4th March 2011, 07:31 AM

By Rev. Ted Pike
3 Mar 11

In 1918 Vladimir Lenin recorded and sent throughout Russia a phonograph record threatening death to any Russian who revealed the Jewish name of a Bolshevik leader. [1] A photo of the first People's Commissariat at that time reveals the nearly total dominion of Jews over Bolshevism: All five were Jewish. (See Jewish Activists Created Communism)

On February 24, actor Charlie Sheen committed an offense that would have sentenced him to death in Jewish-controlled Bolshevik Russia. In an internet radio interview he used the Jewish name (Chaim Levine) of Chuck Lorre, producer of his sitcom. Instantly, "Amerika's" thought crime commissar, ADL head Abe Foxman, sprang into action.

By invoking television producer Chuck Lorre’s Jewish name in the context of an angry tirade against him, Charlie Sheen left the impression that another reason for his dislike of Mr. Lorre is his Jewishness. This fact has no relevance to Mr. Sheen’s complaint or disagreement, and his words are at best bizarre, and at worst, borderline anti-Semitism.

Unlike other public figures attacked with Foxman’s highly nuanced objections, Sheen demands an apology. His attorney Marty Singer says that Lorre referred to himself as Chaim on a vanity card in February and that Sheen's statement was not anti-Semitic. Sheen says he was referring to Lorre's real name "because I wanted to address the man, not the bulls**t TV persona." Sheen himself was given another name at birth. "So you're telling me, anytime someone calls me Carlos Estevez, I can claim they are anti-Latino?"

Foxman would be well advised to apologize. In 2001 ADL smeared as anti-Semitic a Colorado filmmaker, William Quigley, whose career depended on good relations with Hollywood. Quigley sued and the court agreed that, since Hollywood was in fact Jewish-dominated, ADL had severely damaged his economic future. ADL was fined $10.5 million, a sum whose interest accrued to nearly $14 million after several years of appeals. (See Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish)

On February 25, CBS canceled the final four tapings of Sheen’s sitcom. It could be argued that ADL’s accusations—not Sheen’s attention-getting behavior—is to blame. The smear of “anti-Semitism” could even lead to a boycott by entertainment media for the rest of Sheen's life. The actor may be in an excellent position to sue ADL, perhaps demanding hundreds of millions. If the court agrees that Sheen has been maliciously stereotyped, ADL could suffer financially to a much greater degree than under the Quigley judgment. If Sheen decides to sue ADL, it will be a well-deserved legal whack on the snout. Even if Foxman realizes he has overstepped and apologizes, it will significantly tarnish his authority as speech crimes commissar.

Nuancing Thought Crime

With world criticism raging against Israel's entrenched brutality to the people of Gaza, Foxman and other Jewish leaders are becoming much more extreme and nuanced in their demands that matters Jewish remain a "no free speech zone." They fear that Europe’s anti-Israel mood will spread to conservative leaders like Glenn Beck.

Like Foxman, liberal Jewish religious leaders have denounced Beck for what they consider borderline anti-Semitic inferences. Some 600 primarily Reform (secular) rabbis want Beck fired from FOX. His only crime is calling his enemies "Nazis" or describing abortion deaths as a "Holocaust." Liberal Jewish propagandists claim that no genocide in history can compare to the evil that Nazis inflicted on the Jews. Beck’s use of "Holocaust" terms thus trivializes the near-deified memory of Jewish dead.

Joseph Stalin authorized the assassination of countless opponents as he climbed the ladder of political power in Russia. The more he purged his enemies, the more sensitive he became to the smallest hint of disloyalty. At the end, a comrade who merely failed to look him straight in the eye was doomed as an enemy of the state. This is the paranoid destiny of America under Foxman, the new high executioner of thought correctness. Many American political and religious leaders are beginning to realize they are in the crosshairs of ADL, vulnerable to the slightest slip of tongue about Judaism or Israel.

What should they do? The opposite of groveling Glenn Beck, who apologized for his true statement that Reform (secular) Jews are primarily political, not spiritual, in emphasis. They should follow the lead of fighters like Helen Thomas and even the train wreck that is Charlie Sheen. His demand for ADL’s apology may be fueled by “crack courage,” but it is courage nonetheless. It is outrageous that this degenerate addict is virtually the only public figure in modern times to fight back at ADL.


4th March 2011, 07:59 AM

By Rev. Ted Pike
3 Mar 11

In 1918 Vladimir Lenin recorded and sent throughout Russia a phonograph record threatening death to any Russian who revealed the Jewish name of a Bolshevik leader. [1] A photo of the first People's Commissariat at that time reveals the nearly total dominion of Jews over Bolshevism: All five were Jewish. (See Jewish Activists Created Communism)

Joseph Stalin authorized the assassination of countless opponents as he climbed the ladder of political power in Russia. The more he purged his enemies, the more sensitive he became to the smallest hint of disloyalty. At the end, a comrade who merely failed to look him straight in the eye was doomed as an enemy of the state.
1) Russia had very few phonograph players at the time, those who could afford having such toy in 1918, knew better than run their mouths against Jews at the time. Plus it would be a very stupid idea because the Leninist cannibals desperatly wanted to hide their Jewish idenity. They did kill countless people for revealing it but it was done quietly.
2) You don`t feel like killing a dude that wouldn`t look you straight in the eye, especially while being in your castle? I certainly do,hahahahhaa!

4th March 2011, 08:55 AM
Yes Antonio and that's why I feel that the numbers of "Jews" in the US is not of 2-3% but rather of 16-17%, the reason for this is because so many of them changed their names in order to fit in and be able to infiltrates the government in the country that they are in.

4th March 2011, 09:08 AM
Yes Antonio and that's why I feel that the numbers of "Jews" in the US is not of 2-3% but rather of 16-17%, the reason for this is because so many of them changed their names in order to fit in and be able to infiltrates the government in the country that they are in.

At least 50% of "White" race is carrying sheenie genes, most don`t know about it themselves.

4th March 2011, 09:28 AM
hell no.

4th March 2011, 10:09 AM
hell no.

Shalom ;D

4th March 2011, 10:32 AM
Yes Antonio and that's why I feel that the numbers of "Jews" in the US is not of 2-3% but rather of 16-17%, the reason for this is because so many of them changed their names in order to fit in and be able to infiltrates the government in the country that they are in.

At least 50% of "White" race is carrying sheenie genes, most don`t know about it themselves.
I think this is a fascinating subject. I am sure there are many more who have Jewish blood, than the officially recorded numbers, but your number is very high, do you have any supporting evidence for your statement? Or is it a gut feeling?

4th March 2011, 10:37 AM
At least 50% of "White" race is carrying SHEENie genes, most don`t know about it themselves.

I wonder why Charlie's name two letters short of "sheenie"?

4th March 2011, 10:40 AM
Yes Antonio and that's why I feel that the numbers of "Jews" in the US is not of 2-3% but rather of 16-17%, the reason for this is because so many of them changed their names in order to fit in and be able to infiltrates the government in the country that they are in.

At least 50% of "White" race is carrying sheenie genes, most don`t know about it themselves.
I think this is a fascinating subject. I am sure there are many more who have Jewish blood, than the officially recorded numbers, but your number is very high, do you have any supporting evidence for your statement? Or is it a gut feeling?

It`s a purely shnozzel feeling,Neuro. I have a finely calibrated jewdar and gaydar. Plus I`m feverishly reading some mind-boggling Russian inside info about the subject, it`s not available in English and I try to translate the gist of it. Pure goym are a minority among the so-called White race. Pure Whites can be found only in remote villages of Norway,Sweden and Russia.
PS. I don`t have a shnozzel but my hair and eyes are dark. Any deviation from blond,blue-eyed,tall Nordic ideal with razor sharp,straight nose proves some semitic component. Google Anne Sophie Von Otter, the magnificent Swedish singer from an aristocratic family and look at her nose:

4th March 2011, 10:42 AM
At least 50% of "White" race is carrying SHEENie genes, most don`t know about it themselves.

I wonder why Charlie's name two letters short of "sheenie"?
He is probably a Spanish Sephardi joo. I look more Nordic than him.

4th March 2011, 10:51 AM
At least 50% of "White" race is carrying SHEENie genes, most don`t know about it themselves.

I wonder why Charlie's name two letters short of "sheenie"?
He is probably a Spanish Sephardi joo. I look more Nordic than him.

His original family name was "Estevez".

Silver Rocket Bitches!
4th March 2011, 10:54 AM
The ADL is far too arrogant to ever apologize. They'd rather pay out tens of millions of dollars in litigation. They know if they apologize once, their credibility is up for grabs and others will start demanding apologies.

4th March 2011, 10:57 AM
At least 50% of "White" race is carrying SHEENie genes, most don`t know about it themselves.

I wonder why Charlie's name two letters short of "sheenie"?

He is probably a Spanish Sephardi joo. I look more Nordic than him.

His original family name was "Estevez".

scroll down to see Estevez.
PS. Antonio is here only to help and entertain.

4th March 2011, 11:07 AM
Esteves (P) Son of Esteban, or son of Esteve

4th March 2011, 11:26 AM
Yes Antonio and that's why I feel that the numbers of "Jews" in the US is not of 2-3% but rather of 16-17%, the reason for this is because so many of them changed their names in order to fit in and be able to infiltrates the government in the country that they are in.

At least 50% of "White" race is carrying sheenie genes, most don`t know about it themselves.
I think this is a fascinating subject. I am sure there are many more who have Jewish blood, than the officially recorded numbers, but your number is very high, do you have any supporting evidence for your statement? Or is it a gut feeling?

It`s a purely shnozzel feeling,Neuro. I have a finely calibrated jewdar and gaydar. Plus I`m feverishly reading some mind-boggling Russian inside info about the subject, it`s not available in English and I try to translate the gist of it. Pure goym are a minority among the so-called White race. Pure Whites can be found only in remote villages of Norway,Sweden and Russia.
PS. I don`t have a shnozzel but my hair and eyes are dark. Any deviation from blond,blue-eyed,tall Nordic ideal with razor sharp,straight nose proves some semitic component. Google Anne Sophie Von Otter, the magnificent Swedish singer from an aristocratic family and look at her nose:
The funny thing is that, in Sweden, if some one has a prominent hooked nose, it is said that it is an aristocratic nose. Is it possible that the entire Swedish aristocracy, have at least partial Jewish genes?

My maternal grandfather, we think that he may be the offspring of aristocracy, since his mother worked as a maid for an aristocrat, and his mother didn't get married to his father until several years after he was born, further we also discovered a few years ago, that he has an older sister who was adopted away, anyway he has a prominent hook on the middle of his nose. His mother never told him anything on the subject though, not even about his elder sister. But he remember over hearing some talk among relatives that he wasn't who he thought was his fathers son.

My features though is very Nordic, straight nose, blond hair, and blue eyes...

4th March 2011, 11:35 AM
Haha,aristocratic shnozzel!
Russians have recently analyzed all the portraits of Russian aristocracy and to their horror saw that all of them look 100% kike.
So much for the Germanic theory of Russian aristocracy.
Anybody with the means to travel to another country is a Jew, this has not changed since the beginning of time.
America is a country of immigrants,anyone who ever emigrated is automatically a Jew except those who came to America and Australia as convicts. Pure goym never make enough money to even move to the next town,let alone go accross oceans. Also, pure goym love their native soil and never emigrate because of this reason.

Study coats of arms, they are full of Jewish symbols in every country, such as lion which a symbol of Jewish property etc.
Aristocracy is synonymous with Jewry.

6th March 2011, 12:36 AM

6th March 2011, 07:30 AM
PS. I don`t have a shnozzel but my hair and eyes are dark. Any deviation from blond,blue-eyed,tall Nordic ideal with razor sharp,straight nose proves some semitic component.

Antonio could it also mean you have a Greek component. The Greeks were surely not Jews.

6th March 2011, 09:11 AM
hmm, lets see...a race that that GLORIFIES even MURDER of gentiles, would stoop to apologize to one?

6th March 2011, 10:02 AM

All right, ladies and gents. I want a big thread of people lining up to thank me for educating your goy asses how to recognize a Jew.
So far I have never been wrong, not once ;).

6th March 2011, 10:06 AM
Haha,aristocratic shnozzel!
Russians have recently analyzed all the portraits of Russian aristocracy and to their horror saw that all of them look 100% kike.
So much for the Germanic theory of Russian aristocracy.
Anybody with the means to travel to another country is a Jew, this has not changed since the beginning of time.
America is a country of immigrants,anyone who ever emigrated is automatically a Jew except those who came to America and Australia as convicts. Pure goym never make enough money to even move to the next town,let alone go accross oceans. Also, pure goym love their native soil and never emigrate because of this reason.

Study coats of arms, they are full of Jewish symbols in every country, such as lion which a symbol of Jewish property etc.
Aristocracy is synonymous with Jewry.

So you are saying that it has nothing to do with ethnicity or lineage, but rather means?

6th March 2011, 10:06 AM
PS. I don`t have a shnozzel but my hair and eyes are dark. Any deviation from blond,blue-eyed,tall Nordic ideal with razor sharp,straight nose proves some semitic component.

Antonio could it also mean you have a Greek component. The Greeks were surely not Jews.

Trinity, my friend, yes Greeks are usually dark and often have hook shnozzels,this is the semitic component from being fucked by Turks for 500 years.
There are also many Greek Jews. Real pure Greeks are blond Nordics.
Italians are often dark because they are mixed with Arabs,Jews and even Blacks in the South of Italy.

6th March 2011, 10:08 AM
Haha,aristocratic shnozzel!
Russians have recently analyzed all the portraits of Russian aristocracy and to their horror saw that all of them look 100% kike.
So much for the Germanic theory of Russian aristocracy.
Anybody with the means to travel to another country is a Jew, this has not changed since the beginning of time.
America is a country of immigrants,anyone who ever emigrated is automatically a Jew except those who came to America and Australia as convicts. Pure goym never make enough money to even move to the next town,let alone go accross oceans. Also, pure goym love their native soil and never emigrate because of this reason.

Study coats of arms, they are full of Jewish symbols in every country, such as lion which a symbol of Jewish property etc.
Aristocracy is synonymous with Jewry.

So you are saying that it has nothing to do with ethnicity or lineage, but rather means?

Hey bro, please clarify what you mean. What has nothing to do with ethnicity or lineage?

6th March 2011, 10:34 AM
Hey bro, please clarify what you mean. What has nothing to do with ethnicity or lineage?

Whether someone in your opinion is Jewish or not. you said: "Anybody with the means to travel to another country is a Jew, this has not changed since the beginning of time. America is a country of immigrants,anyone who ever emigrated is automatically a Jew except those who came to America and Australia as convicts. Pure goym never make enough money to even move to the next town,let alone go accross oceans. Also, pure goym love their native soil and never emigrate because of this reason."

So it's all about money?

6th March 2011, 10:37 AM
PS. I don`t have a shnozzel but my hair and eyes are dark. Any deviation from blond,blue-eyed,tall Nordic ideal with razor sharp,straight nose proves some semitic component.

Antonio could it also mean you have a Greek component. The Greeks were surely not Jews.

Trinity, my friend, yes Greeks are usually dark and often have hook shnozzels,this is the semitic component from being fucked by Turks for 500 years.
There are also many Greek Jews. Real pure Greeks are blond Nordics.
Italians are often dark because they are mixed with Arabs,Jews and even Blacks in the South of Italy.
There was this Swedish anthropologist professor in the late 19th century, who claimed that the Swedes were the true descendants of the people of Troy. However his claim came during the most fervent national romantic epoch... Well my BOL is close to where ancient Troy was, so I guess I can claim it as my ancestral right... Fellow Swedes, let's take back Troy, Sweden will probably be covered in a couple of miles of ice anyway in a few centuries! With Somali's frozen in, with khat in their mouths fresh! LOL!

6th March 2011, 10:41 AM
Hey bro, please clarify what you mean. What has nothing to do with ethnicity or lineage?

Whether someone in your opinion is Jewish or not. you said: "Anybody with the means to travel to another country is a Jew, this has not changed since the beginning of time. America is a country of immigrants,anyone who ever emigrated is automatically a Jew except those who came to America and Australia as convicts. Pure goym never make enough money to even move to the next town,let alone go accross oceans. Also, pure goym love their native soil and never emigrate because of this reason."

So it's all about money?

The other way around. Money is about Jews. Jews are the only people capable of creating and maintaining wealth. A pure goy wins a lottery and loses all to crack, whores etc. Whenever you see evidence of someone having more than 2 nickels to rub together, you are looking at some Jewish component.

6th March 2011, 10:44 AM
The other way around. Money is about Jews. Jews are the only people capable of creating and maintaining wealth. A pure goy wins a lottery and loses all to crack, whores etc. Whenever you see evidence of someone having more than 2 nickels to rub together, you are looking at some Jewish component.

I have a little money, so I'm a jew? At least in part?. :D

6th March 2011, 10:46 AM
The other way around. Money is about Jews. Jews are the only people capable of creating and maintaining wealth. A pure goy wins a lottery and loses all to crack, whores etc. Whenever you see evidence of someone having more than 2 nickels to rub together, you are looking at some Jewish component.

I have a little money, so I'm a jew? At least in part?. :D

Absolutely,mazel tov!

6th March 2011, 10:59 AM
Absolutely,mazel tov!

Hey!!!!!! Shalom my friend!

6th March 2011, 11:13 AM
Here is some reading on the suggestion that the Swedes were the descendants of the Troyans!:


6th March 2011, 11:19 AM
Here is some reading on the suggestion that the Swedes were the descendants of the Troyans!:


Russian nationalists have a theory that Slavs were the original Aryans who spread throughout the world, including Greece and India.
Russian and Sanskrit are eerily similar.

6th March 2011, 11:32 AM
Jews are the only people capable of creating and maintaining wealth. A pure goy wins a lottery and loses all to crack, whores etc.

Heroin-addicted jews notwithstanding.


6th March 2011, 11:42 AM
Jews are the only people capable of creating and maintaining wealth. A pure goy wins a lottery and loses all to crack, whores etc.

Heroin-addicted jews notwithstanding.


Jew addicts never lose everything to dope,a lot but never everything. Look at Charlie Sheenie.

mick silver
6th March 2011, 11:42 AM
i hope both of them lick it other b lls. i dont give a rat ass one way or the other

6th March 2011, 02:20 PM
Here is some reading on the suggestion that the Swedes were the descendants of the Troyans!:


Russian nationalists have a theory that Slavs were the original Aryans who spread throughout the world, including Greece and India.
Russian and Sanskrit are eerily similar.
Well the Turkish nationalists believe that almost every person in the world is a Turk. It is funny almost every person I meet here believes I have a Turkish name, because the spelling of it is similar to a Turkish name, while the pronunciation isn't, but it is almost impossible to convince people that my name is a typical ancient Scandinavian name without a Turkish connection.

6th March 2011, 02:29 PM
Here is some reading on the suggestion that the Swedes were the descendants of the Troyans!:


Russian nationalists have a theory that Slavs were the original Aryans who spread throughout the world, including Greece and India.
Russian and Sanskrit are eerily similar.

Russian and Sanskrit (along with English, Latin and Latin derivative languages, Greek, Lithuanian, etc, etc) are both vestiges of the "Proto-Indo-European" language that the ancient Aryans spoke as they basically settled the world.

6th March 2011, 05:09 PM
Trinity, my friend, yes Greeks are usually dark and often have hook shnozzels,this is the semitic component from being fucked by Turks for 500 years.
There are also many Greek Jews. Real pure Greeks are blond Nordics.
Italians are often dark because they are mixed with Arabs,Jews and even Blacks in the South of Italy.

Yet these images made by the ancient Geeks show them with dark curly hair much like you would find today in Greece. Why did these and many other images show them as such?

6th March 2011, 05:32 PM
I`ve thought about this,Trinity. I grew up thinking the same thing. I have Greek relatives who look exactly like the dudes depicted on those amphorae. I hate to think that even ancient Greeks were Jews but if you buy into the theory that Jews are aliens who colonized the earth when there were hardly any native humans living here (goym are the native earthlings), then it all starts making sense.

6th March 2011, 05:45 PM
I`ve thought about this,Trinity. I grew up thinking the same thing. I have Greek relatives who look exactly like the dudes depicted on those amphorae. I hate to think that even ancient Greeks were Jews but if you buy into the theory that Jews are aliens who colonized the earth when there were hardly any native humans living here (goym are the native earthlings), then it all starts making sense.

My doctor is Greek and Jewish. I'll have to ask him about this. The Catholic side of my family is going to have a hard time with being Jewish and Alien I think.

6th March 2011, 06:07 PM
I look at it like this Antonio. When that singer Seal and that blond model Heide Klume had children their kids did not look like Mediterranean people but instead they look like a mix of black and white. Same with other mixed marriage kids I see. I think the Mediterranean peoples are their own kind and not a mix. Just look at their architecture, columns, arches, etc. You don't find it anywhere else on the planet, a seperate distinct culture it once was. IMHO

6th March 2011, 06:13 PM
I look at it like this Antonio. When that singer Seal and that blond model Heide Klume had children their kids did not look like Mediterranean people but instead they look like a mix of black and white. Same with other mixed marriage kids I see. I think the Mediterranean peoples are their own kind and not a mix. Just look at their architecture, columns, arches, etc. You don't find it anywhere else on the planet, a seperate distinct culture it once was. IMHO

I got weak knees when I stepped off a plane in Milan once. I sure know what you mean about Mediterrenean culture.
But I`m trying to digest the theory that Jews are aliens who`ve colonized earth maybe 100000 yrs ago or even more, it`s still a shock to me. There is evidence of extraterrestrial colonization everywhere on this planet, same symbols used etc.
Seems like the power never changed hands here on this planet.

6th March 2011, 06:27 PM
Seems like the power never changed hands here on this planet.

Yes that seems like it might be. There seems to have been a top that flatters/uses/spits out the nations of the world like toy things. Presently they are preparing to spit out the American people and beginning to flatter, then use, and eventualy spit out the oriental world. JMHO

6th March 2011, 06:27 PM
But I`m trying to digest the theory that Jews are aliens who've colonized earth maybe 100000 yrs ago or even more, it`s still a shock to me.

You never heard about that Martian Pogrom when the jews got kicked off Mars for robbing, stealing, and cheating the population?


6th March 2011, 10:26 PM
WTF is this about Glenn Beck being labeled antisemitic? That is the funniest thing I have heard in a while!

7th March 2011, 05:20 AM
WTF is this about Glenn Beck being labeled antisemitic? That is the funniest thing I have heard in a while!

Didn't he always used to say "when things start getting really bad, people start blaming the jews"?

Glenn loves him some chosen!

7th March 2011, 05:24 AM
WTF is this about Glenn Beck being labeled antisemitic? That is the funniest thing I have heard in a while!

Didn't he always used to say "when things start getting really bad, people start blaming the jews"?

Glenn loves him some chosen!
So when things go bad, people blame the jews. But when things go bad for the jews, the jews blame Glenn Beck... Is that how it goes? :)

7th March 2011, 03:18 PM
WTF is this about Glenn Beck being labeled antisemitic? That is the funniest thing I have heard in a while!

Didn't he always used to say "when things start getting really bad, people start blaming the jews"?

Glenn loves him some chosen!

I watch Beck sometimes for pure entertainment and to also see "the lie"...he is one of the most outspoken, unapologetic supporters of Idrael and Jews that there is in the MSM...he has "protect Israel" as #1 on his chalkboard. he went on a hilarious rant recently during this Egypt fiasco, about how communism and islam is joining forces to go after their "common enemy"...the Jews...I almost died laughing. "The New World Islamic Order" I believe he called it!

7th March 2011, 07:16 PM
WTF is this about Glenn Beck being labeled antisemitic? That is the funniest thing I have heard in a while!

Didn't he always used to say "when things start getting really bad, people start blaming the jews"?

Glenn loves him some chosen!

I watch Beck sometimes for pure entertainment and to also see "the lie"...he is one of the most outspoken, unapologetic supporters of Idrael and Jews that there is in the MSM...he has "protect Israel" as #1 on his chalkboard. he went on a hilarious rant recently during this Egypt fiasco, about how communism and islam is joining forces to go after their "common enemy"...the Jews...I almost died laughing. "The New World Islamic Order" I believe he called it!

that is just batshit insane

i guess he hasn't changed much since the last time i watched and he was just groveling over benjamin netanyahu in an interview with him

7th March 2011, 07:24 PM
I wonder if all be forgiven now that Sheen has admitted he's Jewish?

"Charlie Sheen latest: 'I'm Jewish, off to Haiti' (http://ca.news.yahoo.com/charlie-sheen-latest-im-jewish-off-haiti-20110304-203622-411.html)"

Troubled US actor Charlie Sheen rounded off a rollercoaster week by claiming that he couldn't be anti-Semitic because he is Jewish -- and saying he is off to Haiti, to help out there.

Sheen, whose children were taken away from him a week after the hit TV series in which he stars was cancelled, said he should have mentioned his Jewishness when he was accused of anti-Semitism last week.

"My mom is Jewish. Here?s where it gets confusing -- we don?t know who her father was," he told the TV show Access Hollywood Live. "But she is, in fact, Jewish. So, I guess that would make me Jewish, and my children Jewish.

"And Brooke, my ex-wife is Jewish. So, I guess I should?ve rolled all that out too," he added.

7th March 2011, 08:12 PM
I wonder if all be forgiven now that Sheen has admitted he's Jewish?

"Charlie Sheen latest: 'I'm Jewish, off to Haiti' (http://ca.news.yahoo.com/charlie-sheen-latest-im-jewish-off-haiti-20110304-203622-411.html)"

article ends:
In his latest interview Friday, Sheen revealed that he plans to travel to quake- and disease-wracked Haiti, with actor friend Sean Penn. "We?re going to do a couple things first and then it looks like we?re heading down," he said.

"I?m excited as hell because, you know, if I can bring the attention of the world down there, then clearly this tsunami keeps cresting," he added.

Everyone may not suspect or agree that the Haiti quake was HAARPed, and Sheen may or may not have looked into it, but if he does & comes to that same conclusion, he could add "Weather Warfare Truther (http://www.google.com/search?q=weather+warfare+haarp)" to his resume. I have no idea how much good that would do towards impeding TPTB's "natural disaster" causing antics. His buddy Jeff Spicoli may need to back him on that.


also see,
Weather Warfare (http://www.amazon.com/Weather-Warfare-Jerry-Smith/dp/1931882606/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8) by Jerry E. Smith

7th March 2011, 08:23 PM
His buddy Jeff Spicoli may need to back him on that.

Best line from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High":


7th March 2011, 08:27 PM
pretty cool avatar here if someone wants to grab it,
