View Full Version : Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico
3rd March 2011, 06:25 PM
Create the problem, solution, gun control. top stories highlighted which is great.
Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico
(CBS News)
WASHINGTON - Federal agent John Dodson says what he was asked to do was beyond belief.
He was intentionally letting guns go to Mexico?
"Yes ma'am," Dodson told CBS News. "The agency was."
ATF Let Hundreds of U.S. Weapons Fall into Hands of Suspected Mexican Gunrunners
Whistleblower Says Agents Strongly Objected to Risky Strategy
By John Solomon and David Heath and Gordon Witkin | March 03, 2011
3rd March 2011, 06:27 PM
Arming the enemy intentionally and disarming your own, what is the definition of treason ?
Records show agents fired beanbags in fatal border gunfight
Border Patrol agents shot beanbags at a group of suspected bandits before the men returned fire during a confrontation in a remote canyon, killing agent Brian Terry with a single gunshot, records show.
3rd March 2011, 06:35 PM
Arming the enemy intentionally and disarming your own, what is the definition of treason ?
Records show agents fired beanbags in fatal border gunfight
Border Patrol agents shot beanbags at a group of suspected bandits before the men returned fire during a confrontation in a remote canyon, killing agent Brian Terry with a single gunshot, records show.
Beanbags against rifles and the damn ATF gave 'em the rifles? From the same article. >:(
On Dec. 14, 2010, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was gunned down. Dodson got the bad news from a colleague.
According to Dodson, "They said, 'Did you hear about the border patrol agent?' And I said, 'Yeah.' And they said 'Well it was one of the Fast and Furious guns.' There's not really much you can say after that."
Two assault rifles ATF had let go nearly a year before were found at Terry's murder.
3rd March 2011, 06:58 PM
Basically showing that gun laws are for you and me, not the government and the special few they allow to smuggle weapons.
mick silver
3rd March 2011, 08:40 PM
our gov has lose at doing this too many times ... never give your guns away to someone you dont know
3rd March 2011, 08:43 PM
THIS is the U.S. government.
3rd March 2011, 08:58 PM
All is going acording to plan.
Walter Mitty
4th March 2011, 05:36 AM
The ATF were called on numerous occasions by gunshops reporting suspicious sales. The ATF said to go ahead with the sales. Ostensibly it was a sting operation to catch gun runners. One Gun Shop was actually working with the ATF.
Instead of interdicting the guns the ATF let them go to Mexico. Some think it was to bolster the numbers of guns that could be traced back to gun stores on the border.
David Codrea (Gun Rights Examiner)and Mike Vanderbough( Sipsey Street Irregulars) are all over this story and were instrumental in breaking it. Fox and CBS picked it up and now it is getting some legs.
Call your Federal Senators and demand they support Senator Grassley in his investigation into this scandal.
26th August 2011, 08:16 AM
Cross posting for more info in 1 thread.
Washington Post Blames the NRA for ATF Gun Running Scandal?
11:50 AM, Jun 27, 2011 • By MARK HEMINGWAY (
I don't know what it is about gun issues that makes people lose their minds, but this editorial from the Washington Post is pretty incredible. The post acknowledges that the ATF flooding Mexico with 2,500 weapons which were used in a variety of crimes -- including the murder of a U.S. border agent -- was pretty questionable, but the real culprits are the NRA ( who has dared to criticize the agency or something:
The Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General and Congress are investigating, understandably. The probes could help to explain what went wrong and what could or should have been done differently. But Capitol Hill’s intense interest in the ATF should not stop there.
Lawmakers should give the ATF the tools it needs to fight illegal gun trafficking. They should enact stronger penalties for straw purchases and craft a federal gun-smuggling statute; close the gun-show loophole, which allows buyers under certain circumstances to purchase weapons without a background check; resuscitate the ban on assault weapons; and give the ATF the authority to collect data on multiple sales of long guns in border states. The Senate should move quickly to confirm a director for the long-leaderless bureau.
We may never know whether the bureau would have launched the Fast and Furious operation had it had other, more effective tools at its disposal. Those who would clobber the bureau for possible mistakes should look in the mirror and accept some responsibility for its failings.
So in the wake of an incredible scandal that shows exceedingly poor judgment and got a number of people killed, the Washington Post is arguing the ATF should be given more power? What? Shouldn't we be at least getting to the bottom of the current scandal before we decide whether that's wise?
And the NRA bears responsibility here how? There is no concievable law enforcement scenario where putting 2,500 guns into the hands of criminals would be justifiable. Ever. The ATF should take it's lumps, and anyone who suggests that gun rights advocates are to be blamed here should have their head examined.
26th August 2011, 08:17 AM
August 22, 2011 By Ted Novin
Today, in its federal lawsuit against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for America’s firearms industry, filed a motion ( asking the court to issue a preliminary injunction blocking the ATF from requiring 8,500 federally licensed firearms retailers along the Southwest border (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California) to report multiple sales of certain long guns.
Specifically, the regulation requires retailers to report to ATF the sale of more than one semi-automatic rifle larger than .22 caliber and capable of accepting a detachable magazine that is purchased by the same individual within five consecutive business days. These commonly owned rifles, like all firearms, are lawfully sold by federally licensed firearms retailers only after an FBI background check is performed.
The NSSF lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Aug. 3. 2011, alleges that ATF exceeded its legal authority under the Gun Control Act by sending a letter imposing this new record-keeping and reporting requirement. Today’s motion, if granted, would freeze the reporting requirement while the court considers NSSF’s underlying lawsuit.
NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane commented on the NSSF motion: “A preliminary injunction will curtail an unlawful regulation by ATF that sets a dangerous legal precedent. If ATF can demand this information from these law-abiding retailers simply by sending a letter requiring it, then there is no record or report ATF cannot require of any licensee, anywhere in the country, simply because ATF had decided it wants to see the information.
This is the proverbial ‘slippery slope.’ Our industry abhors the criminal misuse of firearms, whether on the streets of El Paso or in Juarez, Mexico. Though we can understand ATF’s motive is to try to curtail violence in Mexico, Congress simply has not granted ATF regulatory carte blanche.”
Despite its lawsuit, NSSF is encouraging all retailers to continue to cooperate with law enforcement and report any suspicious activity to the ATF.
“Members of the firearms industry take great pride in their longstanding cooperative relationship with ATF,” said NSSF President and CEO Steve Sanetti. “Retailers have long been considered by ATF to be a vital source of information for law enforcement in combating illegal firearms trafficking.”
Sanetti pointed out that for more than a decade the firearms industry has done its part to help prevent illegal straw purchases of firearms through its Don’t Lie for the Other Guy anti-straw purchasing program.
The campaign, a cooperative effort between NSSF and ATF, educates retailers on how to better detect and deter illegal purchases of firearms and warns the public that it is a serious crime to attempt such an illegal purchase. The program is active in firearm retailer shops across the country. Over the last several years the firearms industry has solely funded the roll-out of Don’t Lie along the border to deter individuals from illegally purchasing firearms.
Wishful thinking:
A suit is filed against the ATF for their participation in smuggling guns into Mexico c/o Operation Fast and Furious.
Operation Fast and Furious (
26th August 2011, 08:19 AM
ATF promotes supervisors in controversial gun operation (")
snip & ATF damage control
The ATF has promoted three key supervisors of a controversial sting operation that allowed firearms to be illegally trafficked across the U.S. border into Mexico.
All three have been heavily criticized for pushing the program forward even as it became apparent that it was out of control. At least 2,000 guns were lost and many turned up at crime scenes in Mexico and two at the killing of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona.
For The Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday, August 21, 2011 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 4 News Desk 2 inches; 64 words Type of Material: Correction
ATF: An article in the Aug. 16 LATExtra section reported that the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had promoted three field supervisors of a controversial gun-trafficking surveillance operation to management positions at ATF headquarters in Washington. The ATF said in a statement Aug. 17 that the three supervisors were "laterally transferred" from operational duties into administrative roles, and were not promoted.
mick silver
26th August 2011, 01:31 PM
so no one went to jail for treason ? people you just cant make this shit up
Twisted Titan
26th August 2011, 01:43 PM
The petty theives we hang........the great ones we elect to high office
26th August 2011, 01:55 PM
The petty theives we hang........the great ones we elect to high office
While I was working in west tex, was at a shop that was rebuilding a large forklift engine for the company I worked for. And was waiting in the lobby too speak to the manager. He had another person in his office, and they were talking about this guy that they both knew that stole a complete drilling rig in west texas and when he was finally caught , the guy was in Oklahoma making hole and had just hit a producing deposit. Both men admired the guys guts and balls for doing it, and both said they would hire him to work for them in less than a heartbeat.
Moral? Think small and be called scum, but think big and you are someone to be admired. But both can be called crooks.
7th December 2011, 07:45 PM
SURPRISE, False Flag operation admitted.
Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations
" Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation "Fast and Furious" to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales."
" ATF officials didn't intend to publicly disclose their own role in letting Mexican cartels obtain the weapons, but emails show they discussed using the sales, including sales encouraged by ATF, to justify a new gun regulation called "Demand Letter 3". "
7th December 2011, 07:50 PM
so no one went to jail for treason ? people you just cant make this shit up
They got a promotion instead, just like some of the NeoCons,
for their " failures ", get a promotion, either a reward or to shut
you up or both, we can do it all again in the future, etc .
General of Darkness
7th December 2011, 07:51 PM
Jesus fricken Christ, can't they just leave us the FUCK ALONE.
po boy
7th December 2011, 07:52 PM
Time to get your reloading supplies in order if not already.
Dogman, your post reminds me of a quote "kill one man you're a murder kill thousands you're a conqueror" or something to that effect.
7th December 2011, 08:02 PM
A lot of people suspected this early and the related stories are being proven right,
this is a lot like Iran Contra, guns, drugs, money laundering, there are some major
stories about DEA and money laundering, don't be surprised if these stories are directly
Why is border patrol neutered on the border ?
They don't want their own mules shot and own operations hindered.
They is ZOG. I have many related threads on this.
video CNN law makers call for DEA probe
DEA Laundering Money For Mexican Drug Cartels tels&btnG=Search&hl=en&oq=DEA+Laundering+Money+For+Mexican+Drug+Cartels&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=2984l2984l0l3953l1l1l0l0l0l0l125l125l0.1l1l 0
8th December 2011, 08:52 AM
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