View Full Version : Rice University Jewish Studies Professor calls police over youtube 9/11 video

5th March 2011, 04:26 PM
MonkeySeeMonkeyDo is a member at the Info Underground. He made a website about the history of Israel, including 9-11.


"History They Don't Teach 1 - Zionist Terrorism"
by USraeliTerror.

Someone emailed Rabbi Lander at Rice University about it. She reported him to the police.

The full story -

"A Houston man who sent a Rice University professor a youtube link via e-mail in October was contacted by police investigators shortly thereafter. The video, entitled 'History They Don't Teach You in School', covers the history of false flag terrorism, Israeli Zionists, and Israeli involvement in the September 11, 2001 attacks. It was e-mailed to Rice University Jewish Studies professor Rabbi Shira Lander, Ph.D, after the man had seen fliers advertising her Jewish studies anti-semitism class. Rabbi Lander had also recently given a public lecture series on the same topic. The series, consisting of three consecutive lectures which were advertised as open to the public, were held on October 13th, 20th, and 27th.

The Rice website advertising the event read "Dr. Shira Lander,visiting professor of Religious Studies presents a three part lecture series entitled "The History of Anti-Semitism" Wednesday evenings in October at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Brith Shalom.
Part I: Greco-Roman Anti-Judaism (October 13)
Part II: Christian Anti-Judaism (October 20)
Part III: Muslim and Modern Anti-Judaism. (October 27)
In this 3-session class, Dr. Shira Lander will trace the transformation of anti-Jewish sentiments and images from Greco-Roman, Christian and Muslim cultures into modern anti-Semitism"

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Rice University Jewish Studies Professor calls police over youtube 9/11 video - Los Angeles LA County Libertarian | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/la-county-libertarian-in-los-angeles/rice-university-jewish-studies-professor-calls-police-over-youtube-9-11-video-1#ixzz1Fm5intYD

Following is the short e-mail exchange that the Houston resident had with the professor:

* 3:45 PM "Hello Professor Lander, I thought you might be interested in this information. History They Don't Teach You in School Israel / Mossad orchestrated the attacks of September 11, 2001. Also... Nano-thermite is an incendiary, not an explosive. Nano-thermite might have played a role, but is nothing but a major distraction shoved down our throats by controlled opposition who insist we stay clear of the Israeli angle. If your family was killed and you found out who did it would you keep yelling about how the murders were committed or would you focus on the who and go after the murderers themselves? The fake truth movement that was started by and continues to be controlled by the perpetrators teaches truthers to ignore the who while begging for a new investigation that will never happen. The truth is not anti-Semitic!

* 3:52 PM, "Shira Lander" slander@rice.edu wrote: Please remind me who you are. Shira Lander, Ph.D. Jewish Studies Program Rice University Mailing Address: History Department MS-42 PO Box 1892 Rice University Houston, TX 77251-1892

* 4:39 PM, Re: 9/11 We have not met. I picked up a flyer advertising your Anti-semitism class. The flyer contained the question 'Why did some blame Jews for 9/11?' So I thought you might like to know why.

* Shira Lander wrote: Are you suggesting that I show this video in class to reveal the truth behind 9/11 or that I should use it as an example of the kind of anti-Semitism that blames all Jews for 9/11? I just want to be clear about your intentions."

A week later, the man received an e-mail message from Sgt. Gary Spears, of the Rice University Police Department Criminal Investigations Division in Houston. The message stated: "_____, Please contact me at ___ concerning the above titled internet link that was sent out using your ____ e-mail address. Thanks, Gary."

The man was surprised that a professor would call the police over a link to a youtube video. He was concerned after receiving the message from the officer, but called him as requested. "I just stated to him that I never met this woman and haven't had any other exchange with her other than those emails, so obviously this is not a harrassment issue. He seemed to be totally satisfied with this, so I don't think I have to worry about further problems. I'll tell you though, I was floored to be contacted by the police over this! The professor's comments are funny; when I read " just want to know what your intentions are", I thought, well it doesn't matter what my intentions are, what matters is what is true or not. But I didn't feel like communicating with her further."

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Lander is the Rabbi at B'nai B'rith Victoria, in Texas

Lander's Facebook page -

/\ email for the Bnai Brith website.

Lander's email -

So, ask her your questions !

Ponce, show her your sign !

5th March 2011, 08:13 PM
"To view this video please verify you are of legal age by signing in or signing up"

yeah, right! does giving them a throwaway email addy "verify I'm of legal age"? Or do they insist upon a notarized ID photocopy being mailed to them? What a shameless & transparent ploy to intimidate (identify) potential viewers.

5th March 2011, 09:31 PM
Well Gunny, many pictures has been taken of my sign and now I am very prominent among the Zionist in this sector........love it because it is an ego booster hahahahahahaha.......however, besides two attempts on my life they haven't had the guts to contact me directly.

Twisted Titan
6th March 2011, 05:06 AM
A week later, the man received an e-mail message from Sgt. Gary Spears, of the Rice University Police Department Criminal Investigations Division in Houston. The message stated: "_____, Please contact me at ___ concerning the above titled internet link that was sent out using your ____ e-mail address. Thanks, Gary."

Yeah right......... how bought you kiss my fanny Barney Fife.



6th March 2011, 06:29 AM
I am a bit confused about this statement:

Nano-thermite is an incendiary, not an explosive. Nano-thermite might have played a role, but is nothing but a major distraction shoved down our throats by controlled opposition who insist we stay clear of the Israeli angle.

I haven't heard that the nano-thermite lead may be related to obfuscating the Israel angle... Wouldn't it be the opposite?

6th March 2011, 06:51 AM
I am a bit confused about this statement:

Nano-thermite is an incendiary, not an explosive. Nano-thermite might have played a role, but is nothing but a major distraction shoved down our throats by controlled opposition who insist we stay clear of the Israeli angle.

I haven't heard that the nano-thermite lead may be related to obfuscating the Israel angle... Wouldn't it be the opposite?

"nano-thermite" is a conspiracy theory that immediately gets discredited. Israeli/Zionist false flags are just history e.g. lavon affair, king david hotel bombing, USS liberty, Mexican parliament building Oct 2001 etc. and merely places you in the "student of history/obvious" category

6th March 2011, 07:45 AM
I am a bit confused about this statement:

Nano-thermite is an incendiary, not an explosive. Nano-thermite might have played a role, but is nothing but a major distraction shoved down our throats by controlled opposition who insist we stay clear of the Israeli angle.

I haven't heard that the nano-thermite lead may be related to obfuscating the Israel angle... Wouldn't it be the opposite?

"nano-thermite" is a conspiracy theory that immediately gets discredited. Israeli/Zionist false flags are just history e.g. lavon affair, king david hotel bombing, USS liberty, Mexican parliament building Oct 2001 etc. and merely places you in the "student of history/obvious" category
Oh I see, but nano-thermite was found in WTC dust, that makes it a conspiracy fact, not theory.

6th March 2011, 08:46 AM
And ONCE AGAIN........all this problems would not even come to light if the word ZIONIST was used instead of the word "JEW" or "SEMITE".......why make it so hard to something so simple?

I haven't seen yet anyone being accused of being a anti-Zionist because that's something that the Zionist want's to keep away from the mind of the public...............correction.........I did see a reference to it when the Zionist themself stated that being a anti-Zionist was to be a anti-Semite.

6th March 2011, 09:09 AM
..yeah..thats our jew controlled gubbermint...IGNORE the 911 facts and persecute those who would try to bring the murderers to justice. :oo-->

6th March 2011, 09:39 AM
I despise victim mentality, and those who resort to enlisting a 3rd party to settle "beefs".

6th March 2011, 02:35 PM
Oh I see, but nano-thermite was found in WTC dust, that makes it a conspiracy fact, not theory.

i would have to say, that's right.

the Dutch chemistry prof. who analyzed it - what was his name - Niels Harrit ? - seemed quite straight, rock solid analysis.

in any case, the bottom line is, MonkeySeeMonkeyDo at TIU made a video - and he or someone was contacted by police about it - because Bitch Rabbi Lander (please let me know if my language is objectionable) reported it the police.

she's young - part of the new generation of Zionist Jews whose Job it is to make sure the truth remains buried.

6th March 2011, 03:07 PM
Oh I see, but nano-thermite was found in WTC dust, that makes it a conspiracy fact, not theory.

i would have to say, that's right.

the Dutch chemistry prof. who analyzed it - what was his name - Niels Harrit ? - seemed quite straight, rock solid analysis.

in any case, the bottom line is, MonkeySeeMonkeyDo at TIU made a video - and he or someone was contacted by police about it - because Bitch Rabbi Lander (please let me know if my language isobjectionable) reported it the police.

she's young - part of the new generation of Zionist Jews whose Job it is to make sure the truth remains buried.
Yes there is nothing kooky about the analysis of the dust, there was nano-thermite in it, which means there was nano-thermite in the towers, the ayrabs could surely not have gotten it there. Most probably it was sprayed on as fire protection on the beams, aluminum oxide and iron oxide is commonly in fire protection materials, you just need to change the aluminum oxide to pure aluminum powder and you have thermite, in small enough powder and you get nano thermite... Apply some igniters and you have explosives that will melt the beams! My guess is that the Israeli art students where there to install the igniters...

6th March 2011, 03:28 PM
I am a bit confused about this statement:

Nano-thermite is an incendiary, not an explosive. Nano-thermite might have played a role, but is nothing but a major distraction shoved down our throats by controlled opposition who insist we stay clear of the Israeli angle.

I haven't heard that the nano-thermite lead may be related to obfuscating the Israel angle... Wouldn't it be the opposite?

Statement doesn't make much sense to me either. But what followed it does:

If your family was killed and you found out who did it would you keep yelling about how the murders were committed or would you focus on the who and go after the murderers themselves? The fake truth movement that was started by and continues to be controlled by the perpetrators teaches truthers to ignore the who while begging for a new investigation that will never happen. The truth is not anti-Semitic!

David Ray Griffin: “Was America Attacked By Muslims On 9/11?” (http://davidraygriffin.com/articles/was-america-attacked-by-muslims-on-911)


All the proffered evidence that America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11, when subjected to critical scrutiny, appears to have been fabricated. If that is determined indeed to be the case, the implications would be enormous. Discovering and prosecuting the true perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks would obviously be important. The most immediate consequence, however, should be to reverse those attitudes and policies that have been based on the assumption that America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11.

DRG, presently recovering from bad-heart complications, has recently become the target of fake-911-”truthers” who have taken control of 911blogger, and who are obviously unhappy with Griffin’s failure to fall into line with the fraudulent “911 Limited-Hangout-LIHOP” version of “truth”, which still pins the blame on innocent Arab/Muslims– the “goal” of the fake truthers, see: “Round-table of Trolls Attacks David Ray Griffin and Pushes the Official Story of 9/11 (http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2011/02/21/fake-truther-roundtable-attacks-david-ray-griffin-and-pushes-the-official-story-of-911)″

Hmmm, wonder how AE911Truth is doing these days?

aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,454 licensed architects & engineers (http://ae911truth.org) now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D



Visit http://www.ae911truth.org/signpetition.php to view the identities of all the Architects & Engineers who have gone public, risking their reputations & careers, to take a stand demanding a real investigation, specifically regarding the controlled demo's of those 3 WTC towers. Click on their names for more background on them, and their "personal statements." 1,454 A's & E's at the time of this posting.

Alternatively, check out how many A's & E's are publicly supporting the "other side" here, :-*
Architects & Engineers who PUBLICLY support NIST (http://truthaction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5946)
[oddly enough, truthaction.org is another site which seemed to start out honest, but they've also been co-opted by the dark side, and since they've become an echo chamber for the usual cabal of Limited-Hangout-LIHOP shills.]