View Full Version : The downfall of morality in radio broadcasting.

9th March 2011, 07:05 AM
I'm venting, but this is an important topic imo.

Being that I live the the GTA, (Greater Toronto Area) I listen to the radio during my commute.
One station that has always captured my attention is the Edge 102.1. The morning show is hosted by Dean Blundell, Todd Shapiro and some other guy. They always play the best new rock tunes and never play a bunch of crap that I personally don't want to hear. I dig the music. (Or should I say Used to)

It used to be witty, edgy and funny, these guys would push the envelope with low brow commentary that was always close to offensive, but not quite. Often times the conversations would be full of sexual innuendo, but still tasteful to the average blue collar Joe.

EDIT - Their sexual innuendo was always hetero, btw.

Their conversations focused on sports a lot. That was back when they still had Jason Barr as the third (and best) co-host. They operated as a team of 3 muskateers, bantering back and forth, building each others stories up and generally being hilarious. I remember a number of times where I was laughing so hard on the drive to work that my stomach hurt, and I had to wipe tears from my eyes in order to drive safely.

Over the last 8 or more years I have slowly seen this show change. Back in the day, Dean Blundell would poke the odd joke at Christianity or the Pope (Whether he is a true pope or anti-pope is not the point here), but never get down to straight out insulting.

Over the last 3 or so years in particular, his hatred for all things Christian has unveiled itself without shame. Any chance he gets, him and his jew co-host slam all Christians as pedophiles and rapists and thieves, etc. He constantly takes the name of Jesus Christ in vain, on air, in front of millions of listeners with total disregard. But this thread is not about their disregard and attack on Christianity alone.

This show has morphed into something that is beyond what I could have imagined. I watched it happen slowly, incrementally, like so many other things.

On a daily basis they push deviant homosexuality. Once a week they have some gay woman come on the air as a guest. Once a week they have "phychic Nikki" on the air to give some psychic forcast. For a while they were having some queer guy come on once a week to extol the virtues and share the hardships of being a single white gay man in Toronto.

The Todd Shapiro is a ladies man, constantly objectifying women, bragging about his whoring around with multiple girls. Dean Blundell never ceases to moan and whine about his ex-wife, and always expresses that the bond of marriage is only for "fools" or "suckers". The newest co-host that is supposed to replace Jason Barr is some blind white guy that talks with a lisp and sounds like a queer (Surprise, surprise).

Jason Barr was mysteriously fired from the show, with no warning and for no disclosed reason. I did, however, make mental note that this happened shortly after he brought up the movie "The Obama Deception" on the air during their morning show. I guess he was open to checking it out, and then he talked his co-hosts into checking it out, and then they discussed it on air a couple times.

I remember it, because of the three hosts, Jason Barr was the one who never really bought into the glamour and hype of hollywood, other than sports. I had heard him touch on the conspiracy in quiet, guarded comments in the past.

Anything that has to do with homosexuality, newage mysticism, and distain for Christianity takes the front seat.
I recall a time when a listener wrote them an email and asked them to help educate the listeners about the NWO. The email trumpeted warnings about the BBG/TLC/CFR and some others. It talked about FEMA camps and more. The three bufoons then went on to berate and belittle the listener who wrote the email, making all sorts of comments to inculcate the listening base, even using "Tin foil hat in your parents basement" as one of the insults. Typical cointelpro.

When Obama was running and the media was freaking out about the black messiah, the 3 douches mirrored that exactly, and they did nothing but exhort the infallable Obama. When listeners wrote emails or called and asked about the birth certificate, they promptly resorted to firing out the usual insults of "Paranoia" and "Tin foil", etc.

This show has turned from something that was edgy and funny into something that is highly offensive and morally bankrupt. What is even worse is, there are a number of smaller stations from smaller cities in the area that are owned by the same company (Chorus entertainment) and I am noting that these smaller stations are beginning to mirror the Edge almost exactly. However, because these stations belong to smaller towns, they are much more conservative and will not take lightly to the incremental changes toward absolute immorality lightly. Either the change will have to go slower in these smaller cities, or the people in the cities will freak out and start complaining to whoever they need to complain to.

I'm keeping an ear on some of these smaller stations for now to monitor their slip towards NWO immorality. I usually flip between a bunch of stations depending on the song that is being played.

Oh, one other thing I wanted to mention: It is obvious that they are directed to push a newage/homosexual agenda and bash Christianity, but today I heard them say that they were bringing on a guest that was some dude from some Conspiracy website or show. Then they went on to say that he was going to talk about all sorts of "good stuff" like Planet X and Vampires that were supposedly killed or something.

Like Charlie Sheen, they are trying to make any conspiracy researcher look like a wingnut fruitloop that talks about vampires and other crap like that. As far as Charlie Sheen goes, mission complete. Come out and talk the conspiracy talk and walk the liberty walk, then totally shoot it all down in flames by acting like a schizophrenic drug addict, claiming to be a high wizard.

Anyways, I could go one, but I can't right now. This station is inculcating our public with a total distain for all things Christian, and a total embrace for all things gay and magical. Will post more later.

EDIT - I fixed some typos.

Also, I wanted to mention that Blundell the douche was defending the honour of the NWO pigs at the Toronto G-20 summit. The same NWO pigs that kidnapped a teenage girl, busted and charged another woman with assault for blowing bubbles, and generally beat the shit out of civilians and illegally searched their belongings as they saw fit.

On the air they berated anyone that questioned the integrity of the NWO pigs, or questioned the excessive use of force on innocent, non-violent protestors, and flat out said that anyone that was downtown when the G-20 was on deserved to be tasered. If memory serves me correctly, I believe they might have even said that anyone there deserved to be shot, but I can't state that with 100% accuracy.

9th March 2011, 07:13 AM
i've noticed it everywhere. tv, movies, radio, even newsweek had an article about gay dating awhile back. my home state, iowa, is pushing gay marriage. this is a state populated by corn & soybean farmers. my local theater runs ads before movies. they removed an ad paid for by my kids' christian school because they didn't want to offend anyone. nobody even complained, they just removed it.

we're doomed, eventually.

p.s. my sister in law is from ancaster, nice area you have up there.

9th March 2011, 07:19 AM
Thanks for sharing, Awoke. feel you pain, man.

If the USA has turned into one big Sodom, then Canada is turning into Gomorrah.

9th March 2011, 07:24 AM
This is the way of the world. Even here among many who are alerted to the corruption of governments and the deceptions controlled by a global elite, have not connected the spiritual side.

Christians and the principles of biblical living must be attacked if you want to live a licentious life. The words of God were given to protect us and give us harmonic, peaceable living guides. Those who want to violate those do not want to be reminded that they are stepping over the line.

1Co 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

1Co 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

Mar 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
Mar 7:22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
Mar 7:23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

9th March 2011, 07:25 AM
brought the Ezekiel 9:4 to my memory

And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof
And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity:
Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house

Hatha Sunahara
9th March 2011, 08:59 AM
The issues relating to gays seem to be the handle the NWO has on Christians. Don't let them manipulate you in this way.

I found another example of how radio in particular is being being corrupted by disintegrating morality:


Limbaugh/Hannity Parent Company Admits Hiring Actors to Call Radio Shows

Scroll down a little for the story.

Seems that Limbaugh and Hannity shows have hired call-ins to make those shows 'more interesting'.

I'm not surprised by this. I've seen so many things exposed as fraud that another exposure doesn't make a dent on me any more. I have a theory that when TSHTF, we are ALL going to be exposed as frauds whether we are or not. Nothing like a little humility to go with a societal collapse. Cont on TPTB to frame everybody after they steal everything we own and make slaves of us. After all our misfortune is our own fault. They had nothing to do with it. :sarc:


9th March 2011, 09:40 AM
The issues relating to gays seem to be the handle the NWO has on Christians. Don't let them manipulate you in this way.I found another example of how radio in particular is being being corrupted by disintegrating morality:


Limbaugh/Hannity Parent Company Admits Hiring Actors to Call Radio Shows

Scroll down a little for the story.

Seems that Limbaugh and Hannity shows have hired call-ins to make those shows 'more interesting'.

I'm not surprised by this. I've seen so many things exposed as fraud that another exposure doesn't make a dent on me any more. I have a theory that when TSHTF, we are ALL going to be exposed as frauds whether we are or not. Nothing like a little humility to go with a societal collapse. Cont on TPTB to frame everybody after they steal everything we own and make slaves of us. After all our misfortune is our own fault. They had nothing to do with it. :sarc:


Yes- they are using many attacks to set up divides. There are so many of them that they expect to overwhelm the system into confusion and acceptance.

The issue with gays is not the surface contentions. The real problem is the acceptance or endorsement of corruption as "good". Once that is done... and it is... there is no protection available from God. It puts the society of the "tolerant ones" out into the realm of evil. It is not just the gays who are at risk anymore, but all the endorsing society.

The family unit used to be the safe haven for rearing children. The mother's womb used to be the safe haven for developing babies. No more.

9th March 2011, 10:06 AM
Awoke, you of all people know better than anyone what is going on.

Twisted Titan
9th March 2011, 10:13 AM
99.99 Of what we see, hear and read is controled by these Sociopathic Pedophiles are you really surprised???

9th March 2011, 10:39 AM
Phone the broadcast standards council and say you're gay but all the gay shit on that station offends you. It only took one complaint to ruin the dire straits song for everyone.

9th March 2011, 10:57 AM
This is the way of the world.

That pretty much sums it up.

Awoke, I understand where you are coming from, but expecting anything godly (or even neutral) from the world is a contradiction in thinking. The uncomprimising truth is that the world hates Christ and finding anything genuinely Christ-friendly in the world is an impossibility. There is no fluffy way around it....Christ is not found in 'moderately offensive humour', or in 'moderately satanic music', or 'moderately immoral programming'. If he is not there, who is? That may sound black and white, but there is no mistaking that this is the message of scripture.

The lesson of all this is found in what the Word says...'flee all immorality and be not conformed to the world, but let your mind be transformed'. Also in Phillipians..'whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy...think (dwell on) about such things.' These words are not there because there was space left on the page....it is because they contain truth about our spiritual development.

Recognize the source, and flee from it and seek higher things in all aspects of life. Holiness and debauchery are never co-mingled in instruction to the church in the New Testement writings. It is this truth that testifies to the fact that you are so offended by what you hear. Be encouraged and be thankful! True spiritual realization is always the incremental, sanctifying, work of the Spirit.

9th March 2011, 11:00 AM
Awoke, you of all people know better than anyone what is going on.

Respectfully, even more so that what you are proposing MAGNES. This is not a flesh and blood symptom.

9th March 2011, 11:01 AM
Phone the broadcast standards council and say you're gay but all the gay shit on that station offends you. It only took one complaint to ruin the dire straits song for everyone.

How 'bout say you are Christian, and all the Christian bashing is offending you? See how far that gets you, lol.

9th March 2011, 12:27 PM
Great post, Bellevue. Very true. Sometimes we get so deluded from the constant barrage of evil, indulgence and sinfulness that we stop recognizing the "smaller" sins because we are so busy ducking and dodging the "bigger" sins.

That is how a guy like me can find himself chuckling at a joke that is low brow, and find myself making a concession in my own moral standards: because it's not "as bad" as the promotion of homosexual deviancy.

Sin is sin. You're right when you stated this:

Christ is not found in 'moderately offensive humour', or in 'moderately satanic music', or 'moderately immoral programming'. If he is not there, who is?

Your post was a great reset for me. Thank you.

Awoke, you of all people know better than anyone what is going on.

I do, bro. I just can't get over the nerve of these bastards. The most shocking thing is this:
I consider myself aware and awake, and in tune with the conspiracy.
They moved so incrementally towards deviancy that I didn't even really notice it until one day they blurted out their plans for the day, which included a sexy-toy-vixen interview, a newage pyschic and some queer activist all in one day.

Then it hit me. They had done all these things in the past, and I remember being offended at the time, but I still liked the (NWO-enabling) music, so I would just tune out for that shit.

Now they have reached a point where they trumpet anything immoral and condemn anything moral. I don't want to repeat myself over and over here, so I'll just leave it at that.

The music they play deserves it's own thread. I have been intending on making a thread that dissects the new rock and the message of "Submit" that it pushes, but I haven't gotten around to it.

9th March 2011, 01:21 PM
I think this is a very important observation one should study and understand. It really shows some of the mechanisms by which our society has evolved and continues to evolve to what it is today.

For the most part, there is no hidden hand controlling everyone individually telling this person to say this on the air or that person to say that. Here we have a case where the same 3 guys have evolved over time from entertainers to becoming unknowing tools. They were not planted with the goal of years later slowing bringing an agenda forward. Their IQs are not super high. They are simply rather base creatures that mechanically react to the external stimuli they receive. They are reacting not to a written agenda, but to an unwritten energy or spirit if you will. This spirit, to which these shallow individuals have no ability to resist, is really the collective spirit or heartbeat of all other such shallow individuals that surround them. Traditionally this collective, shallow, group spirit has existed on a regional or national scale, but with technology it is becoming global.

The energy or spirit that exists among many base individuals isn't in inherently bad, in fact it is natural. However, if one can corrupt it, one can create chaos and destruction. We can see this is happening.

9th March 2011, 01:26 PM
The war on Christians is one of the most insidious conspiracies out there. It has always been going on, but it seems like just recently the tides have really turned and thus we are getting our asses handed to us. And it's only going to get worse. Just in our lifetimes look how much has changed. As a Christian one thing that I really struggle with at times is 'taking offense'. So many bad people out there leading lambs to the slaughter, and I find it very difficult to not become full of righteous indignation and anger. As I said in another thread, that's the tough one...pride that results from anger that feels justified. You don't WANT to let it go, but you have to. You have to because retribution and lack of self control is Satan's game, not ours.
The most important 2 commandments per the Lord himself: love God with all your heart and love your fellow man as you love yourself.

Sorry, getting a little preachy. Back to the thread: I'm glad radio was mentioned because it's rarely discussed on message forums. As a medium of communication, I believe that it is more highly controlled from a truth perspective than any other. I can honestly say that based on what I've seen just about every single radio guy out there is either a Rush Limbaugh so called 'conservative' war mongerer, or the polar opposite (well, that's the company line if not the reality) 'liberal', let's perpetually raise taxes, control people's every action and thought, and exacerbate our problems with red tape kind of thing. The amount of discussion on the radio pertaining to the real issues is pretty close to zero. A couple of years ago, I considered making a concerted effort to call a couple of shows a week and try and get in a few words about what is really going on out there. Then I thought better about it. First of all, I would just get interrupted and hung up on; more importantly the secret service would be knocking on my door after the first week.


9th March 2011, 04:13 PM
Awoke, when I lived in Canada and often drove through Toronto I remember a radio station that played a 2-minute bit by some atheist woman about Christmas - on Christmas Eve. Totally offensive, insulting to Christianity; could well have been Edge. And this was in 1991 or so timeframe.

9th March 2011, 05:46 PM
As a Christian one thing that I really struggle with at times is 'taking offense'. So many bad people out there leading lambs to the slaughter, and I find it very difficult to not become full of righteous indignation and anger. As I said in another thread, that's the tough one...pride that results from anger that feels justified. You don't WANT to let it go, but you have to. You have to because retribution and lack of self control is Satan's game, not ours.



Gee...I can't imagine how the Talmud jews ended up owning everything including our banks, congress, courts, media, and unborn grandchildren's tax money.


9th March 2011, 07:01 PM
Awoke; those guys you are listening to must be jews. The book "The Plot against the church" and "The Talmud unmasked" are a huge help in explaining this behavior you speak of.

10th March 2011, 04:42 AM
Yeah Tumbleweed, one of them is a jew, but not a "practicing" jew, or so he claims.

See, I agree with half of what Vacuum said here:

For the most part, there is no hidden hand controlling everyone individually telling this person to say this on the air or that person to say that. Here we have a case where the same 3 guys have evolved over time from entertainers to becoming unknowing tools. They were not planted with the goal of years later slowing bringing an agenda forward. Their IQs are not super high.

But this newage shit I do not buy into.

They are simply rather base creatures that mechanically react to the external stimuli they receive. They are reacting not to a written agenda, but to an unwritten energy or spirit if you will. This spirit, to which these shallow individuals have no ability to resist, is really the collective spirit or heartbeat of all other such shallow individuals that surround them. Traditionally this collective, shallow, group spirit has existed on a regional or national scale, but with technology it is becoming global.

The energy or spirit that exists among many base individuals isn't in inherently bad, in fact it is natural. However, if one can corrupt it, one can create chaos and destruction. We can see this is happening.

Their show is a direct attack on Christianity. You would have to listen to their pod cast to hear it yourself. Just this morning, Dean Blundell was giving shit to their intern whom they have nicknamed "Meatus". They constantly verbally abuse him to the point where other listeners have called in and told them to back off. They verbally abuse him worse than you would to an enemy. It's pathetic.

So anyways, this morning they were telling him how stupid and worthless he is, and then when Dean was finished berating him, he caught his breath and cursed "Jesus Christ" about as loud as he could without yelling.

It's amazing that these douchebags get away with this, in a supposedly "Christian founded" country. Maybe instead of bitching and moaning here, maybe I should take action and contact Chorus entertainment. Maybe no-one else is complaining...?

I just took it for granted that there would be people complaining on a daily basis, but now that I think about it, the people are so numb to immorality that they might not be complaining at all. I know I haven't officially complained to (probably jew-owned) Chorus yet.