing for a socialist control enabling the traditional communist takeover of the government.

But these "label" are used by the groups themselves! These are not unjustly foisted upon innocents.

As for missing any groups- a one hour video cannot cover the history of the world. It is the pattern and their motis operandi that is being exposed. The method of destruction is clearly explained and it shows the inner decomposition of society by destroying morals, spiritual values and the family.

The assembly of Obama's foundation alone is worth the watch.

4th March 2011, 10:06 AM
I think you are bringing preconceptions into this that don't fit.

My intent with the subject line was to show the MISUSE of labels.... where groups desguised themselves as liberals, then progressives..... when they were pushing for a socialist control enabling the traditional communist takeover of the government.

But these "label" are used by the groups themselves! These are not unjustly foisted upon innocents.

As for missing any groups- a one hour video cannot cover the history of the world. It is the pattern and their motis operandi that is being exposed. The method of destruction is clearly explained and it shows the inner decomposition of society by destroying morals, spiritual values and the family.

The assembly of Obama's foundation alone is worth the watch.

Well it has been awhile since I watched the video and I didn't watch the whole thing. I will attempt to rewatch it and keep an open mind...this time I will watch the whole thing.


4th March 2011, 12:28 PM
Well it has been awhile since I watched the video and I didn't watch the whole thing. I will attempt to rewatch it and keep an open mind...this time I will watch the whole thing.


So long as it doesn't interfere with you using your credit card for purchases from Communist China, all is well.

Ronald Reagan is happy, for now.

5th March 2011, 12:59 PM
Well, I finally watched it, and thought it was excellent. Yes, it still slightly promotes the left-right political paradigm, and places faith with the Republican party, though it does admit they've moved to the left, but that’s the only fault I find with it. It was well done and well researched. It has Christian undertones, but isn’t preaching “because God said so…”. I think some of you guys, though well meaning, can find a reason to reject about anything. No presentation can perfectly capture the problem and deliver it in the best way for everyone, but the basic premise of this movie is the one truth we have to remember: That our form of government (constitutional limited republic) is not suitable for an immoral people. We spend our time trying to defend against the multitude of ways the Zionist bankers are targeting America, but the destruction of morality through the media and educational system has been their most successful agenda. Face it, without a moral revolution in America, we’re done.

5th March 2011, 03:16 PM
Exactly my take VX1.