View Full Version : Good Source Of Info On Hitler, WWII, and NS

1st March 2011, 07:08 PM

Just passing along a link, don't even think there really needs to be much of a discussion if any especially since the topic is such that invariably it turns into a do do storm. I'm not in the mood for that, too tired tonight. But for those that want to get the other side of the story, I haven't found anything better than the above link.

General of Darkness
1st March 2011, 07:17 PM
Cool, thanks Nordic. It's always nice to view different points of view.

1st March 2011, 07:22 PM
I hate to piss on a Nazi parade but I bet the source omits this info:

NS is still the only way to go for human civilisation, Stalinism and NS are almost in sync.88!

1st March 2011, 07:26 PM
This song is almost as popular in Russia as it is in Germany.

1st March 2011, 07:49 PM

Just passing along a link, don't even think there really needs to be much of a discussion if any especially since the topic is such that invariably it turns into a do do storm. I'm not in the mood for that, too tired tonight. But for those that want to get the other side of the story, I haven't found anything better than the above link.

Let me help you, create a storm or stop one, lol, I ain't a fan of Hitler
and what he did, already posted on this in detail and won't again, but
that site is great and thanks for posting, if anyone is an honest reader
of history they have to appreciate that site and information presented.
I have been reading that site for a while, for links to and works, it's great.
There are different versions of Mein Kampf and one of them is available
on that site, PDF is great cause you can do key word searches, there is
also very good information countering many lies and disinformation from
the " allies ", many of us have posted about some of them, like key works
and what was done to Europe, Germans and how it was covered up,
total mass murder of millions of Germans, military men and population,
I am Greek and Greece was destroyed by Germany and Hitler and despite
that I am strong supporter and poster on these lies, all crimes
need to be exposed and top true criminals need to be exposed, truth
is good for everyone. Some of these facts presented on that site would
make MSM Jews choke to death if exposed to masses.

Giving some credit to German Military, they didn't go around raping Greeks.
And those that did like the Bulgarians and Albanians, they stopped them.
Germany destroyed Greece from the top down, economically, destroying
trade and the means of production through massive inflation, and in the
end stealing what was left, gold, wheat and other food stuffs, starving cities.
The countryside survived. Hundreds of thousands starved.

Who destroys countries like that ?

This is a lesson for everyone and what is being done today.

Germany had ZOG too and Hitler's regime was totally penetrated and controlled.
Even our friend PDT on here conceded this and even put me on to leads.

1st March 2011, 07:56 PM
that site is great and thanks for posting, if anyone is an honest reader
of history they have to appreciate that site and information presented.
I have been reading that site for a while, for links to and works, it's great.

Thanks MAGNES I'm glad you enjoy the site. It truly is a wealth of information, honestly hundreds of hours of reading and researching there. I have been listing to their "Hitlers Declaration Of War" series and I thought I would post a link to the site here since I'm sure many would benefit from it.

Even if it doesn't change anyones mind on Hitler, NS or the Third Reich there is a lot of historical data there and non mainstream interpretation of events which I find fascinating.

1st March 2011, 08:08 PM
thanks for the link MB, lots of interesting info

those time life pics never get old :)

1st March 2011, 08:23 PM
They murdered Patton and other key people like Forrestal.

The Morgenthau Plan was not implemented totally but partially.

A plan that was used in ancient times to destroy the key power and enemy of the Jews.

Accuse your enemies of crimes you are guilty of is a key doctrine of communists.





The Morgenthau Plan would have led to the death by starvation and pestilence of ten million Germans in the first two years after the war, in addition to the one million who had been killed in the saturation bombing and the three million killed in the enforced expulsion from Germany's eastern territories.

They own NY, DA, and influence on Law and Order show as well.

Happy 85th Birthday, Bob Morgenthau
"when his father, Henry Morgenthau Jr., was advising FDR"
"Before long Morgenthau starts telling war stories—reminiscing about his father and FDR, about fending off the influence of party bosses as U.S. Attorney, about being forced to resign by Richard Nixon after a decade in that job only to rebound as Manhattan’s D.A. four years later."

2nd March 2011, 10:53 AM
Who was Ike ? Baruch brought him out of nowhere just he did Churchill,
why was Morganthau so powerful ?

They did mass murder the Germans despite the opposition to written plans.

Above I give leads to all of this, Ike is " the terrible Jew ", from his own year book.

He mass murdered German soldiers in open air death camps.


I was just reading this on currencies and Germany.

I am a fan of Antony Sutton and his work,
I strongly believe it is real, but it does not
discount information here.

Hitler’s freedom from International Debt Slavery (Repost)
By Unknown with some comments by Ron & others

3rd March 2011, 07:16 PM


20th March 2011, 05:37 PM
Bump for the info and to help remove some damage by me and John closing threads.

20th March 2011, 08:13 PM

Just passing along a link, don't even think there really needs to be much of a discussion if any especially since the topic is such that invariably it turns into a do do storm. I'm not in the mood for that, too tired tonight. But for those that want to get the other side of the story, I haven't found anything better than the above link.

Yeah, good link. Thanks!