View Full Version : Chinese Troops Seen in Mexico

17th March 2011, 01:16 PM
Rumors have begun to circulate around the internet this week regarding various sources having seen Chinese Troops and military bases set up just north and south of the US border. The simple logic of such a situation defies the sane mind. "If this were true, the United States Government would have to be either directly involved, or completely failed in terms of intelligence. Either of which could actually be a possibility in this day and age. The real concern surrounding this issue is how such a story could be perceived by the National Security and Affairs Department.

The internet has been a great evolution in the enlightenment of the world's population for the sharing and opening of previously esoteric information.

Some of the websites actually tell of eye witness accounts, all of which have yet to be proven or at least validated. No coordinates have been provided as of yet. The story continues to develop. Coup Media has not received any validating information from its sources to support that any of these accounts of chines troops and armored vehicles in Mexico or Canada might be valid.

One account states:

A very worried trucker, spent time in relating to me his account of delivering a tractor trailer load of food to a Chinese military camp 60 miles south of Laredo, Texas. When I questioned him this is what he stated.

The camp is 2 miles wide by 3 miles long. There are 10,000 armored vehicles. It blew my mind! I asked him how he calculated the number of armored vehicles and he said he had time to physically count the rows of armored vehicles as the Chinese soldiers unloaded his trailer.

He further stated that each armored vehicle could hold between 8-10 men. He went on to relate that he was escorted into Mexico from Texas by Mexican Federal Police so that the truck wouldn't be hijacked by bandits. He stated that living quarters were shipping containers modified to accommodate the soldiers and were positioned neatly in rows. Water tanks, generators and communications complex, a full military base was operational and in place.

It should be obvious that this contingency of Mexican pre-positioned Chinese troops and the Chinese troops pre-positioned in Canada are ready to roll North and South when given the command to do so. Under the UN Security Council mandates it doesn't take much to analyze their purpose.

One source did mention that the Mexican government could have enlisted the help of the Chinese military to assist in the crackdown on drug and gang violence in Mexico. But this reality is a real stretch of the imagination. If anyone in Mexico can substantiate these claims, please send some evidence.


17th March 2011, 01:18 PM
This rumor has been floating the net for a few years now. It's good to keep vigilant but I'll believe it when we get some actual pictures. it shouldn't be so hard - should it?

17th March 2011, 01:19 PM
nuclear war, comets, dollar collapse, whatever, i can handle that kind of doom. don't bring me screaming crazy chinese with bayonettes doom.

General of Darkness
17th March 2011, 01:47 PM
Chinese military invasion? I'm laughing pretty hard.

No army of people that Americans still regard as foreign will make it past the tight boundaries of the pussified large cities. Too many country boys everywhere.

Ummmm, we're being invaded by filty mestizos by the thousands every days, I don't see anyone shooting back.

mick silver
17th March 2011, 01:53 PM
there 2000 or 3000 camp out on the river down from my place

17th March 2011, 02:03 PM
Were the Chinese troops wearing bennie caps?......maybe there were Chinese "Jews"?.

17th March 2011, 02:19 PM
Chinese military invasion? I'm laughing pretty hard.

No army of people that Americans still regard as foreign will make it past the tight boundaries of the pussified large cities. Too many country boys everywhere.

Ummmm, we're being invaded by filty mestizos by the thousands every days, I don't see anyone shooting back.

DING DING!! we have a winner...GoD gets it here! it would take FAR less than 100,000 chinks to take over the us...the entire army is in afghan/iraq right now being israels bitch....the news wouldnt even REPORT on an invasion untill THEY were shot at....its both plausible and believable.

17th March 2011, 02:47 PM
Any invading forces that tried to step foot near my family would be looking down the business end of a lot of firearms.
Everyone in my family can handle firearms.

17th March 2011, 03:47 PM
Awoke? but what about if they "present" themselves dressed as police officers or wearing the uniform of the Sheriff Department?.........or as American soldiers? or with the jacket and ID of FBI agents?.

And that's why I know that I will die here on my property because I won't care how they come, if they enter my property............they are the enemy...........I won't care about race, creed, color or uniform.

17th March 2011, 04:26 PM
It they are there, it's to support continuity of government and/or protect China's important investments in America.

Our government won't acknowledge or doing anything about this because they are just managers for the people who sold America and it's people.

When it all goes down and the illusion of America crumbles; the criminals who sold us will flee to safe luxurious locations and the chinks will be taking our woman and land.

Festina Lente
17th March 2011, 04:46 PM
Looks like it will be from Mexico. I knew it. The first wave will be disguised as commercial charter flights that will drop crack airborne troops, just like they did in Afghanistan in '80. Then the Cuban and Nicaraguan (and Chinese) armies will just roll on in.


7th trump
17th March 2011, 04:54 PM
Chinese military invasion? I'm laughing pretty hard.

No army of people that Americans still regard as foreign will make it past the tight boundaries of the pussified large cities. Too many country boys everywhere.

Thats no shit to many country boys everywhere.
To many city folk who like playing video games arent going to like it much if something threatens their X-boxes too!
The brats wont like the loly-pops taken from their mouths.
If they think WWII woke up a sleeping giant wait till the enemy faces this nightmare of an entitled society.
Big fat momma aint gonna sit down and let this get by.

7th trump
17th March 2011, 04:59 PM
Chinese military invasion? I'm laughing pretty hard.

No army of people that Americans still regard as foreign will make it past the tight boundaries of the pussified large cities. Too many country boys everywhere.

Ummmm, we're being invaded by filty mestizos by the thousands every days, I don't see anyone shooting back.

You havent ever dealt with the midwest or even the southern back woods hicks have you. The midwest is no place for any Californian.
I feel sorry for the any foreign invading army.
Afganistan is to the soviet army as Missouri, Iowa, Tennessee, Illinois and Arkansas will be to any invading army.

7th trump
17th March 2011, 05:01 PM
It they are there, it's to support continuity of government and/or protect China's important investments in America.

Our government won't acknowledge or doing anything about this because they are just managers for the people who sold America and it's people.

When it all goes down and the illusion of America crumbles; the criminals who sold us will flee to safe luxurious locations and the chinks will be taking our woman and land.

Any invading army is going to deal with millions of pissed off armed Americans almost instantly.

17th March 2011, 05:14 PM
It they are there, it's to support continuity of government and/or protect China's important investments in America.

Our government won't acknowledge or doing anything about this because they are just managers for the people who sold America and it's people.

When it all goes down and the illusion of America crumbles; the criminals who sold us will flee to safe luxurious locations and the chinks will be taking our woman and land.

Any invading army is going to deal with millions of pissed off armed Americans almost instantly.

I don't doubt that. But there will be millions of Americans who will welcome them because they are protecting them from rednecks with guns. The media and government will tell us how we need their help and they will be here forever like we are in so many countries.

7th trump
17th March 2011, 05:25 PM
It they are there, it's to support continuity of government and/or protect China's important investments in America.

Our government won't acknowledge or doing anything about this because they are just managers for the people who sold America and it's people.

When it all goes down and the illusion of America crumbles; the criminals who sold us will flee to safe luxurious locations and the chinks will be taking our woman and land.

Any invading army is going to deal with millions of pissed off armed Americans almost instantly.

I don't doubt that. But there will be millions of Americans who will welcome them because they are protecting them from rednecks with guns. The media and government will tell us how we need their help and they will be here forever like we are in so many countries.

You wouldnt think that not one country we've helped would not come and help?

17th March 2011, 05:36 PM
You wouldnt think that not one country we've helped would not come and help?

Surely you are kidding?

No country is going to come help us from any harm.

The Chinese will be "helping" us as they execute white men and take the good looking girls and women.
Ever wonder about those millions of chinese men who won't ever know a woman due to China's one child policy?

And for what it's worth all the countries we've supposedly helped have only shit one us for decades. We never really helped them anyhow. Our military and American men coming to the rescue just sealed the said country's fate into the new world order. Sounds horrible to say but ten's of thousands of brave American service men were duped and died in service of the new world order.

17th March 2011, 05:52 PM
You think Canada is just going to let Chinese troops into their country? I don't buy it for one second.

17th March 2011, 06:00 PM
The drug lords rule the firepower in Mexico, if the Chinese army was there you'd be seeing dead bodies stacking up because they are not going to just let a bunch of Chinese walk in and take over a lucrative market

17th March 2011, 06:03 PM
You think Canada is just going to let Chinese troops into their country? I don't buy it for one second.

Canadians got duped too. Canada is America Lite. Canada is only there so all White North Americans don't become Americanized with that pesky notion of rights, independence, and guns. Basically Canada is the containment country for America.

Everything in Canada is American (NWO) by design. Only they've wrapped it up in a Maple Leaf and Canadian pride. "We aren't like America/Americans".

17th March 2011, 06:15 PM
All white nations are set for destruction. Only retarded, brainwashed mongoloids can't see it. Of course they will try to pull of some shit like this, it is the only thing they know how to do. They can only do evil because it is in their blood and no, i am not talking about the Chinese, but the descendants of Cain who was the son of Satan.

17th March 2011, 06:24 PM
Maybe it's viral marketing for that new "Red Dawn" that's supposed to be coming out.

General of Darkness
17th March 2011, 06:45 PM
Chinese military invasion? I'm laughing pretty hard.

No army of people that Americans still regard as foreign will make it past the tight boundaries of the pussified large cities. Too many country boys everywhere.

Ummmm, we're being invaded by filty mestizos by the thousands every days, I don't see anyone shooting back.
Sorry, I wasn't aware someone had seen evidence of said mestizos mobilizing with APC's to take over the country, please cite your source.

(Yes, I'm being facetious, please take your off-topic MEHICANZ same-ol, same-ol replies to someone else's posts, that's not at all what my post was about)

Am I plinking away at groups of immigrants walking the streets? No.
Would I plink away at a military attempting to take over? Yes. Wouldn't you?

VP, I understand what you're saying. My point was, they DON'T NEED APC'S, there's at LEAST 30 million illegals here right now and they're destroying the country from within. Why be so fricken obvious, they've got a standing army with in the gates. You ever hear of the Trojan Horse?

18th March 2011, 09:09 AM
[Ummmm, we're being invaded by filty mestizos by the thousands every days, I don't see anyone shooting back.

GoD you got it right again....how many troops, armed men etc is meaningless unless they are willing to do more than talk. The greatest problem we face as a nation is ; ALL the minorities are united, whitey is COMPLETELY fragmented...

21st March 2011, 08:09 AM
The truth always deserves to be repeated.

21st March 2011, 08:11 AM
Youtube user: TruthisHateCrime
Search parameters: White genocide