View Full Version : Amtrak police chief bars TSA from some security operations

9th March 2011, 09:12 AM
By Don Phillips
Published: March 3, 2011
WASHINGTON — In late February, the Transportation Security Administration took over the Amtrak station in Savannah, Ga., and thoroughly searched every person who entered. None of the passengers got into trouble, but the TSA certainly did — big time.

Amtrak Police Chief John O’Connor said he first thought a blog posting about the incident was a joke. When he discovered that the TSA’s VIPR team did at least some of what the blog said, he was livid. He ordered the VIPR teams off Amtrak property, at least until a firm agreement can be drawn up to prevent the TSA from taking actions that the chief said were illegal and clearly contrary to Amtrak policy.

“When I saw it, I didn’t believe it was real,” O’Connor said. When it developed that the posting on an anti-TSA blog was not a joke, “I hit the ceiling.”

Video of the screening is available at: www.liveleak.com.

O’Connor said the TSA VIPR teams have no right to do more than what Amtrak police do occasionally, which has produced few if any protests and which O’Connor said is clearly within the law and the Constitution. More than a thousand times, Amtrak teams (sometimes including VIPR) have performed security screenings at Amtrak stations. These screenings are only occasional and random, and inspect the bags of only about one in 10 passengers. There is no wanding of passengers and no sterile area. O’Connor said the TSA violated every one of these rules.

A posting in late February to the Transportation Security Administration’s blog, which serves as a public relations tool of the TSA, tried to explain why TSA agents took over the Amtrak station in Savannah. But O’Connor said the “facts” as posted on the TSA blog were incorrect. He said the blog indicated that Amtrak had approved of the operation, but it had not. He called the TSA’s posting on blog.tsa.gov “inaccurate and insensitive.” As of the time this story was filed, the same posting remained on the blog.

A TSA spokesman said he could not elaborate on the blog posting.

O’Connor said he must take some of the blame because he did not more carefully observe what the VIPR teams were doing. He said the TSA had apologized repeatedly to him, but they must agree to firm restrictions before he will consider allowing them back on Amtrak property.

The search was first revealed on the blog gizmodo.com.

However, that blog got it at least half wrong. The TSA did not, as the blog said, funnel people who arrived by train into the station for a search. Instead, the TSA took over the station and posted notes outside saying that anyone who entered would be “subject to mandatory screening.” Those who know the Savannah station realize that it generally is not necessary for anyone arriving or departing by train to go into the station. It is much easier to park the car or be dropped off near the platform.

Therefore, why was the TSA searching only anyone entering the station? It might even be easier to explain why they might have searched everyone. For instance, such questions as, did they have a tip someone was carrying a small atomic bomb? In the end, it is not even possible to discern a reason for what they actually did. Why search only people unfortunate enough to need to enter the station – people who needed to buy tickets, an elderly person who was dropped off and needed a place to sit while waiting, a mom whose infant badly needed a diaper change?

The group involved is TSA’s VIPR operation, which deals with surface transportation. VIPR is short for “visible intermodal protection and response.” It turns out that VIPR has been far more active than imagined. Teams have searched bus passengers all over the country, have done similar things at train stations, and have even blocked traffic on bridges to search trucks and cars. That even included the busy Chesapeake Bay Bridge near Washington.

The VIPR teams were rolled out on Dec. 12, 2005, then promptly pulled back two days later when it turned out that no one had informed numerous local governments. It was a fiasco. Several local jurisdictions said they had no interest and opted out, including the Washington Metro system. But teams, moving slowly, have apparently re-infiltrated surface transportation facilities. Unlike the TSA at airports, these teams have access to firepower. Although the TSA is not allowed to carry weapons, some armed Federal Air Marshals have been switched to ground duty.

One major unanswered question is: why? What purpose is being served other than to justify employment? You will certainly hear more about this in Trains.


Low Pan
9th March 2011, 09:18 AM
Finally, hopefully they reach a stalemate and the TSA are banned from all Trains and Buses.

9th March 2011, 09:27 AM
Finally, hopefully they reach a stalemate and the TSA are banned from all Trains and Buses.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.

9th March 2011, 09:32 AM
Quit funding Amtrack and the TSA and all of this would be a moot point. :oo-->

Twisted Titan
9th March 2011, 10:21 AM
The VIPR teams were rolled out on Dec. 12, 2005, then promptly pulled back two days later when it turned out that no one had informed numerous local governments. It was a fiasco.

That is what Politicians do when they get your tax money: Spend it with reckless abandon and they when a problem is created they lobby for MORE MONEY so they dont have a logistical problem like that again.

Que up the fricken Twilight Zone Music

9th March 2011, 10:55 AM
What purpose is being served other than to justify employment?

My neighborhood has three new TSA employees. We live close to the airport. I'm not sure how they got hired. Two of the three are somewhat obese and appear to have trouble even walking on dry pavement. The third I can't say much about. All love wearing their new TSA windbreakers.

The big snowstorm left me disgusted while I watched one of them try and roll themselves over a 2.5 foot snowbank after feebly attempting to walk over it.

Can't wait until springtime when I can shake all their hands and tell them what great work they do protecting us and that they unfairly get a bad rap. Yup. You read that right.

Low Pan
9th March 2011, 11:26 AM
What purpose is being served other than to justify employment?

My neighborhood has three new TSA employees. We live close to the airport. I'm not sure how they got hired. Two of the three are somewhat obese and appear to have trouble even walking on dry pavement. The third I can't say much about. All love wearing their new TSA windbreakers.

The big snowstorm left me disgusted while I watched one of them try and roll themselves over a 2.5 foot snowbank after feebly attempting to walk over it.

Can't wait until springtime when I can shake all their hands and tell them what great work they do protecting us and that they unfairly get a bad rap. Yup. You read that right.

...or ask them to join you on a jog. Better yet tie a Twinkee to the handle end of a toilet plunger and stick it to their forehead. They'll be marathon ready in no time.

9th March 2011, 11:32 AM
...or ask them to join you on a jog. Better yet tie a Twinkee to the handle end of a toilet plunger and stick it to their forehead. They'll be marathon ready in no time.

I think it's better if they are in rolly polly poor shape!

Our Senators have done a wonderful job in bringing home the pork in form of jobs for DHS, Customs, BP, and federal buildings. I think it's one of the reasons our economy and real estate haven't been hit bad here. We are over run with Federal employees. Best to make them think I'm there best friend.

9th March 2011, 11:37 AM
The American KGB will infiltrate every single thing untill you prove that they don't have the right to do so.