View Full Version : America's Third War: Texas Farmers Under Attack at the Border

mick silver
4th March 2011, 10:20 AM
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/03/03/americas-war-texas-farmers-attack-mexican-border/ ... In Texas, nearly 8,200 farms and ranches back up to the Mexican border.

The men and women who live and work on those properties say they’re under attack from the same drug cartels blamed for thousands of murders in Mexico.

“It’s a war, make no mistake about it,” Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples said. “And it’s happening on American soil.”

Texas farmers and ranchers produce more cotton and more cattle than any other state, so Staples is concerned this war could eventually impact our food supply, and calls it a threat to our national security.

“Farmers and ranchers are being run off their own property by armed terrorists showing up and telling them they have to leave their land,” Staples said.

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To raise awareness, Commissioner Staples launched the website ProtectYourTexasBorder.com. It’s a place where frustrated and scared farmers can share their stories.

One Texas farmer, who asked not to be identified, said it’s common for him to see undocumented immigrants walking through his property.

“I see something, I just drive away,” he said. “It is a problem, I’ve learned to live with it and pretty much, I’ve become numb to it.”

Another farmer, Joe Aguilar, said enough is enough. After walking up on armed gunmen sneaking undocumented immigrants into the United States through his land, Aguilar decided to sell his farm.“It’s really sad to say, you either have to beat ‘em or join ‘em and I decided not to do either,” Aguilar said.

Aguilar's family farmed 6,000 acres of land along the Texas-Mexico border for nearly 100 years.

“Our farmers and ranchers can’t afford their own security detail,” Staples said. “We’re going to become more dependent on food from foreign sources.

Americans don’t like being dependent on foreign oil, they won’t stand for being dependent on foreign food.”

For more on the battle at our border, visit http://www.ProtectYourTexasBorder.com.

4th March 2011, 12:03 PM
shoot back you pussies!

4th March 2011, 12:17 PM
shoot back you pussies!
But that would be wasist!
Whenever I run into a Texan I remind him that "Texas ain't Texas no more".

4th March 2011, 12:43 PM
shoot back you pussies!

I bet that every rancher/farmer on the border has heard of the case below.
I posted a couple of excerpts, the rest of the article can be read at the link.


Arizona Rancher Will Fight Court Order To Pay Damages to Undocumented Immigrants

...An Arizona rancher who was ordered to pay nearly $90,000 in punitive damages to undocumented immigrants he confronted, with a gun, is going to request a rehearing, his attorney said.

“We’ll be filing a motion for a rehearing,” said David T. Hardy, who is representing Roger Barnett. “He feels he got screwed. I have some sympathy for that view"...

...The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last week upheld a lower court verdict ordering Barnett to pay the damages for the 2004 incident, in which the plaintiffs claimed that he approached them with his dog and said he’d shoot them if they tried to leave.

David Hinojosa, southwest regional counsel for the Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund, which represented the plaintiffs in the suit against Barnett, said he is confident the Ninth Circuit Court will deny a rehearing.

"He pointed the barrel of the gun at every single one of those immigrants," said Hinojosa, who was co-counsel in the case. "He apparently didn't remember yelling racial epithets at the people, or making one lady break down to the point of crying and praying to be let go."

"The jury believed the immigrants, they didn't believe him," he said. "It's just a simple delay tactic for Barnett rather than just paying the debt."

After the Ninth Circuit Court’s ruling, MALDEF released a statement that said: “Today's ruling sends the strong message that vigilantes will not be tolerated in Arizona...


4th March 2011, 12:46 PM

4th March 2011, 12:48 PM
shoot back you pussies!
But that would be wasist!
Whenever I run into a Texan I remind him that "Texas ain't Texas no more".

"Mexas" maybe... lol

4th March 2011, 01:13 PM
It's about time they start playing "Cowboys and Beaners"

6th March 2011, 09:27 AM
shoot back you pussies!
But that would be wasist!
Whenever I run into a Texan I remind him that "Texas ain't Texas no more".

the Alamo is EVERY city now, yours and mine....and Golead aint sendin nobody either....

6th March 2011, 09:35 AM
It seems as though this doesn't apply anymore. The gov is trying it's best to neuter those behind the grass.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_C-7IX8a74lg/TBr8-bJlE_I/AAAAAAAAQ6o/xtdwSwVL9yE/s1600/1stum+independence+never+invade+usa+gun+behind+eve ry+blade+of+grass.bmp

6th March 2011, 10:03 AM
It seems as though this doesn't apply anymore. The gov is trying it's best to neuter those behind the grass.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_C-7IX8a74lg/TBr8-bJlE_I/AAAAAAAAQ6o/xtdwSwVL9yE/s1600/1stum+independence+never+invade+usa+gun+behind+eve ry+blade+of+grass.bmp

They will only neuter you if you allow them to do so. The guy has a decision to make unfortunately. To pay 90,000 FRN's to people who ILLEGALLY entered the country or not. If it were me I'd refuse and defend my life and my land to the death if need be. This is the mentality that needs to be drilled into everyone head because that is the game they are playing for. The courts are corrupt, the entire country is corrupt. They do as they please because people are too scared to stand up for what they believe in.

Quote Andrew Jackson and leave the court room: "You've made your decision, now let's see you enforce it."

Go home, hunker down and convert your land into a fortress.

6th March 2011, 11:06 AM
It seems as though this doesn't apply anymore. The gov is trying it's best to neuter those behind the grass.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_C-7IX8a74lg/TBr8-bJlE_I/AAAAAAAAQ6o/xtdwSwVL9yE/s1600/1stum+independence+never+invade+usa+gun+behind+eve ry+blade+of+grass.bmp

It seems that we've all got to start shooting at once; they pick off the individual resistors.

I don't know how something like that can be arranged but it is probably the only way
to do something that will have an effect and not just ruin the lives of the victims who are fighting back.

So some big event has to happen that just pisses off everybody at once...

The Harold Covington novel that has a whole neighborhood open up on government child takers
when they come to pull the kids out of a family's house is a good example.

(Those are good books and are free to download. Northwest Front website has links.)
