View Full Version : a question i have about the masons
1st March 2011, 03:54 PM
one thing i can't figure out is why all of the lodges around me are closing.
i know at least 4 of them in towns near me have closed (i keep a watch on them).
i can't figure this out. if they run everything, you'd think they'd have the funds to keep the lodge open, recruit new members, etc.
in all seriousness, why are mason lodges closing if they are so flush with cash + influence?
1st March 2011, 03:57 PM
Masons are recruiting now which is against the main tenet of masonry which is that one must seek membership himself.
1st March 2011, 03:58 PM
Masons are recruiting now which is against the main tenet of masonry which is that one must seek membership himself.
yeah, i saw that too. i just can't reconcile how such a rich and powerful organization seems to be dying out.
1st March 2011, 04:00 PM
Have you not heard about the wall street ponzi wealth destruction and deindustrialization of the US that has been happening for the last 20 year?
I expect Masonites in government towns and science and trade associations are doing better. Regardless, at this stage of the game, the destruction of the Western middle class is not longer a covert operation. All sorts of middle class goyim power has dried up and blown away. The Mason across the street from my mother's place used to build condos.
1st March 2011, 04:01 PM
Masons are recruiting now which is against the main tenet of masonry which is that one must seek membership himself.
yeah, i saw that too. i just can't reconcile how such a rich and powerful organization seems to be dying out.
I know lots of lower level masons, none appear to be evil people.
1st March 2011, 04:13 PM
Masons are recruiting now which is against the main tenet of masonry which is that one must seek membership himself.
yeah, i saw that too. i just can't reconcile how such a rich and powerful organization seems to be dying out.
That is odd! Maybe the top of the masons, that are rich and powerful, have stopped funneling money and influence to the lower hierarchy/lodges, because they don't need new recruits to the higher circles. The lower echelons of masonry just try to stay alive. Maybe they don't need the lodges any longer when the new world order comes? In fact the secrecy could even become a threat to their own power...
Besides women don't allow their husbands to go off partying without them a couple of times a month, any longer, so that could make recruitment more difficult...
1st March 2011, 04:14 PM
Masons are recruiting now which is against the main tenet of masonry which is that one must seek membership himself.
yeah, i saw that too. i just can't reconcile how such a rich and powerful organization seems to be dying out.
That is odd! Maybe the top of the masons, that are rich and powerful, have stopped funneling money and influence to the lower hierarchy/lodges, because they don't need new recruits to the higher circles. The lower echelons of masonry just try to stay alive. Maybe they don't need the lodges any longer when the new world order comes? In fact the secrecy could even become a threat to their own power...
Besides women don't allow their husbands to go off partying without them a couple of times a month, any longer, so that could make recruitment more difficult...
yeah, could be. maybe they don't need the rank and file anymore.
1st March 2011, 04:38 PM
Masons are recruiting now which is against the main tenet of masonry which is that one must seek membership himself.
yeah, i saw that too. i just can't reconcile how such a rich and powerful organization seems to be dying out.
That is odd! Maybe the top of the masons, that are rich and powerful, have stopped funneling money and influence to the lower hierarchy/lodges, because they don't need new recruits to the higher circles. The lower echelons of masonry just try to stay alive. Maybe they don't need the lodges any longer when the new world order comes? In fact the secrecy could even become a threat to their own power...
Besides women don't allow their husbands to go off partying without them a couple of times a month, any longer, so that could make recruitment more difficult...
yeah, could be. maybe they don't need the rank and file anymore.
I have had suspicions that lodges were only for "rank and file" masons, as you say, and that only specific persons were invited to join TPTB...
Lodges, 33rd degree, OES, etc... are for the common workers...
1st March 2011, 04:42 PM
Is it still worth to join for the business contacts? I ain`t gonna eat no babies though.
1st March 2011, 05:40 PM
Nobody wants to join this out dated,introverted old mans secret society and no its not worth joining for the business contacts.
Screw them and all their crummy contacts.
They are having trouble recruiting, young people now days are ,how shall we say......different.
1st March 2011, 05:44 PM
Nobody wants to join this out dated,introverted old mans secret society and no its not worth joining for the business contacts.
Screw them and all their crummy contacts.
They are having trouble recruiting, young people now days are ,how shall we say......different.
I know a guy who in his late 30s had joined. He told me he read so much Icke that he decided to learn this thing from the inside, said it was the most boring affair. The guy is very smart and cool,very much up to date about 911 etc. He thinks joining was worth it, wouldn`t elaborate though,hehe...
1st March 2011, 06:20 PM
The masons are nothing more than the jews way of keeping the White man in line with their overall goals, in this way they are similar to unions.
By using any kind of club or society they at the top can wield considerable influence over a wider audience.
At the very top of course is their god lucifer himself, on down they get less important and less in the know.
So I know you are saying a lot of your first post tongue in cheek OP but with the world firmly under the grip of the international jew for at least 50 years closer to 100, access to literally unlimited amounts of money, complacent puppets running 99.9% of governments around the world, do you really think it matters if 20 blue collar guys show up to a pissant lodge at this point?
Caring about these lodges is like a football game where their team is up 80 to 7, one minute left in the game and the team with 80 does an onside kick, it makes no sense and at this point it is beyond trivial.
1st March 2011, 06:41 PM
Interesting that I have noticed one of the premier lodges in our city closing down as well. They may just be moving.
This article about "The Brotherhood" was in today's Age newspaper. This is the newspaper for Melbourne/Victoria in Australia. They don't mention the name of this "Brotherhood" but I think we can read between the lines.
Ombudsman reveals secret Brotherhood
A secret group of men called The Brotherhood, including former and current senior police, is operating in Melbourne, the Victorian ombudsman says.
In a report tabled to parliament today, ombudsman George Brouwer says there are up to 350 men on the circulation list, including many current and former police officers, two state MPs, members of the public service and private organisations.
Mr Brouwer says The Brotherhood, which was formed in 2003 by a police inspector, was established to serve the interests of the founder, who controls membership of the group.
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‘‘The culture of the organisation ... encourages exclusivity and secrecy, with the potential for illegal and improper exchanges of information or favours,’’ Mr Brouwer said in his report.
The founder invites a range of people to speak at lunches and entertain and purportedly provide an insight into their respective fields of expertise.Men on the circulation list have been the subject of criminal and corruption investigations, including a former Victoria Police officer with alleged links to an organised crime figure, a former Australian Wheat Board executive accused of involvement in the Iraq kickbacks scandal (, and the manager of a table-top dancing club regulated by the police.
Victoria Police chief commissioner Simon Overland told Mr Brouwer he shared his deep concerns over The Brotherhood’s activities and the direct involvement of serving and retired police.
‘‘Such gatherings, even when totally benign, have the potential to undermine confidence in public institutions, especially policing,’’ Mr Overland is quoted as saying.
Full article....... (
1st March 2011, 06:54 PM
Ours is an invisible force, for which Gentile Freemasonry unknowingly serves as a screen. . . The aims of our organization of secret masonry are not even suspected by these goy cattle attracted to it". "We shall multiply Masonic Lodges as a means of gathering under our eye all those goyim who (promise to become prominent in public activity), particularly all agents of international police, for these are useful both to enforce and to screen our activity. We puff up their foolish egotism, their need for any little success, in order to keep them in line, for these tigers in appearance have the souls of sheep . . . They are incapable of the analysis and observation required for foresight, hence the inevitable subjection to ours of the brute mind of the goyim".
"Who will ever suspect that all these people have been stage managed by us according to a political plan which no one has guessed at these many centuries?"
1st March 2011, 07:03 PM
There is no use for them anymore probably. I've read somewhere that the same thing happened during the Bolshevik revolution.
1st March 2011, 07:10 PM
Or maybe the death threats are getting to them and they are running...............writing is on the wall also............probably not but the thought is nice...
2nd March 2011, 06:21 AM
Well they have been advertising for new members around here. Not me.
2nd March 2011, 06:33 AM
The Masons are a front for homosexuality much like Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones and the bath houses Barry Sotoro, Rahm Israel and their ilk frequented.
I think the Masons have just become a casualty to an aging population and can no longer attract young homosexuals into their organization. The young gay prostitutes are no longer willing to service these sick, perverted, old geezers for money and have moved on to greener pastures, hence the drop in membership.
That's what I think...prove me wrong.
Prove it to be true.
That is laughable. The sole meaning of existance of all these secret societies is because their all closet queers? Have you looked around lately? No need to form secret societies, just go to any college or university and join the gay activist committee.
No. Deviant homosexuality is a by product of the Anti-Christ spirit, but certainly not the sole reason for the formation of these NWO secret societies.
I can prove the masonic cult is an anti-christian tool for satanic zionism, but I am not going to try to condense 7 years of reaserch into a post on the interwebz to do it. I'm really surprised you don;t know that already by now, to be honest.
2nd March 2011, 07:17 AM
This is probably going to be the first and last time I ever agree with Keehah, but I think he is onto something here. People just don't have the disposable income anymore, and thus the higher level Masons have lost interest in recruiting those that they have no use for. I also have a theory that due to all the info out there on the true nature of their organization, low level members are more likely to ask questions and less likely to commit blind allegiance to their organization.
2nd March 2011, 10:02 AM
I take the all-male stance to be about maintaining order. Introduce females amongst the men and order is disintegrated through competition and also through muddying the applicability of whatever rules or statutes are imposed.
Also, the love for a friend can exceed the love for a woman in certain context. I don't think it means man-butt is better than girl-fanny.
I have no interest in being a mason but I am interested in what masons are about and based on my observations and the masons with whom I have spoken homosexuality is not on their agenda.
You are, of course, free to make your own interpretations and I appreciate you sharing them for consideration against my own perceptions.
2nd March 2011, 10:11 AM
Ignore the terrible English translation and plunge into the ultimate truth about TPTB:
Russians knew this info way before Americans did.
PS. EE_ , fuckin spot on, bro!
Only Homosexual Degenerates Win Power--Gregory Klimov
November 26, 2009
by Richard Evans
In 1981, Soviet defector Gregory Klimov (left) authored a book for the CIA to secretly distribute to members of the senior staff of the KGB.
His title was a play on the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Klimov's Protocols of the Soviet Wise Men. He wrote it as first person narratative of a series of lectures to top KGB insiders. The lectures are a course on the secret history of Civilization.
In Protocol 3, The Keys to Power, the lecturer reveals that a secret society controls the world.
The lecturer said, "It's names are legion, but so you can understand I will call it the Homintern
(International Brotherhood Of Degenerates)."
What does it take to acquire and hold power over the lives of millions of people?
"Only person with abnormal power drive will win in the race for positions of power. It is an axiom of degeneralogy that degenerates will make it to the top in the majority of cases. Once this is understood, we can continue with the analogy of an Olympics competitor. Can a person with normal leg muscles participate and win a race? Yes, he can. On the local school level. He can also participate and win at town level. He can participate and may win at regional level. He can participate but has no chance to win at national level. He could not even participate at world level competition.
"Did you get the picture? Only person with abnormally developed legs muscles can participate and has chance to win at national or world level competitions. It is the same in the levels of power in the world. "
"Now we will talk Hi-Tech. Leaders of the world usually have complex of power which helps them to became world leaders. This complex is usually associated with suppressed sadism, which in turn is a result of latent homosexuality. We all have seen pictures of insane or semi-insane person, not huge at all, but 5-6 well built medical workers have a difficult time subduing him. This is perfect example of incredible energy that a semi-insane sadistical power-hungry person can produce to achieve his goals.
"Normal healthy people don't have this drive. How does it happen? We will be talking here about clans. It happened where two families married members to preserve land and wealth close to the clan and if this continues we have inbreeding of genes. Degeneration has three stages: 1. Sexual deviations. 2. Mental illnesses. 3. Inborn physical deformity.
"Once stage 1. infects a clan, degeneration of offspring accelerates. Clan degenerates now consider sado-masochistic traits superior 'gifts' and seek perpetuation through tightening of mating close inside degenerate bloodlines.
"If a family tree is healthy, has many new branches with many new and healthy leaves (children) - this is certainly a normal and healthy clan. On the other hand, if family tree is drying up (childless couples) [or] has many dying branches (suicides, mental illnesses) - you are looking at clan entering golden stage of decay.
"Degenerates hate normal people. It is pleasure for them to watch how one semi-insane sadistic leader, chosen by them, goes to war with another semi-insane sadistic leader of another country, also chosen by them. Millions of normal people are dying for the joy and sadistic pleasure of degenerates...
"Masons, Illuminates etc. - are clubs, where degenerates observe behavior of possible candidates and upon verifying real homo-sadistic inclinations of the person - promote him into the real world of power. Older clans that have reached stage 2. and 3. (losing their ability to produce surviving offspring) will seek secret insemination with new clan of physically 'healthy' psychopaths.
Within the degenerative community there are different types of degenerates--the good, bad or ugly.
"No questions about it. There are only one thing left to determine -- is it an obedient clan or rebellious clan. Just look what this clan supports in the real life. Does it spread poison of decadence in art, science, literature or does it support normal causes, normal art, normal science, normal literature? Good degenerates honor the will of God or nature, become celibate, and do not reproduce and enjoy a golden age of decline.
It is the ugly degenerate clans which cause the trouble in the world. One historical example whose secrets were made public because they were so hated even among the cult was the House of the Borgias notorious Valencian-Italian family of the Renaissance. The patriarch Rodrigo promoted Simony to become Pope or Rome in 1492 . He committed incest with his daughter Lucrezia who was herself a poisoner. The sons Cesare and Giovanni were also murderers, and rapists. This family terrorized even the most degenerate families of Italy till Rodrigo was poisoned in 1503, probably by Cesare, so he could have his sister to himself. There had been bad blood between father and son over incest jealousies. But without the power of the Pope father, Casare's fortunes reversed and he had to flee to Spain,Lucrezia remained under the protection of a powerful degenerate Italian consort.
(left, a sculpture of Karl Marx, viewed from rear)
But the grandson of Rodrigo through Giovanni became a legitimate priest later. He performed exorcism of demons on high degenerates, used his wealth to build a university, and was venerated as Saint Francis Borgia after his death. This is example of good degenerate in the power structure of the world.
"Now - what is BAD? Bad do follow God and did not follow leaders of degenerate cult, but try to fool God by marrying normal person and destroying her dreams of normal happy life and healthy children.
"They have a weaker power complex and exercise terror at home, but they serve self interests only and cooperate with UGLY. The Good degenerates recognize the Ugly and the Bad and help normal people protect themselves and fight them in society."
Lucifer is the archetypal revolutionary. Klimov concluded that all social revolutionaries are degenerates. Normal people are content with procreative sex, raising normal families, and do not instigate violence or crave superhuman power. They are content with traditions which sustain equilibrium of culture.
2nd March 2011, 10:21 AM
I take the all-male stance to be about maintaining order. Introduce females amongst the men and order is disintegrated through competition and also through muddying the applicability of whatever rules or statutes are imposed.
Also, the love for a friend can exceed the love for a woman in certain context. I don't think it means man-butt is better than girl-fanny.
I have no interest in being a mason but I am interested in what masons are about and based on my observations and the masons with whom I have spoken homosexuality is not on their agenda.
You are, of course, free to make your own interpretations and I appreciate you sharing them for consideration against my own perceptions.
I just bought and read "Morals & Dogma"; it is an excellent book for Pike's interpretation of freemasonry and the mystery religions whence it came.
I started a thread about "Morals & Dogma" here:
2nd March 2011, 10:23 AM
Masons are in "decline" because masons are being upgraded into better, bigger, meaner masons.
The new platform (Tea Party) is much better suited for the future ( IMHO )
2nd March 2011, 10:52 AM
By the way, it was me who alerted Makow about Gregory Klimov books. Makow`s friend is trying to translate Klimov into good English.
2nd March 2011, 11:06 AM
Doesn't seem to be very likely that new initiates are involved in homosexual orgies. I doubt that very much, if that was the norm within freemasonry. Certainly it can be in the higher levels, but it is ridiculous to assume that the first time someone is introduced into masonry he is subjected to a homosexual orgy.
2nd March 2011, 11:09 AM
Doesn't seem to be very likely that new initiates are involved in homosexual orgies. I doubt that very much, if that was the norm within freemasonry. Certainly it can be in the higher levels, but it is ridiculous to assume that the first time someone is introduced into masonry he is subjected to a homosexual orgy.
100% correct. The 1st three degrees is where one is checked for homo-sadistic tendencies,aka power complex. There are plenty of 100% hetero plumbers and firefighters in masonry but they will not go any higher than 3d degree.
2nd March 2011, 11:29 AM
My guess is it's the same problem faced by many clubs - aging membership and no young blood.
Around here the same is true of the Rod & Gun club, amateur radio club, curling club, coin society, lions, knights of columbus, flying club, etc. Even the rock climbers are a bunch of gray-haired guys.
Doesn't seem to be very likely that new initiates are involved in homosexual orgies. I doubt that very much, if that was the norm within freemasonry. Certainly it can be in the higher levels, but it is ridiculous to assume that the first time someone is introduced into masonry he is subjected to a homosexual orgy.
I had a relative who was convinced the masons were a bunch of homos. He also warned me not to ride or run through a particular park, because men would stop their cars there to have gay orgies in the forest and they would rape me. He wouldn't go near that park for that reason. Homos had apparently attempted to rape him several times back when he was at school, all through high school and university. If you ever met him out in public, he'd think some guy on the street or in the bar was a homosexual prostitute and was checking him out. He had ways of telling - the guy was holding a newspaper a certain way, or had beer that was red, or had turned his napkin to a 45 degree angle. Anything and everything meant that some guy was a homosexual prostitute, trying to signal to him. He'd tell us all about how gay whatever he just watched on TV was, then you'd ask him why he watched it and he said he had to so he could fight against it. After another decade of drinking hard, smoking, and aging he got to the point where he'd forget where he was unless he was at home on the couch and he'd accuse random people of being homosexual. He killed himself shortly after totally alienating his kids (not sure exactly how, probably called them all fags and lesbians or something.)
2nd March 2011, 11:30 AM
I put a lot of typing into this post, so I hope you take the time to read it.
Homosexual degeneracy is a part of the new-age satanic secret societies, just as is beastiality and pedophilia, but those sexual "pleasures" are not the prime directive of the luciferian cults.
The clips that the author of the article you posted above are indeed in morals and dogma, but they are taken out of context. The lower levels are directly lied to in regards to what the mid and upper levels know as the "truth", who are in turn being lied to by the top.
As a mason progresses he learns this deciet is an integral part of concealing masonry's true goal of the destruction of Christianity and social order. There is nothing more "against" christianity than homosexuality/beastiality/pedophilia going in hand with treachery to the vows of marriage and Christian chasity/restraint.
Enough of my opinions though. Let's take a look at an excerpt from the book by John Robison, who exposed the infiltration of the FMC by the illuminati back in the 1798's, entitled "Proofs of a Conspiracy:
(The following is hand transcribed by me. Any typos, underlining or bolding is mine. Any brackets or italics are in the original text, not from me.)
Philo is Freyherr Knigge
Minos and Sebastian are undentified, but the author has a comprehensive list of members in the book. He just can't assign the code names to everyone, based on a lack of direct evidence.
The proposal of Hercules to establish a Minerval school for girls is excellent, but requires much circumspection. Philo and I have long conversed on this subject. We cannot improve the world without improving women, who have such a mighty influence on the men. But how shall we get hold of them? How will their relations, particularily their mothers, immersed in prejudices, consent that others shall influence their education?
We must begin with gown girls. Hercules proposes the wife of Ptolemy Magus. I have no objection; and I have four step daughters, fine girls. The oldest in particular is excellent. She is twenty four, has read much, is above all prejudices, and in religion thinks as I do. They have much acquaintance among the young ladies their relations. (Authors note: We don't know the rank of Minos, but as he does not use the word Damen, but Frauenzimmer, it is probable that it is not high)
It may immediately be a very pretty society, under management of Ptolemy's wife, but really under his management. You must contrive pretty degrees, and dresses, and ornaments, and elegant and decent rituals. No man must be admitted. This will make them become more keen, and they will go much farther than if we were present, or than if they thought that we knew of their proceedings.
Leave them to the scope of their own fancies, and they will soon invent mysteries which will put us to the blush, and create and enthusiasm which we can never equal. They will be our greatest apostles. Reflect on the respect, nay the awe and terror inspired by the female mystics of antiquity. (Think of Danaids- Think of the Theban Bacchantes.) Ptolemy's wife must direct them, and she will be instructed by Ptolemy, and my step-daughters will consult with me. We must always be at hand to prevent the introduction of any improper question. We must prepare themes for their discussion- theus we shall confess them, and inspire them with our sentiments. No man however must come hear them. This will fire their roving fancies, and we may expect rare mysteries.
But I am doubtful whether this Association will be durable. Women are fickle and impatient. Nothing will please them but hurrying from degree to degree, though a heap of insignificant ceremonies, which will soon lose their novelty and influence. To rest seriously in one rank, and to be still and silent when they have found out that the whole deal is a cheat (hear the words of an experienced mason) is a task of which they are incapable. They have not our motives to persevere for years, allowing themselves to be led about, and even holding their tongues when they find out they have been decieved.
Nay there is a risk that they may take it into their heads to give things an opposite turn, and then, by voluptuous allurements, heightened by affected modesty and decency, which give them an irresistible empire over the best men, they may turn our Order upside down, and in their turn will lead the new one.
(The full title is "Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies, collected from good authorities" and it is available at Omni Christian book club, online.)
So you can see here that the Eastern Star is a mockery and a stage show for the wives and daughters of members of the FMC, created with the intention of making the supporting family members feel elite, included and important, but it is all a lie.
The principal reason for no women being allowed into the FMC is because the illuminati see it as a potential threat to the order, knowing how entire kingdoms can be overturned due to the weakness of a single king for a taste of a seductive temptress.
Because all men are weak for women, that is one chink they will not allow in the armour of the luciferian plot.
The rest of it, the queer orgies, sacrifices, child abuse, etc, come straight from lucifer.
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