View Full Version : Japanese don't loot because they trust their government, Americans loot because

15th March 2011, 07:09 PM
Earlier today on my local talk radio station, former FEMA director Michael Brown said that the reason Americans rioted and looted after Katrina is because we don't trust our government to take care of us, so we go ape shit when order goes away, while the Japanese have a healthy and noble understanding that their government will take care of them, so they don't loot, they will graciously and humbly stand in line and wait for their government to give them their bottled water.

It's an mp3 link, the interview starts just a few minutes into the program:

Direct MP3 Download Link (http://a1135.g.akamai.net/f/1135/18227/1h/cchannel.download.akamai.com/18227/podcast/DENVER-CO/KHOW-AM/031511HOUR1.mp3?CPROG=PCAST&MARKET=DENVER-CO&NG_FORMAT=&SITE_ID=636&STATION_ID=KHOW-AM&PCAST_AUTHOR=Caplis_and_Silverman&PCAST_CAT=Spoken_Word&PCAST_TITLE=Caplis_and_Silverman_Radio_Rewind)

Let me know if that link doesn't work, I'll find another.

15th March 2011, 08:00 PM
that's hilarious

Hatha Sunahara
15th March 2011, 10:18 PM
One reason the Japanese trust their government is because their culture lets people advance based on merit. They have a meritocracy. The people who are in charge of getting things done are competent. They value excellence.

Compare that with what you think of your own government. Our government officials do not need to be competent to get ahead. They only need to be loyal, obedient, and have friends in high places. All appointments and promotions are political throughout the entire hierarchy. Plus, the top officials are owned by the elite, and do not serve the people. In America, only fools trust the government.

It is refreshing to see that there are still governments in the world that are trusted by their people. It gives me hope that one day America will be like that again.


16th March 2011, 02:31 AM
I'm concerned about the presumption that there is no looting. Apart from there being nothing to loot. As far as we can tell the government is actually doing something from the get go where as in the US, Katrina it was a long time before anything started moving. Maybe weeks wasn't it? The Japanese appear to be right on to it and it's a devastation they're dealing with. I hope they can hold it together.

I had a quick look to see if there was any news on how the response is coming together. Who is doing what? Which countries are sending what? How is help being provided? What are the big guys doing, what are the little guys doing? It's seems a bit scarce to me. I know the US has deployed ships there. Tracking the response might be worthy of a thread. :-\

16th March 2011, 05:46 AM
Japs are too obedient to loot.
Sometimes it works out for them.

16th March 2011, 07:20 AM
People loot for one main reason. Profit.

Profit in what sense? Personal gain in terms of material goods or food? Or profit reselling at a mark-up? Personally I think people loot because they are worthless assholes that never connected the dots about personal responsibility and hedging their survival. That's really what America teaches people - the Japanese have history and honor. We have ghettos and malcontents that take pleasure in being parasites.

16th March 2011, 07:40 AM
They may not trust their govt for much longer. So far it has been completely inept with respect to this Nuclear disaster. Japan is a litmus test for the effectiveness of govt in times of trouble. If all govt does is steal in good times but fail in bad times, who really needs it? The govt is the biggest looter and always has been, the Japanese may be the first nation in the world to awaken to this fact.

willie pete
16th March 2011, 08:03 AM
I think a lot of it has to do with the way their culture is and the fact in Japan, you have mostly ONE culture...Japanese, you don't have millions and millions of people/citizens from all over the world living there and influencing the society,culture and gov't, I think thats a problem here in the US, people migrate here and want to turn the US into the country they came from....(not all of them of course ;D)

16th March 2011, 10:47 AM
That interview is one long transparent commercial for the 'solution' part of problem-reaction-solution.


16th March 2011, 10:59 AM
"Then there is also the 'entitlement mentality' that says I am entitled to fend for myself, to take care of myself, and I'm going to do that. And so you do that by being prepared ahead of time and you get everything you need to get for your family, and you protect your family or your unit, whatever that happens to be, and to hell with the rest of the world."

Damn selfish preppers and hoarders, they only care about themselves.


16th March 2011, 11:13 AM
"Then there is also the 'entitlement mentality' that says I am entitled to fend for myself, to take care of myself, and I'm going to do that. And so you do that by being prepared ahead of time and you get everything you need to get for your family, and you protect your family or your unit, whatever that happens to be, and to hell with the rest of the world."

Damn selfish preppers and hoarders, they only care about themselves.


And this guy was head of FEMA! When things get bad, they are going to come after us preppers for "screwing" the rest of them.

16th March 2011, 11:21 AM
"Then there is also the 'entitlement mentality' that says I am entitled to fend for myself, to take care of myself, and I'm going to do that. And so you do that by being prepared ahead of time and you get everything you need to get for your family, and you protect your family or your unit, whatever that happens to be, and to hell with the rest of the world."

Damn selfish preppers and hoarders, they only care about themselves.


And this guy was head of FEMA! When things get bad, they are going to come after us preppers for "screwing" the rest of them.

That is some straight up DOUBLE TALK coming from that former FEMA fag.

I just love how he completely switched "entitlement mentality" from expecting others to take care of you to taking care of yourself.

It's kinda like the pot calling the kettle WHITE.


good thing those choco rations got increased this week to 50 g. Up from 20 g last week!

16th March 2011, 11:40 AM
This is the guy who was in charge of FEMA during Hurricane Katrina...you know, the guy that has already epic failed in a real world disaster situation. Yet he still gets interviews as an 'authority' and probably gets 10k a pop for public speaking engagements. Great work if you can get it...


Hatha Sunahara
18th March 2011, 08:28 AM
Here's a guy who asks the question Why would other people loot?



18th March 2011, 09:30 AM
I find it ironic that the Japanese are supposedly so trusting of their government,
and yet their government apparently feels the need to manage the people with the use of water cannons.

18th March 2011, 09:53 AM
Japanese don't loot because they are Japanese.

Americans don't loot, either, at least if by "American" you're referring to the kind of people that was implied when you said "American" in 1964 when the population was 90% White.
The looters in America are, by and large, *African*-American (and some mestizos from Mexico). African-Africans in Africa loot just as much as do African-Americans in America.
Distrust of gov't? Maybe. Or maybe it's just their group evolutionary strategy (i.e., opportunistic parasitism.)

18th March 2011, 12:20 PM
Japanese don't loot because they are Japanese.

Americans don't loot, either, at least if by "American" you're referring to the kind of people that was implied when you said "American" in 1964 when the population was 90% White.
The looters in America are, by and large, *African*-American (and some mestizos from Mexico). African-Africans in Africa loot just as much as do African-Americans in America.
Distrust of gov't? Maybe. Or maybe it's just their group evolutionary strategy (i.e., opportunistic parasitism.)

The whole "distrust of gov't" notion to explain why there was looting after Katrina is laughable and has no credibility in reality. The Amish people don't trust the gov't either but when a disaster strikes they're not going to go rioting and looting.

18th March 2011, 12:39 PM
Japanese don't loot because they are Japanese.

Americans don't loot, either, at least if by "American" you're referring to the kind of people that was implied when you said "American" in 1964 when the population was 90% White.
The looters in America are, by and large, *African*-American (and some mestizos from Mexico). African-Africans in Africa loot just as much as do African-Americans in America.
Distrust of gov't? Maybe. Or maybe it's just their group evolutionary strategy (i.e., opportunistic parasitism.)

The whole "distrust of gov't" notion to explain why there was looting after Katrina is laughable and has no credibility in reality. The Amish people don't trust the gov't either but when a disaster strikes they're not going to go rioting and looting.

Excellent point, Madfranks. It's all about culture, or lack thereof.

20th March 2011, 09:03 AM
Good article over at VDARE about this.

Genes, Not "Culture"—Why the Japanese Don’t Loot

By Jared Taylor

As Japan’s agony grinds on, more and more foreign observers are marveling at the disciplined, orderly behavior of the victims of one of the greatest natural disasters of our time. Homeless Japanese patiently stand in line for food and water. They huddle uncomplainingly in cramped shelters. They do not loot. Why is the aftermath of catastrophe in Japan so unlike that in Haiti or Chile or New Orleans?

Japan expert after Japan expert has been rolled out to give the obligatory one-word answer—culture. But that’s not an explanation. All these experts do is describe the Japanese: they are community-minded, polite, honest, stoical, they care about “face”, etc. We knew that already. Tell us why they are that way.

The implication of this mantra-like repetition of the word “culture” implies that cultures drop out of the sky, that the lucky Japanese got a good one and the Haitians got a bad one. This implies that patterns of behavior are essentially arbitrary and any group can acquire them. If Haitians could live in Japan for a few generations they would behave just like Japanese.

Ordinary people know better than the experts. When Ed West in the London Daily Telegraph wrote a brief article asking why the Japanese weren’t rioting, he got nearly 4,000 comments in three days—and not very many were about culture. [Why is there no looting in Japan? – Telegraph Blogs](The number of comments has begun to shrink as the Daily Telegraph deletes the ones it doesn’t like.)

Commenters generally had two explanations: (1) There must be something about the genetics of the Japanese, and (2) they benefit from homogeneity.

A few days ago, I wrote on my website American Renaissance that the main thing that keeps the Japanese from looting is the fact that they are not black, but that was flip. The question deserves a longer answer.

More at Link. (http://www.vdare.com/taylor/110318_japanese.htm)

20th March 2011, 09:21 AM
Japanese don't loot because they are Japanese.

Americans don't loot, either, at least if by "American" you're referring to the kind of people that was implied when you said "American" in 1964 when the population was 90% White.
The looters in America are, by and large, *African*-American (and some mestizos from Mexico). African-Africans in Africa loot just as much as do African-Americans in America.
Distrust of gov't? Maybe. Or maybe it's just their group evolutionary strategy (i.e., opportunistic parasitism.)
Yes 1964, population 90% white, and coinage 90% Silver, things certainly changed a lot. The thing is that looting is only easy during catastrophic breakdowns, so you are absolutely correct that the parasitism is opportunistic! Otherwise, when society works, they parasite by living off wellfare... It is no change in behavior actually.