View Full Version : China “Attacks The Dollar”

3rd March 2011, 08:06 AM
I can summrize the reaction of the US in a few words .... "In order to meet the demand the US Federal Reserve will now change the US currency printing plates to those of China's Yuan".
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

China “Attacks The Dollar” – Moves To Further Cement Renminbi Reserve Currency Status .

Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge

In a surprising turn of events, today’s biggest piece of news received a mere two paragraph blurb on Reuters, and was thoroughly ignored by the broader media. An announcement appeared shortly after midnight on the website of the People’s Bank of China.

The statement, google translated as “Pragmatic and pioneering spirit to promote cross-border renminbi business cum on monitoring and analysis to a new level” is presented below:

Reuters provides a simple translation and summary of the announcement: “China hopes to allow all exporters and importers to settle their cross-border trades in the yuan by this year, the central bank said on Wednesday, as part of plans to grow the currency’s international role. In a statement on its website www.pbc.gov.cn, the central bank said it would respond to overseas demand for the yuan to be used as a reserve currency. It added it would also allow the yuan to flow back into China more easily.”

To all those who claim that China is perfectly happy with the status quo, in which it is willing to peg the Renmibni to the Dollar in perpetuity, this may come as a rather unpleasant surprise, as it indicates that suddenly China is far more vocal about its intention to convert its currency to reserve status, and in the process make the dollar even more insignificant.


3rd March 2011, 08:57 AM
it will not work, sorry China

I can't understand your damn hieroglyphs
