View Full Version : Massive copper/powerline thefts

2nd March 2011, 10:55 AM
A good friend of mine lives in rural WV and within the last two weeks thieves have stolen 2 miles worth of powerlines, comprised mostly of copper. It's knocked out his power, internet etc (he has a gen) Both times in these instances it was accompanied by a winter or wind storm that knocked out the power as well. I've tried to provide links to this story but they simply don't exist but my friend says he has spoken with the crews and it's a fact, yet I can find nothing to corroborate it with. I think I'll trust my friends word. I did learn from my search that several people have been killed attempting it but that was mostly from 2010. Maybe they learned to hit the power company when the lines weren't hot? Why is there no reporting of this? Wouldn't want to give people idea's?

It does take some level of desperation/need to go scavenging, risking death or jail etc... to pull this off. Imagine stealing 1 miles worth of powerline, that is NO small feat.

2nd March 2011, 11:00 AM

Metal scrap stealin` Russkie style ;D

2nd March 2011, 11:36 AM
What they do around here is go into housing developments that aren't occupied yet and open the underground vaults and snip the wire bundles, then go down to the vault at the end of the block and do the same thing and wrap a choker around them and use their truck to pull a blocks worth of wire out at a time.

2nd March 2011, 11:41 AM

Metal scrap stealin` Russkie style ;D
That takes some balls as well as a strong back.

General of Darkness
2nd March 2011, 12:06 PM
They've been this unsuccessfully in Africa for some time now.


2nd March 2011, 01:15 PM
Here, in rural Vancouver Island they steal TV and Internet
Cables. This happens every few months. I have not heard
of power lines being taken, though. Last year we made a sign
for a local company. Within days of being erected, someone
came and ripped it to pieces and stole about $500 worth of
stainless steel. This was no small feat as it was way overbuilt,
it must have taken the thieves a while to accomplish. We
were majorly pissed off!