View Full Version : RIP Derry Brownfield

14th March 2011, 03:44 PM
FYI, Derry Brownfield past away. He had the show that aired prior to Alex Jones. I always enjoyed listening to his show. There was rural, non-corporate ag slant that you really couldn't get anywhere else.

They had a tribute show today. You can listen to it from his website.


14th March 2011, 07:51 PM
Thanks Osaub for posting this. I didn't know he;d passed away. I'm hard of hearing and a friend of mine came over to tell me he had yesterday but I never heard him. He thought it was funny I didn't have a reaction but didn't say anything after he'd told me.

I have listend to Derry a lot in the past and I'll miss knowing that he's not there waking people up. It takes a lot of courage to stand up and take the heat from the sheep. His heart was in the right place. I have met him and sold some silve to him in the past. I think he was a good guy. I'll miss knowing he's not there helping wake up people :(

14th March 2011, 08:37 PM
Years ago when I was first "waking up" I used to listen to him on shortwave.