View Full Version : They call this "US Imperialism" in Libya.

8th March 2011, 08:56 PM
As Schoenman states in the RT interview:

“This is a bold imperial plunder in process. They have seized 30 Billion dollars of Libyan assets — these are not the assets of the Kaddafi family, they are the assets of the Libyan nation. They are plundering the Libyan people in preparation to intervene in order to not only dictate the outcome of the uprising in Libya, but to position US and NATO forces to intervene throughout the region.”


8th March 2011, 09:44 PM
Well, if they are invaded all that they have to do it to look towards Iraq and Afghan to know what to do... with the experience of others they will fight.

When ever I see the US "Liberating" a foreign nation all that I can think about is......what if that country was Cuba?

The same as the Zionist "Jews" that could care less about what the world thinks of their doings in Palestine to me this is the way that the US feels about what they are doing to the world.

9th March 2011, 02:25 AM
Banner at 16 seconds into the clip:

"Ralph Schoenman - U.S. Radio host and peace activist"

...and jew.

9th March 2011, 03:57 PM
Hi All,

Been lurking for a while, just thought this would be a good thread to jump in on and hopefully contribute somethig of value.

Look at the trouble in Egypt, and all the other countries in the region, yet Libya is the one that we're so involved with. Is it a coincidence that Libya is one of the last remaining countries that DOESN'T have a central bank?


International Bankers as the Ruling Class

There are several terms used to describe those in the inner circle who direct the Elite, such as central bankers, international banking families, world banking cabal, and the like, but the two families who really are in charge are the Rockefellers, headed by David Rockefeller, and the Western European and United Kingdom's House of Rothschild, headed by David de Rothschild. In 1998 the Rockefeller family was worth $11.48 trillion, and the Rothschild family was worth somewhere between $100 and 900 trillion. When they need money, they just print it. They create their money out of thin air, and it is backed by nothing. You cannot trade it in for gold or silver. These International bankers own the Central Banks in every nation in the world, except the so-called seven rogue nations. The U.S. State Dept. defines "rogue nations" as any nation that harbors of supports terrorists. The present nations that meet this definition are/were: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, and Sudan. There is no evidence that Cuba or North Korea harbor or support terrorist, so the only common thread between these countries is that none of them allow the International bankers to control their central banks. (Afghanistan and Iraq were removed from this list when the U.S. Invaded them. One of the first acts after the invasion was to set up an Elite controlled Central Bank.)

9th March 2011, 04:10 PM
Welcome to our mad mad mad world Collector, I hope that your first name is not "Tax" >:(

9th March 2011, 04:56 PM
I hope that your first name is not "Tax" >:(

or ear.

10th March 2011, 05:41 AM
or bone.

Welcome Collector.

10th March 2011, 02:33 PM
Thanks ;D

Actually it's Gun but it's more of a lifestyle choice based on some serious prepping for what's heading our way !

10th March 2011, 06:19 PM
Accurate first post collector.