View Full Version : Frankfurt airport shooting: two killed in attack on US military bus

2nd March 2011, 09:51 AM
Frankfurt airport shooting: two killed in attack on US military bus (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/02/frankfurt-airport-shooting)
Two men including a US soldier have been shot dead at Frankfurt airport.

The gunman, believed to be from Kosovo, opened fire on a bus containing US troops in front of Terminal 2. The bus driver and a soldier were killed and two others, thought to be soldiers, were seriously hurt...

2nd March 2011, 09:58 AM
I am not sure in which city it is that the Jewish school buses have bullet proof glass in their windows and also a panic button quick respond for the police.....why not our buses?

2nd March 2011, 10:58 AM
believed to be from Kosovo

These people were put in power by the US , Clintons, NeoCons, and still supported.

A person from Kosovo was Serbian till the Albanian militant muslims took it over
through the terrorism of 100 years climaxing with communism and NWO support.

So who is this person, most likely a muslim, an Albanian, and very possibly a Jihadist
brought to the region by people like Perle and Feith, Clintons, Berger, Holbrooke, brought
to murder Christian Serbs.

The Albanians traffic in white slavery, heroin from Afghanistan and human organs.

A mafia fake state.

2nd March 2011, 11:00 AM


2nd March 2011, 11:03 AM



2nd March 2011, 11:05 AM
NATO War Crimes and links to Al Qaeda confirmed former UN Commander in the Balkans

We bombed the wrong side?
by Lewis MacKenzie


Five years ago our television screens were dominated by pictures of Kosovo-Albanian refugees escaping across Kosovo's borders to the sanctuaries of Macedonia and Albania. Shrill reports indicated that Slobodan Milosevic's security forces were conducting a campaign of genocide and that at least 100,000 Kosovo-Albanians had been exterminated and buried in mass graves throughout the Serbian province. NATO sprung into action and, in spite of the fact no member nation of the alliance was threatened, commenced bombing not only Kosovo, but the infrastructure and population of Serbia itself -- without the authorizing United Nations resolution so revered by Canadian leadership, past and present.

Those of us who warned that the West was being sucked in on the side of an extremist, militant, Kosovo-Albanian independence movement were dismissed as appeasers. The fact that the lead organization spearheading the fight for independence, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), was universally designated a terrorist organization and known to be receiving support from Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda was conveniently ignored.

The recent dearth of news in the North American media regarding the increase in violence in Kosovo compared to the comprehensive coverage in the European press strongly suggests that we Canadians don't like to admit it when we are wrong. On the contrary, selected news clips on this side of the ocean continue to reinforce the popular spin that those dastardly Serbs are at it again.

A case in point was the latest crisis that exploded on March 15. The media reported that four Albanian boys had been chased into the river Ibar in Mitrovica by at least two Serbs and a dog (the dog's ethnic affiliation was not reported).Three of the boys drowned and one escaped to the other side. Immediately, thousands of Albanians mobilized and concentrated in the area of the divided city. Attacks on Serbs took place throughout the province resulting in an estimated 30 killed and 600 wounded. Thirty Serbian Christian Orthodox churches and monasteries were destroyed, more than 300 homes were burnt to the ground and six Serbian villages cleansed of their occupants. One hundred and fifty international peacekeepers were injured.

Totally ignored in North America were the numerous statements from impartial sources that said there was no incident between the Serbs, the dog and the Albanian boys. NATO Police spokesman Derek Chappell stated on March 16 that it was "definitely not true" that the boys had been chased into the river by Serbs. Chappell went on to say that the surviving boy had told his parents that they had entered the river alone and that three of his friends had been swept away by the current. Admiral Gregory Johnson, the overall NATO commander, further stated that the ensuing clashes were "orchestrated and well-planned ethnic cleansing" by the Kosovo-Albanians. Those Serbs forced to leave joined the 200,000 who had been cleansed from the province since NATO's "humanitarian" bombing in 1999. The '"cleansees" have become very effective "cleansers."

In the same week a number of individuals posing as Serbs ambushed and killed a UN policeman and his local police partner. During the firefight one of them was wounded which caused an immediate switch from Serbian to Albanian as he screamed, "I've been hit"! The UN pursued the attackers and tracked them to an Albanian-run farm where they discovered weapons and the wounded Albanian who had died from his wounds. Four Albanians were arrested. Once again, the ambush had been reported in the United States but not the follow-up which clearly indicated yet another orchestrated provocation by the Albanian terrorists.

Kosovo is administered by the UN, the very organization many Canadians have indicated they would like to see take over from the United States in Iraq. The fact the UN cannot order its civilian employees to go or stay anywhere -- they have to volunteer -- combined with recent history that saw the UN abandon Iraq after a single brutal attack on their compound in Baghdad and the reality that Kosovo, under the organization's administration, is a basket case, disqualifies it from consideration for such a role.

Since the NATO/UN intervention in 1999, Kosovo has become the crime capital of Europe. The sex slave trade is flourishing. The province has become an invaluable transit point for drugs en route to Europe and North America. Ironically, the majority of the drugs come from another state "liberated" by the West, Afghanistan. Members of the demobilized, but not eliminated, KLA are intimately involved in organized crime and the government. The UN police arrest a small percentage of those involved in criminal activities and turn them over to a judiciary with a revolving door that responds to bribes and coercion.

The objective of the Albanians is to purge all non-Albanians, including the international community's representatives, from Kosovo and ultimately link up with mother Albania thereby achieving the goal of "Greater Albania." The campaign started with their attacks on Serbian security forces in the early 1990s and they were successful in turning Milosevic's heavy-handed response into worldwide sympathy for their cause. There was no genocide as claimed by the West -- the 100,000 allegedly buried in mass graves turned out to be around 2,000, of all ethnic origins, including those killed in combat during the war itself.

The Kosovo-Albanians have played us like a Stradivarius. We have subsidized and indirectly supported their violent campaign for an ethnically pure and independent Kosovo. We have never blamed them for being the perpetrators of the violence in the early '90s and we continue to portray them as the designated victim today in spite of evidence to the contrary. When they achieve independence with the help of our tax dollars combined with those of bin Laden and al-Qaeda, just consider the message of encouragement this sends to other terrorist-supported independence movements around the world.

Funny how we just keep digging the hole deeper!

Maj-Gen. Lewis MacKenzie, now retired, commanded UN troops during the Bosnian civil war of 1992.

2nd March 2011, 11:06 AM
Thanks for posting truth about Kosovo,Magnes.
PS. Where is Blue Midnight when we need him?

2nd March 2011, 11:13 AM
The " green line " is a intelligence name for the pipeline that goes from Afghanistan
through Turkey and to the Albanians, the pipeline for almost all of the heroin from
Afghanistan, this is key to understand why they were put in power and tolerated,
Camp Bondsteel is one of the US's largest bases on the planet, Turkish military and
gov is involved in putting Albanians in power and trafficking this heroin, Afghanistan
is about heroin, who launders the tens of billions every year ? Most likely US military
planes fly in heroin to Camp Bondsteel, they have been caught doing this in the past,
DEA agents own testimony, watching US military fly in drugs from South America,
this is the same history from Asia as well. So this sort of thing would not be new.

See Sibel Edmonds too, " it is all related, all same people, all crimes. "

They could stop this overnight if they wanted.



2nd March 2011, 03:14 PM
I don't get it why albanians are killing US soldiers.

The name of the killer is Arif Uka.



They are hiding the fact that the killer is albanian pretty good - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12621832

2nd March 2011, 08:02 PM
The name of the killer is Arif Uka.

He obviously ain't a Serb. Albania has fanatical muslims. They fill Europes jails.

Western Special Forces trained these terrorists in Albania to kill Serbs and wage war on Europe.

100 years ago Kosovo was 90% Serbian. Then WWI and WWII, Communism, in the end they
genocided all Serbs slowly and climaxed in 2004 as Nato recanted on promises and they watched
Albanians murder Serbs in front of them and destroy churches. There are also muslim jihadists
in the region brought there by the very same Bush NeoCons, Feith and Perle, Clintons, etc,
Berger was caught stealing classified documents, remember, to hide truth.

Sibel Edmonds talks about drugs and money laundering, " all the same people " , " help me get feith " .
Many related stories.

woke me up to all this long ago, go to Raimondo archives going back to 2002-2004.
Feith and Zell Law firm from Israel is there. They made money arming them.

2nd March 2011, 08:05 PM
Serbs lost 1/4 of their population in WW2 but managed to save most of their Jews. American Jews thanked them by bombing them with depleted uranium.

6th March 2011, 11:53 AM
Report: Security cameras at Frankfurt Airport shooting were faulty

German newspaper Die Welt is reporting that CCTV cameras at Frankfurt Airport were out of action when a young Islamist shot four US airmen on a terminal forecourt.


Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras at Frankfurt Airport were reportedly out of action when a man from Kosovo shot dead two US airmen and wounded two others.

The technical breakdown was reported in German newspaper Die Welt, quoting security sources, in an advance report on Sunday.

The CCTV footage was thought to be crucial in verifying the statements of suspect, 21-year-old Arid Uka.

Uka has been officially charged with two counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder.

He is accused of shooting a US serviceman and point-blank range and then entering a US military bus and fatally shooting the driver in the head. An airman and German police caught Uka after his pistol jammed.

Uka told police he was not a member of a terrorist group and acted alone. A Muslim of Kosovan nationality, he said he wanted revenge against the US military for their actions in Afghanistan.

The report in Die Welt said federal prosecutors in charge of the investigation had no comment. An airport spokesperson also declined comment.

The newspaper did quote Wolfgang Bosbach, a security policy spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats as saying that the best surveillance laws were useless if the equipment did not work.

"I hope this prompts checks of the CCTV in high-sensitivity zones," he said, adding that the failure would have been catastrophic if the assailant had escaped.

Meanwhile, Murat Uka, the father of the suspect, was quoted in the Bild am Sonntag newspaper saying he regrets what his son did.

"I'm shocked and completely denounce my son's actions. I'm so sorry!" he told the tabloid.


General of Darkness
6th March 2011, 12:38 PM
Interesting thing happened on Wednesday when I went to my barber, I ran into a Serbian guy. Being that I grew up in Croatia, they thought we might go at it, but I've talked to my cousins that fought in the war and don't really have any animosity towards the Serb as a persons, but the communists, oh yeah, they should all be quartered. Well, we started talking in Serbo/Croatia, and ultimately led to this whole Kosovo guy killing people, the war, etc. In a nutshell I told him that I was really pissed the F off that Kosovo was made into a country when it's Serbian land, and how that jew Albright assisted in stealing it. I thought the guy was going to cry from the delight of the words coming from a Croatian-American mouth.

The EU, the break up of Yugoslavia, stealing land, multiculturalism, diversity, and on and on and on, does equal, with jews you lose. Anywhere they're involved they create problems, and they don't even have to live there. As a man, who understands right and wrong, who is compassionate, I for the life of me can not with a conscience consider the jew to be a human being. I don't know what else to say about this, it breaks my heart and even though I'm agnostic, this does seem that every day we're getting closer to the end of days and humanity. Kultura died about 50 years ago, and our humanity is being flushed down the toilet.

I do wonder of this whole planet X / Nibiru thing might have some truth to it and it just coincides with what I PERSONALLY see as THE AGE OF MAN IS OVER. And I'm going to just ride this bitch out, I have no other choice. The upside is that with every ending there's a new beginning.
