View Full Version : Silver on Sale at $35, Next Move $37 Before 3 Digits

1st March 2011, 10:02 PM
Silver is set to easily clear through $35 per ounce spot price by week end at the latest. Most investors have been inclined to sit on their hands while events unfold in volatile middle eastern areas, allowing a few investors the good fortunate to get more orders in prior to the next direct move to $37.

Technicians continue to point out the lack of any life in sell volume for silver as other numbers simply add to further strong buying worldwide on the fundamental ledger. A slowdown in momentum is unlikely in the silver market once a realization sets in. Select smart investors have begun to finally embrace up to the fact that paper money was never such a good parking spot in history and to make money work it's usually better to take into account what exactly wealth is and understand what exactly money is - something which is quite lost on everyday market pundits and mainstream economists.

There' s clearly a flight to metal as money. Palladium and Platinum have recently come off short term cycle moves but 888 and 1888 are still to be considered likely candidates for silver's upcoming push through $36.66. These metals are not showing much impact from any global economic slowdown due from high energy fears. This time around both metals have been showing both monetary significance and technological adaptations beyond the reach of the more traditional sectors.

Gold continues to shine although recent moves have yet to match the others. But gold's lack of volatility to the downside has been noteworthy. Any chance to load the boat with gold won't be lost out on investors future wealth. The wall of worry for precious metals is clearly just starting into all the very early phases and anyone fortunate enough to be able to load up on gold now will be seen as a genius prior to the end of the decade.

Silver should still experience the biggest moves on a percent basis. Silver is soon to be triple the price since the last financial market's epiphany. That price having been about triple since the start of the bull market. The next triple takes a one ounce silver coin to above $100 and is likely to arrive much sooner than most expect.

1st March 2011, 11:03 PM

I hope you've all "backed the truck up" by now - I have a STRONG sense that the buying opportunities for cheap silver have just about ended. Sure, there will continue to be some "dips" on the way up, but I'm FIRMLY of the opinion at this point that not only will we never see sub-$20 silver again, it's quite likely that sub-$30 silver is also a thing of the past.

For those who are positioned, enjoy the ride! And for those who aren't... hope you at LEAST had the good sense to buy some guns and food for what's coming up!

mick silver
2nd March 2011, 05:53 AM
34.92 dam what a ride

28th March 2011, 07:14 PM
34.92 dam what a ride

As I said, very good deal mick, hope you locked in the price. Not that it is completely out of the question, silver can still be pushed around in the short term. But the short term itself is changing and I don't think you want to be cute with real money, always count your ounces, more ounces equals more wealth. In terms of what USD price silver is going for, well , that is always secondary.

But since they're still accepting those worthless pretty little pieces of paper backed by more worthless pieces of paper, backed by the full faith and credit of some central authority to eventually either print more worthless paper or collect more taxes - I guess we better examine the next stop on the track. Forty coming up and my best guess says we get there prior to 4/14. But I was a little too early on this thread, so it could drag on a bit as silver prepares the charge over this next level. Still, again, I would not get cute with real money (silver and gold), better a few weeks early than a day late.

29th March 2011, 04:59 AM
$34 is the new $17.

it may be that when the second down leg of the stock market crash hits, the mere holding of value by PM's means you can buy more with them - if you have any PM's to buy - besides the gold crowns on your teeth :o

in other words, the Gold-Dow and Silver-Dow ratio's are going UP.

but what happens to the PM markets if the US gov. declares martial law, and/or the states declare a state of emergency ?

31st March 2011, 09:14 PM
$34 is the new $17.


but what happens to the PM markets if the US gov. declares martial law, and/or the states declare a state of emergency ?

Looks to me the world is well into the "state of emergency" stage already.

31st March 2011, 09:50 PM

31st March 2011, 09:54 PM
It's been held down with so much effort for so long... yes it could bounce into three digits very quickly or TPTB can continue to find new and inventive schemes to keep it down (unsuccessfully in the long run, as is being proven)... the correction is upward...

mick silver
31st March 2011, 10:39 PM
i just wish i have a few hunder ozs more

Twisted Titan
31st March 2011, 10:50 PM
Mick I know the feeling........

I so know the feeling .........

but im glad for what I have.


31st March 2011, 11:16 PM
JPM’s current short silver position is estimated to be approximately 150 million ounces down from the recent 180 million ounces in August. The losses from these positions are easy to figure out. For every $10 rise in the price of silver, JPM will lose $1.5 billion. But what I have recently discovered is that through its derivative positions, JPM will lose about 5 times that amount once the price of silver is above $36. And once silver is above $45 dollars, JPM’s losses will increase to 8 times the amount of losses in their short positions. The reason is that as the price of silver increases, certain provisions get activated which multiplies the losses.

So there you have 36$ and $45 are make or break for JPM


4th April 2011, 08:31 PM
....three digits very quickly or TPTB can continue to find new and inventive schemes to...

Silver will not adhere to any more "schemes" - the rabbit was pulled out of the hat so many times that it's escaped. The rabbit is nowhere to be found and the magic show has been reduced to card and paper money tricks. This is not something the audience is going to be happy about. The general public is about to learn a hard lesson as to the difference between hard currency and boring magic tricks.

Silver, in contrast, does not require any trick whatsoever to move back to fair valuation, somewhere likely well past the historic 15-1 ratio. Silver investors have figured out that there are no more rabbits to be pulled out of central bankster hats and that the bankers themselves might be soon running as fast as the rabbit did once the crowd realizes they're no longer getting what they paid for. Full faith and credit of who again?

What are the workers of the world going to do when the paper begins to dissolve, the final magic trick is going to be very painful. A price will be extracted for the long standing thefts and global frauds of money that is the monetary system of today. These centralized fiat money changers may be able to keep the suffering of the masses up and thus select levels of inflation at bay. But for how long? Silver is clearly not convinced it will be very long at all.

4th April 2011, 08:50 PM
....three digits very quickly or TPTB can continue to find new and inventive schemes to...

Silver will not adhere to any more "schemes" - the rabbit was pulled out of the hat so many times that it's escaped. The rabbit is nowhere to be found and the magic show has been reduced to card and paper money tricks. This is not something the audience is going to be happy about. The general public is about to learn a hard lesson as to the difference between hard currency and boring magic tricks.

Silver, in contrast, does not require any trick whatsoever to move back to fair valuation, somewhere likely well past the historic 15-1 ratio. Silver investors have figured out that there are no more rabbits to be pulled out of central bankster hats and that the bankers themselves might be soon running as fast as the rabbit did once the crowd realizes they're no longer getting what they paid for. Full faith and credit of who again?

What are the workers of the world going to do when the paper begins to dissolve, the final magic trick is going to be very painful. A price will be extracted for the long standing thefts and global frauds of money that is the monetary system of today. These centralized fiat money changers may be able to keep the suffering of the masses up and thus select levels of inflation at bay. But for how long? Silver is clearly not convinced it will be very long at all.

sooo... no more releasing of the Tripods???
http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=24292.0;attach=690 1;image

4th April 2011, 08:52 PM
Hahaha, Ximmy...

4th April 2011, 09:06 PM

I hope you've all "backed the truck up" by now - I have a STRONG sense that the buying opportunities for cheap silver have just about ended. Sure, there will continue to be some "dips" on the way up, but I'm FIRMLY of the opinion at this point that not only will we never see sub-$20 silver again, it's quite likely that sub-$30 silver is also a thing of the past.

4th April 2011, 09:29 PM
[Retinal scannn]


[/Retinal Scannn]