View Full Version : David Horowitz spreading anti-Authentic-Semitic hatred at Brooklyn College

18th March 2011, 06:22 PM
Chutzpah Maneuver:

THis is what I dubbed the CHUTZPAH MANEUVER: (rhetorically) turning reality 180 degrees upside down, and ideally doing it PREEMPTIVELY, before their opponent (correctly) accused the shill of the bad behavior. Shill-A-Thon @ GIM1 used to use this lying/manipulation technique all the time (with it's overlap with the BIG LIE lying technique (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie), a jewish invention as hitler correctly noted in his book). In fact it was Percival/Pattern-of-Paranoia-Guy/etc's favorite; he was downright fanatical about using it... one of the principal clues it was Percy when he'd be posting as his latest "new guy" sockpuppet. I nicknamed him Pattern-of-Paranoia-Guy when in every other one of his posts, he was accusing people of being paranoid- when it's obviously the zio's who are paragons of paranoia... It's intended to cause cognitive dissonance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance) in the honest reader, esp when the zio-shill successfully made the accusation(s) preemptively... describing their own dishonest behavior/agenda to a tee, but loudly & repeatedly projecting it onto their opponent. Honest readers are supposed to just get confused & frustrated, throw up their arms and give up on trying to understand the truth of the topic.

Notice the CHUTZPAH MANEUVER is also the favorite lying/propaganda method of zio.gov, esp as it pertains to bankster/wall-st criminality, and all things related to the warrenterra hoax.

November 10, 2001 - President Bush Speaks to United Nations, long before 99.x% of Americans even suspected something was very wrong with the official 911 CT,
G.W. Bush:
"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous
conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th;
malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists,
themselves, away from the guilty. To inflame ethnic hatred is to advance
the cause of terror."


(wearing his tell-tale powder blue NWO necktie, no less, ;) )


that said, check out Horowitz dancing the Chutzpah Maneuver shuffle, describing organized joowry to a tee, but seeking to project his tribe's nature and MO onto scary moozlems:

David Horowitz spreading hatred at Brooklyn College (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/03/17/david-horowitz-spreading-hatred-at-brooklyn-college/) (<< see reader comments at link)


Same David Horowitz who heads the Chutzpah-Maneuverey-named, "David Horowitz Freedom Center (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Horowitz_Freedom_Center)", LOL :D ;)

18th March 2011, 06:50 PM
Why doesn`t a single one of these liberast Muslims grow a pair and say that 911 was a Zionist job?
I`m a Jew and if I was there, there is at least a 50/50 chance that I would have done so, especially if fortified by a joint or some stronger stuff...

18th March 2011, 06:53 PM
Seems like he's promoting hate against Muslims, so certain groups can push for more hate speech/crime laws.

18th March 2011, 08:55 PM
Horowitz is a Talmud-worshipper.

not all Jews are Talmud worshippers, but ...

there's a member of the Criminal Internet Defense Force working full-time at PeakOil.com to attempt to control the conversation.

the criminals sect of Judaism is turning up the volume. they know people are onto them.

look at the reads on this thread at TIU -


174,000+ reads.