View Full Version : Charlie Sheen - MKUltra?

4th March 2011, 07:54 AM
Has anyone wondered if this could be? I did and did some searching this morning and came across this article with video links showing him before, talking about 9/11 and sounding normal and comparing it to how he speaks today.

The article talks about a British spy who became a whistle blower and he ended up "crazy" too. It is definitely a possibility, imo.

Why has Charlie Sheen 'gone off' in such spectacular fashion? Admittedly, it's not exactly unusual for a Hollywood star to go on a drink and drug-fuelled 'bender' and end up in rehab, but for most of them that's usually the extent of the acting out. Charlie Sheen however appears to be in a different category. While he has an alleged history of drink and drug abuse dating back to 2005, his dramatically swift fall from grace really began late last year when he was arrested for causing $7000 worth of damage to a hotel suite during a weekend of drugs and prostitutes. Since then, his behavior has grown increasingly bizarre and, most recently, he seems to have adopted a 'god complex' that does not appear to be dependent on, or fueled by, any substance abuse (although there is obviously a strong possibility of him being bipolar).

Here are a few snippets of his recent public comments:

Link to article:

4th March 2011, 07:56 AM
He passed the "drug test" for the ABC interview, but I'd bet a tonne of gold that he was on a "prescription."

Has anyone wondered if this could be? I did and did some searching this morning and came across this article with video links showing him before, talking about 9/11 and sounding normal and comparing it to how he speaks today.

The article talks about a British spy who became a whistle blower and he ended up "crazy" too. It is definitely a possibility, imo.

Why has Charlie Sheen 'gone off' in such spectacular fashion? Admittedly, it's not exactly unusual for a Hollywood star to go on a drink and drug-fuelled 'bender' and end up in rehab, but for most of them that's usually the extent of the acting out. Charlie Sheen however appears to be in a different category. While he has an alleged history of drink and drug abuse dating back to 2005, his dramatically swift fall from grace really began late last year when he was arrested for causing $7000 worth of damage to a hotel suite during a weekend of drugs and prostitutes. Since then, his behavior has grown increasingly bizarre and, most recently, he seems to have adopted a 'god complex' that does not appear to be dependent on, or fueled by, any substance abuse (although there is obviously a strong possibility of him being bipolar).

Here are a few snippets of his recent public comments:

Link to article:

4th March 2011, 07:58 AM
i'm operating under the assumption that there really might be nothing wrong with him. he has a shitload of money, people are fucking with him + he's tired of it, he's a good looking hetero guy with TONS of options, maybe he does have tigerblood.

4th March 2011, 08:00 AM
i'm operating under the assumption that there really might be nothing wrong with him. he has a shitload of money, people are fucking with him + he's tired of it, he's a good looking hetero guy with TONS of options, maybe he does have tigerblood.

But his mannerisms have changed. His eyes look strange.....something is going on with him. I don't believe it is just substance abuse. This is a perfect way to really discredit 9/11 too. 9/11 truth seekers = crazy Charlie Sheen "types".

4th March 2011, 08:10 AM
He said he sniffs 7gram rocks. IMHO it`s an exaggeration but still even thinking about doing a 1/4oz of marching powder at one time shows he is playing with death and is addicted to what we call in Russia "fatal rapture" which is the sheer thrill of looking death in the eye.
If he did quit a large coke habit and boozing recently, he could be clean now but boy, he does look unhinged and hyper. I guess mostly due to the political/money pressure.

4th March 2011, 08:24 AM
I think there is a good chance. However, for a moment let's suspend the notion that he is a mind control victim and consider a less 'far out there' possibility:

After the 911 thing, I'm sure Sheen made their radar and perhaps someone high up decided that he needed to be dealt with. One of the bad guys' most effective tactics is to attack weaknesses. So they hire a few drop dead gorgeous coke whores to throw themselves at him, make sure the cocaine is particularly potent and that he has a safe place to do it, and make sure he doesn't end up in jail for trafficking. Now no matter how he reacts when the story gets floated, they have discredited him.


4th March 2011, 08:36 AM
He said somthing to the affect that ......... "With the meltdown in Iraq, Afganistan, Egypt and other places around the world why do you concentrate so much in my bullshit? shame on you, shame on you".....love that guy.

4th March 2011, 08:37 AM
His coke whores are not that extremely attractive, I expected him to do better. They look good but they lack class and by class I mean having intellegent eyes. No dumb woman will ever be called classy by me. They are regular bisexual coke whores, dime a dozen.

4th March 2011, 08:43 AM
His coke whores are not that extremely attractive, I expected him to do better. They look good but they lack class and by class I mean having intellegent eyes. No dumb woman will ever be called classy by me. They are regular bisexual coke whores, dime a dozen.

True, but how do we know that he didn't have 6 or 7 smoking hot coke whores during his bender? I bet he did.


4th March 2011, 08:45 AM
His coke whores are not that extremely attractive, I expected him to do better. They look good but they lack class and by class I mean having intellegent eyes. No dumb woman will ever be called classy by me. They are regular bisexual coke whores, dime a dozen.

True, but how do we know that he didn't have 6 or 7 smoking hot coke whores during his bender? I bet he did.


I sure did and I ain`t Charlie Sheen,hahahahaa!

4th March 2011, 08:48 AM
Is his time and money and as long as he dosen't hurt anyone else then let it be.......we are trying to impose our will on Charlie the same way that we are imposing our will around the world.

willie pete
4th March 2011, 09:15 AM
really, it's his money,..... of course it'll be awhile before he sees his children IF he ever does again :D ....I don't expect him to be be breathing to much longer, you don't live that lifestyle as long as he has and get away with anything.... :D

Silver Rocket Bitches!
4th March 2011, 10:36 AM
Then you have Alex Jones going on the view and sounding like a tin foil hatter. The whole thing seems orchestrated.

4th March 2011, 10:43 AM
i don't know, i kind of find it refreshing in today's day and age. for some guy to come out and go "yeah, STFU" is kind of nice to see after awhile.

4th March 2011, 10:44 AM
i don't know, i kind of find it refreshing in today's day and age. for some guy to come out and go "yeah, STFU" is kind of nice to see after awhile.

I agree.

I wish Mel Gibson stood up for himself more when the media was shitting on him.

4th March 2011, 10:54 AM
It`s all a rehearsed to death act. First some public figure shits on sheenies a bit and in 2-3 days starts groveling. This is to teach goym the consequences of speaking out. Very few refuse to apologize,usually it is THE JEWS with balls like Bro Natanael.
Being poor significantly elevates the courage because the poor have nothing to lose.