View Full Version : A very simple but very powerful concept

7th March 2011, 10:33 AM
There isn't much to this, so I doubt this thread will generate much discussion. However, I believe this concept is very important so I'm hoping someone somewhere gets something out of this post.

I recently watched a youtube video that talked about the pattern of opposites in this world. Day is the opposite of night, left is the opposite of right, east/west, north/south, etc. The pattern of opposites dictates that we also have good and evil in this world, as well as good and evil people in this world. Some of the characteristics of good people are compassion, kindness, empathy, consideration, etc. I think most people would agree that good people CARE about other people. Also, good people tend to be happy when others around them experience prosperity, joy, success, good relationships, and so forth. When others around them experience oppression, suffering, unfairness, death, etc, it causes them to experience pain and sadness. Very simple: good people want other people to do well and are happy when they do; good people are sad when others do poorly. Are you with me so far? Ok.
The pattern of opposites also dictates that evil people not only want others to suffer, but that they experience happiness and joy when they do. However, if others around evil people experience good things (success, prosperity, justice, whatever), it causes them pain and suffering. Again, very simple: evil people want others around them to suffer and are happy when they do; evil people experience pain when others prosper.

Summation of concept: because of the pattern of opposites, if there are good people in this world there must be evil people. Evil people are the opposite of good people.

This may not seem earth shattering, but I believe that if the sleeping majority could accept this one concept it would be a game changer. An authoritarian mindset comes with a deeply ingrained acceptance that those in authority want what is best for others. I see this as the most important factor in most people's resistance to learning and/or accepting the truth.


7th March 2011, 10:37 AM
Pretty kabbalistic/Masonic sounding there, dys.

According to Albert Pike in "Morals & Dogma" the 'Law of Equilibrium' is the 'Royal Secret' of the 32nd degree.

7th March 2011, 10:50 AM
Good or bad, is better to be something than to be nothing.........

7th March 2011, 10:52 AM
I'm projecting my own perception of reality onto whatever dys actually wrote.

Yes you are.


7th March 2011, 10:55 AM
I think the good out number the evil but the evil is more pervasive, more plotting, aggressive and outweighs the good, as they are typically not any of those things. At a point though, this equation tilts the other direction because of the mass of the good.

If your premise is correct there would be an even split of good vs evil, 50/50. I don't think this is the case, I'd put it somewhere around 90/10, I'm interested in others thoughts on this ratio.

When those who believe that those in power have their best interest at heart learn the ugly truth they will seek help, guidance and be mad as hell. They will learn and accept it only after the point of misery and there is no denying it.

7th March 2011, 10:59 AM
Summation of concept: because of the pattern of opposites, if there are good people in this world there must be evil people. Evil people are the opposite of good people.



Proof of this is that the most evil can't even be allowed to run free among the general prison population. They are kept in solitary confinement.

7th March 2011, 11:03 AM
I'm projecting my own perception of reality onto whatever dys actually wrote.

Yes you are.


I'm not trying to "project" anything.

If you've read Morals & Dogma you'd see the similarity to what dys posted. Dys is talking of duality/equilibrium which is a huge topic in Pike's book. Agree or disagree, but the topics are similar.

I figure the Masons use their teachings to be the "bad people" and in doing so they become the "good people" for keeping the balance, or some other such nonsense.

7th March 2011, 11:05 AM
People are jealous and envious. Something within them feels better about themselves if they can see others fail. Not all people operate this way but many do. Most people feel this to a small extent and fight it. Others embrace it.

7th March 2011, 11:06 AM
The latest Russian sociology research shows with the help of new brain scan technology that 30% of people are fully manifest sociopaths, another 30% are mixed sociopaths/humans and about 30% are human. This varies greatly from nation to nation with Jews having the sociopath/human ratio skewed to way over 70% sociopaths.

Sociopaths lack frontal lobe development which carries higher emotions such as empathy, they function by using mostly their reptilian brain.

7th March 2011, 11:07 AM
Dys is talking of duality/equilibrium which is a huge topic in Pike's book. Agree or disagree, but the topics are similar.

How does that differ from what Goldissima was writing about when she insisted that we all are both good and evil so don't badmouth our inner evil child? Goldissima was actually trying to preach that we should embrace our inner evil side!


7th March 2011, 11:10 AM
Quite honestly I hadn't thought about as you described. Could it be that there is not a 50/50 split pertaining to people, but there is a 50/50 split concerning good and/or evil (meaning the lower percentage of evil people are more purely evil than the higher percentage of good people are good)? Or could it be that it doesn't necessarily have to be split equally to still be true? I'm not sure, to be truthful.


I think the good out number the evil but the evil is more pervasive, more plotting, aggressive and outweighs the good, as they are typically not any of those things. At a point though, this equation tilts the other direction because of the mass of the good.

If your premise is correct there would be an even split of good vs evil, 50/50. I don't think this is the case, I'd put it somewhere around 90/10, I'm interested in others thoughts on this ratio.

When those who believe that those in power have their best interest at heart learn the ugly truth they will seek help, guidance and be mad as hell. They will learn and accept it only after the point of misery and there is no denying it.

7th March 2011, 11:11 AM
Dys is talking of duality/equilibrium which is a huge topic in Pike's book. Agree or disagree, but the topics are similar.

How does that differ from what Goldissima was writing about when she insisted that we all are both good and evil so don't badmouth our inner evil child? Goldissima was actually trying to preach that we should embrace our inner evil side!


Goldissima is a randy Randian. Ayn Rand philosophy is satanism minus the rituals.

7th March 2011, 11:11 AM
Dys is talking of duality/equilibrium which is a huge topic in Pike's book. Agree or disagree, but the topics are similar.

How does that differ from what Goldissima was writing about when she insisted that we all are both good and evil so don't badmouth our inner evil child? Goldissima was actually trying to preach that we should embrace our inner evil side!


I musta missed that thread, but that sounds like something that many kabbalists/upper-masons might say.

I actually have a moral compass, so I can't really embrace evil, which is why I disagree with masons/talmudic-kabbalist jews.

7th March 2011, 11:25 AM
Quite honestly I hadn't thought about as you described. Could it be that there is not a 50/50 split pertaining to people, but there is a 50/50 split concerning good and/or evil (meaning the lower percentage of evil people are more purely evil than the higher percentage of good people are good)? Or could it be that it doesn't necessarily have to be split equally to still be true? I'm not sure, to be truthful.


I lean more towards people being good, with some people lacking the ability to be good...much like Antonio posted. However, good people do make mistakes, that doesn't mean they are necessarily bad people, but folks in general are very dynamic and unique.

I think the most important application to this post, is to allow good people in your life and rid your life of the bad ones. That may not be entirely possible all the time, but you can get pretty damn close if you try. Life experience is the best way to steer that direction.

Much like why we buy gold and silver. We are ridding ourselves best we can from the evil banksters and their greed, corruption, and evilness. Gold and silver are the honest answer, the good choice. Let those evil bastards destroy themselves, we don't have to go down with them.

7th March 2011, 11:33 AM
The main message that I meant to convey (and I probably didn't do a very good job), is that all too often people are naaive. Have you ever tried waking someone up, and the first question they ask is "why would he/she/government/USA/whatever do that?" They can't conceive that the reason that evil people or groups do something is that they get joy out of other peoples heartbreak and they get pain out of other peoples joy.


I lean more towards people being good, with some people lacking the ability to be good...much like Antonio posted. However, good people do make mistakes, that doesn't mean they are necessarily bad people, but folks in general are very dynamic and unique.

I think the most important application to this post, is to allow good people in your life and rid your life of the bad ones. That may not be entirely possible all the time, but you can get pretty damn close if you try. Life experience is the best way to steer that direction.

Much like why we buy gold and silver. We are ridding ourselves best we can from the evil banksters and their greed, corruption, and evilness. Gold and silver are the honest answer, the good choice. Let those evil bastards destroy themselves, we don't have to go down with them.

7th March 2011, 11:36 AM

http://g-klimov.info/Essence-e.htm (bad English translation but the info is of the utmost importance)

7th March 2011, 11:37 AM
Good or bad, is better to be something than to be nothing.........

Which is where most of the fence hoping occurs.

Soulless specters look into their own mirrors & need something to label themselves.


7th March 2011, 11:40 AM
The main message that I meant to convey (and I probably didn't do a very good job), is that all too often people are naaive. Have you ever tried waking someone up, and the first question they ask is "why would he/she/government/USA/whatever do that?" They can't conceive that the reason that evil people or groups do something is that they get joy out of other peoples heartbreak and they get pain out of other peoples joy.


I lean more towards people being good, with some people lacking the ability to be good...much like Antonio posted. However, good people do make mistakes, that doesn't mean they are necessarily bad people, but folks in general are very dynamic and unique.

I think the most important application to this post, is to allow good people in your life and rid your life of the bad ones. That may not be entirely possible all the time, but you can get pretty damn close if you try. Life experience is the best way to steer that direction.

Much like why we buy gold and silver. We are ridding ourselves best we can from the evil banksters and their greed, corruption, and evilness. Gold and silver are the honest answer, the good choice. Let those evil bastards destroy themselves, we don't have to go down with them.

Just as there are varying degrees of evil, so are there varying degrees of good. There's a gray line somewhere between the two.....not including the intent, malice, selfishness or unselfishness per person. It's not an equal equation.

7th March 2011, 11:48 AM
I see a lot of back and forward on this subject but I "believe" that I can summarize it with the following... "In court the winner is usually the best liar"... as far as I can see in life is the same.

7th March 2011, 11:51 AM
The main message that I meant to convey (and I probably didn't do a very good job), is that all too often people are naaive. Have you ever tried waking someone up, and the first question they ask is "why would he/she/government/USA/whatever do that?" They can't conceive that the reason that evil people or groups do something is that they get joy out of other peoples heartbreak and they get pain out of other peoples joy.


I lean more towards people being good, with some people lacking the ability to be good...much like Antonio posted. However, good people do make mistakes, that doesn't mean they are necessarily bad people, but folks in general are very dynamic and unique.

I think the most important application to this post, is to allow good people in your life and rid your life of the bad ones. That may not be entirely possible all the time, but you can get pretty damn close if you try. Life experience is the best way to steer that direction.

Much like why we buy gold and silver. We are ridding ourselves best we can from the evil banksters and their greed, corruption, and evilness. Gold and silver are the honest answer, the good choice. Let those evil bastards destroy themselves, we don't have to go down with them.

Just as there are varying degrees of evil, so are there varying degrees of good. There's a gray line somewhere between the two.....not including the intent, malice, selfishness or unselfishness per person. It's not an equal equation.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions....

7th March 2011, 12:02 PM
How does that differ from what Goldissima was writing about when she insisted that we all are both good and evil so don't badmouth our inner evil child? Goldissima was actually trying to preach that we should embrace our inner evil side!


The path is straight ahead, not side to side, is what I got out of those posts.

Of course you will see many trapped up along the side of the road believing that they're getting somewhere.

7th March 2011, 12:06 PM
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions....

Intent is the crux of this discussion, imo. That is what separates the good from the bad. I actually think the bad are a minority...the people who truly enjoy, their intent is to cause harm and pain to others. Their joy, of other's misery.

A lot of people, are simply opportunists. They see something that they can benefit from, and take action without much thought on the consequences of their actions. Their actions may harm others, however, they just don't think much about it. They focus on themselves. Call that naivety, possibly that is some of it. They don't realize what they are doing.

Then, some are like animals. Those are the ones that raise the hair on the back of you neck when you see one. If you look one in the eye, you'll know. They are programmed, do not see good or bad. They bounce through life with no concept of anything but the present, if they are hungry they eat at any cost, etc. These are the ones that you need to keep an eye out for if shtf, imo. They are takers, would kill for a small bite to eat.

7th March 2011, 12:19 PM
They don't realize what they are doing.

Nothing a trip to the confessional won't clear up... this "intent" has been taught.

7th March 2011, 12:58 PM
I agree with your conclusion that most people are reluctant to believe that authority figures have bad intentions, because that's what's been ingrained in their way of thinking.

However, I think the whole "opposites" preamble is irrelevant, and not even true. It seems like you're using it to support the idea that evil people must exist. Everything doesn't have an opposite. It's like saying that we know for sure that there are people with an odd number of heads, so there must also be an equivalent group of people with an even number of heads.

But to your original point-- I think there has been a significant increase in people who question authority, especially in the last 6 years that I have know about GIM/GSUS, and even more so in the last few years since the financial meltdown. Perhaps this group, and others like it, is actually helping to spread an influence. I think the "sheeple" group is still in the majority, but they have shrunk from 99% to 90%, and I see the trend continuing.

Uncle Salty
7th March 2011, 02:00 PM
Pretty kabbalistic/Masonic sounding there, dys.

According to Albert Pike in "Morals & Dogma" the 'Law of Equilibrium' is the 'Royal Secret' of the 32nd degree.

It is just yin/yang theory. Read the Tao Te Ching. Nothing new to see.

I do believe the Chinese theory predated the Masonic/Kabbalist douchebags.

7th March 2011, 02:11 PM
Pretty kabbalistic/Masonic sounding there, dys.

According to Albert Pike in "Morals & Dogma" the 'Law of Equilibrium' is the 'Royal Secret' of the 32nd degree.

It is just yin/yang theory. Read the Tao Te Ching. Nothing new to see.

I do believe the Chinese theory predated the Masonic/Kabbalist douchebags.


I was kinda upset when I started really getting to the nitty gritty of Masonic teachings only to find a repackaged Tao!

I'm not a Mason, by the way; I've just read some of their books.

I was just messin' with dys because IIRC the other day he was warning me of the evils of Pike's book, which contained a lot of "Eastern thought".

7th March 2011, 03:25 PM
Come to think of it, you're kind of right about the opposites thing. Pretty poorly formulated theory in that respect, I'd agree. I still think the other part of it has a lot of merit, though.


I agree with your conclusion that most people are reluctant to believe that authority figures have bad intentions, because that's what's been ingrained in their way of thinking.

However, I think the whole "opposites" preamble is irrelevant, and not even true. It seems like you're using it to support the idea that evil people must exist. Everything doesn't have an opposite. It's like saying that we know for sure that there are people with an odd number of heads, so there must also be an equivalent group of people with an even number of heads.

But to your original point-- I think there has been a significant increase in people who question authority, especially in the last 6 years that I have know about GIM/GSUS, and even more so in the last few years since the financial meltdown. Perhaps this group, and others like it, is actually helping to spread an influence. I think the "sheeple" group is still in the majority, but they have shrunk from 99% to 90%, and I see the trend continuing.

8th March 2011, 06:56 AM
The planet has day and night, has east and west, has north and south... but it's just one thing. Wouldn't that suggest every person has the good and evil?

To go a little further, day and night, north and south, etc, are just what they are. Nothing would be better if we could stamp out night, or be rid of south.

There are two kinds of balance or equilibrium in the world: stable and unstable.
Unstable equilibrium is like tennis ball balanced perfectly on the peak of a roof. Stable is like that tennis ball after it has rolled to the middle of a sink. Unstable equilibrium cannot last for any length of time.

Ideas of everyone being good and kind and selfless to create a utopia are basically calls to create unstable equilibrium. The balance can't last because when everyone is like that, the advantage to not being like that goes through the roof.

If you want a tennis ball the trick is to convince people to put it on peak of a roof, not in a sink. The resources of the world are the tennis ball. An ant can push the ball from the peak of a roof, but it certainly can't shove it out of the bottom a sink. When everyone in the world wants the resources, the ball is in the sink. When people are convinced that it's immoral to want and to own, the ball is on the roof.

8th March 2011, 09:34 AM
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions....

I think we all accept that the above adage is reasonably true,
but doesn't it also imply that one may reasonably conclude

"The road to Heaven be paved with evil intentions?" ;)

The latest Russian sociology research shows with the help of new brain scan technology that 30% of people are fully manifest sociopaths, another 30% are mixed sociopaths/humans and about 30% are human. This varies greatly from nation to nation with Jews having the sociopath/human ratio skewed to way over 70% sociopaths.

Sociopaths lack frontal lobe development which carries higher emotions such as empathy, they function by using mostly their reptilian brain.

This is fascinating in that it offers hope of a scientific "cure" for sociopathy,
but of course also offers unprecedented opportunity for more genetic horrors in the future

So I'll conjecture that a sub species of Man exists without the frontal lobe brain development of a full fledged human and that these sub humans are in control because they aren't conflicted by conscience or empathy.

Perhaps these sociopaths, these "sub" humans, are the ones known as Pharisees, or the Synagogue of Satan in the Bible.

Perhaps without empathy, they don't have the capability to make the leaps of intuition that have been the hallmark
for the creation of great art, spirituality and deep understandings throughout human history, but have learned to use human empathy as a means of control, to enslave us using our inclination to reconnect to our fellow humans which is the basis of civilization.

Instead, they use learned man made machine like calculations to achieve their ends. Logic over Intuition. Math over Empathy. Rhetoric over Poetry. Reason over Conscience. Rule of Law over Love for Mankind. War over Peace. They have no love since love is wrought from empathy, or the sense of connection with others.

Perhaps empathy is that remnant brain function that was once telepathy, but has since withered from lack of exercise over the eons due to the constant conditioning process inculcated by the parasitical ones now referred to as public education.

Of course full fledged humans can and do use those same pedagogic elitist control devices that subhumans use so successfully and parasitically, and often with great effect, but generally are torn between them, between the man made and the naturally arranged. Torn between math and music, so to speak. Between good and evil. Between man made Law and natural order.

Something to think about for sure.

8th March 2011, 09:36 AM
Santa, the results of the Russian research are pretty sad. The only 2 cures for sociopathy currently on the table are a bullet in the back of the head or a lobotomy.

Twisted Titan
8th March 2011, 09:42 AM
I really dont care too much for esoteric dogmas because my personal observation it has always been used by the current rulership to explain their exploitation of the lesser Peoples.

The Bottom line is if your shitting on me and I somehow manage to can get the chance Im lunging for your throat because there is no getting on your "good side".


8th March 2011, 11:17 AM
This is fascinating in that it offers hope of a scientific "cure" for sociopathy,
but of course also offers unprecedented opportunity for more genetic horrors in the future

You're sticking a label on what is just one part of a spectrum though.
You have sociopaths on one side... but what is on the other? Willing slaves who give to a fault, forgive to a fault, and love authority. Sheepiopaths. Is there a cure for sheepiopathy?

The more sheepiopaths there are, the greater the rewards for being a sociopath. Think about it. If all the rabbits died we'd see tons of predators dying off shortly after. And if all the predators died, the rabbits would breed themselves into starvation. They need each other.

The only balance without sociopaths and sheepiopaths involves everyone watching for themselves and their families first, not working for the "greater good". That's a selfish position, and selfishness is necessary to prevent sociopaths from taking advantage.

8th March 2011, 11:25 AM
The only balance without sociopaths and sheepiopaths involves everyone watching for themselves and their families first, not working for the "greater good". That's a selfish position, and selfishness is necessary to prevent sociopaths from taking advantage.

Not by George, I think you've found a positive for selfishness.

If that's what you want to call it.

8th March 2011, 11:32 AM
The only balance without sociopaths and sheepiopaths involves everyone watching for themselves and their families first, not working for the "greater good". That's a selfish position, and selfishness is necessary to prevent sociopaths from taking advantage.

Not by George, I think you've found a positive for selfishness.

If that's what you want to call it.

Gettin' awfully "Objectivist"/"Randian" in here....

8th March 2011, 11:42 AM
You guys are on Earth and not in Heaven and once you learn that you will be able to confront better what life on Earth is like..........I for one have accepted everything as is .....but......the fact that the intire world is allowing the Zionist to get away with what they are doing to the Palestinian people..... and I still don't know why..........must be something that the whole world is drinking in their water.

8th March 2011, 11:56 AM
Is there a cure for sheepiopathy?

Bump; to help get sheepiopathy on google. ;)


Low Pan
8th March 2011, 11:59 AM
You guys are on Earth and not in Heaven and once you learn that you will be able to confront better what life on Earth is like..........

was just thinking that. North/Sout/East/West, Good/Evil, Up/Down....were all contrived by man. Not saying man's summarization of Good/Evil is incorrect or that these elements are non existent. Just saying that Man made these labels.

8th March 2011, 12:01 PM
Think about it. If all the rabbits died we'd see tons of predators dying off shortly after. And if all the predators died, the rabbits would breed themselves into starvation. They need each other.

Goyim need the jews!


8th March 2011, 12:06 PM
You guys are on Earth and not in Heaven and once you learn that you will be able to confront better what life on Earth is like..........

was just thinking that. North/Sout/East/West, Good/Evil, Up/Down....were all contrived by man. Not saying man's summarization of Good/Evil is incorrect or that these elements are non existent. Just saying that Man made these labels.

Like the "True Tao", the "True Truth", is ineffable.

8th March 2011, 12:11 PM
Goyim need the jews!


What arises from this simple dualistic energy taken to its logical political conclusion.

That is why a measure of excess entropy is the ultimate measure of evil.

8th March 2011, 12:44 PM
Gettin' awfully "Objectivist"/"Randian" in here....

I once tried starting a church on GIM, nobody showed up to sermon.


8th March 2011, 12:45 PM
Gettin' awfully "Objectivist"/"Randian" in here....

I once tried starting a church on GIM, nobody showed up to sermon.

I'm an ordained minister!


8th March 2011, 01:17 PM
This is fascinating in that it offers hope of a scientific "cure" for sociopathy,
but of course also offers unprecedented opportunity for more genetic horrors in the future

You're sticking a label on what is just one part of a spectrum though.
You have sociopaths on one side... but what is on the other? Willing slaves who give to a fault, forgive to a fault, and love authority. Sheepiopaths. Is there a cure for sheepiopathy?

The more sheepiopaths there are, the greater the rewards for being a sociopath. Think about it. If all the rabbits died we'd see tons of predators dying off shortly after. And if all the predators died, the rabbits would breed themselves into starvation. They need each other.

The only balance without sociopaths and sheepiopaths involves everyone watching for themselves and their families first, not working for the "greater good". That's a selfish position, and selfishness is necessary to prevent sociopaths from taking advantage.

Ash, I think the opposite of sociopath is a normal human, not sheople. Normal humans are not sheep.
I don`t consider myself a sociopath, nor am I a sheep.
You may wanna review your definition of sheople, with all due respect.
Sheople are not meek. They are sociopathic cowards.
Willful ignorance is a crime, the ignorant want to consume without making an effort, thus they are criminals/sociopaths.

8th March 2011, 01:30 PM
the thing is - no man knows what is good and what is evil

God is the only true Judge

there is only one way to be good for a man - to trust that judge.

Evil defined as coming short of the glory of God

thus, each of us is evil and guilty of man-slaughter,

because our sins killed God's son Jesus

There was no other way to save our souls

8th March 2011, 01:32 PM
I'm an ordained minister!

Just remember to pick a good title, its everything.

I couldn't find any

The Latter Day Fellowship of Exploratory Lament, was the best I could do.

Choir couldn't find any lyrics to fit either. :(

mick silver
8th March 2011, 01:36 PM
i think there alot of people who have no Morals and could care less about life are death . there something that i see that i have not in some time the people here in the country are alot more to help someone then a person in a big city .

8th March 2011, 01:41 PM
Quote from: Ash_Williams on Today at 01:17:40 PM

Think about it. If all the rabbits died we'd see tons of predators dying off shortly after. And if all the predators died, the rabbits would breed themselves into starvation. They need each other.

Goyim need the jews!


The rabbits need predators because they live like rabbits. That's one kind of balance and the only kind that can happen with predators and prey.

The other kind of balance is when individuals aren't prey so there are no predators.

Humans don't have to live like rabbits or sheep.
Many humans are just convinced that not living like a sheep is immoral. That's a great advantage to those who prey on them.

The problem is anyone living as a sheep is giving up a bit of their money, power, whatever, and that is going to be taken to be used against anyone not living as sheep.

8th March 2011, 01:53 PM
Sheepiopathy creates prey habitat,
Be the Lama Llamas.

La Lallama!
(also not in google)

8th March 2011, 02:01 PM
because our sins killed God's son Jesus

Jews perpetrated that crime.


8th March 2011, 02:02 PM
Ash, I think the opposite of sociopath is a normal human, not sheople. Normal humans are not sheep.

What's normal though? I think years of breeding peasants has resulted in a sheople race. The typical person who wants to live like a slave with rules and boundaries and taxes imposed by others isn't what I'd consider normal. What animal does that except ones that have been domesticated?

Society is a game to the sociopaths who want to dominate it.
It's an institution to normal people, who tolerate it and work within it to try to better their lives.
And to the sheepiopaths it's life its self.

8th March 2011, 02:05 PM
the thing is - no man knows what is good and what is evil



Didn't you and your dad have that talk?


8th March 2011, 02:07 PM
because our sins killed God's son Jesus

Jews perpetrated that crime.


Not according to the Pope!


Besides, if we wanna get down to brass tacks, we'd have to blame God.

He started it.

8th March 2011, 02:12 PM
Ash, I think the opposite of sociopath is a normal human, not sheople. Normal humans are not sheep.

What's normal though? I think years of breeding peasants has resulted in a sheople race. The typical person who wants to live like a slave with rules and boundaries and taxes imposed by others isn't what I'd consider normal. What animal does that except ones that have been domesticated?

Willful slaves are sociopathic criminals,they want to avoid risks and let others risk their ass for them. What do you call those able-bodied men who avoid going to war when their nation is genuinely attacked? I call`em sociopathic scum.

8th March 2011, 02:16 PM
the thing is - no man knows what is good and what is evil

Didn't you and your dad have that talk?



8th March 2011, 03:17 PM
Besides, if we wanna get down to brass tacks, we'd have to blame God.

He started it.

A necessary evil?

Are you suggesting God is a globalist, hell bent on synchronizing everyone's watches to the same start date?

8th March 2011, 04:48 PM
You're sticking a label on what is just one part of a spectrum though.

Ash, labeling is unfortunately a drawback to language.

Referring to sociopaths as predators is an undeserving glorification in my opinion.

I don't know why you defend sociopaths as being socially necessary, since the term itself means that they're intrinsically not beneficial toward society.

Besides merely changing my analogy from parasite to predator, what you seem to be describing is relational reciprocity and I don't necessarily disagree with that, given a broad enough brush.

The thing is, I believe humans have the capacity to do better and be healthier without socially pathological parasites transmitting disease and illness amid a given population.

A sociopath doesn't create anything, and they sure as hell aren't wolves,... they're swollen blue ticks clinging to the
unscratchable nether regions of civilization, ultimately causing humanity to go insane and die prematurely.

They make excellent useless bankers, politicians and bureaucrats but can't tie their own shoelaces. They don't make good musicians, they make paperwork and schedules. They don't make good lovers, they make good fuckers. ;)

9th March 2011, 05:26 AM
Ok, whether predator or parasite, they wouldn't exist if they weren't allowed and/or encouraged to feed on others.

For a few years I've gone on the same road each day to get to work. It has an idiotic bottleneck on it, 4 lanes go into 2 over a space of less than 1/2 mile. The city has the budget to plow my road twice a day in the winter even if it hasn't snowed, but they can't manage to fix this. Anyway, this bottleneck obviously causes traffic problems. The right two lanes end.

The first month or so I took the trip I stayed in the proper lane and people whizzed by in the two lanes that were ending. Near where the second lane ended, it was always a dead stop, because the guys who had flown on by ran out of lane and everyone was stopped to let them in. Most of the slowdowns on this road were because people didn't merge 1/2 mile back when they had a chance.

My policy was to defend my lane. I didn't let the assholes in. Doing so would just reward their behavior. Of course it didn't matter - the guy in front of me would usually let them in, as did the one behind me, so the assholes experienced almost no wait. If I had a passenger she'd usually object to my lane blocking too, thinking it was rude or inconsiderate.

Well that only lasted so long until I became one of the assholes. Instead of ten minutes in traffic, I just stayed in the wrong lane as long as possible and it's down to two minutes in traffic. The choices are to to be one of those nice compassionate drivers who lets people in and encourages assholes, or to defend your lane but have no effect because the nice compassionate drivers undo your efforts, or to be an asshole and take advantage of the compassionate drivers. Had everyone drove 'as equals' the traffic backup would likely be 3-4 minutes for everyone, rather than 2 minutes for a select few and 10 minutes for the rest.

Some may be natural assholes and some may choose to be assholes after analyzing the situation, but the solution to both those kinds is simply for everyone to recognize that letting them in rewards their behavior and at the same time punishes everyone else.

That's a metaphor for life right there. They say the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and too many people aren't being f-ing vigilant. Too many sheeps are holding back the regular people to let the assholes dominate. Going back to the OP, vigilance requires a certain amount of darkness or evil or whatever you want to call it, that's why it's in all of us to be nice or to be tough or to be assholes.

9th March 2011, 05:29 AM
Didn't you and your dad have that talk?


Since we're getting personal & sharing so much of ourselves now.

What was said, Book?

9th March 2011, 07:38 AM
My policy was to defend my lane. I didn't let the assholes in. Doing so would just reward their behavior. Of course it didn't matter - the guy in front of me would usually let them in, as did the one behind me, so the assholes experienced almost no wait.

There is one factor missing from your otherwise clear logic: The armed driver who is prone to Road Rage.


9th March 2011, 09:09 AM
That's a metaphor for life right there. They say the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and too many people aren't being f-ing vigilant. Too many sheeps are holding back the regular people to let the assholes dominate. Going back to the OP, vigilance requires a certain amount of darkness or evil or whatever you want to call it, that's why it's in all of us to be nice or to be tough or to be assholes.

Indeed. The reason the asshole even exist to begin with is that life rewards them for being asshole. In your case, the 'reward' of only waiting 2 minutes instead of 10. The problem with being compassionate, is people take advantage of that and it's seen as a weakness.

Vigilance is being compassionate to the folks that deserve it, and doing our best to spot the assholes and set them in their place. I say you go back to guarding your lane. Don't live life out of fear of road rage, stand your ground out of principle because it's the right thing to do.

9th March 2011, 09:30 AM
I say you go back to guarding your lane. Don't live life out of fear of road rage, stand your ground out of principle because it's the right thing to do.



9th March 2011, 09:56 AM
There's a saying, anything you can not say no to, you are it's slave, and it is your master. I'll add to that. Anything you fear, you are it's slave and it is your master as well.

Fear road rage, go ahead. Fear black people and push your fear onto others with chimpout threads. Fear the government, fear economic collapse, fear terrorism.

They win, you lose.

9th March 2011, 10:06 AM
Fear road rage, go ahead. Fear black people and push your fear onto others with chimpout threads.

Fear women. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gentlemens-forum/i%27m-an-idiot/msg195283/#new)


9th March 2011, 10:52 AM
Fear women. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gentlemens-forum/i%27m-an-idiot/msg195283/#new)


I don't blame all women for my idiocy with them, nor fear them.

I do, however, invite you to re-read what was posted in the OP..

"Very simple: good people want other people to do well and are happy when they do; good people are sad when others do poorly. Are you with me so far? Ok.
The pattern of opposites also dictates that evil people not only want others to suffer, but that they experience happiness and joy when they do. However, if others around evil people experience good things (success, prosperity, justice, whatever), it causes them pain and suffering. Again, very simple: evil people want others around them to suffer and are happy when they do; evil people experience pain when others prosper."

9th March 2011, 02:12 PM
I don't blame all women for my idiocy with them, nor fear them...

I do, however, invite you to re-read what was posted in the OP...

Very simple: good people want other people to do well and are happy when they do; good people are sad when others do poorly.


Gee...in your other thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gentlemens-forum/i%27m-an-idiot/msg195283/#new) you call guys who get the girls "assholes" then whine about not getting the girls.



9th March 2011, 02:23 PM
Gee...in your other thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gentlemens-forum/i%27m-an-idiot/msg195283/#new) you call guys who get the girls "assholes" then whine about not getting the girls.

You are lying. I never said that. I now know EXACTLY why Mamboni called you out on your BS.

You twist words around to make other posters look bad. That, is a fact. That, is trolling actually and I call that an offense that deserves a ban.

9th March 2011, 02:41 PM
You twist words around to make other posters look bad.


Fear black people and push your fear onto others with chimpout threads.

You seem to think it just fine to mis-characterize other GSUS members when they post a Chimpout thread. Link us to one single Chimpout thread wherein anyone ever expressed "fear".

9th March 2011, 02:46 PM
Indeed. The reason the asshole even exist to begin with is that life rewards them for being asshole. In your case, the 'reward' of only waiting 2 minutes instead of 10. The problem with being compassionate, is people take advantage of that and it's seen as a weakness.

Vigilance is being compassionate to the folks that deserve it, and doing our best to spot the assholes and set them in their place. I say you go back to guarding your lane. Don't live life out of fear of road rage, stand your ground out of principle because it's the right thing to do.

What happened to this sentiment:

"Very simple: good people want other people to do well and are happy when they do; good people are sad when others do poorly. Are you with me so far? Ok."


9th March 2011, 02:48 PM
You seem to think it just fine to mis-characterize other GSUS members when they post a Chimpout thread. Link us to one single Chimpout thread wherein anyone ever expressed "fear".

Chimpout threads are fear based to begin with. Unless you post them to put black people down and insult them. Again, back to the whole point of this thread...you take pleasure in putting other people down.

9th March 2011, 02:50 PM
What happened to this sentiment:

"Very simple: good people want other people to do well and are happy when they do; good people are sad when others do poorly. Are you with me so far? Ok."


That settiment was directed to people who step on others to get ahead. People who put down others to make them feel better about themselves. Nothing about women in that context at all.

Again, out of context, twisted, and you are trying to demean me and put me down too.

Your passive aggressive posts I call a direct personal attack. I know you have a Book fan club here, but I will call you out on any more personal attacks as I see them.

9th March 2011, 02:53 PM
You seem to think it just fine to mis-characterize other GSUS members when they post a Chimpout thread. Link us to one single Chimpout thread wherein anyone ever expressed "fear".

Chimpout threads are fear based to begin with. Unless you post them to put black people down and insult them. Again, back to the whole point of this thread...you take pleasure in putting other people down.

Therefore your own other thread complaining about no girlfriend is also motivated by:

a) Based upon fear

b) Posted to put women down

c) Posted to insult women


9th March 2011, 02:56 PM
Therefore your own other thread complaining about no girlfriend is also motivated by:

a) Based upon fear

b) Posted to put women down

c) Posted to insult women


You are seriously pissing me off. I've never complained about no girlfriend, I'm happy being single. You are a lying again.

No wonder some posters leave and never return. Book can post any sort of slander BS he wants, nobody says or does anything about it.

What a bunch of crap.

9th March 2011, 02:58 PM
Fear black people and push your fear onto others with chimpout threads.

Gee...why this personal attack upon our fellow members who posted Chimpout threads? You some kind of doctor posting psychological diagnosis of our fellow GSUS members? They suffer from "fear" and project their "fear" onto the rest of us? That what you are saying Doctor?


9th March 2011, 03:01 PM
I've never complained about no girlfriend, I'm happy being single. You are a lying again.


Damnit, got dumped on again. >:( The past couple of weeks I was rekindling an old flame, this is the 4th time this gal has used me and tossed me out, over the period of a couple of years.

This time, though she's in a relationship. I'd call that cheating.

Guys, I don't know why it's so hard sometimes to do what's obvious. I know this gal's bad news...but again, chewed up and spit out. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I am a fucking idiot. Period.

I think you should know that somebody has stolen your password and is posting threads you apparently don't know exist.

9th March 2011, 03:47 PM

9th March 2011, 03:47 PM
I think you should know that somebody has stolen your password and is posting threads you apparently don't know exist.

If that's not some underhanded insulting personal attack, I don't know what is...

Well, checkmate. I know if I stick up for myself here, I'll be the one banned...yet you can post and post away insulting folks.

I also know, it's easy to hide behind the internet. You are master insulter, if you looked me in the eye and insulted me like you do, the fight would be on.

Book, go on and insult me then. I know you enjoy that privilege you have over posters like me.

fucking BS.

EDIT: Mamboni is right, I'm going to honor him by following in his path... this forum is biased, supports liars, and is anti-freedom. Some posters are more 'equal' than other posters. It's not right, bottom line.

9th March 2011, 05:10 PM
There isn't much to this, so I doubt this thread will generate much discussion. However, I believe this concept is very important so I'm hoping someone somewhere gets something out of this post.

I recently watched a youtube video that talked about the pattern of opposites in this world. Day is the opposite of night, left is the opposite of right, east/west, north/south, etc. The pattern of opposites dictates that we also have good and evil in this world, as well as good and evil people in this world. Some of the characteristics of good people are compassion, kindness, empathy, consideration, etc. I think most people would agree that good people CARE about other people. Also, good people tend to be happy when others around them experience prosperity, joy, success, good relationships, and so forth. When others around them experience oppression, suffering, unfairness, death, etc, it causes them to experience pain and sadness. Very simple: good people want other people to do well and are happy when they do; good people are sad when others do poorly. Are you with me so far? Ok.
The pattern of opposites also dictates that evil people not only want others to suffer, but that they experience happiness and joy when they do. However, if others around evil people experience good things (success, prosperity, justice, whatever), it causes them pain and suffering. Again, very simple: evil people want others around them to suffer and are happy when they do; evil people experience pain when others prosper.

Summation of concept: because of the pattern of opposites, if there are good people in this world there must be evil people. Evil people are the opposite of good people.

This may not seem earth shattering, but I believe that if the sleeping majority could accept this one concept it would be a game changer. An authoritarian mindset comes with a deeply ingrained acceptance that those in authority want what is best for others. I see this as the most important factor in most people's resistance to learning and/or accepting the truth.


bump the OP


9th March 2011, 05:22 PM

9th March 2011, 08:21 PM
Therefore your own other thread complaining about no girlfriend is also motivated by:

a) Based upon fear

b) Posted to put women down

c) Posted to insult women


You are seriously pissing me off. I've never complained about no girlfriend, I'm happy being single. You are a lying again.

No wonder some posters leave and never return. Book can post any sort of slander BS he wants, nobody says or does anything about it.

What a bunch of crap.

Book has learned the fine art of chutzpah and is happy as a kid who`s got a new toy. That`s why my sig now says what it says.

9th March 2011, 08:27 PM
That`s why my sig now says what it says.


Book is back on dope, he can do any crazy shit he wants...

I'm not the one with the hole in my arm where all the money went.

9th March 2011, 08:33 PM
That`s why my sig now says what it says.


Book is back on dope, he can do any crazy shit he wants...

I'm not the one with the hole in my arm where all the money went.

Well guess what, in the parallel chutzpah-generated reality you are Sam Stone with the hole where all the money went and I`m a sardonic observer...

9th March 2011, 08:42 PM
...in the parallel chutzpah-generated reality...


Back in the real world you are you and I am me. Live with it.


9th March 2011, 09:12 PM
...in the parallel chutzpah-generated reality...


Back in the real world you are you and I am me. Live with it.


How is your dope debauchery going lately?

9th March 2011, 09:20 PM
Well guess what, in the parallel chutzpah-generated reality...

...in the real world Antonio meet Antonio (http://gold-silver.us/forum/the-lounge/hello-hello%29/msg164649/#msg164649).


9th March 2011, 09:37 PM
Well guess what, in the parallel chutzpah-generated reality...

...in the real world Antonio meet Antonio (http://gold-silver.us/forum/the-lounge/hello-hello%29/msg164649/#msg164649).


Can you still find a vein? I bet you`re banging between your toes right now.

9th March 2011, 09:56 PM
Can you still find a vein?

Dang...how powerful is that stuff? Do you often think you are somebody else? Can you find a mirror buddy?

Yes! Kahlil Gibran/Book! I`m clean after shooting dope every 1-2hrs for the past 3 yrs. The international statistics of curing severe opioid dependance is 5%. It`s all about the Stalinist balls or lack of them. I won`t bore the members with the horrendous and disgusting details of my recovery which has just started (a bit of jail, etc).

The main thing is I can walk up to the comp and sit for about 10 minutes before having to crawl back to bed. PS.No rehab,by the way, did this myself at home without any medical help. I`m a lucky American taxpayer with no access to any medical help because I don`t make anywhere enough to buy an insurance but not anywhere close to being eligible for Medicaid. Dope costs up to 200$ a day sometimes when a city experiences a regularly engeneered dope shortage for 5-7 days when 1 million half-sick green-faced NY residents are shooting crushed Tylenol PM with a speck of dope in it, sold for the price of normal average dope.


9th March 2011, 10:09 PM
Can you still find a vein?

Dang...how powerful is that stuff? Do you often think you are somebody else? Can you find a mirror buddy?

Yes! Kahlil Gibran/Book! I`m clean after shooting dope every 1-2hrs for the past 3 yrs. The international statistics of curing severe opioid dependance is 5%. It`s all about the Stalinist balls or lack of them. I won`t bore the members with the horrendous and disgusting details of my recovery which has just started (a bit of jail, etc).

The main thing is I can walk up to the comp and sit for about 10 minutes before having to crawl back to bed. PS.No rehab,by the way, did this myself at home without any medical help. I`m a lucky American taxpayer with no access to any medical help because I don`t make anywhere enough to buy an insurance but not anywhere close to being eligible for Medicaid. Dope costs up to 200$ a day sometimes when a city experiences a regularly engeneered dope shortage for 5-7 days when 1 million half-sick green-faced NY residents are shooting crushed Tylenol PM with a speck of dope in it, sold for the price of normal average dope.


Book, the stuff is dynamite but it`s curable in 5% of cases. Shadenfreude is about as curable as pancreatic cancer...

10th March 2011, 05:19 AM
A perfectly torn thread, gone into the shredder.

10th March 2011, 05:30 AM
A perfectly torn thread, gone into the shredder.

Nobody stopping you from commenting on the OP:

There isn't much to this, so I doubt this thread will generate much discussion. However, I believe this concept is very important so I'm hoping someone somewhere gets something out of this post.

I recently watched a youtube video that talked about the pattern of opposites in this world. Day is the opposite of night, left is the opposite of right, east/west, north/south, etc. The pattern of opposites dictates that we also have good and evil in this world, as well as good and evil people in this world. Some of the characteristics of good people are compassion, kindness, empathy, consideration, etc. I think most people would agree that good people CARE about other people. Also, good people tend to be happy when others around them experience prosperity, joy, success, good relationships, and so forth. When others around them experience oppression, suffering, unfairness, death, etc, it causes them to experience pain and sadness. Very simple: good people want other people to do well and are happy when they do; good people are sad when others do poorly. Are you with me so far? Ok.
The pattern of opposites also dictates that evil people not only want others to suffer, but that they experience happiness and joy when they do. However, if others around evil people experience good things (success, prosperity, justice, whatever), it causes them pain and suffering. Again, very simple: evil people want others around them to suffer and are happy when they do; evil people experience pain when others prosper.

Summation of concept: because of the pattern of opposites, if there are good people in this world there must be evil people. Evil people are the opposite of good people.

This may not seem earth shattering, but I believe that if the sleeping majority could accept this one concept it would be a game changer. An authoritarian mindset comes with a deeply ingrained acceptance that those in authority want what is best for others. I see this as the most important factor in most people's resistance to learning and/or accepting the truth.


10th March 2011, 06:04 AM
Nobody stopping you from commenting on the OP:

I'm a man of the cloth, Book.

I've come to escort you back from the potter's ground.


10th March 2011, 06:11 AM
Nobody stopping you from commenting on the OP:

I'm a man of the cloth, Book. I've come to escort you back from the potter's ground.


A perfectly torn thread, gone into the shredder.

Thank you for your thoughtful comments on the OP.

10th March 2011, 06:22 AM
Thank you for your thoughtful comments on the OP.


10th March 2011, 07:32 AM
There isn't much to this, so I doubt this thread will generate much discussion. However, I believe this concept is very important so I'm hoping someone somewhere gets something out of this post.

I recently watched a youtube video that talked about the pattern of opposites in this world. Day is the opposite of night, left is the opposite of right, east/west, north/south, etc. The pattern of opposites dictates that we also have good and evil in this world, as well as good and evil people in this world. Some of the characteristics of good people are compassion, kindness, empathy, consideration, etc. I think most people would agree that good people CARE about other people. Also, good people tend to be happy when others around them experience prosperity, joy, success, good relationships, and so forth. When others around them experience oppression, suffering, unfairness, death, etc, it causes them to experience pain and sadness. Very simple: good people want other people to do well and are happy when they do; good people are sad when others do poorly. Are you with me so far? Ok.
The pattern of opposites also dictates that evil people not only want others to suffer, but that they experience happiness and joy when they do. However, if others around evil people experience good things (success, prosperity, justice, whatever), it causes them pain and suffering. Again, very simple: evil people want others around them to suffer and are happy when they do; evil people experience pain when others prosper.

Summation of concept: because of the pattern of opposites, if there are good people in this world there must be evil people. Evil people are the opposite of good people.

This may not seem earth shattering, but I believe that if the sleeping majority could accept this one concept it would be a game changer. An authoritarian mindset comes with a deeply ingrained acceptance that those in authority want what is best for others. I see this as the most important factor in most people's resistance to learning and/or accepting the truth.


dys my friend,

With all due respect, I am in disagreement with much of what you wrote. Good and evil are not opposites the way up and down are opposite. They are abstractions of our limited human mind.

Day is the opposite of night.

Day and night are not opposites, they both exist along the dimension of time due to the relation of the Earth to the sun. If there were 2 suns, day would be continuous. Similarly with night, if there were no sun.

left is the opposite of right, east/west, north/south

If you continue east, do you not eventually reach points west?

An example of true opposite is that of empty and full. Fullness can never be emptinessLove and apathy are also opposites, as love can never be a state of indifference. The impossibility of never being the other is is what makes them opposite.

The pattern of opposites dictates that we also have good and evil in this world, as well as good and evil people in this world. Some of the characteristics of good people are compassion, kindness, empathy, consideration, etc.

Regarding personality types in people, I think good and evil are more closely related to cause and effect. A lack of acting in accordance to the good leads to evil. Evil, nor good, is requisite. Laziness leads to poverty. Righteousness leads to holiness. That there exists poverty does not require there to exist holiness.

I think most people would agree that good people CARE about other people. Also, good people tend to be happy when others around them experience prosperity, joy, success, good relationships, and so forth. When others around them experience oppression, suffering, unfairness, death, etc, it causes them to experience pain and sadness. Very simple: good people want other people to do well and are happy when they do; good people are sad when others do poorly. Are you with me so far? Ok.
The pattern of opposites also dictates that evil people not only want others to suffer, but that they experience happiness and joy when they do. However, if others around evil people experience good things (success, prosperity, justice, whatever), it causes them pain and suffering. Again, very simple: evil people want others around them to suffer and are happy when they do; evil people experience pain when others prosper.

I strongly disagree with this part. Do the practitioners of usury never steal for the benefit of their families? I'm sure you're familiar with the phrase trust fund baby.

Is someone that performs good deeds for want of satisfaction also not acting in a form of selfishness? How honest and pure then, are these intentions? A gift, by definition, is something given without compensation - yet I claim there is compensation. The compensation is satisfaction. The inherit care for others, as you claim, I see is actually rooted in the care for themselves. This is known as the paradox of the gift.

When others around them experience oppression, suffering, unfairness, death, etc, it causes them to experience pain and sadness.

Would we not all rejoice to see the banksters brought down from their lofty positions of wealth and power? Does that make our desire for their harm evil?

Or those that eagerly await the end of days, that God may cleanse the land - is this not the same as what you claim is evil here:

The pattern of opposites also dictates that evil people not only want others to suffer, but that they experience happiness and joy when they do.

Continuing -

Summation of concept: because of the pattern of opposites, if there are good people in this world there must be evil people. Evil people are the opposite of good people.

Man must become knowers in order for us all to move beyond our collective primitive understanding of morality - that which we currently call good and evil. I've said this before and I will repeat - we do not know what we think we know.

16th March 2011, 10:15 AM
I've been thinking about this thread for awhile now. At first I thought the idea had merit, then I thought certain parts of it had merit, then I thought maybe it was a poorly formulated idea, now I am not sure. This is a pretty poor response, I know, but I'm having a hard time coming up with anything better at the moment.
