View Full Version : tactical nuke used in libya by Gaddafi

Large Sarge
5th March 2011, 08:55 AM

mick silver
5th March 2011, 09:26 AM
there something wrong with the site you posted

5th March 2011, 09:28 AM
Link worked for me Mick...


5th March 2011, 09:53 AM
Some one needs to get some geiger counter readins ASAP! An ammo Dump blowing up can be a huge thing much like when the Port of Chicago Blew up...Oh wait that was a Nuclear Bomb too ;)

5th March 2011, 10:44 AM
It should come as no surprise that Jew Gaddafi http://israelinsider.net/profiles/bl...ource=activity
would try to kill as many goyim as he could get by with on his way out.

Hatha Sunahara
5th March 2011, 01:02 PM
When you think of a nuclear bomb, what comes to mind? Hiroshima? A Mushroom cloud? City busters? Fireball? There is a set of videos we have all seen of nuclear explosions. Some others of the devastation caused by these bombs. But all these images are at least 40 years old, and some of them more than 60 years old. You don't see very recent pictures of nuclear weapons exploding.

This 'information situation' gives rise to a belief that there has been little progress in the development of nuclear weapons. That if nukes are used, there has to be a mushroom cloud, and tons of radiation. There has however been a news blackout on nuclear weapons development since the early 1990s. One of the more obvious questions we need to start asking is How small can a nuclear weapon be? Most people I know believe that it has to be at least as big as the Hiroshima bomb. I don't know why people believe that. I also hear about 'suitcase nukes'. Ones that are so portable, that you can destroy an entire city by exploding one in the upper floors of a tall building. But all this is mythology that comes from ignorance.

There have been explosions since the mid-1990s that have been too powerful to be accounted for by conventional explosives. The bomb that destroyed the US Embassy in Nairobi in 1999 was one such explosion. So was the bomb that destroyed the Murrah building in Oklahoma City in 1995. The Bali Sari Club bomb was such a bomb. Khobar Towers was another such explosion. Ditto for the bomb that brought down the Saba Hilton in Egypt in 2003. Ditto for the bomb that killed Rafik Hariri in Beirut in 2005. It is likely that such bombs were used in Fallujah, Iraq in 2005., and likely on multiple occasions in Iraq. There was a US ammunition dump called Camp Falcon in Iraq that exploded causing huge devastation--likely from an erroneously detonated mini or micro nuke. Nuclear weapons technology has not stood still since 1945. Since most if not all of it is secret, we can only speculate as to what causes huge blasts like we have seen, and it isn't outrageous to assume that a mini nuke has been used even in Libya.

I've read descriptions of nuclear weapons that have a 'dial a yield' feature that will vary their explosive power from 1 kiloton to 50 kilotons. 1 kiloton is equal to 1000 tons of TNT. That's a really big bomb, but it can be claimed that it was an ammunition dump exploding.

What I have learned from reading the work of Dimitri Khalezov is that nukes can be, and are used surreptitiously--and almost exclusively for purposes of state sponsored terrorism. False flag attacks, assassinations etc, where ordinary sized bombs just cannot do the job. The bombs have to be buried to a certain depth to avoid damaging an extended area like the Hiroshima bomb did. You can tell which bombs are nukes from the craters left after the blast. Do you ever hear news accounts that report geiger counter measurements made in the area of the blast? The media edits out such information, mostly because the people who own the media have friends who are responsible for such explosions.

The likely suspects in such explosions are the CIA, Mossad, MI6, the FSB, or some independent combination of the employees of these state intelligence operations. Apparently there is no accountability for the production or use of these weapons. We really do live in a dangerous world--and the terrorists are not the people most of us imagine.


5th March 2011, 01:20 PM
Why do you think it`s illegal to have Geiger counters in NYC?

5th March 2011, 02:13 PM
Why do you think it`s illegal to have Geiger counters in NYC?

I'd heard they were outlawed there. What reason was given for their banning?

5th March 2011, 03:13 PM
Tactical nuke means "in-theater"... close in. It can be delivered by artillery, truck, car, rail, etc.

We had tactical nukes in the 1980s in Europe. I am sure they are still there. That is the only thing that kept the Soviets from attacking. They had us outnumbered 100:1. It was our gamma ray nukes that kept them from trying. No long term fallout. Now damage to the ground unless burst were surface or sub-surface.

The neutron bombs would dose a fixed are with gamma rays and fry the life without damaging the equipment - except for maybe the electronics.

5th March 2011, 03:44 PM
Why do you think it`s illegal to have Geiger counters in NYC?

I'd heard they were outlawed there. What reason was given for their banning?

I don`t even remember. The real reason is that Israely embassy gives off quite a spike in radiation levels.

5th March 2011, 08:15 PM
Why do you think it`s illegal to have Geiger counters in NYC?

I'd heard they were outlawed there. What reason was given for their banning?

I don`t even remember. The real reason is that Israely embassy gives off quite a spike in radiation levels.

I don't doubt that. I think they have some other reason though. Seems I read an article some time back about nuclear contamination in and around the New York area. Maybe they don't want people to know the extent of it.

5th March 2011, 08:31 PM
Why do you think it`s illegal to have Geiger counters in NYC?

I'd heard they were outlawed there. What reason was given for their banning?

I don`t even remember. The real reason is that Israely embassy gives off quite a spike in radiation levels.

numerous search results, story first appeared around top of '08,


in this link, http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=10612, we read:
"There are currently no guidelines regulating the private acquisition of biological, chemical, and radiological detectors," warned Falkenrath, adding that this law was suggested by officials within the Department of Homeland Security.

DHS = Izzy/Zio-interests, the perps of 911... also see:
Homeland Security Releases New Funds to Jewish Non-Profits (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/homeland-security-releases-new-funds-to-jewish-non-profits/)

mick silver
6th March 2011, 10:30 AM
thanks pat ... the worm hole just keeps getting deeper