View Full Version : 2 US Soldiers for 9 Afghan Children.

6th March 2011, 09:24 AM
This article is very true......read in about 12 sites about the Americanos and only three about the kids.
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The Cheapness of Muslim Blood: 2 US Soldiers for 9 Afghan Children.

Posted by keith on Mar 04, 2011 | 1 Comment

Why is it that nine Afghan children–killed by our country’s military–will be a side story whereas two U.S. soldiers–part of that very same occupying force that killed those nine children–will be covered to no end?

Yesterday was a day stained in blood. Two U.S. soldiers were killed in Germany by a lone gunmen. Meanwhile, nine children were killed in Afghanistan by U.S. armed forces. Both incidents happened on the same day. But if you’re an American watching your country’s mainstream media, you’ve probably only heard about one of these attacks. Is there any question as to which one of these two incidents you’ve heard about? That you’ve watched endless coverage of the two U.S. soldiers killed in Germany–and that you’ve hardly or never heard about what happened yesterday in Afghanistan–is almost certain.

Once again, American blood is boiling over the killing of two of their military personnel by someone who is suspected to be an Islamic extremist. The anger is not just expressed on lunatic anti-Muslim websites like Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch or Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs, but palpable in the general masses of U.S. citizenry. How could these Muslim savages kill two of our brave U.S. servicemen? Thoughts of retaliation–perhaps even using a Samson Option (nuking Mecca, Medina, and/or other Muslim-majority cities)–are certainly considered, if but fleetingly.

Meanwhile, hardly any Americans are aware that on this very same day the U.S. military slaughtered nine children in a country we occupy. Over the course of the next few days, we will get to know the intimate lives of the two fallen U.S. soldiers. They will become very personal to us, living and breathing people–nay, young boys–proudly serving their country. Do you think that your government-subservient propaganda machine you call mainstream media will ever spend any time personalizing the nine dead Afghan children, telling us about their childhoods and getting to know their bereaved mothers?

Why is it that nine Afghan children–killed by our country’s military–will be a side story whereas two U.S. soldiers–part of that very same occupying force that killed those nine children–will be covered to no end? Can you imagine–just for a second–if one of those Muslim barbarians killed nine American children on U.S. soil? And I don’t mean nine Muslim-American children…I mean, real Americans–you know, the good white Judeo-Christian ones. The media would lose its mind, stoking the fans of war. Americans might then expand their knowledge of geography as they get ready to bomb yet another country they’ve never heard of before.

It is difficult not to come to the same conclusion that has been reached in the Muslim world: Americans consider Muslim blood cheap. Had it been two Muslim soldiers from some Muslim country that had been killed in their beds, the title of the articles in U.S. news reports would have read “two Islamic militants (or insurgents) killed” and that would be the end of that. American soldiers are always “soldiers” and “servicemen”–never “militants” or “occupiers”.

Yesterday, we saw how two military men became more precious than nine young children. The idea that U.S. (or Israeli) soldiers are worth more than the civilians in the countries they occupy is an old one: remember that myth that still persists that nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved “a million U.S. lives”? Even though that claim is completely spurious, even if we accept it for argument’s sake, didn’t anyone wonder if the lives of U.S. soldiers were really worth more than that of Japanese children?

The killing in Afghanistan will go unnoticed for a reason that is even more disturbing: we’ve been killing their civilians for a long, long time. So far, the U.S. military has killed hundreds of thousands of Muslim civilians. So another nine children dead is just a drop in the bucket–a bucket full of Muslim blood. Meanwhile, zero U.S. civilians have been killed by jihadists since 9/11 [this article was published in May of 2010, so if this statistic has changed, please let me know; but as far as I know, this is still accurate]. Surely then, two U.S. soldiers being killed is noteworthy. In other words, so much Muslim blood has been shed that nobody notices when more is spilled.

But of course the American jingoists will say “it’s not the same” and they will explain to us why the killing of two U.S. soldiers “counts” and how the killing of nine Afghan children doesn’t. Yet, if we wanted to compare the two incidents, then surely the latter is more indefensible. For one, the Afghan dead were children. Second, nine is–as far as I know–considered to be a higher number than two. Third, the U.S. soldiers were killed by a lone gunmen, or at worst by a stateless organization that terrorizes its own populations. Meanwhile, the nine children were killed by the U.S. military backed by the U.S. government in a war that was supported at its inception by its citizenry. Fourth, the U.S. is an occupier in a country. Although the U.S. citizenry may have become accustomed to being in the role of occupiers, history will have absolute disdain for foreign invaders. Fifth, the lone gunmen may have been deranged mentally and thought he was justified because those U.S. soldiers were en route to join an occupation force–whereas the U.S. is killing Muslim children due to a national hysteria.

Granted, the U.S. military has stated that the strike against Afghan children was “accidental,” so in this particular way the killing of U.S. servicemen may have been worse. But one wonders how much indiscriminate killing of civilians has to go on before it “counts”?

To understand how little the occupier feels guilty for the deaths caused by its occupation, we can look at the absolutely atrocious comments made by the Commander of the U.S. forces in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, who defended the slaughter of the nine Afghan children by blaming the deaths on their parents. In what can only be described as the most disgusting comment ever, Gen. Petraeus had the audacity to suggest “that Afghans caught up in a coalition attack in northeastern Afghanistan might have burned their own children to exaggerate claims of civilian casualties.” Did you get that? He’s claiming that Afghan parents slaughtered and immolated their own children in order to make the U.S. look bad. How can “an apology” for killing children be taken seriously when it is delivered to parents whom you are accusing of killing their own children? Absolutely preposterous!

Can you imagine if a Muslim Congressman–the one or two we have–dared say such a thing about Israeli children killed in a Hamas rocket attack, i.e. that the Israeli parents burned alive their own children in order to make Hamas look bad? What do you think would have happened? Do you remember how the mainstream media–Fox News especially–dealt with Imam Rauf’s post 9/11 statement where he opined that the U.S. foreign policy might possibly have contributed as a cause to the attack (gasp!, you don’t say!)? The MSM kept replaying clips of those now infamous words, invalidating all the good Rauf has ever done in his life.

Yet, Gen. Petraeus’ words–which morbidly blamed the parents for the deaths of their own children–will hardly or just passingly be mentioned by U.S. news outlets. Petraeus will simply issue an insincere apology and the matter will soon be forgotten. He won’t be fired, nor will he be shamed in the public eye. After enough Afghans have died and enough U.S. wealth spent (and it will be the latter which will cause a withdrawal, since Americans could care less about the former), Petraeus will come back home and be heaped with the great honors of a war hero.

To be absolutely clear: the murder of two U.S. soldiers in Germany is deplorable. Such an act is illegal under international law, immoral based on human ethics, and is even forbidden under Islamic law. Neither do I malign those soldiers who were killed–I understand that they were just doing their job, and my “anger” is only aimed at the government who risked their lives for no good reason. Whatever deity you believe in–whether it is Jesus, Allah, or Yahweh–or even if you don’t believe in any–we can all pray or take a moment of silence for all those who fell yesterday, including the two U.S. soldiers and the nine Afghan children. Our compassion as human beings compels us to do that.

Those responsible for the crime of killing the two U.S. soldiers in Germany should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But will any law touch those responsible for the murder of nine Afghan children in the country we occupy? Will we at least look inside our own selves before we point all the fingers at the Muslim world? Will we ever contemplate that our religious right wing–and that in Israel–was a big factor in launching these ill-conceived wars? One thing is certain: we won’t put Judaism or Christianity on trial as we put Islam on trial. The double standards in the media against Muslims and Islam are absolutely unacceptable. Free yourself from this brainwashing and try watching some real news–start by watching Al-Jazeera English–imperfect though it is, it is far better than the government-subservient establishment media in the U.S.


6th March 2011, 09:43 AM
Those who live by the sword will also die by the sword.

Edit: I'm not speaking of the children

6th March 2011, 11:35 AM
Ponce, you must enjoy being an Islamic shill.

6th March 2011, 11:48 AM
Islamic shill?.......if that means that I speak up for those who cannot do so for themselves then I guess that I am......as I am for the Palestinian people...........to become a "shill" you must first separate the truth from the lies and what is left over is usually the truth............."It takes less words to tell the truth than to tell lies"... Ponce

Tell me Spec? what damage have those people done to you?....have they invaded the US?, are they using missiles against our people?, have they kill any of your relatives?, any of your friends?........think of how the Iraqi people were living before the US decided to make then "free" and how they are living now...........and how about Afgha?..........and who will be next?......Lybia? Iran? N. Korea?.........and the only question that I can ask is................. WHY?

6th March 2011, 12:13 PM
Ponce, you must enjoy being an Islamic shill.
I don't like Islam. It's totally incompatible with the west, BUT if I was born in Afganistan to a muslim family and a foreign force of a foreign race came in and installed corrupt puppets as rulers. If I saw the poppy trade reborn... If I saw my neighbors children killed... I would probably join the Taliban.

Shilling for Islam has nothing to do with pointing out the pure evil of our foreign policy. I used to think our foreign policy was merely stupid, but any way you slice it it's wrong.

6th March 2011, 12:55 PM
Thanks RJB ............. I would like to point out that the meaning of "liberty" and of "freedom" no longer applys to our of life in this, what used to be, beutifull land.

For those of you who think of me as a pro Muslim, pro Arab or pro anything....... I don't go by who they are but rather for what they are doing and at time what the US is doing around the world is a crime against humanity........and worse yet, against the American people.

If anything I am ......... anti US government......but.......more against those who hide behind the curtain and who are manipulating our constitution.

If anyone here would like to correct me and tell me as to why I am wrong then please say why......don't go crazy on me, ok?

6th March 2011, 01:03 PM
Keith/ revoltoftheplebs does some truthy essays, and while the main gist of the OP essay re lopsided MSM reporting of warrenterra-hoax related topics is obviously correct; I'm surprised to see lines like this in the OP essay:

And I don’t mean nine Muslim-American children…I mean, real Americans–you know, the good white Judeo-Christian ones.

"Judeo-Christian" is a fraudulent, zio-invented & propagated meme...


Do you remember how the mainstream media–Fox News especially–dealt with Imam Rauf’s post 9/11 statement where he opined that the U.S. foreign policy might possibly have contributed as a cause to the attack (gasp!, you don’t say!)? The MSM kept replaying clips of those now infamous words, invalidating all the good Rauf has ever done in his life.

He seems to be suggesting that a 911-LIHOP scenario, IE "scary moozlemismist blowback for years of US foreign policy abuse", is the awful "forbidden truth of of 911"... got nooz for you Keith: Scary Moozlemismists had no role in 911 (http://davidraygriffin.com/articles/was-america-attacked-by-muslims-on-911/).

911 was conceived and orchestrated, top to bottom, by zio-interests both in the US & abroad (http://gold-silver.us/forum/911-28/the-%27israel-did-911%27-thread/)-- same folks who control the US MSM propaganda machine which Keith is properly critical of. ;) :-*

6th March 2011, 01:33 PM
Perhaps one of the most difficult propositions in the modern world is appreciating the culture and heritage of those portrayed as evil. First, who is doing the portraying? And second, if Islam is so booga-booga bad why are western governments welcoming it with open arms and codifying the same rights and responsibilities to foreigners as natural citizens? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with Zionist influence and Christian stooges that buy it hook, line, and sinker, right? After all, if we were to believe what we are told anyone who subscribes to Allah is instantly suspect. But troops in foreign lands, murdering innocent civilians, well hey they're the freedom fighters, the defenders of the weak and innocent. This is one of the reasons why I don't hold out a lot of hope for the world. Personally, any Christian that supports US foreign policy is a dupe. To those that say Islam wants to take over the world -bullshit. If it wasn't for INTENTIONAL manipulation in the churches and media, the foaming at the mouth us-or-them mentality that is artificially produced on the assembly lines of psy-ops would be a non-event. Instead our military is busy around the middle east popping caps into little kids and women. It is all an illusion that way too many suckers buy into and it has a big circle U stamped on it. Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining - Israel and the US government are patently corrupt and have blood on their hands.

6th March 2011, 03:40 PM
We only think that we have "free will" but in reallity we are only reacting to the obstacles being placed before us.........only when you learn of the reason of the obstacles before you will you be able to formulate a "real" solution to the problem..............who put them there? and why?

Hate the Muslims, Hate the Arabs, protect the "Jews".......why?, why? and why?

6th March 2011, 03:58 PM
How many abortions are done in Amerika in one year Ponce?

You want to turn a murder of two over as insignificant in the face of an accidental killing of nine far away by other people....

.. well ,then... I can also talk about unrelated deaths. But in this case I will use other murders that are not considered outrageous by people like YOU. Murders done for profit. Blood money. ABORTIONS.

How many have been done this past year Ponce? How many over the last 40 years?

You want to be the champion of the innocents? All I see is a shill for Islam... the same movement that murders people like me who will not bow to their clowns allah & mohammad. You can slander the christian God and the Messiah all you want. We don't come after you with a machete. Time is so short now that you will soon meet my God and have your life and words to explain to Him. It will suck to be you.

6th March 2011, 04:07 PM
Hahahahahahaah Spec.........you jump all over my ass about abortions without asking first where I stand on that subject.............but hey, what ever makes you happy.

You also come after me about religions and your God?.......a God by any other name is still a God, the same as a Rose.

6th March 2011, 04:13 PM
Uh whoa, I was talking politics. This looks personal. I'll leave the discussion to you two love birds.

6th March 2011, 04:20 PM
President Peace Prize “Expressed Regret” for Killing 9 More Children in Afghanistan (http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/president-peace-prize-expressed-regret-for-killing-9-more-children-in-afghanistan/)
Posted on March 4, 2011 by willyloman

by Scott Creighton

In the Pech valley area of Kunar province the villagers are gathering and protesting… the chant “Death to America” seems to be their favorite this day. They are angry about the recent increasing numbers of attacks on their civilians, especially the latest one in which two U.S. helicopter gunships hovered over a small group of children collecting firewood, rose up and fired missiles at them. The missile misses, so they killed the children, one by one, with their gatling guns. They simply mowed them down. The oldest was 12.

“One survivor of the attack, an 11-year-old boy, is reported as saying the helicopters hovered over the boys, rose up, fired rockets and then shot the boys one after the other using their canons.” ABC News (http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/03/04/3154763.htm?section=justin)

How is it that two helicopter gunship pilots could hover over a group of children for a while and not be able to identify them as children? If they thought that they were armed insurgents, would these pilots have hovered over them, motionless in the air making themselves a rather easy target for armed insurgents? And once they started firing and the kids didn’t shoot back, don’t you think that would have been a clue that their targets were not fighters?

Read more » (http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/president-peace-prize-expressed-regret-for-killing-9-more-children-in-afghanistan/#more-14890)

6th March 2011, 04:22 PM
Hahahahahahaah Spec.........you jump all over my ass about abortions without asking first where I stand on that subject.............but hey, what ever makes you happy.

You also come after me about religions and your God?.......a God by any other name is still a God, the same as a Rose.

I don't recall hearing you so concerned about the children of abortions Ponce. I don't recall hearing you so concerned about the uncounted millions dying of starvation, disease, violent warlords, and various other unsavory killers. No. All I see is the anti-Jew and anti-US military, in favor of islam. Here is the title:

The Cheapness of Muslim Blood: 2 US Soldiers for 9 Afghan Children.

Of course I don't see the blood of any as "cheap". This incendiary article plays a neat emotional game. I don't appreciate such games. As for the US military people.... most of them are dumb shlubs glad to have some form of employment. I don't know of any who sign up to be baby killers. On the other hand, there are many doctors who do sign up to be baby killers. And they get paid much better than the military.

RJB- is this personal? I believe we can hold people accountable for what they say and espouse. It is public and open to discussion. Challenge views, values and vocalizations.

6th March 2011, 04:25 PM
RJB- is this personal? I believe we can hold people accountable for what they say and espouse. It is public and open to discussion. Challenge views, values and vocalizations.
LOL, I beleive that too. As I said, both of you love birds have fun, ;D

6th March 2011, 04:28 PM
President Peace Prize “Expressed Regret” for Killing 9 More Children in Afghanistan (http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/president-peace-prize-expressed-regret-for-killing-9-more-children-in-afghanistan/)
Posted on March 4, 2011 by willyloman

by Scott Creighton

In the Pech valley area of Kunar province the villagers are gathering and protesting… the chant “Death to America” seems to be their favorite this day. They are angry about the recent increasing numbers of attacks on their civilians, especially the latest one in which two U.S. helicopter gunships hovered over a small group of children collecting firewood, rose up and fired missiles at them. The missile misses, so they killed the children, one by one, with their gatling guns. They simply mowed them down. The oldest was 12.

“One survivor of the attack, an 11-year-old boy, is reported as saying the helicopters hovered over the boys, rose up, fired rockets and then shot the boys one after the other using their canons.” ABC News (http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/03/04/3154763.htm?section=justin)

How is it that two helicopter gunship pilots could hover over a group of children for a while and not be able to identify them as children? If they thought that they were armed insurgents, would these pilots have hovered over them, motionless in the air making themselves a rather easy target for armed insurgents? And once they started firing and the kids didn’t shoot back, don’t you think that would have been a clue that their targets were not fighters?

Read more » (http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/president-peace-prize-expressed-regret-for-killing-9-more-children-in-afghanistan/#more-14890)

This should have been the lead story... not the crap about airmen killed in Germany.

At first the story was that the U.S. military responded to an attack with “artillery fire” which killed the kids then the story changed to” jets bombed” the kids and that was easier to explain because of the speed the jets move so of course they could not have determined that the group were children and not fighters.

There was an attempted cover up. If some hotshot chopper pilot got thrills this way, he needs to be hung by his gonads.

6th March 2011, 06:16 PM
Ponce, you must enjoy being an Islamic shill.

Something wrong with pointing out the sick reality that the media and by extension, those who partake of it, value the lives of trained murderers over the lives of innocent children?

6th March 2011, 07:38 PM
Ponce, you must enjoy being an Islamic shill.

Something wrong with pointing out the sick reality that the media and by extension, those who partake of it, value the lives of trained murderers over the lives of innocent children?

Yes, there is. Look at the link.... the ONLY link..... ISLAM. That article was an emotional game to sucker fools (raise your hands) who would fall for the bait.

There are millions of children killed every year all over the world. Various reasons and various hands. The link of some guys (air force) in a bus in Germany to some asshole chopper pilot (army) in Afghanistan is non-existant. US military? Sure.... so was I at one point. And having served in the military makes us all guilty of murdering children in Afghanistan? I can tell you where to take that, but I'll let you figure it out.

6th March 2011, 09:05 PM
Ponce, you must enjoy being an Islamic shill.

Something wrong with pointing out the sick reality that the media and by extension, those who partake of it, value the lives of trained murderers over the lives of innocent children?

Yes, there is. Look at the link.... the ONLY link..... ISLAM. That article was an emotional game to sucker fools (raise your hands) who would fall for the bait.

There are millions of children killed every year all over the world. Various reasons and various hands. The link of some guys (air force) in a bus in Germany to some asshole chopper pilot (army) in Afghanistan is non-existant. US military? Sure.... so was I at one point. And having served in the military makes us all guilty of murdering children in Afghanistan? I can tell you where to take that, but I'll let you figure it out.

If Ponce is an Islamic shill, then you are definitely a Christian shill. If you were in the military then you are guilty of many evil deeds by association. Have fun explaining that to your God, it sucks to be you.

6th March 2011, 09:25 PM
Ponce, you must enjoy being an Islamic shill.

Something wrong with pointing out the sick reality that the media and by extension, those who partake of it, value the lives of trained murderers over the lives of innocent children?

Yes, there is. Look at the link.... the ONLY link..... ISLAM. That article was an emotional game to sucker fools (raise your hands) who would fall for the bait.

There are millions of children killed every year all over the world. Various reasons and various hands. The link of some guys (air force) in a bus in Germany to some asshole chopper pilot (army) in Afghanistan is non-existant. US military? Sure.... so was I at one point. And having served in the military makes us all guilty of murdering children in Afghanistan? I can tell you where to take that, but I'll let you figure it out.

If Ponce is an Islamic shill, then you are definitely a Christian shill. If you were in the military then you are guilty of many evil deeds by association. Have fun explaining that to your God, it sucks to be you.

I`m a Jew and I`ll convert to Islam infinitely sooner than become a Christian shill a la Spectrism. I have utmost respect for Islam, I just want Israel to keep their tiny piece of the sandbox. Otherwise I wish every bit of luck to any Muslim.

6th March 2011, 09:32 PM
You can slander the christian God and the Messiah all you want. We don't come after you with a machete. Time is so short now that you will soon meet my God and have your life and words to explain to Him. It will suck to be you.

Is this a joke? :ROFL:


7th March 2011, 04:59 AM
If Ponce is an Islamic shill, then you are definitely a Christian shill. If you were in the military then you are guilty of many evil deeds by association. Have fun explaining that to your God, it sucks to be you.

Yes- I am a "christian shill" in the sense that I preach the value of christianity and its efficacy. The time has come that most of you will serve my enemy and will not understand your delusion until it is too late. You judge yourselves in your own words and actions.

Guilty by association because I served in the military? Do you pay taxes big mouth? Are you American? If so, then YOU are guilty by your own words.

7th March 2011, 05:02 AM
I`m a Jew and I`ll convert to Islam infinitely sooner than become a Christian shill a la Spectrism. I have utmost respect for Islam, I just want Israel to keep their tiny piece of the sandbox. Otherwise I wish every bit of luck to any Muslim.

You are not a Jew Antonio. I am more Jew than you are. A real Jew would know his true Master YHWH and would never even hint to bowing to a false god of allah. A true Jew would know who the Messiah is and follow the Messiah who was promised from old. A true Jew would not be blinded by this world and lust for the things of this world.

7th trump
7th March 2011, 05:30 AM
If Ponce is an Islamic shill, then you are definitely a Christian shill. If you were in the military then you are guilty of many evil deeds by association. Have fun explaining that to your God, it sucks to be you.

Yes- I am a "christian shill" in the sense that I preach the value of christianity and its efficacy. The time has come that most of you will serve my enemy and will not understand your delusion until it is too late. You judge yourselves in your own words and actions.

Guilty by association because I served in the military? Do you pay taxes big mouth? Are you American? If so, then YOU are guilty by your own words.

I've always said these people on here spouting this and spouting that are way to dangerous to be around when the shtf. More dangerous to themselves than the innocent zombies. (Yeah people, most are blinded purposely with a spirit of slumber to keep them innocent.)
They will commit murder to and of their brethren because they are guilty of association of being tax payers to a millitary industrial complex which is run by a bunch of greedy lazy children.
They want their money they think they are entitled to through Social Security they've paid in all these years.
And yet they are too lazy to disconnect themselves from the system to be responsible for themselves through Christ.

7th March 2011, 08:31 AM
Keep your enemies close and your friends closer.........better to get killed by those who you already know as your enemy (they will confront you), than by those who are supposed to be your friends (they will stab you from behind).

First post of the day.............good morning to one and all.

7th March 2011, 09:23 AM
"Judeo-Christian" is a fraudulent, zio-invented & propagated meme...

While it was propagated by Jews, it was planted on fertile ground. Christianity has always been inextricably linked to Judaism. In fact, Christians have an interest in protecting the existence of Jews, as Jews are required for the return of Christ. Yet, Christians are not interested in the survival of Whites... Christianity is totally indifferent to the well-being of Whites as opposed to Jews.

7th March 2011, 09:40 AM
"Judeo-Christian" is a fraudulent, zio-invented & propagated meme...

While it was propagated by Jews, it was planted on fertile ground. Christianity has always been inextricably linked to Judaism. In fact, Christians have an interest in protecting the existence of Jews, as Jews are required for the return of Christ. Yet, Christians are not interested in the survival of Whites... Christianity is totally indifferent to the well-being of Whites as opposed to Jews.

Well, that is a pretty broad brush. Not exactly so.

Judeo-Christian referes to the ETHICS embodied by the OLD & NEW testaments of the bible. We believe in the adherence to the Mosaic law but know that our salvation is ONLY found in the Messiah.

We are not required to protect the Jews for the return of Messiah. You can rest assured that the Messiah has angels to keep any of His chosen for the appointed times. The return of Messiah will be for HIS church.... not for jews, arabs, whites, blacks or any other humanly divided group. And it will be to wipe out the enemies of His kingdom, so that He will set right what was done wrong in this world.

The murder of innocents is not to be taken lightly or used as a political bludgeon. There will be an accounting and some horrible times for those who in their pride hold fast to evil. Amerika is being let fall because America allowed the deceivers to set foot in the land and pervert the foolish minds of many. The many have silenced their protectors. The many have accused their defenders. The many have embraced the lying wolves who are now at the throat of a drug-infused, self-seeking, prideful and corrupt herd. They rejected the shepherd and now feed the wolves with their own children.

7th March 2011, 11:12 AM
getting further afield I s'pose, but the following do also discuss the zio-MSM stranglehold on "news dissemination" which is basically the topic of the OP:


Also see:
Should Christians Support Israel? (http://www.davidduke.com/general/christian-evangelists-or-jewish-evangelists_498.html)
By David Duke