View Full Version : Silver Shield On Deadline Live With Jack Blood in less than an hour.

Silver Shield
18th March 2011, 01:18 PM

at 5pm EST

He is having trouble right now getting David Icke on so it might be sooner?

The signal has been cut for the past 5 minutes???

18th March 2011, 01:58 PM
Have a good show SS!

Silver Shield
18th March 2011, 02:03 PM
Have a good show SS!

Thanks love the new avatar!

18th March 2011, 03:31 PM
Good show.

I'm a little more concerned with the radiation. Long term I expect thousands of deaths in North America from this. Don't expect it to get too bad short term, but with iodine getting into the food supply over the next 6 months or so some adjustment in diet will be needed. Cut out dairy and know where your fish comes from as examples. The IOSAT tablets are for those living in the same area of the reactor. And noting that 90% of us are iodine deficient, I am nibbling on a tablet the last few days to at least get my system saturated. People should look at at least taking the natural supplements.

IMO if people are interested in radiation protection, explaining it to them is more productive than taking the same time to say don't worry about it.

And besides things could get much worse than Chernoble fast!

Chris, did you use a Jedi mind trick of some sort to get Jack to balance the shit karma at 2, 2? ;D

18th March 2011, 03:35 PM
You are doing a good job for the newcomers that don't know yet how bad it will be..............

18th March 2011, 03:49 PM
Wish he would have let you talk more.
BTW: My brother watched your 11 minute interview posted yesterday. Said he had been thinking about getting silver when he gets his bonus and it was perfect timing that I sent that to him. He asked about where and what to buy!

Silver Shield
18th March 2011, 06:08 PM
Wish he would have let you talk more.
BTW: My brother watched your 11 minute interview posted yesterday. Said he had been thinking about getting silver when he gets his bonus and it was perfect timing that I sent that to him. He asked about where and what to buy!
Very cool to have an impact like that!

po boy
18th March 2011, 06:14 PM
Will you talk about how to trade with hard money?

Hoarding does nothing to 'take the power back'!

I posted something earlier 'cause you said you were looking for ideas. Run with it.

Call me out would ya.

po boy
18th March 2011, 06:16 PM
BTW my hair line has got you beat by a long run. ;D

give them hell SS.

Twisted Titan
18th March 2011, 06:31 PM
Will you talk about how to trade with hard money?

Hoarding does nothing to 'take the power back'!

I strongly beg to differ my Good Sir

We are at a point where Hoarding/accqusition are absolutely crucial.

The more that is held in private hands.... the more people will be in a postion of infulence when the paradigm shift occurs.

So buying hand over fist is the strategy called for at this time.


po boy
19th March 2011, 09:22 AM
TT, I agree getting as much as possible is critical however hoarding I don't think will help to facilitate an economy outside the FRN when it goes down.

If you get some time take a listen to the thread I started about title 31 it is 1 hour well worth it I promise.

With SS's audience I believe we could see some beneficial changes.

SS I admire your courage and thank you for your hard work.