View Full Version : Mice and Rice

big country
17th March 2011, 05:24 PM
So I had 3 50lb bags of rice that I hadn't gotten around to sealing up yet. I picked one up today and rice spilled all over the floor, Upon investigation, I mouse had eaten two small holes in the bag around the size of a dime or smaller.

I dumped the rice into a bucket and have sifted through it and do not see any signs that the mouse was inside the bag, only that it ate holes in it and probably took rice from the hole. All 3 bags had holes in them like this. He didn't touch the bean bags beside it -- apparently mice like rice over beans.

So, first I knew better and should have sealed the rice AS SOON as i got it, but things came up.

Second, Is the remaining rice safe to go ahead and seal? or is it a total loss?

17th March 2011, 06:09 PM
Big Country...........take out part of the rice out from the same hole that the mice went in......and that's it.......no big deal about something so small........one of this days you will be also eating the mice in the bag for added flavor.

17th March 2011, 06:57 PM
yeah just check for "black" rice and then seal it up. The wheat that goes in to peoples daily bread probably has more rodent jobbies in it than people would realise or appreciate knowing about.

17th March 2011, 07:00 PM
.one of this days you will be also eating the mice in the bag for added flavor.

lol That's what I thought when I clicked this thread. Rice hasn't got enough protein, you know.

17th March 2011, 07:50 PM
.one of this days you will be also eating the mice in the bag for added flavor.

lol That's what I thought when I clicked this thread. Rice hasn't got enough protein, you know.

But rice and mice both have more DNA than we do.

17th March 2011, 08:56 PM
.one of this days you will be also eating the mice in the bag for added flavor.

lol That's what I thought when I clicked this thread. Rice hasn't got enough protein, you know.

But rice and mice both have more DNA than we do.

At least they use most of their DNA. Why do I have all this extra code?!

OP, I'm a dumbass and just lost 20lbs of rice to moths. Don't feel bad. I should have sealed it right when I got it.

Celtic Rogue
18th March 2011, 04:04 AM
This may be a dumb question... but how exactly do you seal the rice? I have heard of canning it... but how are you doing it? Thanks in advance.

18th March 2011, 07:03 AM
This may be a dumb question... but how exactly do you seal the rice? I have heard of canning it... but how are you doing it? Thanks in advance.

43 (or is it 44 ?) gallon contractor's garbage bags, 3 mils thick.

double bag, bag inside a bag. tie each bag shut tight with a good thick rope.

and, whatever you do, don't EVER let squirrels get access to your stash. nothing will stop them, except a metal box. a steel box - they can chew through aluminum. i have to say i admire their tenacity. i had an 8 x 20 storage space and one squirrel obliterated it. had a collection of food and tree seeds, i guess that smell got it going, everything was chewed on - even the computer stuff. the little terminator squirrel even drank a pint of liquid soap - and kept on going.

nothing like having turdy soap bubbles all over the place.

18th March 2011, 08:57 AM
This may be a dumb question... but how exactly do you seal the rice? I have heard of canning it... but how are you doing it? Thanks in advance.

Google food sealer, there are several types available. Vacuum sealers, mylar bags & 'irons' to seal, etc.

18th March 2011, 10:10 AM
My house is air tight so that no even ants can get in.........I believe that the one, and only one, that I found was one that my cat came is with to play as a toy.

18th March 2011, 10:14 AM
Be sure you have CO2 detectors Ponce. Too airtight of a house can be dangerous too you know.

big country
18th March 2011, 10:53 AM
This may be a dumb question... but how exactly do you seal the rice? I have heard of canning it... but how are you doing it? Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the replies. I'll make sure I dont see any turds in each batch.

For sealing it, I use Mylar bags (1 gal size) and Oxygen Absorbers. I then use an impulse sealer (like $80) to seal the bag and then I put 5 bags per 5 gallon bucket and put a lid on the bucket.

EDIT: Mods - feel free to put this in Preparedness now. I put this in GD to start so I would get a quick answer and site wide coverage.