View Full Version : Running out of gas

4th March 2011, 02:03 AM
I have sure seen a lot of people walking along the side of the road with a gas can lately. I always keep a little extra gas in my tank, but I sure feel sorry for the people that run out.

The other night I was in the parking lot of a supermarket and I saw this girl about 16 years old come walking out of the store in tears. then her mom walked over to me and told me that they had just run out of gas and could I help them out. I gave her 5 bucks for gas then my wife and I took off.

I started thinking that if they did not have a gas can how were they going to get their gas? That got me thinking that I'm going to get a couple of them little 1 or 2 gallon gas cans and keep one in each car so if that every happens to me I'll have a gas can or if something like that happens to some one else I could just give them my little cheapy gas can so they can make it home with out having to buy one at the gas station and get totally ripped off.

What's it like in your town do you see lots of people running out of gas? Do you carry a spare gas can with you?

po boy
4th March 2011, 02:11 AM
I haven't seen anyone running out of gas and I don't carry a gas can as I ride a bike.

Good on ya hillbilly karma added. ;)

4th March 2011, 02:24 AM
Used to be they were scam artists. Who knows now. If you are a believer in helping people, get a cheapie gas hose and just lend them some of your gas out of your tank.

Your results may vary.

4th March 2011, 03:03 AM
There are plenty of those around too. The other day at the same store which is pretty close to a freeway onramp (panhandlers love that place) I saw this dirty dingy looking hobo type guy with his pack walking to the store. while I was sitting in my car. He was coming from the freeway side of the road. He walks up to this nice new car and at first I thought he was going to break into the trunk but then he pulls out his keys opens it up put in his pack and then strolls into the store where I'm sure he is going to spend some of the money he panhandled that day.

Used to be they were scam artists. Who knows now. If you are a believer in helping people, get a cheapie gas hose and just lend them some of your gas out of your tank.

Your results may vary.

4th March 2011, 06:40 AM
Two years ago there was this car parked next to a main road, the woman was standing next to the car and the man was also but hodina and empty container and holding a sign that said "Need gas"......I stopped behind them and took my five gallon container from the back of my pick up and walked towards them and the guy said to me "Is ok, is ok, go away" hahahahaahahah........because they were in danger where they were at I called the cops.

First dizzy post of the day..........good morning to one and all.

4th March 2011, 07:33 AM
I have seen a *lot* of people out of gas lately. And a lot of cars on the side of the highway in the last couple weeks. I didn't put it together with the higher gas price until just now.

I've never seen the gas-scam, but I did once have a regular looking lady in her 30's asking me if I could give her a bus ticket or $2. I figured sure, whatever, and gave her a couple bucks. Then an hour later on my way back I saw her still out there, asking other people for money for a bus ticket!

It makes sense in a way, I'm not going to give $2 to someone who looks like they need it 'cause I know it just leads to more f-ing beer bottles and cigarette butts everywhere, but I didn't think twice about giving it to someone regular I though just wanted a ride home. So she won that round and I learned something from it.

4th March 2011, 07:44 AM
I haven't noticed that, but I have seen a lot more people hitchhiking.

4th March 2011, 07:46 AM
I am a pedestrian/bus rider as of late & have noticed many pissed off drivers trying to run me over.

I figure gas prices as the reason. 8)

4th March 2011, 07:58 AM
What's it like in your town do you see lots of people running out of gas? Do you carry a spare gas can with you?

You know, the thing I've noticed lately is there is no one on the road! I used to fight pretty major traffic in the mornings getting my kid to school but not anymore. It just seems like there are a lot less cars on the road.....less people with jobs is probably what I'm seeing:(.

I don't carry a gas can and haven't noticed people running out of gas, but I probably should start so that if I do come across someone needing help I will have one.

4th March 2011, 08:07 AM
You need a gimmick when hitchhiking
When I got out of high school I had a job 30 miles away but no vehicle so I would hitchhike every day to and from, what made it easy was I carried a big bright red thermos and people that normally wouldn't pick up hitchhikers would pull over.

For several years after I got a truck I would pick up just about anybody hitchhiking because I knew how hard it was to stand alongside the road hoping someone would feel sorry for you.

On day I noticed a guy alongside the road at the edge of town carrying a jerry can, I pulled over and he puts the can in back jumps in, we take off and I ask him how far up is his car, he laughs and says the gas can is his suitcase.
I start laughing and he says since swapping his suitcase for a gas can he rarely waits more then a couple minutes before someone stops.

We get up to where I turn off and he climbs out, grabs the can and holds it up and sure enough the bottom is cut out and and a couple wires were woven through holes holding his clothes in

4th March 2011, 10:40 AM
i like looking at the pumps when i drive up. they still read the price the person paid until they are resetby somebody new.

lots of $5, $7, etc purchases. a couple gallons.

4th March 2011, 12:35 PM
Never needed it... but I just put a spare gas tank in my trunk... ;D

4th March 2011, 01:11 PM
That's pretty ingenious with the gas can suitcase.

On day I noticed a guy alongside the road at the edge of town carrying a jerry can, I pulled over and he puts the can in back jumps in, we take off and I ask him how far up is his car, he laughs and says the gas can is his suitcase.
I start laughing and he says since swapping his suitcase for a gas can he rarely waits more then a couple minutes before someone stops.

We get up to where I turn off and he climbs out, grabs the can and holds it up and sure enough the bottom is cut out and and a couple wires were woven through holes holding his clothes in

4th March 2011, 01:28 PM
You need a gimmick when hitchhiking


4th March 2011, 01:32 PM
If a hitch hiker was carrying one of these I'd probably pick him up.


You need a gimmick when hitchhiking


4th March 2011, 02:30 PM
Once my brother and I were walking out of a taco bell and a man walked up to us and asked for a few bucks because he was out of gas. We gave him a few bills and he promptly walked right into the taco bell. I suppose he just meant a different kind of gas. :D

4th March 2011, 02:35 PM
This farmer had an old car parked almost across from his property and he keep a rusty gas can in the trunk, every time that he would go to town he would pull out the gas can and stand there till someone would stop, he would then placed the gas can back inside of the trunk and hich a ride..........true story.