View Full Version : Raid on medical marijuana in Montana

15th March 2011, 09:26 AM
Federal agents with guns drawn raided a medicinal marijuana greenhouse on Highway 12 and one of the co-owners of Montana Cannabis says he was not given a reason why about 1,700 plants were taken Monday.

Chris Williams said about a dozen of his employees were handcuffed, detained and questioned.

Agents asked if he knew the operation was federally illegal, Williams said, but would not give him any information.

“That’s the surprise DEA raid — you don’t get a heads up,” he said, while standing outside the fence of the Montana Cannabis greenhouse.

Williams said he is waiting to see if he’ll be arrested.

“I’m still a little bit in shock,” he said. “We’ll see what happens.”

Agencies involved in the raid included the Drug Enforcement Administration, the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Montana said she could not comment on the raid, one of at least 10 statewide. A statement would be released soon after the search warrant is unsealed by a court order, she said.

Williams said he saw the warrant for one of the company’s four stores.

“There were no ‘whys’ in the warrant,” he said Monday afternoon. “They said they’d call me when they’re done.”

“I guess they have a problem with sick people trying to heal themselves with medical marijuana,” he said.

“A detailed explanation will follow,” Lewis and Clark County Sheriff Leo Dutton said.

Dutton said he met with the other agencies about two weeks ago to discuss the raid and he read through the investigation files, but declined to elaborate because even though his deputies assisted, it was a federal investigation.

“They were open about what they wanted to do,” Dutton said.

Williams told The Associated Press that raids were taking place at his business’ four locations. An advocacy group, Americans for Safe Access, said at least 10 businesses were raided in six cities across the state.

The DEA and U.S. attorney’s office would not confirm how many businesses were raided.

The AP also reported that Montana Cannabis employee Brett Thompson, 30, said he stepped outside to smoke a cigarette and saw agents running up the driveway.

“They came in, guns drawn, got us down on the ground and in cuffs as fast as they could,” Thompson said. Sheriff’s deputies and Helena police officers stood guard. Inside, agents in DEA and FBI jackets wearing respirator masks and blue gloves yanked waist-high plants from their pots and hauled them out of sight wrapped in blue tarps.

A warrant obtained by Americans for Safe Access and signed by U.S. magistrate judge Jeremiah Lynch of Missoula listed 13 items to be seized, including marijuana and hashish, drug paraphernalia, computers and other electronic storage devices, cell phones, firearms, transportation and customer records, transaction records, cash, jewelry and vehicle titles.

The warrant, which was for Big Sky Patient Care of Bozeman, did not say why the items were to be seized.

“It’s strictly a political move to stop us from providing medicine to sick people,” Williams said.

Agents took the company’s computers and data storage along with the plants, which Williams said were worth about $500,000. Williams said his partner’s vehicle and another car owned by an employee were confiscated as well.

By Monday evening, Williams said he had not received any answers but only more questions, including “where I had all of the money hidden.”

His bank accounts, both personal and business, have been frozen, he said.

From the side of Highway 12, passersby watched as agents confiscated the marijuana plants. As local law enforcement blocked the entrance of the greenhouse, the employees sat outside with hands cuffed behind their backs waiting to be questioned one by one. Williams said one employee was arrested on an outstanding warrant, but all of the others were released.

Barbara Trego, a worker at Montana Cannabis, stood outside crying as she watched the raid. The actions were “life threatening,” she said.

“We’ve got patients that could die just by what’s happened today,” Trego said. “We have cancer patients. If they don’t have their medicine for a week or two they will pass away.”

“They’re ruining people’s lives,” she added.

Trego said agents knocked down an unlocked door with guns drawn.

“We weren’t trying to hide anything. Our windows are open. Our door was open,” she said.


15th March 2011, 09:32 AM
The law is like the roll of a dice, sometimes is even and sometimes is odd......only thing is that they always know when it will come out odd.

15th March 2011, 10:38 AM
i could have sworn the Declaration of Independence said something about the "Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness."

using herbs with a usage history of 1000's of years and a phenomenal safety record compared to pharmaceuticals, is a basic human right.

and there is the matter of democracy - the People of Montana voted to legalize medical marijuana.

The federal police state may as well have sent us all a personal letter saying, "we are a police state and we will tell YOU what to do and how to live."

15th March 2011, 10:45 AM
There are so many laws, and they are so ambiguous that no one knows whether they are in violation or not. This is especially true in commerce. If you are engaged in commerce you are a criminal.

15th March 2011, 01:35 PM
Feds say,

I don't care what state laws you pass, we're going to stick guns in your face and steal from you regardless. Even if you've never broken the common law, and are in complete compliance with the Laws of the Great State of Montana, we're going to steal your entire inventory, steal your liberty, and steal your bank accounts. PERSONA NON GRATA status overnight!

Twisted Titan
15th March 2011, 02:45 PM
By Monday evening, Williams said he had not received any answers but only more questions, including “where I had all of the money hidden.”

Like I am really going to share that with you.

Whatever you stole is all your going to get from me ....@$$hole.

15th March 2011, 02:50 PM
They did the same thing here in California, raiding all the marijuana dispensaries. People seem not to realize that the stuff is still against federal law, no matter what the state laws say.

I guess someone(s) wanted that Rocky Mountain High without paying for it.


15th March 2011, 02:55 PM
Sheriff’s deputies and Helena police officers stood guard.

The Sheriff will probably be re-elected. :oo-->

15th March 2011, 07:45 PM
Does Government protect private property?

Do you own your own body?


silver solution
15th March 2011, 08:14 PM
You would think he would have great case against the local pigs if wanted to push it.

15th March 2011, 10:25 PM
They did the same thing here in California, raiding all the marijuana dispensaries. People seem not to realize that the stuff is still against federal law, no matter what the state laws say.

I guess someone(s) wanted that Rocky Mountain High without paying for it.


Federally illegal as long as you do not believe in following the 10th amendment to the constitution. Commerce clause doesn't apply since medication is produced, processed, and dispensed without crossing state lines.

16th March 2011, 05:12 AM
They did the same thing here in California, raiding all the marijuana dispensaries. People seem not to realize that the stuff is still against federal law, no matter what the state laws say.

I guess someone(s) wanted that Rocky Mountain High without paying for it.


Federally illegal as long as you do not believe in following the 10th amendment to the constitution. Commerce clause doesn't apply since medication is produced, processed, and dispensed without crossing state lines.

According to the feds, the fact that it *doesn't* cross state lines is what makes it have an effect on interstate commerce!

If you grow your own, you "have an effect on interstate commerce" by NOT buying from out of state.

Ain't that some shit?

16th March 2011, 10:44 AM
They did the same thing here in California, raiding all the marijuana dispensaries. People seem not to realize that the stuff is still against federal law, no matter what the state laws say.

I guess someone(s) wanted that Rocky Mountain High without paying for it.


Federally illegal as long as you do not believe in following the 10th amendment to the constitution. Commerce clause doesn't apply since medication is produced, processed, and dispensed without crossing state lines.

According to the feds, the fact that it *doesn't* cross state lines is what makes it have an effect on interstate commerce!

If you grow your own, you "have an effect on interstate commerce" by NOT buying from out of state.

Ain't that some shit?

Indeed. Essentially stating that a) We do not have a right to produce for ourselves and b) We owe them inherantly.

18th March 2011, 08:42 PM
40 protestors in Montana question whether states rights exist:

"Do you have anything to say to the Sheriff?"

"Yes, local cops should protect local laws, not protect the DEA"

"At this point, we're so past medical marijuana - we're past that. It's state's rights, and we're asking why the federal government is even here, when we've refused them multiple times on issues like healthcare and guns."


19th March 2011, 09:28 AM
..they were in the act of violating his constitution rights....oh, wait, the constitution was printed on....
on....hemp. :oo-->

20th March 2011, 10:40 AM
Where are the militia when you need them?

20th March 2011, 06:29 PM
Can someone explain this for me

I looked up "Americans for Safe Access" and they are advocates for the use of marijuana so why would they obtain a warrant?

A warrant obtained by Americans for Safe Access and signed by U.S. magistrate judge Jeremiah Lynch of Missoula listed 13 items to be seized, including marijuana and hashish, drug paraphernalia, computers and other electronic storage devices, cell phones, firearms, transportation and customer records, transaction records, cash, jewelry and vehicle titles.

The warrant, which was for Big Sky Patient Care of Bozeman,did not say why the items were to be seized.

20th March 2011, 08:45 PM
America.. the land of the free... home of the..