View Full Version : US Surgeon General Warns Be prepared for harmful radiation from Japan

17th March 2011, 04:56 PM
Many links in this link.

Almost immediately after learning that the UN has released an official forecast of the radioactive plume from Japan’s nuclear reactor hitting the US west coast within the next 2 days I came across the article below on Before It’s News.

Official UN Forecast: Japan Radioactive Fallout Heading To US West Coast

Surgeon General Warns Be prepared for harmful radiation from Japan
http://beforeitsnews.com/story/488/968/Surgeon_General_Warns_Be_prepared_for_harmful_radi ation_from_Japan.html

President Obama called for calm earlier this week as worried Americans try to protect themselves against the nuclear fallout and U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin warned them to 'be prepared' for harmful radiation from Japan's stricken Fukushima plant that could blow to the West Coast.

Ms Benjamin made the remarks to NBC Bay Area while touring a California hospital. Anbex quickly sold out of a 10,000-strong supply of 14-tablet packages of potassium iodide pills on Saturday. But Mr Obama reassured Americans any nuclear release will dissipate even by the time it gets to Hawaii.

po boy
17th March 2011, 05:03 PM
Wait till the last minute then cause PANIC!

Seriously wtf.

General of Darkness
17th March 2011, 05:06 PM
Does she have down sydrome?

http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Obama+Announces+Regina+Benjamin+Choice+Surgeon+JY1 J7n9OECAl.jpg

17th March 2011, 05:23 PM
Does she have down sydrome?

Hmmm. Don't know----but that look on Obummers face is like he's smelling something BAD. :D

17th March 2011, 05:30 PM
so if the f'cking Surgeon General is warning the US public about radiation ... why aren't they explaining the preparations they've made to distribute 50 or 100 million KI (Potassium Iodide) tablets ?

i know we can't trust the government, but occasionally they demonstrate competency.

17th March 2011, 05:31 PM
Spend some time at that bloggers site, lots of links, they are on the ball.

Possible Fukushima Nuclear Fallout Projections For the U.S. Based on Wind Patterns




17th March 2011, 05:43 PM
These guys have lots of good info too.

Official UN Forecast: ‘Diluted’ Radioactive Fallout Heading To US West Coast


This shit looks like it is for real, at the very least our food supply will be contaminated.

It is far worse than they are admitting, in my local area, local regulatory nuke experts
came out and stated that the Japanese are not being truthful and forthcoming and
they demanded answers, thats from top people in the industry, I also tried to buy
KI and one person on monday cleaned out the only health food store of KI, one of
the only stores to carry it in stock, don't know if it will help anyways, conflicting reports.

17th March 2011, 05:56 PM
"The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is admitting that it is "quite possible" that nuclear fallout from this disaster could reach the United States. In fact, Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman David McIntyre says that there could already be radiation from Japan over America...."

Lots of good links here.

27 Signs That The Nuclear Crisis In Japan Is Much Worse Than Either The Mainstream Media Or The Japanese Government Have Been Telling Us

#1 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan is urging all people living within 30 kilometers of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear facility to stay indoors.

#2 Andre-Claude Lacoste, the head of France's Nuclear Safety Authority, says that the containment vessel surrounding the No. 2 reactor at Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex is "no longer sealed".

#3 Radiation levels in Tokyo are already 10 times above normal levels.

#4 Reuters is reporting that some residents of Tokyo are already starting to flee the city.

#5 Radiation levels in one city north of Tokyo, Utsunomiya, were recently reported to be 33 times above normal levels.

#6 Radiation levels in the city of Saitama have been reported to be 40 times above normal levels.

#7 According to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the "possibility of further radioactive leakage is heightening."

#8 The Japanese government is admitting that radiation levels near the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex are very harmful to human health.

#9 According to the World Nuclear Association, exposure to over 100 millisieverts of radiation a year can lead to cancer. At this point the level of radiation being measured right outside the number 4 reactor at the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex is 400 millisieverts per hour.

#10 A U.S. Navy crew that was assisting in relief efforts was exposed to a month’s worth of nuclear radiation in just a single hour.

#11 According to the U.S. Navy, low levels of radiation have been detected at their bases in Yokosuka and Atsugi.

#12 The USS Ronald Reagan recently detected significant levels of radiation 100 miles off the Japanese coast.

#13 The operator of the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex has pulled out 750 of the 800 workers that were working at the facility.

#14 The French embassy in Tokyo is advising French citizens to leave the city.

#15 The German embassy in Tokyo is advising all German citizens to leave the country entirely.

#16 German technology company SAP is evacuating their offices in Tokyo.

#17 Austria has announced that it is moving its embassy from Tokyo to Osaka due to fears about the radiation.

#18 Finland is urging all of their citizens to leave Tokyo.

#19 The Czech military is sending planes to Japan specifically to evacuate the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.

#20 Air China is canceling many flights to Tokyo.

#21 The Chinese Embassy has announced that it will be evacuating all Chinese citizens from the Miyagi, Fukushima, Ibaraki and Iwate prefectures.

#22 Russia is making preparations to evacuate civilians and military units from the Kuril Islands.

#23 Physicist Frank von Hippel recently told the New York Times the following about this disaster: "It’s way past Three Mile Island already".

#24 The president of France's nuclear safety authority says that this crisis is now almost as bad as Chernobyl was....

"It's clear we are at Level 6, that's to say we're at a level in between what happened at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl."

#25 There have been reports of extremely high radiation at another nuclear facility in Japan. It has been reported that at the Onagawa nuclear plant radiation that is 700 times the normal level was detected at one point.

#26 One anonymous senior nuclear industry executive told The Times Of India that Japanese power industry managers are "basically in a full-scale panic" and that "they don't know what to do".

#27 It is also being reported that there were over 600,000 spent fuel rods stored at the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex. Most of these rods were apparently stored near the top of the 6 reactor buildings. There have already been major explosions at three of those buildings. It is now feared that there is now nothing to prevent many of these spent fuel rods from releasing radiation into the atmosphere. That is really, really bad news.

17th March 2011, 06:05 PM
I'm ready...

* Wearing a MKIII ABC suit is the ONLY REAL way of protecting yourself against radiation!
* Taking iodine and other supplements will only help your body try to repair itself if given the chance.
* Taking those supplements will not stop you ingesting the radiativity or being exposed to the radiation.
* Radiation can destroy faster than your body can naturally heal itself.
* Don't get fooled into thinking that because you are taking iodine and seaweed that you can walk naked into a radioactive dust storm!

17th March 2011, 07:13 PM
I won't worry about it till I radiate so much that I don't need to turn on the light in the house at night...... relax guys.......no biggie.

General of Darkness
17th March 2011, 07:35 PM
If it gets bad enough this will happen

1 - The majority of cops call in sick
2 - No cops = massive riots/looting 300% more than usual
3 - Martial law
4 - Race war (?)

17th March 2011, 08:02 PM
I'm always happy to see disaster maps spare the State of Franklin.
However, it is an astute observation that what that map portrays is a poisoning of the bread basket.
Also, it should be noted the Gulf gets a nice dose, we all eat out of that already poisoned well.

If you live in one of the "unaffected" areas you would do well to already have food onhand and the means to keep producing it locally. How many people do you know in that position?

17th March 2011, 08:37 PM
#28 Elevated radiation levels being detected on passengers from Tokyo coming into US airports.

17th March 2011, 08:50 PM
#28 Elevated radiation levels being detected on passengers from Tokyo coming into US airports.

Tonight on NBC they claimed that NO passengers were contaminated and it was only medical supplies being brought back that were stored in the cargo hold.

I laughed because who in the hell ships medical supplies from a disaster area to the safe zone :D

17th March 2011, 08:52 PM
#28 Elevated radiation levels being detected on passengers from Tokyo coming into US airports.

Tonight on NBC they claimed that NO passengers were contaminated and it was only medical supplies being brought back that were stored in the cargo hold.

I laughed because who in the hell ships medical supplies from a disaster area to the safe zone :D


LOL... the channel I was watching just said the passengers were contaminated

Twisted Titan
17th March 2011, 09:10 PM
Unless you own a bunker with its own air and water filtration systems there aint jack shit you can do so you may as well ride it out as best you can.


17th March 2011, 11:16 PM
Current Wind:


18th March 2011, 07:03 AM
one advantage of the Potassium Iodide is it makes you feel so crappy - literally - that you are much more likely to stay indoors.

i looked at the Spring Valley Hair Skin Collagen stuff.

Potassium Iodide ... 112.5 micrograms

Recommended Dose for adults to partially treat radiation exposure from Radioactive Iodine - 130 milligrams.

in other words, you'd have to eat over 1000 pills to get one dose. 9 or 10 bottles worth - at one sitting.

18th March 2011, 07:46 AM
Not time for panic sex yet, but the first of the fallout has reached Southern California:

APNewsBreak: Source: minuscule fallout reaches US (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/UN_JAPAN_EARTHQUAKE?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-03-18-09-14-32)

18th March 2011, 08:00 AM
#28 Elevated radiation levels being detected on passengers from Tokyo coming into US airports.

Tonight on NBC they claimed that NO passengers were contaminated and it was only medical supplies being brought back that were stored in the cargo hold.

I laughed because who in the hell ships medical supplies from a disaster area to the safe zone :D
It was Potassium Iodine, much higher rates in the US compared to Japan...