View Full Version : Dignity in Japan

14th March 2011, 12:05 AM
Some still smile in the face of disaster.

Revering their Elderly when during our own Katrina many were abandoned in flooded Hospitals.

Politely Lining Up For Food.

14th March 2011, 12:45 AM
No chimpouts... curious... ::)

14th March 2011, 01:12 AM
if that was the scene here in the USA it would be a blood-bath.

14th March 2011, 02:21 AM
Seems like they are Jews after all...


14th March 2011, 07:23 AM





14th March 2011, 02:18 PM

14th March 2011, 02:47 PM
Respect for property even in the middle of disaster (Photo: EPA)

Why is there no looting in Japan?

The landscape of parts of Japan looks like the aftermath of World War Two; no industrialised country since then has suffered such a death toll. The one tiny, tiny consolation is the extent to which it shows how humanity can rally round in times of adversity, with heroic British rescue teams joining colleagues from the US and elsewhere to fly out.

And solidarity seems especially strong in Japan itself. Perhaps even more impressive than Japan’s technological power is its social strength, with supermarkets cutting prices and vending machine owners giving out free drinks as people work together to survive. Most noticeably of all, there has been no looting, and I’m not the only one curious about this.

This is quite unusual among human cultures, and it’s unlikely it would be the case in Britain. During the 2007 floods in the West Country abandoned cars were broken into and free packs of bottled water were stolen. There was looting in Chile after the earthquake last year – so much so that troops were sent in; in New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina saw looting on a shocking scale.

Why do some cultures react to disaster by reverting to everyone for himself, but others – especially the Japanese – display altruism even in adversity?

Linky (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/edwest/100079703/why-is-there-no-looting-in-japan/)

14th March 2011, 05:29 PM
Why do some cultures react to disaster by reverting to everyone for himself, but others – especially the Japanese – display altruism even in adversity?

Powerful stuff, Book. It really shows the sense of entitlement western cultures have adopted over the years. The culture here is we deserve things, and we want them now..if there's any disruption, it's each man for himself. Pretty sad and pathetic.

I remember reading that in Japan, families would save money and buy small houses with cash. No mortgage. Compared to here we've learned recently that "everyone deserves a home", even if you don't have a job, etc..finance it, spend, the media says you deserve a new bigscreen tv.

We can go on and on about this. One thing, is to learn from Japan. I doubt our cultures here will though, collectively.

14th March 2011, 10:22 PM
You can bet the media is searching for that one isolated incident of looting in Japan. When they find it they will use it to "dispel racist notions that only Blacks are looters".

14th March 2011, 11:04 PM
You can bet the media is searching for that one isolated incident of looting in Japan. When they find it they will use it to "dispel racist notions that only Blacks are looters".

Not just blacks. Don't forget our South of the border "friends".

It would appear that increased levels of skin melatonin do in fact increase the likelyhood that an indivual will participate in looting, raping, etc. during disasters. Amazing isn't it?

1st September 2017, 08:33 PM
no dignity here


Japan deputy PM Aso in hot water over Hitler remarks

Japan's gaffe-prone deputy prime minister Taro Aso on Wednesday retracted comments in which he cited Adolf Hitler, but insisted he did not mean to praise the Nazi leader.

Aso used Hitler -- responsible for the death of millions of Jews and others during World War II -- in a bizarre reference about the importance of leaving a legacy in politics.

"What is important are results," the veteran politician told a meeting of his faction of the governing Liberal Democratic Party on Tuesday.

"Even if the motive is correct, Hitler, who killed millions of people, was no good."

On Wednesday Aso, who is also finance minister, retracted the remark but said he did not mean to defend Hitler's motives.

"If you take my comment in its entirety, it is clear that my perception about Hitler is extremely negative and that Hitler was wrong in his motivation," he said in a statement issued by the finance ministry.

"It was inappropriate that I cited Hitler as an example and I would like to retract that."

It was not the first time Aso and other Japanese politicians have made casual references to Hitler and the Nazis.

In 2013 Aso drew international condemnation after he said Tokyo should learn from Nazi Germany when it comes to constitutional reform.

Aso -- whose previous comments include criticising women who don't have children and saying old people should "hurry up and die" to save healthcare costs -- later retracted the comments but refused to quit.

This summer Bank of Japan board member Yutaka Harada praised Hitler's economic policies even though they allowed him to do "horrible things".

The US-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre, an anti-semitism watchdog, recently called for the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons to investigate Japanese TV celebrity cosmetic surgeon Katsuya Takasu after he praised the Nazis' scientific contributions and appeared to deny the Holocaust.

Last year a Japanese teeny-bop girl band triggered outrage after wearing military-style costumes which resembled Nazi uniforms at a Halloween concert.

2nd September 2017, 08:30 AM
no dignity here


Japan deputy PM Aso in hot water over Hitler remarks


2nd September 2017, 09:45 AM
Japan deputy PM Aso in hot water over Hitler remarksIt could also be that the deputy PM is a Jew trying to distance himself from his tribe while looking out for it's interests. When Japanese who are somewhat Jew-wise approach him later, he takes notice of who his enemies are.