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6th March 2011, 03:59 PM
36.00 breached. Below 40 on the GSR. Didn't expect it this quickly.
General of Darkness
6th March 2011, 04:03 PM
And we're off to the early morning JP Morgan beat down starting first thing, 9am Jew York Time, be there or be square.
6th March 2011, 04:07 PM
It is like watching your earnings on the job drop by 3% per week.
My pay won't increase enough to make up for the loss in dollar value. Those industries heavily tied into commodities will have to raise prices.
Dollar devaluation.
Deflation by money destruction and debt disablement.
Debt money is like climbing an infinite greased pole. Eventually you will slip and once you start, the acceleration of the slip makes stopping impossible until you hit bottom. We are way up the greasy pole and slipping fast.
6th March 2011, 04:21 PM
Off we go, into the wild blue yonder...
6th March 2011, 04:25 PM
I`m especially happy because PM price take-off spells the end of capitalism as we know it:
6th March 2011, 04:38 PM
Comrade Lenin would be proud of you Antonio. You will be happy to see this once great and moral nation rotted from within according to Lenin's wisdom because he knew that it was impossible to take down a moral, armed and informed America. So, they devised a plan to destroy American values, families, churches, education, manufacturing, military morale, secrets, government and the control of the constitution.
And now we have a moron like YOU- imported from a broke-dick communist country and enjoying the dwindling fat of this once-great land while insulting it from your mighty drug-addicted and morally-bankrupted tower. There was a day in this land that people such as you would not be tolerated.
You cheer in delight as I weep in anguish of the loss of a great country. The loss is not so much material as that is only the consequence of spiritual decline. My Father has not left me an orphan and will never leave me. Your father will soon be known to you.
6th March 2011, 04:46 PM
Comrade Lenin would be proud of you Antonio. You will be happy to see this once great and moral nation rotted from within according to Lenin's wisdom because he knew that it was impossible to take down a moral, armed and informed America. So, they devised a plan to destroy American values, families, churches, education, manufacturing, military morale, secrets, government and the control of the constitution.
And now we have a moron like YOU- imported from a broke-dick communist country and enjoying the dwindling fat of this once-great land while insulting it from your mighty drug-addicted and morally-bankrupted tower. There was a day in this land that people such as you would not be tolerated.
You cheer in delight as I weep in anguish of the loss of a great country. The loss is not so much material as that is only the consequence of spiritual decline. My Father has not left me an orphan and will never leave me. Your father will soon be known to you.
You want me to comment on this?`cause I sure can do that.
Silver Shield
6th March 2011, 04:48 PM
We are in the early stages of the mania phase of silver.
6th March 2011, 04:53 PM
We are in the early stages of the mania phase of silver.
Maybe the early stages of our mania, but I don't see Joe and Jane 6 Pack looking at silver.
They may be looking at one of those 0% deals on a Government Motors car, though.
Now when is American Idol on? :D
6th March 2011, 04:55 PM
Congrats Silver Shield 666 posts
Silver Shield
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1970 silver art
6th March 2011, 05:04 PM
It's time for everybody to get on their knees and bow down to the white metal master.................
6th March 2011, 05:29 PM
Comrade Lenin would be proud of you Antonio. You will be happy to see this once great and moral nation rotted from within according to Lenin's wisdom because he knew that it was impossible to take down a moral, armed and informed America. So, they devised a plan to destroy American values, families, churches, education, manufacturing, military morale, secrets, government and the control of the constitution.
And now we have a moron like YOU- imported from a broke-dick communist country and enjoying the dwindling fat of this once-great land while insulting it from your mighty drug-addicted and morally-bankrupted tower. There was a day in this land that people such as you would not be tolerated.
You cheer in delight as I weep in anguish of the loss of a great country. The loss is not so much material as that is only the consequence of spiritual decline. My Father has not left me an orphan and will never leave me. Your father will soon be known to you.
You want me to comment on this?`cause I sure can do that.
Indulge us, please
6th March 2011, 05:34 PM
Silver Shield? worth it, he will only come to you with more words from God.....the guy has his secret ipod number.
6th March 2011, 05:44 PM
Comrade Lenin would be proud of you Antonio. You will be happy to see this once great and moral nation rotted from within according to Lenin's wisdom because he knew that it was impossible to take down a moral, armed and informed America. So, they devised a plan to destroy American values, families, churches, education, manufacturing, military morale, secrets, government and the control of the constitution.
And now we have a moron like YOU- imported from a broke-dick communist country and enjoying the dwindling fat of this once-great land while insulting it from your mighty drug-addicted and morally-bankrupted tower. There was a day in this land that people such as you would not be tolerated.
You cheer in delight as I weep in anguish of the loss of a great country. The loss is not so much material as that is only the consequence of spiritual decline. My Father has not left me an orphan and will never leave me. Your father will soon be known to you.
You want me to comment on this?`cause I sure can do that.
Indulge us, please
America has ever been moral and informed? That made my day, where else can one get such good comedy as on GSUS?
7th trump
6th March 2011, 05:46 PM
Comrade Lenin would be proud of you Antonio. You will be happy to see this once great and moral nation rotted from within according to Lenin's wisdom because he knew that it was impossible to take down a moral, armed and informed America. So, they devised a plan to destroy American values, families, churches, education, manufacturing, military morale, secrets, government and the control of the constitution.
And now we have a moron like YOU- imported from a broke-dick communist country and enjoying the dwindling fat of this once-great land while insulting it from your mighty drug-addicted and morally-bankrupted tower. There was a day in this land that people such as you would not be tolerated.
You cheer in delight as I weep in anguish of the loss of a great country. The loss is not so much material as that is only the consequence of spiritual decline. My Father has not left me an orphan and will never leave me. Your father will soon be known to you.
That day of intolerance is soon returning. But this time its permant. People like lenin and those that willfully follow that murderer will not inherent anything but perdition.
7th trump
6th March 2011, 05:48 PM
Comrade Lenin would be proud of you Antonio. You will be happy to see this once great and moral nation rotted from within according to Lenin's wisdom because he knew that it was impossible to take down a moral, armed and informed America. So, they devised a plan to destroy American values, families, churches, education, manufacturing, military morale, secrets, government and the control of the constitution.
And now we have a moron like YOU- imported from a broke-dick communist country and enjoying the dwindling fat of this once-great land while insulting it from your mighty drug-addicted and morally-bankrupted tower. There was a day in this land that people such as you would not be tolerated.
You cheer in delight as I weep in anguish of the loss of a great country. The loss is not so much material as that is only the consequence of spiritual decline. My Father has not left me an orphan and will never leave me. Your father will soon be known to you.
You want me to comment on this?`cause I sure can do that.
Indulge us, please
America has ever been moral and informed? That made my day, where else can one get such good comedy as on GSUS?
It was before your comrads infiltrated and slowly turned this place into what it is today.
Just look at yourself are a confessed drug addict.
6th March 2011, 05:57 PM
Seeing the price of silver rise like this is like looking at the collapse of the dollar. It is only a consequence of the corruption that has been growing for 50 years.
Look at what they did. Remove the gold/silver standard from the currency.
Rack up insurmountable debt. (It is not being done by mistake.) To get to this point, they had to drive the manufacturing base out of the country while engaging the military in blood-draining wars. Spies were aloowed to steal technology. Companies were then allowed to export it for free.
Now they will come after our guns. Control of movement in the country and tracking of everything is to be implemented. This will be a soviet gulag on steroids.
6th March 2011, 06:01 PM
This will be a soviet gulag on steroids.
And you thought America could kill about a billion brown,yellow and white people during the course of her history, currently keep billions enslaved and gulag would never come to her shores?
mick silver
6th March 2011, 06:01 PM
dam went to take a piss and look whats has happen silver over 36
6th March 2011, 06:09 PM
We are in the early stages of the mania phase of silver.
Maybe the early stages of our mania, but I don't see Joe and Jane 6 Pack looking at silver.
Was out with a couple friends last night. One of them said to me out of the blue: "I think maybe I should buy some gold and silver. And I don't mean stocks, I mean actual gold and silver." He's more libertarian than the average Joe and Jane 6 pack, but I think Joe and Jane are getting more libertarian with every passing day.
7th trump
6th March 2011, 06:24 PM
This will be a soviet gulag on steroids.
And you thought America could kill about a billion brown,yellow and white people during the course of her history, currently keep billions enslaved and gulag would never come to her shores?
Actually its your comrads hiding behind the red, white and blue that murdered them.
6th March 2011, 06:44 PM
Was out with a couple friends last night. One of them said to me out of the blue: "I think maybe I should buy some gold and silver. And I don't mean stocks, I mean actual gold and silver." He's more libertarian than the average Joe and Jane 6 pack, but I think Joe and Jane are getting more libertarian with every passing day.
Interesting. What is this person listening to that would give them that impression? I am assuming he has been listening to some sort of medium that gave him this thought.
6th March 2011, 06:45 PM
36.38 is the high so far for the evening.
6th March 2011, 07:04 PM
6th March 2011, 07:06 PM
Down! I want it to go down!
6th March 2011, 07:09 PM
Being ecstatic about PMs taking off is like being ecstatic about having a life vest on a Titanic and getting closer to having to use it.
6th March 2011, 07:12 PM
6th March 2011, 07:14 PM
Down! I want it to go down!
Me too. I want Au at 700 and Ag at 9 for 2 more years.
6th March 2011, 07:17 PM
Down! I want it to go down!
What in the heck is that a picture of?
6th March 2011, 07:24 PM
6th March 2011, 07:26 PM
Down! I want it to go down!
What in the heck is that a picture of?
The deepest mine hole in the world.
6th March 2011, 07:31 PM
Folks, do you remember how we were rooting when silver broke $20? We were posting rockets then cheering and enjoying the day. Seems like yesterday. This is getting unreal, hard to believe.
Silver, $36.39 as I type.
6th March 2011, 07:36 PM
Down! I want it to go down!
What in the heck is that a picture of?
The deepest A hole in the world.
The Federal Reserve?
6th March 2011, 07:37 PM
The deepest hole in the world.
I thought that was one of Charlie Sheen's hookers. ;D
6th March 2011, 07:39 PM
The deepest hole in the world.
I thought that was one of Charlie Sheen's hookers. ;D
As we say in Russia, one can see the asphalt below when looking into their mouths.
6th March 2011, 07:41 PM
Everyone knows the deepest hole in the world is the taxpayers pocket.
6th March 2011, 07:48 PM
Folks, do you remember how we were rooting when silver broke $20? We were posting rockets then cheering and enjoying the day. Seems like yesterday. This is getting unreal, hard to believe.
Silver, $36.39 as I type.
Solid, I remember seeing sub $5.00 silver forever between 2000 & 2002! Not even 9/11 could even bring forth a plus $5.00 silver or $300 gold price.
6th March 2011, 07:53 PM
6th March 2011, 08:00 PM
Comrade Lenin would be proud of you Antonio. You will be happy to see this once great and moral nation rotted from within according to Lenin's wisdom because he knew that it was impossible to take down a moral, armed and informed America. So, they devised a plan to destroy American values, families, churches, education, manufacturing, military morale, secrets, government and the control of the constitution.
And now we have a moron like YOU- imported from a broke-dick communist country and enjoying the dwindling fat of this once-great land while insulting it from your mighty drug-addicted and morally-bankrupted tower. There was a day in this land that people such as you would not be tolerated.
You cheer in delight as I weep in anguish of the loss of a great country. The loss is not so much material as that is only the consequence of spiritual decline. My Father has not left me an orphan and will never leave me. Your father will soon be known to you.
Spectrism, that was a totally uncalled for personal attack on Antonio. Knowing that Antonio is thick skinned enough not to be bothered by this, I will simply offer you a warning to keep the conversation on an intelligent level or the next name calling will result in a three day vacation. There's certainly enough going on to talk about without having to resort to calling someone a moron.
6th March 2011, 08:01 PM
Being ecstatic about PMs taking off is like being ecstatic about having a life vest on a Titanic and getting closer to having to use it.
Antonio I look at it like this. Metal/commodity prices going up doesn't signal "CATASTROPHE ON THE WAY" or "END TIMES ARE COMING". What it means is a people who giggled there way for over 30 years with huge budget and trade deficits, then huge financial bailouts, will have to deal with the result, a cheapened currency. It's like a law of nature, nothing scary.
6th March 2011, 08:18 PM
Was out with a couple friends last night. One of them said to me out of the blue: "I think maybe I should buy some gold and silver. And I don't mean stocks, I mean actual gold and silver." He's more libertarian than the average Joe and Jane 6 pack, but I think Joe and Jane are getting more libertarian with every passing day.
Interesting. What is this person listening to that would give them that impression? I am assuming he has been listening to some sort of medium that gave him this thought.
I think he listens to mainstream media, but he's an independent thinker and doesn't buy into all the BS. He's very interested in politics, and he has really taken to the idea of rejecting both parties. His focus of concern seems to be the financial turmoil in Europe and the violent turmoil in the Middle East. These days there are plenty of PM ads, so mainstream people have been exposed. I think he just had the insight to put 2 and 2 together. I told him he should also buy soup, a gun, and a few chickens, sort of half-jokingly. But I think he knows I was only half-joking. I don't press it with people because it alarms them, which is counter-productive. A little bit at a time.
6th March 2011, 08:43 PM
As we say in Russia, one can see the asphalt below when looking into their mouths.
As they say in Alaska- 'we can see Russia from our houses' ;D
6th March 2011, 09:07 PM
Folks, do you remember how we were rooting when silver broke $20? We were posting rockets then cheering and enjoying the day. Seems like yesterday. This is getting unreal, hard to believe.
Silver, $36.39 as I type.
I remember the wringing of hands, moaning and whining all through 2009 and most of 2010 wating for silver to get to $20! Now we get to the $30s, and silver drops $1 and people complain the sky is falling! The sky is now the floor!
6th March 2011, 10:12 PM
If "this is it" it's time to start thinking about stocking up on some serious food and finding the right place to protect it.
On top of a hill out in the boonies would be nice.
old steel
6th March 2011, 10:25 PM
If "this is it" it's time to start thinking about stocking up on some serious food and finding the right place to protect it.
On top of a hill out in the boonies would be nice.
The higher up the better.
silver solution
6th March 2011, 11:34 PM
We are in the early stages of the mania phase of silver.
Maybe the early stages of our mania, but I don't see Joe and Jane 6 Pack looking at silver.
Was out with a couple friends last night. One of them said to me out of the blue: "I think maybe I should buy some gold and silver. And I don't mean stocks, I mean actual gold and silver." He's more libertarian than the average Joe and Jane 6 pack, but I think Joe and Jane are getting more libertarian with every passing day.
Most all don't act.
7th March 2011, 04:26 AM
Comrade Lenin would be proud of you Antonio. You will be happy to see this once great and moral nation rotted from within according to Lenin's wisdom because he knew that it was impossible to take down a moral, armed and informed America. So, they devised a plan to destroy American values, families, churches, education, manufacturing, military morale, secrets, government and the control of the constitution.
And now we have a moron like YOU- imported from a broke-dick communist country and enjoying the dwindling fat of this once-great land while insulting it from your mighty drug-addicted and morally-bankrupted tower. There was a day in this land that people such as you would not be tolerated.
You cheer in delight as I weep in anguish of the loss of a great country. The loss is not so much material as that is only the consequence of spiritual decline. My Father has not left me an orphan and will never leave me. Your father will soon be known to you.
Spectrism, that was a totally uncalled for personal attack on Antonio. Knowing that Antonio is thick skinned enough not to be bothered by this, I will simply offer you a warning to keep the conversation on an intelligent level or the next name calling will result in a three day vacation. There's certainly enough going on to talk about without having to resort to calling someone a moron.
Moron? OK.. maybe he is not a moron. Then what is he?
If he is not mistaken in his praising of Lenin, his glee in the corruption of the capitalist style of life, his hate for the principles that made America great, his despising of the liberties that we have not earned yet enjoy, then he is intelligently part of the destruction process. What do you call one who rides the back of freedom while trumpetting communism? You know, a parasite- like a tapeworm or a leech- has no choice but to be a parasite. What do you think of a human which makes the choice to be a parasite?
7th March 2011, 04:56 AM
I remember the wringing of hands, moaning and whining all through 2009 and most of 2010 wating for silver to get to $20! Now we get to the $30s, and silver drops $1 and people complain the sky is falling! The sky is now the floor!
Yeah, amazing! What I really don't understand though, is why silver is jumping up so much yet gold is like the fat guy wobbling on the dock moving so slow. I wonder if gold has hit that price point to where most folks are out-priced, thus the race into silver. Maybe it will take massive inflation to give gold the boost that it needs. Us little people are doing the silver dance!
I envision the silver dance to be our version of the river dance..
7th trump
7th March 2011, 04:56 AM
Comrade Lenin would be proud of you Antonio. You will be happy to see this once great and moral nation rotted from within according to Lenin's wisdom because he knew that it was impossible to take down a moral, armed and informed America. So, they devised a plan to destroy American values, families, churches, education, manufacturing, military morale, secrets, government and the control of the constitution.
And now we have a moron like YOU- imported from a broke-dick communist country and enjoying the dwindling fat of this once-great land while insulting it from your mighty drug-addicted and morally-bankrupted tower. There was a day in this land that people such as you would not be tolerated.
You cheer in delight as I weep in anguish of the loss of a great country. The loss is not so much material as that is only the consequence of spiritual decline. My Father has not left me an orphan and will never leave me. Your father will soon be known to you.
Spectrism, that was a totally uncalled for personal attack on Antonio. Knowing that Antonio is thick skinned enough not to be bothered by this, I will simply offer you a warning to keep the conversation on an intelligent level or the next name calling will result in a three day vacation. There's certainly enough going on to talk about without having to resort to calling someone a moron.
Moron? OK.. maybe he is not a moron. Then what is he?
If he is not mistaken in his praising of Lenin, his glee in the corruption of the capitalist style of life, his hate for the principles that made America great, his despising of the liberties that we have not earned yet enjoy, then he is intelligently part of the destruction process. What do you call one who rides the back of freedom while trumpetting communism? You know, a parasite- like a tapeworm or a leech- has no choice but to be a parasite. What do you think of a human which makes the choice to be a parasite?
Since we are talking about (and I dont think I could have described it better) someone who "rides the back of freedom while trumpetting communism" moron might be adequate.
According to a doctor who coined the name "moron" its defined as-
"Moron" was coined in 1910 by psychologist Henry H. Goddard[3] from the Ancient Greek word μωρός (moros), which meant "dull"[4] (as opposed to "sharp"), and used to describe a person with a mental age in adulthood of between 8 and 12 on the Binet scale.[5] It was once applied to people with an IQ of 51-70, being superior in one degree to "imbecile" (IQ of 26-50) and superior in two degrees to "idiot" (IQ of 0-25). The word moron, along with others including, "idiotic," "imbecilic," "stupid," and "feeble-minded," was formerly considered a valid descriptor in the psychological community, but it is now deprecated in use by psychologists.[6
I'm not referencing Antonio but I've always looked at communism and lenin as people who are "feeble-minded".
feeˇble (fbl)
adj. feeˇbler, feeˇblest
a. Lacking strength; weak.
b. Indicating weakness.
2. Lacking vigor, force, or effectiveness; inadequate. See Synonyms at weak.
Back in the early 1900 lenin couldnt sell the idea of communism to the hard working innocent russian people. lenin being the moronic lazy, greedy feeble-minded kenite jew thug he was had to start riots to over throw Nicholas and his German bride. And when that didnt get the results he wanted lenin murdered the rightful king and his family to get into power.
7th trump
7th March 2011, 05:02 AM
I remember the wringing of hands, moaning and whining all through 2009 and most of 2010 wating for silver to get to $20! Now we get to the $30s, and silver drops $1 and people complain the sky is falling! The sky is now the floor!
Yeah, amazing! What I really don't understand though, is why silver is jumping up so much yet gold is like the fat guy wobbling on the dock moving so slow. I wonder if gold has hit that price point to where most folks are out-priced, thus the race into silver. Maybe it will take massive inflation to give gold the boost that it needs. Us little people are doing the silver dance!
I envision the silver dance to be our version of the river dance..
Its becaue silver is not the indicator of the collapsing dollar as gold is.
7th March 2011, 05:22 AM
I disagree. A moron has no clue what they're doing. Antonio does. He's found a place where he can talk about himself/his caricature, press anyone's buttons at will and occassionally he'll get one of you to snap and get banned. Much to his delight.
A troll or an agent provocateur is a better description. Mostly I see him as a clown. If you can see through his BS, he's really quite funny. Like most great comedy, it's not about what the screwball character does that's funny, but rather, it's the angry reaction from the straight men. You guys are being played.
BTW he claims to be a Stalinist, not a Leninist.
7th March 2011, 05:29 AM
Can we break the 38 handle on the GSR today or tomorrow?
Hmmm. 38 silver and 38 GSR might coincide.
7th March 2011, 05:41 AM
Somehow, Antonio has a way of turning threads from silver (in this case) into threads about himself. The following clip depicts how Antonio and those who feed him appear to me.
7th March 2011, 05:48 AM
What I really don't understand though, is why silver is jumping up so much yet gold is like the fat guy wobbling on the dock moving so slow.
7th March 2011, 06:04 AM
I grabbed a bag of silver shot/granule today, and went and sold it. It was about 75 ounces, I was happy with the price, if it goes up more, I'll sell more...
7th March 2011, 06:37 AM
I grabbed a bag of silver shot/granule today, and went and sold it. It was about 75 ounces, I was happy with the price, if it goes up more, I'll sell more...
75 oz? That is a fair amount. I think it is probably good to get rid of unmarked silver like that. I would prefer to hold easily identified purity & weight.
7th March 2011, 07:10 AM
I grabbed a bag of silver shot/granule today, and went and sold it. It was about 75 ounces, I was happy with the price, if it goes up more, I'll sell more...
75 oz? That is a fair amount. I think it is probably good to get rid of unmarked silver like that. I would prefer to hold easily identified purity & weight.
Yes the SHTF value of silver granule is very limited. There is no good market here for silver rounds, I have a fair amount of junk silver coins, that I most likely never will sell. But the silver granule I will slowly transfer over to gold bullion, at opportune times. Now I sold for Turkish Lira, I think the dollar is a bit overvalued vs Turkish Lira now, so I will hold TL until I buy gold...
Silver Rocket Bitches!
7th March 2011, 07:55 AM
We are one leg away from going parabolic...
7th March 2011, 10:23 AM
We are one leg away from going parabolic...
Keep in mind, once you really go blowoff parabolic, you're looking at a triple off the base price, and then the bull is over. The base is about $18, so a blowoff top from here is $54. I don't think we want to see parabolic.
7th March 2011, 12:50 PM
What I really don't understand though, is why silver is jumping up so much yet gold is like the fat guy wobbling on the dock moving so slow...
I think it could be silver readjusting to a monetary role. In this role, the gold:silver ratio should be at least 1:35 as it was at the turn of last century. I taklked about it here (
With the gold:silver ratio currently so high, and the purchasing power of monetized gold and silver indicating the need for a lower gold:silver ratio, silver gets you twice as much bang for the current buck.
I wrote that when gold was ~ $1200/ozt. and silver ~ $19/ozt..
The other possibility (and it may be both) is this is a short term effect due to JP Morgan's short covering. Once that is over, then if the gold:silver ratio is to adjust, gold could go up, or silver could go down, or some combination of both.
7th March 2011, 12:58 PM
We are one leg away from going parabolic...
Keep in mind, once you really go blowoff parabolic, you're looking at a triple off the base price, and then the bull is over. The base is about $18, so a blowoff top from here is $54. I don't think we want to see parabolic.
We could see a local (short term) blow-off due to JP Morgan short covering, but the underlying upward trend likely will continue. There may be a drop as a reaction to the end of short covering. Also if hedge fund have a big selloff as a reaction to bond issues and falling dollar (plus Middle East turmoil, increasing oil, etc.), this could add to a temporary downward movement (like Q3 2008). This would probably be consisdered a buying opportunity for anyone positioned positioned to do so (BTFD). My $0.02.
7th March 2011, 01:10 PM
Once JPM is done with their short covering, doesn't that present them with a whole new opportunity to short, with silver at such lofty prices compared to 6 months ago? This would be amplified if the timing is simultaneous with the seasonal cycle when the Asian buying demand decreases following the end of the festival seasons going into summer. I still think we're setting up for $25-$27 (consistent with JQPs post) some time in the next six months, which would be okay by me.
7th March 2011, 01:43 PM
We are one leg away from going parabolic...
Keep in mind, once you really go blowoff parabolic, you're looking at a triple off the base price, and then the bull is over. The base is about $18, so a blowoff top from here is $54. I don't think we want to see parabolic.
No we'll get the seasonal weakness setting in, in a few weeks, or possibly it has already started, we'll go down to low 20's in summer, and by November we'll be up at these levels again, and then higher and higher into 2012
Twisted Titan
7th March 2011, 03:02 PM
Was out with a couple friends last night. One of them said to me out of the blue: "I think maybe I should buy some gold and silver. And I don't mean stocks, I mean actual gold and silver." He's more libertarian than the average Joe and Jane 6 pack, but I think Joe and Jane are getting more libertarian with every passing day.
Interesting. What is this person listening to that would give them that impression? I am assuming he has been listening to some sort of medium that gave him this thought.
13th March 2011, 03:14 PM
Silver up 45 cents to $36.35
13th March 2011, 08:04 PM
Silver up 45 cents to $36.35
Almost a dollar move top to bottom already this evening. Not for the faint of heart.
1970 silver art
13th March 2011, 08:19 PM
Silver up 45 cents to $36.35
Almost a dollar move top to bottom already this evening. Not for the faint of heart.
The DOG has something to say..............................
The DOG has spoken. ;D
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