View Full Version : My trip to the VA and Big Town......

16th March 2011, 04:12 PM
Well, stayed overnight at the VA and it was all first class and that includes the dinner to our rooms right on time.......everything was super and that included the 60" TV........was given all kind of tests and the only real thing wrong was HBP 185/129, now I am not supposed to eat meat, bread, salt......and only soup, vegies and salads........like if I am really going to do that hahahahaahhaahah.

Out of about 9 people that were present I am the only one that's 100% free of any charges and that includes medications PLUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS because the VA is 202 miles (round trip) from my home they will give me $83.56 cash everytime that I go hahahahahaahahah, I'll go three times a day ;D....that's 41.8 cents per mile.

Got myself 2 more 12V deep charge batteries.......saw a patrol car giving out a ticket........but.......it looks like a regular American car with no lights nowhere......they are hiding inside of the grill of the car and mixed the the rear stop light, NO WAY to tell that it is a chase car.

Prices at CostCo are now sky high and many of the prices are the same as the mom and pop stores....tp went up another 12 cents for the 36 rolls pack at $25 +.

mick silver
16th March 2011, 04:17 PM
are take the pills that we pay for . glad your ok

16th March 2011, 04:22 PM
pince, you would be proud of me. that quill TP was really good, so i order 4 more cases (384 rolls). i will be a hit with all of the local farm girls.

16th March 2011, 05:08 PM
saw a patrol car giving out a ticket........but.......it looks like a regular American car with no lights nowhere......they are hiding inside of the grill of the car and mixed the the rear stop light, NO WAY to tell that it is a chase car.

Cops have used those undercover patrol cars for as long as I can remember! You've never seen one before now?

16th March 2011, 06:22 PM
No Franks, first time............dirty pool.

Lady? with so many pills and diets an sure that they are trying to kill me now, after all Aprild 2 I'll 71 and everything still working just fine......well, not everything......the ladies are mad at me haahahahahahah.

16th March 2011, 07:14 PM
Seriously Ponce, your blood pressure is dangerously high. You could have a stroke that might not kill you,
just turn you into a brain dead drooling idiot at a State run institution for the next 20 years.

It's time to get serious about it, man. Folks love and respect you, ya old fool...

16th March 2011, 07:56 PM
Thanks amigos and amigas, love you 2...........I told the Dr (by the way she's from India and with a ruby in her forehead and wearing a million dollars in gold rings) that I would try it her way..........as far as buying the farm? doesn't bother and if I become a blablering idiot (like if I was not one now hahahahahah) I then would know what to do........life is really over rated and is really only a important as you make it be.

By the way, today at the coffee shop at the VA I saw the MOST beautifull girl in my life, I went to her and told her "If I die today I would die a happy man because I have seen the second most beautifull woman in the world"........she looked at me for a few seconds and then asked me "And who is the first one?" and I told her......."I don't know, I haven't seen her yet"...........her smile was worth billion oz of silver, this is only one of the very few times that I wished that I was forty years younger.

18th March 2011, 06:40 AM
Thanks amigos and amigas, love you 2...........I told the Dr (by the way she's from India and with a ruby in her forehead and wearing a million dollars in gold rings) that I would try it her way..........as far as buying the farm? doesn't bother and if I become a blablering idiot (like if I was not one now hahahahahah) I then would know what to do........life is really over rated and is really only a important as you make it be.

By the way, today at the coffee shop at the VA I saw the MOST beautifull girl in my life, I went to her and told her "If I die today I would die a happy man because I have seen the second most beautifull woman in the world"........she looked at me for a few seconds and then asked me "And who is the first one?" and I told her......."I don't know, I haven't seen her yet"...........her smile was worth billion oz of silver, this is only one of the very few times that I wished that I was forty years younger.

You're the man, ponce.

18th March 2011, 07:08 AM
Thanks amigos and amigas, love you 2...........I told the Dr (by the way she's from India and with a ruby in her forehead and wearing a million dollars in gold rings) that I would try it her way..........as far as buying the farm? doesn't bother and if I become a blablering idiot (like if I was not one now hahahahahah) I then would know what to do........life is really over rated and is really only a important as you make it be.

By the way, today at the coffee shop at the VA I saw the MOST beautifull girl in my life, I went to her and told her "If I die today I would die a happy man because I have seen the second most beautifull woman in the world"........she looked at me for a few seconds and then asked me "And who is the first one?" and I told her......."I don't know, I haven't seen her yet"...........her smile was worth billion oz of silver, this is only one of the very few times that I wished that I was forty years younger.

I posted this once before on a previous thread and will repost again. EDTA oral chelation is the way to go. http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/medical-errors/msg178970

The best way to protect yourself is to not take prescription drugs, and don't see a doctor (sorry Dr mamboni) unless it's absolutely life threatening. We have been brainwashed from birth. Have high cholesterol, see a doctor, take a pill. High blood pressure, see a doctor and take a pill. The big pharma industrial complex will kill you. What is taught today in medical schools is what big pharma want to be taught. They treat the symptom and not the cause, and the word "cure" is not allowed.

I am 61, and have had both high cholesterol and blood pressure. I took the "pill". My legs got weak from the cholesterol medication to the point that I could not walk 100 feet without having to stop and rest. The blood pressure medication would at times lower my blood pressure too low and I would be lethargic and weak.

Two years ago, I stopped taking the "pill", and stopped seeing my doctor. I started researching, and found alternative ways to treat my symptoms and looking for the dreaded "cure".

For my high blood pressure I found EDTA oral chelation which is a low-cost way to remove cardiovascular plaque and heavy-metal poisoning from lead, mercury, aluminum, etc. I did it and lowered my blood pressure from 175/100 to an average of 125/85 on a 6 week program. No More Pills. Anyone interested can find out more at http://www.cardiorenew.com/

Diet change helped the high cholesterol problem. Threw out the margarine and corn oil and replaced with butter, olive oil and coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, diatomaceous earth, and greens. cholesterol went from 425 to 225. At the store don't buy anything in a box or that has been processed. It will kill you.

In closing, you can change your health if you research. There are many websites that you can research. The one I use the most is http://www.earthclinic.com/

18th March 2011, 09:58 AM
Ponce, try checking your BP somewhere else to make sure you don't have white coat syndrome. My BP is about the same as yours in the doctor's office. When I check it at the little booth in Walmart it is 110/65. Same when my wife checks it at home.