View Full Version : 'World's largest paedophile ring' uncovered

16th March 2011, 10:58 AM
'World's largest paedophile ring' uncovered (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12762333)


International police led by a UK team say they shut down the largest internet paedophile ring yet discovered.

The global forum had 70,000 followers at its height, leading to 4,000 intelligence reports being sent to police across 30 countries.

The operation has so far identified 670 suspects and 230 abused children.

Detectives say 184 people have been arrested - 121 of them were in the UK. Some 60 children have been protected in the UK.

The three-year investigation, Operation Rescue, was led by investigators from the UK's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop).

Twisted Titan
16th March 2011, 11:11 AM
How many of The Tribe are involed???

They have a abosulte fasinaction with Pedophila in all forms

16th March 2011, 11:41 AM
Frack, they infiltraded a BBS?

16th March 2011, 01:26 PM
Dangerous thing when they do this. It's a good way to throw anyone they want to in jail.

Say the cops arrested you. In the courtroom they say they found 1000 kiddie porn images on your computer. You are now guilty. Anything you say is going to come off as BS. "I was framed" "there were no pics on my computer" etc. Nothing works. Your defense team isn't going to be able to prove those images went on the hard drive after the cops arrested you unless you are crazy rich.

No mention of people being jailed for abuse or assault of any kind, just making and distributing the pics. Exactly how do you "make" the images without being convicted of a far more serious crime? That doesn't add up. They claim there's dozens of kids being protected now so there should be dozens of charges of people sexually assaulting them, not to just charges of sharing images. The only charges listed in the article are the kind that don't require any sort of evidence.

Maybe it's legit but it always makes me uncomfortable. If the GSUS members were really a threat there'd be a news article about how the authorities got through the facade of this site and found a secret kiddie porn ring operating here, proving that gold bugs are pedos. 50 kids would be protected (probably the children of members) and they'd "find" hundreds of images on all our computers.

16th March 2011, 01:32 PM
Dangerous thing when they do this. It's a good way to throw anyone they want to in jail.

Say the cops arrested you. In the courtroom they say they found 1000 kiddie porn images on your computer. You are now guilty. Anything you say is going to come off as BS. "I was framed" "there were no pics on my computer" etc. Nothing works. Your defense team isn't going to be able to prove those images went on the hard drive after the cops arrested you unless you are crazy rich.

No mention of people being jailed for abuse or assault of any kind, just making and distributing the pics. Exactly how do you "make" the images without being convicted of a far more serious crime? That doesn't add up. They claim there's dozens of kids being protected now so there should be dozens of charges of people sexually assaulting them, not to just charges of sharing images. The only charges listed in the article are the kind that don't require any sort of evidence.

Maybe it's legit but it always makes me uncomfortable. If the GSUS members were really a threat there'd be a news article about how the authorities got through the facade of this site and found a secret kiddie porn ring operating here, proving that gold bugs are pedos. 50 kids would be protected (probably the children of members) and they'd "find" hundreds of images on all our computers.

what you say is so true. i worked with a guy in the late 1990s who was falsely accused of this by a student. total hoax, the kids later admitted she made it up, no difference. he was ruined. just being accused of it ruins you. he eventually had to quit his job when it was made clear he wasn't advancing/was welcome any longer. last i heard he moved out of state in an attempt at starting over. it's the ultimate reputation killer.

16th March 2011, 03:18 PM
..like TA posted, if no tribe members are indicted its all a red herring.

16th March 2011, 03:28 PM
..like TA posted, if no tribe members are indicted its all a red herring.

Yes but how would you know if the indicted degenerates are tribe members? Do you expect them to be named Chaim Goldstein etc?
How many here have the jewdar to see a crypto?

17th March 2011, 07:16 AM
..like TA posted, if no tribe members are indicted its all a red herring.

Yes but how would you know if the indicted degenerates are tribe members? Do you expect them to be named Chaim Goldstein etc?
How many here have the jewdar to see a crypto?

uh... a lot

18th March 2011, 09:11 AM
Worlds largest pedophile ring ? - the catholic church.....the next largest? the rabbis.

18th March 2011, 10:07 AM
How about the stuff that you get in you email that you didn't even know about?......twice I deleted stuff sent to me (grown ups) but someone told me that they are still lurking somewhere in the back of my comp.

18th March 2011, 03:47 PM
"Worlds largest pedophile ring ? - the catholic church.....the next largest? the rabbis."

To be more specific, The Novus ordo catholic church, the one that the masons and jews have pretty
much infiltrated and destroyed.

18th March 2011, 05:35 PM
Worlds largest pedophile ring ? - the catholic church.....the next largest? the rabbis.

Reverse the order and add Islam as 2nd place - google "islam thighing" if you want proof.

18th March 2011, 06:31 PM
Worlds largest pedophile ring ? - the catholic church.....the next largest? the rabbis.

Reverse the order and add Islam as 2nd place - google "islam thighing" if you want proof.

that and "bacha bazi" (Persian: بچه بازی literally "playing with boys")

19th March 2011, 09:18 AM
..like TA posted, if no tribe members are indicted its all a red herring.

Yes but how would you know if the indicted degenerates are tribe members? Do you expect them to be named Chaim Goldstein etc?
How many here have the jewdar to see a crypto?

true...like jack ruby -rubenstein jon stewart (liebovitz) scooter libby- lewis lowenstein the list is endless