View Full Version : 13 Things Your Locksmith Won’t Tell You

3rd March 2011, 08:06 PM

1. Many locksmiths in the phone book or online are scam artists. They’ll quote you a great price, but when they get there, they’ll say you have a special lock they can’t pick, so they have to drill it open. Then they charge you $125 for a replacement lock you can buy at Home Depot for $25.

2. Find someone reputable at findalocksmith.com, the official website of the Associated Locksmiths of America.

3. Don’t feel bad if you have to call me twice in a short span of time. I once had a guy lock himself out of his house three times in one day.

4. It’s easy to defeat the cheapo locks from big-box stores. Most are mass-produced by reputable manufacturers but to very low standards. Look for at least a grade 2.

5. The best lock is a dead bolt that’s properly installed. It should have at least a one-inch “throw,” and on the “strike side,” there should be a security plate with screws at least three inches long that go all the way into the door’s wood frame.

6. If you have a window on or near your door, a thumb-turn dead bolt won’t do much good. They knock out the glass, stick a hand in, and turn. Get a double cylinder lock that needs a key on the inside.

7. Keys stamped “Do not duplicate” are duplicated all the time. Ask me about high-security locks with keys that can’t be replicated at the hardware store.

8. Don’t believe a car dealer who says only he can duplicate keys. In most cases, a locksmith who specializes in automotive work can make you a key—usually cheaper.

PLUS: 13 Things Your Car Dealer Won't Tell You

9. Divorce lock-outs are a challenge. The soon-to-be-ex wife will call and say she’s locked out, so I get her in and change the locks. Then the husband calls with the same request. I refer him to a competitor.

10. Have a housekeeper who needs a key? Ask me to key your door so that your master key works on both the dead bolt and the doorknob, but hers works just on the knob. On the day she comes, lock only the knob.

11. Try the door. I’ve gone to houses and found it open. (I’m still going to charge you for the service call.)

12. If your key won’t turn, try WD-40 or silicone spray. Sometimes the pins get jammed up, and 25 to 40 percent of the time, that solves the problem.

13. If you’re locked out, please call just one of us. More than once, I arrived at a lock-out to find two competitors’ trucks already there. At that point, we all agreed to leave and abandon the inconsiderate victim.

link (http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/life/13-things-your-locksmith-won-t-tell-you-2460154/)

More Things Your Locksmith Won’t Tell You

1. Think twice before you buy a locked safe at a flea market, estate sale, or auction. It’s probably going to cost you $300 or more to open it, and chances are, all you’re going to find is mouse poop.

2. Contractors stink at installing dead bolts. I can’t tell you how many times I go out to rekey one or let someone in, and I find problems. If it’s not installed right, it won’t protect you.

3. A lot of us do undercover work for the cops. We make keys for them and get them into places at 3 a.m. so they can set up surveillance equipment or put the bugs in place. It’s part of the thrill of doing what we do.

4. When you buy a new house, always have your locks rekeyed. Otherwise there’s probably a master key out there that can easily open your home.

5. You’re supposed to check ID before you open anything. But half the time when someone is locked out of their house or car, where do you think their ID is?

6. The biggest mistakes people make with their safe: spinning the dial too fast, trying to open it before it’s unlocked, and forcing it closed when there’s obviously a problem.

7. I’ve seen my share of dead bodies. It’s always a bad sign when the landlord calls to get into an apartment, and nobody’s seen the tenant for ten days.

8. Don’t feel bad if you have to call me twice in a short span of time. I once had a guy lock himself out of his house three times in one day.

9. Never tell me, “Don’t worry. It’s an easy lock.” Every time someone says that, it takes an extra ten minutes to get it open. It’s the kiss of death.


3rd March 2011, 08:48 PM
The MAIN thing that locksmiths (and lock manufacturers) don't want you to know:

Lock "bumping" and "bump keys":



still afloat
4th March 2011, 09:00 AM
The true #1 thing your locksmith won't tell you is
"Locks only keep out honest people"

4th March 2011, 09:48 AM
I've gone round and round with my husband on things like this.

I like open windows on a nice day. He swears that one day someone will get in because of this. He doesn't even like an unlocked closed window. My argument is, locked windows, locked doors, if a burglar or murderer wants in, he'll get in..... BUT mine-as-well lock that door or window and make it hard for him. Hopefully (if you're home) you'll hear him break that window and have your gun ready ;)

4th March 2011, 06:03 PM
Lockey Digital M210 Mechanical Keyless Entry Bump Proof Deadbolt Door Lock Satin Nickel Finish

4th March 2011, 06:25 PM
We used to shave down keys and make masters to fit several different types of vehicles then take random cars out for joy rides.

Later we decided to strip them down and make some money.

Got caught and learned lesson.

Making master keys for cars is super simple if you have someone in the know show you how.

This is referring to pre-90's vehicles. I'm sure its a different game now but just as easy to do.

I'd think making keys for home door locks would be about the same but really you dont need a master key for a home because a back window is just as easy. Many windows in homes can be opened without breaking them or even prying. You just have to know how to do it. I got into a few back in the day.

4th March 2011, 06:31 PM
I like open windows on a nice day. He swears that one day someone will get in because of this. He doesn't even like an unlocked closed window. My argument is, locked windows, locked doors, if a burglar or murderer wants in, he'll get in..... BUT mine-as-well lock that door or window and make it hard for him. Hopefully (if you're home) you'll hear him break that window and have your gun ready ;)

There are more thieves that are into easy targets than thieves into hard targets.

An open window is inviting.

If window is shut you cut down your odds.

If window is shut and locked you cut odds down more.

If someone really wants in, they can get in but those cases are pretty rare.

Most likely if they are brave enough to do it while you are home, they'll first knock on the door anyways.