View Full Version : Ron Paul asks Bernanke "What is your definition of a Dollar....?"

3rd March 2011, 03:53 PM
Very interesting......RP says "I cant find the definition of a Dollar in the US Code....."


3rd March 2011, 05:34 PM
Do you mean to say I can find an act of congress that defines the dollar and he cannot? Maybe I need to run for congress.

He only needs to look at the Statutes at Large. Not all these acts of congress are codified and so do not appear in the US code.

DOLLAR, money. A silver coin of the United States of the value of one hundred cents, or tenth part of an eagle.

2. It weighs four hundred and twelve and a half grains. Of one thousand parts, nine hundred are of pure silver and one hundred of alloy. Act of January 18, 1837, ss. 8 & 9, 4 Sharsw. Cont. of Story's L. U. S. 2523, 4; Wright, R. 162.

Turn to page 137 of this document.



What you are referencing is coinage prior to 1965, and has no standing today. So what defines the dollar as of 2011?

3rd March 2011, 05:56 PM
What you are referencing is coinage prior to 1965, and has no standing today.
Law doesn't vanish just because you desire a change to be made or have made a mistake somewhere in your reasoning. After all, that which is similar is not the same.

So what defines the dollar as of 2011?

My belief is that the act of January 18, 1838 defines a dollar quite well and I have found no act that replaces it.

uncletonoose is pointing out that the existing 2011 FRN Dollar disproves your "belief".


3rd March 2011, 06:18 PM
I love how he said Gold IS money:). I wish he would have been given more time to question Bernanke!

3rd March 2011, 06:23 PM
uncletonoose is pointing out that the existing 2011 Dollar disproves you "belief".

If there is such a thing as a "2011 dollar" then

1) I neither possess nor own any "2011 dollar" or any similar fiat paper debt instruments.
2) If you possess a "2011 dollar" you are holding someone elses property. Hope you get paid for being a diligent caretaker. I am sure you will be punished if the measure of care your care is less than diligent.
3) If you think you can own a "2011 dollar" in a manner similar to an "1838 dollar" then you are delusional.

So what are you using to pay for your goods and services, since you neither own any 2011 dollar, or any similar fiat paper instrument?

3rd March 2011, 06:28 PM
So what are you using to pay for your goods and services, since you neither own any 2011 dollar, or any similar fiat paper instrument?
I guess when something costs a dollar he pays with a Morgan or a Peace Dollar ;)

3rd March 2011, 06:34 PM
I exercised my right to contract and did so with a corporation that pretends to purchase things.

They "pretend" to take your FRNs then "pretend" to put your purchases into a bag at the checkout counter.

Uh huh.


3rd March 2011, 06:36 PM
OK, we get that, but... Lets say you are hungry and you see some food. A sign says it's $1.

A. Do you just take it and run?
B. Do you give him a Peace Dollar dollar for exchange?
C. Do you give him a FRN for exchange?

How do you pay for your goods or services with debt instruments? The answer is that you don't although everyone likes to pretend as if they were paying.

I exercised my right to contract and did so with a corporation that pretends to purchase things. They retain all equitable rights to all goods and services. The state (and the federal reserve) retain all legal rights. I end up with the use (but not the usufruct).

3rd March 2011, 06:43 PM
They "pretend" to take your FRNs then "pretend" to put your purchases into a bag at the checkout counter.

You appear to be challenged as a reader. Therefore I shall type s.l.o.w.l.y so you will understand.

I ..... h.a.v.e...n.o... F.R.N.s .... a.l.t.h.o.u.g.h..... I .... m.i.g.h.t.... h.o.l.d....t.h.e.m....f.o.r....o.t.h.e.r.s.....

L.e.t...... M.e...... B.e..... P.e.r.f.e.c.t.l.y..... C.l.e.a.r....... If You Don't Hold It You Don't Own It

3rd March 2011, 06:45 PM
OK, we get that, but... Lets say you are hungry and you see some food. A sign says it's $1.

A. Do you just take it and run?
B. Do you give him a Peace Dollar dollar for exchange?
C. Do you give him a FRN for exchange?

I send an instant telecomunique to the president of a corporation advising him that under my contract with his company I have discovered something that he has responsibility for providing. He responds responsibly and tells me to withdraw whatever assets of his company available to purchase the item in question. Having received his approval I act as an agent for him to purchase the item his company needs to fulfill his commitment.

a credit card!!! ding ding ding!

3rd March 2011, 06:56 PM
So what are you using to pay for your goods and services, since you neither own any 2011 dollar, or any similar fiat paper instrument?

How do you pay for your goods or services with debt instruments? The answer is that you don't although everyone likes to pretend as if they were paying.

I exercised my right to contract and did so with a corporation that pretends to purchase things. They retain all equitable rights to all goods and services. The state (and the federal reserve) retain all legal rights. I end up with the use (but not the usufruct).

So what do you use to pay for your goods and services? Just a simple answer without the corporations an legaleeze bovine scatology.

3rd March 2011, 07:44 PM
So what do you use to pay for your goods and services? Just a simple answer without the corporations an legaleeze bovine scatology.

I see you have the same reading comprehension problems as book. I have no goods or services. Roosevelt took away any ability I had to pay for things in 1933.

OK, you certainly like to play with words don't you. Let me please rephrase the question. What do you use to pay for goods and services that you consume, ie; food, water, gasoline etc?

3rd March 2011, 07:56 PM
all he has is a few gold and silver coins. he lives his life in a car without a license plate. out on the roads, it is a white line nightmare.

3rd March 2011, 08:31 PM
OK, you certainly like to play with words don't you. Let me please rephrase the question. What do you use to pay for goods and services that you consume, ie; food, water, gasoline etc?




po boy
4th March 2011, 01:43 AM
all he has is a few gold and silver coins. he lives his life in a car without a license plate. out on the roads, it is a white line nightmare.

Keep making fun Chad but remember the truth is useless.

po boy
4th March 2011, 02:07 AM
Inflation is around 2 percent.... :conf:

Ron knows what a dollar is he's just trying to wake up the sheep and he should know as he was instrumental in bringing back the dollar aka SAE and GAEs around '86 in some tax reform act.
As to the dollar debate one cannot pay a debt with frn but merely discharge the obligation as something of the debt remains.If somebody want to find it that is a half ass quote from the SC of the US.

One can pay for items at law with gold and silver coin minted the US treasury.

4th March 2011, 02:29 AM
Quality of the video is lousy, however it is clear to me that the reason the question is being asked is to get Bernanke to be put on record saying what a "dollar" is. I did not view it to the end, but I assume that the specie (gold and silver bullion) part of dollars was not mentioned.

po boy
4th March 2011, 02:37 AM
OK, we get that, but... Lets say you are hungry and you see some food. A sign says it's $1.

A. Do you just take it and run?
B. Do you give him a Peace Dollar dollar for exchange?
C. Do you give him a FRN for exchange?

How do you pay for your goods or services with debt instruments? The answer is that you don't although everyone likes to pretend as if they were paying.

I exercised my right to contract and did so with a corporation that pretends to purchase things. They retain all equitable rights to all goods and services. The state (and the federal reserve) retain all legal rights. I end up with the use (but not the usufruct).

I purchased food this past weekend with silver a peace dollar at that rather than fiat. Canned okra, pickles and squash mmmmm.

If you grew food what would you rather accept fiat or silver?

4th March 2011, 05:11 AM
So what do you use to pay for your goods and services? Just a simple answer without the corporations an legaleeze bovine scatology.

I see you have the same reading comprehension problems as book. I have no goods or services. Roosevelt took away any ability I had to pay for things in 1933.

OK, you certainly like to play with words don't you. Let me please rephrase the question. What do you use to pay for goods and services that you consume, ie; food, water, gasoline etc?

Take the attention away from things called "goods" and "services" and concentrate instead on the words "you" and "pay". I DO NOT ENGAGE IN COMMERCE. That takes care of the "you" in your sentence. As I previously stated Roosevelt took away your ability to "pay". If YOU cannot pay then how can I?

how do you procure tangible items necessary for survival?

4th March 2011, 05:15 AM
OK, we get that, but... Lets say you are hungry and you see some food. A sign says it's $1.

A. Do you just take it and run?
B. Do you give him a Peace Dollar dollar for exchange?
C. Do you give him a FRN for exchange?

How do you pay for your goods or services with debt instruments? The answer is that you don't although everyone likes to pretend as if they were paying.I exercised my right to contract and did so with a corporation that pretends to purchase things. They retain all equitable rights to all goods and services. The state (and the federal reserve) retain all legal rights. I end up with the use (but not the usufruct).
I purchased food this past weekend with silver a peace dollar at that rather than fiat. Canned okra, pickles and squash mmmmm.

If you grew food what would you rather accept fiat or silver?That depends. Do you want me to answer with "fiat" or "silver" or do you prefer that I preach to the chior and answer with two paragraphs of legalese mumbo-jumbo? ???

4th March 2011, 05:27 AM
all he has is a few gold and silver coins. he lives his life in a car without a license plate. out on the roads, it is a white line nightmare.

You folks are not ready for a paradigm shift. All that is necessary to possess is $5 to avoid vagrancy laws. Even though they say there are no vagrancy laws anymore the cops still pay attention to the old laws. Also it is necessary to have access to a sum over $20 in order to sustain a suit with a jury trial. Anything in excess of these amounts are purely speculation and gambling.

I am quite happy living in a box under the overpass. Stop by some time.

Yep! You finaly made a statement that makes sense! You are a TROLL.

4th March 2011, 05:36 AM
I am quite happy living in a box under the overpass. Stop by some time.
Who's your internet provider?


4th March 2011, 06:10 AM
Who's your internet provider?

In all seriousness, could you start a thread on your lifestyle? I've been talking to people lately who hopped train rides and traveled the country in the past ten years-- I always thought that lifestyle ended in the Great Depression. The picture of the homeless guy I posted as a joke is the image I have but I've been realizing there is a different side.

I understand if you would rather not go into details, but an overview would be nice. Topics of hygene, clean water, travelling, dealing with police and riff raff would be great.

I'm almost 40, happily married with kids. I don't forsee me living under an overpass, but knowing what's coming it may be suicide to not even entertain it. I'm decent with primitive survival (trapping, shelter, wild edibles, flint knapping etc) but urban survival is a weak spot.


po boy
4th March 2011, 08:43 AM
OK, we get that, but... Lets say you are hungry and you see some food. A sign says it's $1.

A. Do you just take it and run?
B. Do you give him a Peace Dollar dollar for exchange?
C. Do you give him a FRN for exchange?

How do you pay for your goods or services with debt instruments? The answer is that you don't although everyone likes to pretend as if they were paying.I exercised my right to contract and did so with a corporation that pretends to purchase things. They retain all equitable rights to all goods and services. The state (and the federal reserve) retain all legal rights. I end up with the use (but not the usufruct).
I purchased food this past weekend with silver a peace dollar at that rather than fiat. Canned okra, pickles and squash mmmmm.

If you grew food what would you rather accept fiat or silver?That depends. Do you want me to answer with "fiat" or "silver" or do you prefer that I preach to the chior and answer with two paragraphs of legalese mumbo-jumbo? ???

The question was simple even if your answer isn't either way doesn't matter to me. ;D

po boy
6th March 2011, 05:53 PM
Here is Dr. Vieira's answer. He is the author of Pieces of Eight. http://www.amazon.com/Pieces-Eight-Monetary-Disabilities-Constitution/dp/0967175917

Skip to time: 4:29

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OFsUYtsYE8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OFsUYtsYE8)

6th March 2011, 07:16 PM
The question was simple even if your answer isn't either way doesn't matter to me. ;D
Fair enough. I was in a goofy mood that day ;D