View Full Version : Farrakhan: Jews are pushing the US into war

2nd March 2011, 05:17 PM
I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, but he is spot on in this article.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
Photo by: REUTERS
Farrakhan: Jews are pushing the US into war
03/02/2011 10:10

Nation of Islam leader says his comments on Jews are meant "to pull the cover off Satan" and "Zionists dominate the US government and banks."

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said Jews and Zionists are "trying to push the US into war" and are a cover for Satan, at the group's annual meeting near Chicago on Tuesday.

“President Obama," Farrakhan said, "if you allow the Zionists to push you, to mount a military offensive against Gaddafi and you go in and kill him and his sons as you did with Saddam Hussein and his sons, I’m warning you this is a Libyan problem, let the Libyans solve their problem among themselves.” Farrakhan called Muammar Gaddafi "my brother" and "my friend."

He also accused American Zionists of attempting to push Israel into war with Iran, adding that "Zionists dominate the government of the United States of America and her banking system."

One panel at the conference, titled "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews," claimed that Jews were disproportionately involved in the slave trade and accused them of controlling the media.

“Some of you think that I’m just somebody who’s got something out for the Jewish people," Farrakhan said. "You’re stupid. Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan? My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again.”

In response, ADL National Director Abe Foxman said: "Anti-Semitism has suffused the Nation of Islam's message, and Farrakhan is the standard bearer and bigot in chief....Perhaps what's more disturbing is that despite his anti-Semitic rants, he has not been made a pariah in his own community. What does it take for him to stop being a pied piper of hatred?"

Says Israelis are "liars, thieves, murderers" who have "taken the position of God" and are out to "kill everybody."

Louis Farrakhan said the "Israeli lobby controls the government of the United States of America." In excerpts released by the Anti-Defamation League of his annual Saviours' Day speech on March 1 in Chicago, the Nation of Islam leader also said Congress was "terrorized" by the lobby and doesn't "act for the American people that sent you to Congress, but acts for "the money and interests that have bought your soul." Farrakhan said Israelis are "liars, thieves, murderers" who have "taken the position of God" and are out to "kill everybody." He also appeared to question the accuracy of Holocaust records. "You can't even engage in constructive argument over the veracity of the figures of the Holocaust. We know something happened, sure, but you can't talk about" it, Farrakhan said. "In certain cities in Europe they arrest you and put you in prison for denying such."

ADL national director Abraham Foxman said the speech was proof Farrakahn had not changed. "After his near silence on Jews over the last several years, we thought Minister Farrakhan had put his long history of anti-Semitism and racism behind him, or at least had held his views in check," Foxman said. "Apparently that was wishful thinking. Once again he is clearly comfortable with putting his bigotry on display, unfettered and unhidden for his supporters and the world to see."


2nd March 2011, 05:47 PM
Better to be on the outside looking in and see what is going on than to be trapped in the inside and act like the rest of the sheeps.

Silver Shield
2nd March 2011, 06:08 PM
on the front of drudge report...

2nd March 2011, 06:09 PM
Rush talked about it today.

2nd March 2011, 08:10 PM
I don't see anything Farrakhan said in this post that is inaccurate.

Foxman; "Why is he going around spreading vicious truths?!"

2nd March 2011, 08:22 PM
Ten years ago I would never have thought that I would ever agree with anything Louis Farrakhan said.

Aparently strange times make strange bedfellows.

2nd March 2011, 09:36 PM
I don't see anything Farrakhan said in this post that is inaccurate.

Foxman; "Why is he going around spreading vicious truths?!"

Unfortunately having someone that is already marginalized speak the truth just plays into the ADLs hands. Ole Foxman is loving it, knowing most people are going to immediately dismiss anything the "radical" says. No different than them parading people like Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen around lately. Do you really think that someone that isn't marginalized already would be given the light of day by the MSM if the ADL hadn't already approved it? Just allows them to point their fingers and scream, "See the crazy anti-semites!! Only crazy people think such things. Now ignore them and get back your ADL approved American Idol!!"

2nd March 2011, 10:08 PM
Ten years ago I would never have thought that I would ever agree with anything Louis Farrakhan said.

Aparently strange times make strange bedfellows.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend".......Saalam Aleikum.

silver solution
2nd March 2011, 10:23 PM
Farrakhan is he obomas dad? I remember something about that.

oboma's mom is jew. Gaddafi mom is joo the whole mess smells or should I say stinks.

3rd March 2011, 03:48 AM
What is funny about all this impending war is that so many worshipers of Israel are coming out who think they are worshiping god.

3rd March 2011, 05:05 AM
Farrakhan is he obomas dad? I remember something about that.

oboma's mom is jew. Gaddafi mom is joo the whole mess smells or should I say stinks.

She was hanging with Malcolm X according to some.

3rd March 2011, 05:11 AM
oboma's mom is jew.

More details please. WhHere did you hear that? I am particularily interested because I said from the start that he was probably a crypto jew.

3rd March 2011, 05:51 AM
oboma's mom is jew.

More details please. WhHere did you hear that? I am particularily interested because I said from the start that he was probably a crypto jew.

I have heard this in many articles. I am kind of curious about the truth of it. It is being said that the Jews are calling him the first Jewish president. There may well have been others. How about 'the Terrible Swedish Jew' Eisenhower. It is argued that he had a Jewish background.

3rd March 2011, 06:39 AM
I know about FDR's jewish lineage.

So then, this is just some dude on the internet, so I can't give it any validity, but it was an interesting post:

Q: How many of the past US presidents have been Jewish. Would Hillary be the first?

A: There've been three- Thomas Jefferson (who I just learned was a patrilineal Jew. See JoeSettler's blog.), Gerald Ford (nee Leslie Lynch King, Jr.; also a patrilineal Jew), and Barack Obama, whose mom Ann Dunham Soetoro was a Jew.

By the way, Alexander Hamilton was Jewish and apparently a Levite. Meanwhile, my granddad is a patrilineal Jew and served tax papers to Nixon. So, a Jew brought down Nixon and a Jew took the Presidency from Nixon- of course, Pop-Pop doesn't like to even admit that he's a Jew, much less brag about bringing down Nixon; and I brag, much to Pop-Pop's chagrin, that I'm the granddaughter of a Jew who helped bring down an Anti Semite.

3rd March 2011, 06:50 AM
maybe i'd fit in at NoI, other than being Caucasian.

i believe in God, though not the postulate presented in Christian & Muslim churches, "accept * as your Savior and you will go to Heaven".

and, i respect Farrakhan's public candor about the Jews.

i wonder how honest Farrakhan is about the money his church collects.

mick silver
3rd March 2011, 07:09 AM
i think Farrakhan doesnt like white folks are am i wrong on this .

Twisted Titan
3rd March 2011, 07:29 AM
Ten years ago I would never have thought that I would ever agree with anything Louis Farrakhan said.

Aparently strange times make strange bedfellows.

I did find on of him Exposing Rothchild.......fairly decent presentation I would say


silver solution
6th March 2011, 11:42 PM
oboma's mom is jew.

More details please. WhHere did you hear that? I am particularily interested because I said from the start that he was probably a crypto jew.

I have heard this in many articles. I am kind of curious about the truth of it. It is being said that the Jews are calling him the first Jewish president. There may well have been others. How about 'the Terrible Swedish Jew' Eisenhower. It is argued that he had a Jewish background.
They open their mouth they lie. Nothing new been going on forever.

7th March 2011, 12:30 AM
"Farrakhan on LeBron James and Jewish Control (July 11, 2010)"

"Jewish Control Over Black Entertainers"

Check out some of his other clips, video search "Farrakhan Jew*" (http://www.google.com/search?q=Farrakhan+Jew*&tbo=p&tbs=vid%3A1&source=vgc&aq=f)

7th March 2011, 07:36 AM
If what Farrakhan says is true about the Obama admin doing Israel's work by destroying Gadafi, then what does this mean?


WASHINGTON—After weeks of internal debate on how to respond to uprisings in the Arab world, the Obama administration is settling on a Middle East strategy: help keep longtime allies who are willing to reform in power, even if that means the full democratic demands of their newly emboldened citizens might have to wait.

I don't see the US going against Israel's wishes anytime soon...

7th March 2011, 07:43 AM
In response, ADL National Director Abe Foxman said: "Anti-Semitism has suffused the Nation of Islam's message, and Farrakhan is the standard bearer and bigot in chief..

I can imagine the first rule at Abe Foxman's forum:
"1. Attack the Person (member), ignore the idea."

7th March 2011, 09:32 AM
That is incredible.
I have never listened to Farrakhan speak before. I don't know the first thing about him. I was always under the impression that he was just an animated black pastor. He is concise, correct and well researched. So then, what should I know about him?

Does he "hate whitey" like all the other promonant black pastors I have heard of? To me so far, it sounds like he isn't a white hater. To me it sounds like he sees the hand of the jew behind the woes of the black man. Anyone have anything they would like to share with me about Farrakhan that would save me a bunch of researhc?

I'm more curious than anything, but not willing to delve into another splinter leg of research.

7th March 2011, 11:42 AM
Does he "hate whitey" like all the other promonant black pastors I have heard of? To me so far, it sounds like he isn't a white hater. To me it sounds like he sees the hand of the jew behind the woes of the black man. Anyone have anything they would like to share with me about Farrakhan that would save me a bunch of researhc?

I'm more curious than anything, but not willing to delve into another splinter leg of research.

There's some discussion of this topic beginning HERE (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/you%27ll-never-guess-who%27s-talking-about-chemtrails/msg169595/#msg169595) through the end of the thread. I never did get a response to my Q asking that someone post a link demonstrating that LF is "anti-white-(gentile)".

Otherwise just do the usual googling of him, check ziopedia, search for youtube clips, etc. I aint a Farrakhan scholar but what I've heard intrigues-- he sounds "good for whitey" in that he properly educates his listeners, shines the light on the true source of their socio-economic oppression, diffusing the deliberate (misdirected) pitting against one another of different races, which many believe will turn violent when TSHTF... the zio's who caused it all will be laughing, safe in izzy.

7th March 2011, 02:54 PM
great rant, and no that's not me, sounds like she reads my stuff though. 8) You know I would've titled it, "THOSE SCARY MOOZLEMS".


find some reader comments here,

I like the first one:
DANM! I think I’m in love! Who is she? Wow!
Preach it sister! Preach it!
Some thing tells me you won’t meet her in a bar.
Nothing to comment on this one. She pretty much said it all.
But it does make my heart sing. When a good looking person that is younger than myself tells the real truth about zionist control of this country.
Maybe there still is hope. Yet.
Thank you for putting this one up Mark

7th March 2011, 03:04 PM
another goody, ex-CIA analyst & raging anti-semite (obviously...) Michael Sheuer gives a good answer to a CSPAN caller,


7th March 2011, 03:59 PM
I had a similar reaction. I don't know a lot about the guy either, but I will check him out when I get the chance. One thing that I've learned over the past few years is that generally there is an inverse relationship between the type of publicity that a public figure receives and his character or knowledge. In other words, if the press kills him/her, there is a good chance they are worth listening to and vica versa.


That is incredible.
I have never listened to Farrakhan speak before. I don't know the first thing about him. I was always under the impression that he was just an animated black pastor. He is concise, correct and well researched. So then, what should I know about him?

Does he "hate whitey" like all the other promonant black pastors I have heard of? To me so far, it sounds like he isn't a white hater. To me it sounds like he sees the hand of the jew behind the woes of the black man. Anyone have anything they would like to share with me about Farrakhan that would save me a bunch of researhc?

I'm more curious than anything, but not willing to delve into another splinter leg of research.

7th March 2011, 04:12 PM
If what Farrakhan says is true about the Obama admin doing Israel's work by destroying Gadafi, then what does this mean?

i have a feeling Qaddafi wouldn't be in power in Libya if he was non-compliant with US & Israeli wishes.

i.e. he's in power because he is compliant.

support of Qaddafi may be covert. the US doesn't officially give him over $1 Billion of US aid as they do to Egypt.

7th March 2011, 05:02 PM
After watching a couple of this guys' video clips, I am not optimistic that he is a good guy. It is my experience from checking out many preachers or religious types in the past that certain red flags overwhelmingly indicate fraud. If the speaker calls attention to himself/herself (as opposed to the subject matter or to God), it is a very bad sign and indicates behaviour contradictory to sound biblical doctrine:

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
Matthew 23:12

Look at the way this guy dresses-not understated and not indicative of the spirit of meekness. The other red flag I watch for with these types is charm and/or charisma. It may not seem to most on this forum that this guy is particularly charming, but I would bet that his target audience finds him both charming and charismatic.
Now I realize that these red flags don't prove anything about this guys character, but let's just say that I have seen this type of movie before and I know how it most likely ends.


ps- As has happened at certain times in the past, as I was typing this post my computer froze up. He who has the ears, let him hear.

7th March 2011, 07:42 PM
Look at the way this guy dresses-not understated and not indicative of the spirit of meekness. The other red flag I watch for with these types is charm and/or charisma. It may not seem to most on this forum that this guy is particularly charming, but I would bet that his target audience finds him both charming and charismatic.
Now I realize that these red flags don't prove anything about this guys character, but let's just say that I have seen this type of movie before and I know how it most likely ends.

I'm inclined to give him a pass on the suits, they're flashy but not unattractive or gauche. Charisma? Well you've gotta ask, who talks like that? Did they talk that way around his house growing up? In short, the public speaking style is an act, theatrics, "I'm an important, stoic & erudite leader, this is how we talk!" There's surely an ego there, but alas my "deceiver" warning lights aren't particularly flashing WRT LF. He articulates an important message, seldom spoken publicly, which outweighs the style question.


here's part 1 of surely the most important speech of his life, the '95 Million Man March, should link to the other parts, I haven't watched yet:


7th March 2011, 08:04 PM
I'm inclined to give him a pass on the suits, they're flashy but not unattractive or gauche. Charisma? Well you've gotta ask, who talks like that? Did they talk that way around his house growing up? In short, the public speaking style is an act, theatrics, "I'm an important, stoic & erudite leader, this is how we talk!" There's surely an ego there, but alas my "deceiver" warning lights aren't particularly flashing WRT LF. He articulates an important message, seldom spoken publicly, which outweighs the style question.

Be careful of this guy, PatColo. I watched some of that vid and he uses a lot of bad guy tricks that I've seen a million times before. Long winded, convoluted prose. Overcompensation in religious expression ("brothers and sisters!" emphatically and repeatedly), insinuating himself to be some sort of prophet "God has spoken through me!" Continually talking about himself. Appeals to emotion...
True believers do not dramatically contradict biblical authority by praising themselves instead of God unless they have been led astray or are doing the leading.
Now I know some will say that he speaks the truth about the Jews and I don't deny that, at least based on what I have seen so far. But I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that this guy has a pet issue/issues or alternate agenda that he is also pushing. Oftentimes with guys like this, the truth that they speak is refreshing or insightful or even profound. That's 'the hook'.


8th March 2011, 06:14 PM

2:06 she says that Matt Drudge from Drudge report is a jew.

Just another fact to keep in mind in the future.

8th March 2011, 07:00 PM
great rant, and no that's not me, sounds like she reads my stuff though. 8) You know I would've titled it, "THOSE SCARY MOOZLEMS".


find some reader comments here,

I like the first one:
DANM! I think I’m in love! Who is she? Wow!
Preach it sister! Preach it!
Some thing tells me you won’t meet her in a bar.
Nothing to comment on this one. She pretty much said it all.
But it does make my heart sing. When a good looking person that is younger than myself tells the real truth about zionist control of this country.
Maybe there still is hope. Yet.
Thank you for putting this one up Mark

What a lovely young lady! Her message is good too.

8th March 2011, 07:38 PM
must watch, 2 mins, reader comments inside link:

Don’t Worry America, Israel’s Behind You! (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/03/08/dont-worry-america-israels-behind-you/)


10th March 2011, 07:19 PM
Here is another on point video by that beautiful woman on Youtube, "Truthisahatecrime"
Here she addresses the attack on the white race by the jews.

Serious content.


10th March 2011, 07:44 PM
At the end of another one of her videos, she scrolls this text:

In 1914 33% of the worlds population were White. Today it is down to 9%, and of that number, only 2% are White women of Child Bearing age who can ensure the continuance of the White Race. These are the hard facts, and if we fail to act, our unique species will become extinct!

If the white race was an endangered Panda Bear, Polar Bear, or Sea Turtle, people everywhere would be trying to "save" the White Race from extinction. However, since the White Race is always portrayed as "evil" in the anti-white media, the White Race is viewed by all as not worth saving.

And the Zionist-owned media pushes multiculturalism upon White women of child bearing age with constant race-mixing propaganda.


I love her.

10th March 2011, 08:01 PM
He's not a fan of white people, either. Although I do agree with the idea of "Black Separatism". (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_separatism)


10th March 2011, 08:26 PM

Awesome thread guys!

23rd March 2011, 06:22 PM
Farrakhan Warns, Advises Obama on Libya (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/farrakhan-warns-advises-obama-on-libya/)


podcast inside: The Piper Report Mar 21, 2011 (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/the-piper-report-mar-21-2011/) **

Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam is Right!

Why aren’t responsible Republicans and Democrats talking like Farrakhan? A lot of people don’t like Farrakhan—that’s their problem—but he’s virtually the only public figure in America today of any consequence who has laid the facts about the Libyan crisis on the line.

On tonight’s broadcast, Michael Collins Piper gives his 100% endorsement to Minister Farrakhan (whom Piper has met on a number of occasions) and urges sensible Americans to pay heed to Farrakhan’s words.

Louis Farrakhan reminds us that the American government murdered Americans at Waco as well. How many American politicians would dare to say that?

Piper also says that—as rotten as Sen. Lindsay Graham is—the senator is right when he uses the terms “isolate” and “strangle” in the context of the conduct of U.S. foreign policy. Piper says that Graham is wrong to say that we need to “isolate, strangle” Libyan leader Qadaffi, but that the words “isolate and strangle” should be the rallying cry for Americans who do need to rise up and isolate and strangle those who really are isolating and strangling the American people.

Through the Federal Reserve and the Controlled Media a small handful of criminal families and big money interests who are wedded to the global Zionist agenda (often called “the New World Order”) are strangling the American people financially and spiritually and murdering their sons and daughters in needless foreign wars that isolate America from the rest of the world.

And now that the United States has essentially said that it’s “okay” for people to rebel against their governments—illustrated by the U.S. support for the rebels in Libya—maybe it’s time for the American people to rebel!

And, by the way, another thought: If the United States really supports freedom fighters, why in the name of God haven’t we gone into Israel and isolated and strangled that government that oppresses the Christians and the Muslims? After all, isn’t the United States “for democracy”?

Piper says that it’s time to institute a nationwide “Synagogue Watch” identifying the people and forces that are attempting (quite successfully, if truth be told) to use their political influence to get the United States into foolish foreign wars. After all, Piper points out, some very well-known and respected synagoguers in America have been implicated by the FBI for spying and espionage on behalf of a foreign nation—Israel—guilty of treason. These synagoguers are known to have worked to bring the police state to America—through the mis-named “Patriot Act” and are working assiduously to ensconce themselves as the first and foremost political force in America. It’s time, Piper says, to stop them. And to stop them, we need to identify them—now, before it’s too late.

** I've seen ample reason to distrust M.C. Piper; for one thing IMHO Piper lost his character assassination war with Chris Bollyn, Piper relied on shrill ad-homs & shallow ridicule against Bollyn, while Bollyn stuck with verifiable facts about Piper and "American Free Press". But like with so many "truth tellers" I'm interested in what Piper has to say, always judging by their ongoing fruits, dating many marrying none, yada yada.

General of Darkness
23rd March 2011, 06:28 PM
I always thought Farrakhan was a member here (GoD). :-*

Hardly, this nog also calls my people white devils. I don't believe in the saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".. ;)

23rd March 2011, 06:42 PM
great rant, and no that's not me, sounds like she reads my stuff though. 8) You know I would've titled it, "THOSE SCARY MOOZLEMS".


A must watch... a great clear concise summary... Wow!!!

1st November 2011, 07:28 PM
He is spot on here:

Minister Farrakhan Blasts Media & Reporters During Chicago Radio Interview Commercial!

Oct 29, 2011

1st November 2011, 07:31 PM
I always thought Farrakhan was a member here (GoD). :-*

LOL... let me assure you that GoD is definitely NOT Farrakhan...:D

1st November 2011, 09:21 PM
LOL... let me assure you that GoD is definitely NOT Farrakhan...:D

Shit almost lost the keyboard on that one, and liquid is still dripping from my nose.

2nd November 2011, 09:14 PM
Farrakhan - Gadhafi Fought US, NATO Horror With Honor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8rySxhjtyk&feature=autoplay&list=SP74A6B8A6A4716234&lf=list_related&playnext=3)


Farrakan On Gaddafi's Planned Banking System (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGeFhZqTOnM)


2nd November 2011, 10:26 PM
Shit I agreed with him on about 90%

I am not a fan of central banks.

Man.... like I said back in march strange times make strange bedfellows.

2nd November 2011, 11:54 PM
mentions RP favorably @ 2:55

Minister Farrakhan on Ron Paul & Exposing the Federal Reserve (BLACK ACTION & THE NWO series)


3rd November 2011, 03:33 AM
Farrakhan on Donahue, 5 parts-- has no description so I'm not sure when this aired, but Eddie Murphy was top box office draw, so, mid-80s? Has some interesting parts- LF is suggesting separatism, a piece of land for blacks, and Donahue reminds that LF is critical of zio-occupied palestine, LF gives a pretty good answer. I think every white/joo in the audience who spoke was hysterical. This Donahue show is surely a milestone in giving LF the notorious/controversial rep he has. Mind, it's ~26 years old, and who among us hasn't matured in our views in that time? Should link to later parts:


LF with Babs Walters- haven't watched yet:


Uploaded by ralongx (http://www.youtube.com/user/ralongx) on Mar 19, 2009
The Minister discusses the core philosophy of the Nation of Islam, the Secret Relationship of Blacks and Jews and Khalid Abdul Muhammad's speech at Kean College.

3rd November 2011, 03:41 AM
mentions RP favorably @ 2:55

Minister Farrakhan on Ron Paul & Exposing the Federal Reserve (BLACK ACTION & THE NWO series)

Probably doesn't improve RP's chances...